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为探索精神分裂症患者自我面孔识别的能力以及在视听整合任务中面孔对声音身份识别(同性和异性)的影响, 选取34名住院精神分裂症患者和26名健康被试, 分别进行单通道动态自我面孔识别任务、单通道自我声音识别任务和视听整合任务的3个实验。结果发现:精神分裂症患者的单通道自我面孔识别能力和自我声音识别能力与健康组无区别, 但在视听整合任务中, 精神分裂症患者的声音身份识别受到视觉通道面孔识别的影响。结果表明, 精神分裂症患者有自我面孔识别的能力, 自我面孔会促进自我声音的识别, 并抑制对同性他人声音和异性他人声音的识别。  相似文献   

核心自我评价概念的提出及其验证性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜卫  张厚粲  朱小姝 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1057-1060
自尊、控制源、一般自我效能和神经质四种人格特质都是关于个体对自我评价的概念,Judge等人认为在四种人格特质下有一个更深层次的结构,他们将其命名为核心自我评价(core self-evaluation)。本研究通过对400名企业职工的调查,结果表明有一个单一因素可以解释四种人格特质间的相关。并以大五人格和关系绩效为效标做增益效度的检验,结果表明在控制了核心自我评价对外部效标的解释后,单个特质的增益效度很低。研究结果证明了核心自我评价概念在中国文化背景下的存在。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查的方法,对691名初一至大四学生的自我表露和自我隐瞒特点及其与主观幸福感的关系进行了研究。结果表明:(1)女生对父亲、母亲以及最好同性朋友的表露高于男生,自我隐瞒则低于男生。(2)初中生对母亲的表露高于高中生;中学生对最好同性朋友的表露低于大学生;青少年对最好异性朋友的表露随年级增长而提高。(3)独生子女对最好同性朋友和最好异性朋友的表露显著低于非独生子女。(4)青少年自我表露时对目标人的偏爱也存在性别和年级差异。(5)多元回归分析表明,对父母的表露能正向预测生活满意度;对父亲和最好异性朋友的表露能正向预测正性情感;自我隐瞒和对父亲的表露分别能正向和负向预测负性情感。  相似文献   

研究基于不同任务的自我参照效应对探讨儿童自我—他人的区分有重要意义。本研究使用三个实验探讨了4~9岁儿童出现自我参照效应的时间。研究操纵了由自我所有权和自我参照评价引发的两种自我意识:以物体为基础的自我意识和以概念为基础的自我意识。实验1用所属物的类别任务、实验2和实验3使用特质评价任务进行测量。结果表明:(1)5岁儿童记自己的物品比别人更多,表明儿童能以物体为基础区分自我与他人;(2)7岁儿童出现对自己人格特质形容词的记忆优势,表明儿童能以概念为基础区分自我与他人。研究结果证明了在儿童区分自我与他人的过程中,自我所有权为基础和自我参照评价为基础的自我意识存在明显的分离。  相似文献   

王婷  高博  刘君  孙鉴  甘怡群 《应用心理学》2009,15(2):148-154
目的:探讨在中国文化背景下公司内技术部门人员核心自我评价是否包括集体自尊的维度及其与工作投入、工作倦怠的关系。方法:在人力资源部门人员的指导下,301名公司技术部门人员填写了工作倦怠量表(MBI—GS)、工作投入量表(UWES)、经典核心自我评价4个分量表、集体自尊量表以及核心自我评价集成量表(CSES),并以密封信封方式提交。结果:(1)集体自尊对核心自我评价的载荷为0.68,是核心自我评价的重要因素。(2)加入集体自尊维度的核心自我评价对工作投入和工作倦怠路径系数分别达到了0.79和-0.54。(3)采用集成核心自我评价量表测量也支持了这一结果,对工作投入和工作倦怠各维度的回归系数均达到了显著水平。结论:集体自尊是中国文化背景下技术部人员的核心自我评价重要成分,且加入集体自尊维度的核心自我评价对工作投入和工作倦怠均有较好的预测作用。  相似文献   

