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借鉴米契尔有关儿童满足延宕的实验范式,对认知方式与社会情景对儿童满足延宕影响进行实验研究,通过对某儿童园78名儿童认知风格(场独立性和场依存性)的划分,选出40名儿童(场独立性和场依存性各20名)对其在社会情景(有无他人关注)下进行实验。  相似文献   

米契尔认知情感的个性系统理论述评   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
近20年左右,以社会认知理论命名的个性新观点正悄然兴起,并成为心理学重新综合趋势的重要反映。这一研究取向认为人是可以认知的、社会的人,并强调把认知过程看作是理解复杂的、有目的的社会行为的一把钥匙。在个性心理学领域,沃尔特·米契尔(Walter Mischel)是采用认知变量解释个性差异并做出非凡贡献的重要人物之一。该文着重从米契尔的三大重要研究领域:认知原型分类、认知情感的个性系统和自我延迟满足能力出发,详细阐述米契尔认知情感的个性系统理论,并对其个性理论的影响和作用进行简要评价。  相似文献   

稀缺是由资源的真实缺乏或感知缺乏所引起的个体欲望和需求得不到满足的一种状态。稀缺作为一种普遍存在的现象对个体的情感、认知、以及行为方式产生了重要的影响, 但是不同类型的稀缺(以食物、产品、资金为代表的有形资源稀缺vs.以时间为代表的无形资源稀缺)对个体心理和行为的影响是否存在共性与差异?梳理文献发现, 有形资源稀缺会使个体产生珍惜性行为、补偿性行为和趋近性行为, 而无形资源稀缺只会使个体产生珍惜性和补偿性行为。未来研究应关注稀缺影响个体行为的边界条件, 以及时间稀缺对个体心理和行为的影响。  相似文献   

为了考察在大学生群体中,特质愤怒、敌意认知、愤怒沉思、认知重评以及攻击行为的关系,采用了特质愤怒问卷、愤怒沉思问卷、情绪调节问卷以及攻击性问卷对重庆市西南大学的742名大学生进行调查,结果显示:(1)特质愤怒、敌意认知、愤怒沉思以及攻击行为之间两两相关,认知重评与各变量之间均没有显著的相关关系;(2)特质愤怒通过敌意认知的部分中介作用预测愤怒沉思和攻击行为,但是愤怒沉思对攻击行为的预测作用不显著;(3)认知重评在敌意认知对攻击行为的影响中起着调节作用,即敌意认知对攻击行为的影响会因个体认知重评水平的不同而表现出强度上的差异;(4)对于不同认知重评水平的个体来说,特质愤怒对攻击行为的预测机制不同。具体而言,对于低认知重评个体来说,特质愤怒主要通过敌意认知和愤怒沉思的完全多重中介作用对攻击行为产生预测;对于高认知重评个体来说,特质愤怒主要通过其直接效应对攻击行为产生影响。  相似文献   

“时间贫穷”对跨期决策和前瞻行为的影响及其认知机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
紧张的社会节奏使人们感觉时间正在变少,从而产生时间匮乏的心理感知和思维模式,这一现象概括为"时间贫穷"。"时间贫穷"会对个体认知判断、情绪和行为控制力产生重要影响。通过行为科学和认知神经科学相结合的研究方法,从行为反应-心理机制-神经机制三个层面研究时间贫穷对跨期决策和前瞻行为的影响。研究分为3个部分:(1)时间贫穷对个体认知判断、情绪和行为控制力的影响;(2)时间贫穷对跨期决策的影响;(3)组织中时间贫穷对前瞻行为的影响。通过系列研究,拟解决3个关键问题:(1)时间贫穷如何影响人们的认知判断,导致非理性决策行为?(2)时间贫穷影响认知判断和跨期决策的神经机制究竟是什么?(3)时间贫穷对管理决策带来哪些挑战?对这些问题的深入探讨,不仅对行为决策理论的发展有重要贡献;而且对组织如何进行有效的管理制度设计,避免个体和组织陷入"时间贫穷陷阱",同样有很强的实践意义。  相似文献   

李晴  陈安涛 《心理科学》2018,(6):1318-1324
视频游戏是一类需要借助视听设备并基于一定剧情进行操作的游戏。先前研究大多关注暴力视频游戏对攻击等负面行为的影响,但本文着重探讨视频游戏对个体认知能力的积极影响及内在神经基础,以辩证看待视频游戏对个体心理和行为的作用。本文对前人研究归纳梳理发现,视频游戏训练能使个体认知能力得到持久改善,同时论述了视频游戏中脑神经基础和奖赏预期对认知能力的调控作用。未来研究应在规范视频游戏训练技术的基础上,用其干预靶脑区以提升个体特定脑功能。  相似文献   

合作行为是指个体或群体之间为了实现共同的目标和利益而进行的协同行为或意向。本文基于行为-认知-大脑的三重映射关系,对合作行为的文化差异性进行了深入阐释,并在此基础上构建了文化影响合作行为的社会认知中介模型;未来研究可从实证视角对合作行为文化差异的社会认知内容、认知神经机制等方面进行验证、挖掘和改善。  相似文献   