岳彩镇  黄希庭 《心理科学》2012,35(3):735-739
反思自我评价是指个体对于他人如何看待自己的知觉;它对自我概念、种族认同的形成起着重要作用。反思自我评价并不完全准确,它受熟悉性,自尊水平等多种因素的影响。关于反思自我评价的形成,目前主要有三种理论:直接观察模型、他人反馈模型和自我理论模型。由于中西方在文化、社会和历史背景上的不同,应加强建构适合我国文化背景的反思自我评价理论;另外,也应加强对反思自我评价研究的应用探讨。  相似文献   

王凌云  张明  隋洁 《心理学报》2011,43(5):494-499
研究使用外显面孔再认实验(实验一)和内隐面孔感知实验(实验二)检验自我参照框架是否是自我面孔加工优势出现的决定性因素这一假设。具有不同朝向(左或右)的被试自己面孔和朋友面孔呈现在视野中央, 实验一中, 被试的任务为参照自我框架(观察者角度)或他人框架(被观察的像的角度)判断自我面孔的朝向(忽视朋友面孔), 或者判断朋友面孔的朝向(忽视自我面孔); 实验二中, 被试的任务为参照自我框架或他人框架判断所有面孔的朝向。结果表明:自我参照框架促进自我面孔加工优势的出现, 而他人参照框架消减自我面孔优势, 这种效应稳定地存在于外显和内隐两项任务中。并且, 自我参照框架对自我优势效应的促进作用不依赖于面孔刺激背景。  相似文献   

在西方文化背景下提出的时间自我评价理论认为,人们为了维护当前积极自尊,主观上会远离过去失败而亲近过去成功。本研究采用线段评估法,选取311名中国大学生被试,通过两个实验考察自尊水平、事件效价与时距对过去事件时距估计的影响,以检验该理论的文化普适性。结果表明:对过去事件的时距估计,自尊水平、事件效价及其交互作用在同一时距里均不存在显著差异;时距的主效应及其与事件效价的交互作用均显著,在负效价水平上存在显著时距差异,在正效价水平上无显著时距差异。研究结果不支持基于西方文化背景下的时间自我评价理论。  相似文献   

内隐积极联想理论(implicit positive association, IPA)认为自我面孔识别以及与之伴随的自我意识激发了自我概念的积极属性, 促进了对自我面孔的识别优势, 因此通过自我概念威胁可以削弱自我面孔识别的优势效应。本研究旨在探讨自我概念威胁以及与重要他人的比较对自我面孔优势效应的共同影响。实验一为自我-朋友对比实验, 10对同性好友(20名被试)在接受完自我概念威胁启动或者非威胁性启动后对自我面孔和朋友面孔进行朝向的判断, 结果发现非威胁性启动后, 自我面孔的优势效应依然存在, 而在自我概念威胁启动后, 自我面孔优势效应消失。实验二为自我-陌生人对比实验, 另外20名被试在接受完自我概念威胁启动或者非威胁性启动后, 对自我面孔和陌生人面孔进行朝向的判断, 结果发现, 无论是自我概念威胁启动还是非威胁性启动后, 自我面孔识别优势效应都依然存在。两个实验的结果均主要体现在用左手进行反应的时候。结果表明:自我概念威胁以及与重要他人的比较共同削弱自我面孔优势效应; 而左手效应的发生似乎表明了大脑右半球对自我面孔识别的主导和调节作用。  相似文献   

自尊影响面孔吸引力刻板印象,然而由于能动性特质自我评价能够预测自尊,高自尊的个体拥有更高的能动性自我评价,因此自尊对面孔吸引力刻板印象的影响是否只体现在能动性特质维度上还未可知。60名女被试分别评价高、低吸引力女性目标在能动性和社群性人格特质维度上的符合程度。结果发现:能动性维度上,高自尊被试对高吸引力目标在积极特质形容词的符合程度评价显著高于低自尊被试,低自尊被试对低吸引力目标在积极特质形容词的符合程度评价显著高于高自尊被试;社群性维度上,高、低自尊被试均认为高吸引力目标与积极特质形容词更符合。研究结果表明,自尊对面孔吸引力刻板印象的影响主要体现在能动性评价上;在社群性评价上,高、低自尊被试都表现出面孔吸引力刻板印象。  相似文献   

The concept of the relational self suggests that simply imagining significant others produces shifts in self‐assessments consistent with one’s roles and experiences with those others. To test relevant hypotheses, college women (from the United States) imagined a significant other as part of a visualization task. After imagining parents as compared to peers, participants described themselves as less sensual, dominant, and adventurous (Experiment 1), a pattern consistent with other women’s ratings of how they actually felt with those others. Supporting the idea that self‐esteem differences emerge in more evaluative contexts, self‐esteem moderated self‐assessments on key dimensions (Experiment 2). After imagining a romantic other but not a best friend, self‐esteem was directly related to women’s self‐ratings of sensuality, physical attractiveness, and being at ease.  相似文献   

Are tool characteristics represented in imagined tool actions? In two experiments participants imagined and executed coloring rectangles with a thick and a thin pen. In Experiment 2, an additional execution condition without visual feedback of coloring allowed us to dissociate between the relevance of kinesthetic and visual feedback. Pen thickness influenced coloring durations in all conditions, indicating that characteristics of a simple tool are represented during imagery. Imagination was shorter than execution, indicating that imagination may be less detailed than execution. Execution without visual feedback was even shorter than imagination, indicating that vision is more important than kinesthesis for differences between imagination and execution, and that either imagining the movement, inhibiting movement execution or imagining the progress of the action is effortful during imagery. In conclusion, characteristics of simple tools are represented in imagined tool actions but the representation of tools’ effects may not always be adequate.  相似文献   

Gender differences in friendship patterns   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The same-sex and opposite-sex friendship patterns of men and women students from two first-year psychology classes at the University of Waikato in New Zealand were examined. A friendship questionnaire previously used in the United States of America was administered to compare results of the two cultures. Findings from this study support American research suggesting that women are more intimate and emotional in their same-sex friendships than men, and tend to place a higher value on these friendships than men do. In accordance with findings of the American sample, New Zealand women emphasized talking, emotional sharing, and discussing personal problems with their same-sex friends, and men showed an emphasis on sharing activities and doing things with their men friends. Differences between the American and New Zealand samples were shown for men in the number of friends and the intimacy levels of these friendships. New Zealand men preferred numerous but less intimate same-sex friends, while women (as in the United States) showed a preference for a few, close, intimate same-sex friends. Men, in contrast to women, derived emotional support and therapeutic value more from their opposite-sex relationships than their same-sex friendships. Finally, more men than women stated they would not cancel an engagement with an opposite-sex friend in order to go out with a same-sex friend. Results are interpreted as suggesting a need for changes in the current socialization process of males who are taught to repress their emotions and form rather less intimate and possibly less beneficial same-sex friendships than women.  相似文献   

During human evolution, men and women faced distinct adaptive problems, including pregnancy, hunting, childcare, and warfare. Due to these sex-linked adaptive problems, natural selection would have favored psychological mechanisms that oriented men and women toward forming friendships with individuals possessing characteristics valuable for solving these problems. The current study explored sex-differentiated friend preferences and the psychological design features of same- and opposite-sex friendship in two tasks. In Task 1, participants (N = 121) categorized their same-sex friends (SSFs) and opposite-sex friends (OSFs) according to the functions these friends serve in their lives. In Task 2, participants designed their ideal SSFs and OSFs using limited budgets that forced them to make trade-offs between the characteristics they desire in their friends. In Task 1, men, more than women, reported maintaining SSFs for functions related to athleticism and status enhancement and OSFs for mating opportunities. In Task 2, both sexes prioritized agreeableness and dependability in their ideal SSFs, but men prioritized physical attractiveness in their OSFs, whereas women prioritized economic resources and physical prowess. These findings suggest that friend preferences may have evolved to solve ancestrally sex-linked adaptive problems, and that opposite-sex friendship may directly or indirectly serve mating functions.  相似文献   