关于成就目标定向理论研究的综述   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
当今许多应用心理学家从社会认知的角度来解释个体的成就动机和成就行为。他们认为,人类的成就动机并非来源于客观现实,而是来自于人们对它的解释,人们的成就行为受到社会认知因素的影响。近年来,社会认知模式已成为工作、管理、运动、教育领域内成就动机和成就行为研究的基础,这种模式集中地体现在对成就活动中决定个体认知与行为方式的成就目标定向(achievement goal orientation)的分析上。  相似文献   

网络信息的纷繁复杂,让人们担忧因错失信息而导致自身的利益受损,本研究探讨这种现象的加剧对个体的亲社会行为的影响。本研究分别使用问卷法(研究1)和实验法(研究2),探究错失恐惧对亲社会行为的影响以及在其过程中人际安全感的中介作用和基本心理需要满足的调节作用。结果发现:(1)个体的错失恐惧程度负向预测了其亲社会行为;(2)人际安全感在错失恐惧对亲社会行为的影响中起中介作用,高的错失恐惧水平会降低个体的人际安全感,从而减少个体的亲社会行为;(3)基本心理需要满足在错失恐惧对亲社会行为的负向预测作用中起调节作用,当个体的基本心理需要满足程度低的时候,错失恐惧对亲社会行为的消极影响显著增强。  相似文献   

通过对重庆某综合大学大一到大三527名学生的问卷调查, 运用结构方程模型技术考察了特质愤怒、敌意认知、冲动性水平和攻击行为之间的关系。结果发现:(1)敌意认知在特质愤怒和攻击行为之间起部分中介的作用, 特质愤怒既对攻击行为产生直接影响, 也通过敌意认知对攻击行为产生间接影响;(2)运动冲动性因子对敌意认知的中介作用起到调节作用, 即敌意认知对攻击行为的影响随着个体冲动性水平的增加而提升;敌意认知对个体的攻击行为起着有调节的中介作用。  相似文献   

为探究情绪与职业数量对不同职业生涯延迟满足个体职业决策过程的可能潜在影响,分别对40名高、低职业生涯延迟满足倾向的大学生被试诱发正、负性情绪并完成信息板技术模拟的职业决策任务。结果显示:1)高延迟满足个体的搜索深度和搜索模式显著大于低延迟满足个体;2)不同延迟满足的个体在正性情绪或低职业数量条件下都表现出更好的搜索深度和搜索模式;3)在不同情绪及职业数量条件下,高延迟满足个体在不同职业属性间的搜索更多。职业生涯延迟满足倾向作为与未来规划密切联系的概念,揭示了个体职业生涯规划对其职业决策过程可能存在的影响。  相似文献   

Holding out for a delayed reward in the face of temptation is notoriously difficult, and the ability to do so in childhood predicts diverse indices of life success. Prominent explanations focus on the importance of cognitive control. However, delaying gratification may also require trust in people delivering future rewards as promised. Only limited experimental work has tested this idea, and such studies with children were focused on general reward expectations, so evidence was ambiguous as to whether social trust played a role. The present study provides the first targeted test of a role for social trust in children's willingness to delay gratification. Children observed an adult behave in either a trustworthy or untrustworthy manner toward another adult, then were tested in the classic delay of gratification task by that adult. Children were less likely to wait the full delay period, and waited less time overall, for a reward promised by an untrustworthy adult, relative to children tested by a trustworthy adult. These findings demonstrate that manipulations of social trust influence delaying gratification, and highlight intriguing alternative reasons to test for individual differences in delaying gratification and associated life outcomes.  相似文献   

The delay-of-gratification behavior of 104 14-year-old Ss (54 girls and 50 boys) was assessed in an experiment in which each subject chose between immediate monetary payment and larger, delayed payment on 5 occasions. Personality data were obtained on these adolescents in the form of California Adult Q-Set ratings made by several research examiners who were blind to the subjects' delay behavior. The number of delayed payments chosen was strongly correlated with these personality ratings, within both sexes. Ss who exhibited the most delay of gratification tended to be independently described as responsible, productive, ethically consistent, interested in intellectual matters, and overly controlled. They tended not to be described as unable to delay gratification, rebellious, unpredictable, self-indulgent, or hostile. Delay behavior in both sexes was also correlated positively with IQ and with Q-sort-derived indexes of ego resiliency and ego control. The relationship between ego control and delay behavior was particularly strong after both IQ and ego resiliency were partialled. These results were interpreted as reflecting the fundamental importance of both cognitive skillfulness and impulse control for adaptive delay behavior in situations that contain strong motivational inducements.  相似文献   

杨丽珠  王江洋 《心理学报》2007,39(4):668-678
采用追踪研究,用实验室实验和情境观察相结合的方法考察了54名儿童4岁时的自我延迟满足能力,5年后结合教师访谈与评定、同伴提名、儿童自评等方法综合评定这些儿童9岁时的学校社会交往能力,探讨儿童4岁时自我延迟满足能力对其9岁时学校社会交往能力的预期作用。结果表明:儿童4岁时的自我延迟满足能力水平可以预期其9岁时的学校社会交往能力水平。4岁时自我延迟满足能力高的儿童在9岁时的学校社会交往能力总体发展也好,其遵守规则与执行任务能力、与教师交往能力、与同伴交往能力、社交情绪发展水平都显著高于那些在4岁时自我延迟满足能力低的儿童;反之则差  相似文献   