Objective: Developmental theory suggests romantic relationships present unique demands when adolescents transition from the interaction patterns of same-sex friendships to cross-gender interactions. A possible response is to incorporate behaviours of the other gender: girls adopting aggressive strategies and boys adopting affiliative ones. The goal of this study is to explore this hypothesis by comparing conflict resolution among romantic couples and same-sex best friends. Method: Observational methods were employed with 37 female best friends, 22 male best friends and 37 romantic couples. Of the romantic couples, 35 also were observed with a best friend. Affiliative and aggressive behaviours were tabulated during two conflict tasks. Results: Female best friends were more affiliative than male best friends and romantic partners; these latter dyads were more aggressive than the female best friends. Within group comparisons indicated that boys and girls decreased their affiliative behaviours, especially verbal humour, and increased their aggressive behaviours, especially teasing, when observed with the romantic partner compared to the best friend. Decomposing the romantic dyad, girlfriends displayed relatively more aggressive behaviours than their boyfriends, and boyfriends exhibited more affiliative behaviours. Conclusions: Findings shed light on gendered shifts in patterns of interaction as adolescents transition from same-sex friendships to romantic relationships.  相似文献   

This article presents an evolutionary framework for identifying the characteristics people use to categorize members of their social world. Findings suggest that fundamental social motives lead people to implicitly categorize social targets based on whether those targets display goal-relevant phenotypic traits. A mate-search prime caused participants to categorize opposite-sex targets (but not same-sex targets) based on their level of physical attractiveness (Experiment 1). A mate-guarding prime interacted with relationship investment, causing participants to categorize same-sex targets (but not opposite-sex targets) based on their physical attractiveness (Experiment 2). A self-protection prime interacted with chronic beliefs about danger, increasing participants' tendency to categorize targets based on their racial group membership (Black or White; Experiment 3). This work demonstrates that people categorize others based on whether they display goal-relevant characteristics reflecting high levels of perceived desirability or threat. Social categorization is guided by fundamental evolved motives designed to enhance adaptive social outcomes.  相似文献   

The way people envision their future (self-prospection) plays a key role in the energization required to pursue desired goals. We proposed that energization is determined by time distance from the imagined future-self and the individual’s consideration of future consequences (CFC). We hypothesized that, when imagining their distant (vs. near) future-self, individuals higher on CFC (i.e., those who construe a stronger link between present and future selves), would report greater energization. Participants completed the CFC scale, imagined their distant or near future-self, and reported their energy level. Imagining distant (vs. near) future-self fostered energy among participants higher on CFC (Experiments 1–2), an effect mediated by vividness of self-representations (Experiment 2). Self-prospection has implications for current states, and specifically for felt energy.  相似文献   

The influence of male and female best friends on adolescent sexual behavior   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
J O Billy  J R Udry 《Adolescence》1985,20(77):21-32
Using panel data from a junior high school system in an urban area of Florida, we examine whether adolescents' best same-sex and best opposite-sex friends' sexual intercourse behavior increases the likelihood that respondents who are virgins at round 1 will make the transition to intercourse between rounds of our study. We find no significant influence effects of friends of either sex for black males or females, or white males. In contrast, white females are influenced by the sexual behavior of both their best female friend and best male friend. A virgin white female whose best friends of both sexes were sexually experience at round 1 was almost certain to have sexual intercourse within the two years of our study.  相似文献   

Children are more confused than adults about memories for what they said and what they imagined saying. The present studies examine the extent to which this confusion is related to the person subjects imagine. In Experiment 1, subjects (7, 10, and adult) said words and imagined someone (themselves, a parent, or a friend) saying other words. They were then asked to distinguish words they said from words they imagined. Performance varied with age as well as with the person subjects imagined. Further, performance was better for words subjects imagined than for words they said. Metamemory responses indicated subjects of all ages remembered elaborative processing activated spontaneously during imagination when discriminating between memories. When the nature of subjects encodings was constrained (i.e., subjects said and imagined someone saying words as part of a sentence completion task. Experiment 2), performance declined for all age groups. Experiments 3 and 4 suggest that elaborations reported in response to our metamemory questions occurred during imagination and were not solely prompted by our metamemory questions.  相似文献   

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