延迟满足是个体为获得更有价值的奖励结果,坚持目标行为而推迟即时性满足的倾向与行为。其产生机制在很大程度上基于未来取向的自我调节。未来时间洞察力对延迟满足的作用可由期望-价值理论、解释水平理论和自我调节周期模型等多种理论进行解释。除行为层面的机制,未来时间洞察力与延迟满足涉及腹侧额叶-纹状体环路等相似的脑机制。未来研究需深化和丰富延迟满足的理论机制,明确与时间洞察力各维度的复杂关系,探究与时间洞察力相同的生理神经机制,促进其应用于社会实践。  相似文献   

四种注意情境下幼儿自我延迟满足的实验研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7       下载免费PDF全文
将120名中等自控能力的3~5岁幼儿随机分配到四种注意情境下:两种奖励物同时呈现、只呈现即时奖励物、只呈现延迟奖励物、两种奖励物都不呈现,以探索幼儿自我延迟满足的注意机制及发展特点。结果发现:(1)幼儿自我延迟满足在两种奖励物都不呈现情境下平均延迟时间最长,在呈现奖励物的三种情境下平均延迟时间较短,表现出跨年龄稳定性;(2)3~5岁幼儿自我延迟满足发展存在显著年龄差异,表现出随年龄增长而提高的趋势。  相似文献   

Discounting the value of delayed rewards has primarily been measured in children with the delay of gratification task and in adolescents and adults with the delay discounting task. In the present study, we assessed the suitability of the delay discounting task as a measure of temporal discounting in children. A sample of 7- to 9-year-olds (N = 98) completed a delay discounting task, a delay of gratification task, a sensation seeking measure, and IQ measures. In addition, teacher-based assessments of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder traits were measured. The results indicated that the majority of children produced meaningful data on the discounting task and discounted rewards hyperbolically. Children with an elevated risk of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder showed a trend towards discounting future rewards on the delay discounting task more steeply than did those at low risk. However, delay discounting was unrelated to either delay of gratification or sensation seeking. We interpret these results as providing some support for the use of delay discounting as a measure of intertemporal choice in children, although the results also suggest that delay discounting and delay of gratification tasks may tap different processes in this population.  相似文献   

People's willingness to postpone receiving an immediate reward in order to gain additional benefits in the future, that is, a tendency to shallow delay discounting, is closely related to one's health, wealth, and happiness. We conducted two experiments investigating how the prospect concept can induce a future-oriented mindset and induce people to behave accordingly. We found that engaging in prospective imagery led the participants to focus on delayed utility over immediate utility in financial decisions (Experiment 1). Participants who received the prospect prime via a scrambled-sentence task decreased their desire to pursue hedonic activities for instant gratification (Experiment 2). Moreover, a state of future orientation mediated the effect of the prospect prime on measures of delayed gratification (Experiments 1 and 2). Thus, reminders of prospect may activate a mindset for future orientation by which delayed gratification is strengthened.  相似文献   

本研究基于评估倾向理论, 通过3项实验考察了特定负性情绪(愤怒)对延迟折扣的影响, 并探究确定感和控制感评估倾向在这一关系中的作用。实验1考察愤怒情绪对延迟折扣的影响, 结果发现, 愤怒组被试的延迟满足倾向显著强于恐惧组和控制组。实验2采用实验因果链设计考察确定感和控制感评估倾向在愤怒情绪影响个体延迟折扣中的作用, 结果发现, 愤怒情绪可以有效增强个体的确定感和控制感(实验2a), 同时确定感和控制感能够增强个体的延迟满足倾向(实验2b)。实验3采用中介测量设计考察确定感和控制感评估倾向在愤怒情绪影响个体延迟折扣中的作用, 结果发现, 确定感和控制感评估倾向在愤怒情绪影响个体延迟折扣中起完全中介作用。本研究结果表明, 当个体进行跨期决策时, 体验到与确定感和控制感有关的偶然愤怒情绪会增强其延迟满足倾向。本研究对探究特定负性情绪对个体延迟折扣的影响具有一定的启示意义。  相似文献   

An experiment is presented which examined the influence of verbalizations on children's tendencies to postpone immediate gratification in terms of increased delayed reward. Children's verbalizations were varied in terms of their evaluative valence and whether they focused upon the reward itself or the delay task. During a delay task children in experimental groups periodically verbalized evaluative statements that were either positive (I like …) or negative (I don't like …) and which focused upon either the reward itself (… the tokens) or the delay behavior (… to wait). Children who focused on reward, under conditions of either positive or negative evaluation, postponed immediate gratification less than control subjects who made no verbalization. Children who evaluated delay behavior positively postponed immediate gratification longer than silent subjects, though children who negatively evaluated delay behavior did not differ from subjects who did not verbalize. The results are interpreted in terms of the influence of evaluative valence and focus as parameters of plans for delay behavior.  相似文献   

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