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樊春雷  张爱玲 《心理学报》2007,39(2):355-361
运用态度量表和反应时实验比较了品牌态度强度与品牌态度可达性的关系性质。研究发现,女性被试对保健品品牌要素的态度评价越肯定,态度通达和提取的时间就越快,两者之间形成有规律的函数关系;但在否定性态度条件下,没有出现类似的规律性;当要求被试把模糊性态度明确为肯定或否定态度时,67%的被试明确为否定态度,但所用时间显著慢于明确为肯定态度所用的时间  相似文献   

态度强度对内隐-外显态度关系的调节作用研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
吴明证 《心理科学》2005,28(2):388-391
本研究探讨了态度强度对个体的内隐一外显年龄态度间关系的调节作用。研究发现,随着态度强度的增强,内隐——外显态度间一致性随之增大,随着态度强度的减弱,内隐——外显态度间一致性随之减少,支持了态度强度的调节作用。这一研究为解决Fazio和Bargh关于态度自动激活效应的争论提供了新的视角。本研究支持了Fazio的观点。  相似文献   

Past research suggests that pre-message attitude accessibility can influence the amount of processing of persuasives messages (with highly accessible attitudes eliciting higher levels of processing than attitudes lower in accessibility). The current research suggests that the previous conclusions are only partly true—effects of accessibility on message processing are moderated by the extent to which the persuasive message is proattitudinal versus counterattitudinal. In two experiments, pre-message attitudes and attitude accessibility were measured (Study 1) or manipulated (Study 2) prior to receiving a strong or weak persuasive message. When messages were counterattitudinal, increased pre-message accessibility was associated with greater message processing (as in past research). However, when messages were proattitudinal, increased pre-message accessibility was associated with decreased message scrutiny. Potential underlying mechanisms and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

延迟退休态度是影响新退休政策推行的重要社会心理因素。本研究采用《延迟退休态度问卷》等工具,抽取450名临近退休员工,考察工作-家庭中心性与延迟退休态度的关系以及工作投入、组织支持感在其二者关系上的作用机制。研究发现:(1)临近退休员工对延迟退休的态度较为消极。(2)低组织支持感条件下,工作投入在工作-家庭中心性与延迟退休态度之间起到完全中介作用。低组织支持感不利于缓解家庭中心性员工对延迟退休的消极态度。(3)高价值认同条件下,家庭中心性与工作投入、延迟退休态度的正向关系弱化。给予员工高价值认同可以提升对延迟退休的积极态度。高关心利益也可缓解家庭中心性员工对延迟退休的消极态度。  相似文献   

卷入对名人广告信息加工效果的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
使用过程分离程序,考察卷入的两方面(个人卷入与产品卷入)共同对名人广告信息加工效果的影响。发现:(1)个人卷入和产品卷入的提高都能促进受众的品牌记忆,但个人卷入的变化主要影响品牌外显记忆成绩,而产品卷入的提高则表现为内隐记忆效果的增强。说明,两者影响的是同一内部过程,但影响方式可能有异。(2)名人广告中的品牌所获得的外显记忆、内隐记忆效果均明显好于使用一般代言人的品牌;代言人类型与个人卷入或产品卷入间不存在明显的交互作用。说明,名人代言人的使用可促进广告信息的加工,且受卷入状态的影响较小。  相似文献   

吴梦  白新文 《心理科学进展》2012,20(11):1889-1898
“团队作为信息加工者的观点”认为, 团队执行复杂任务需要经过一系列认知决策, 哪些信息被共享, 以及信息共享和整合的质量, 共同决定团队效能的高低。动机性信息加工理论则进一步提出, 认知动机和社会动机共同决定了哪些信息被共享, 以及信息共享和整合的质量。认知动机决定信息加工的深度, 社会动机决定信息加工的方向, 两种动机共同决定决策质量。这一理论可以很好地整合谈判和创造力领域的研究结果, 并在团队效能领域得到很好的应用。动机性信息加工理论是对双过程模型和“团队作为信息加工者观点”的发展和整合, 并为决策质量的影响因素提供新的分类框架和研究思路。  相似文献   

The present experiment investigated the influence of attitude accessibility on several meta-attitudinal strength measures. It was predicted that certainty and perceived likelihood of change, i.e., commitment-related attributes of attitude strength, are influenced by changes in attitude accessibility, while no effects were expected for importance and perceived centrality to values and the self, i.e., centrality-related attributes. Accessibility was manipulated by having participants express their attitudes either repeatedly or only once. As hypothesized, accessibility and measures of commitment were enhanced after repeated expression compared to single expression. Furthermore, mediation analyses supported the idea that subjective commitment may be inferred from the ease of attitude retrieval. Centrality-related attributes were found to be unaffected by the accessibility manipulation. The results are discussed in the light of a multi-dimensional structure of attitude strength and antecedent processes of meta-cognitive attributes of strength.  相似文献   

认知加工中时间与非时间信息的相互关系   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄希庭  郭秀艳  聂晶 《心理科学》2003,26(5):770-774
在认知心理学领域,关于时间信息和非时间信息在认知加工中关系的争论有:相互独立、相互竞争、相互促进三大观点。本文对支持这三种观点的实验分别进行了分析、整理,并在此基础上概括出特定条件下时间信息与非时间信息的相互关系:事件结构一致条件下,两类信息在认知加工中表现为相互促进;如果事件结构不一致,而心理负荷(即两类信息所需注意资源之和)超过了注意总资源,两类信息表现为相互竞争;若心理负荷没有超过注意总资源,两类信息则表现为相互独立。  相似文献   

为探讨父母教育卷入与学龄期儿童数学焦虑之间的纵向联系及内在作用机制,从山东省聊城市两所普通小学选取1734名三、四年级学生,对其进行为期一年的追踪研究。结果发现:(1)T1父母教育卷入能够显著负向预测T2儿童数学焦虑,但T1儿童数学焦虑对T2父母教育卷入的预测不显著;(2)在同一时间点上,儿童数学态度在父母教育卷入与儿童数学焦虑之间发挥显著中介作用;(3)在不同时间点上,儿童数学态度的中介作用仍然成立,表明儿童数学态度的中介作用具有跨时间的稳定性。该结果强调了父母教育卷入对学龄期儿童数学焦虑变化的重要作用,亦为从父母教育卷入和数学态度角度降低儿童的数学焦虑水平提供了初步有力证据。  相似文献   

本研究对122名本科生《心理统计学》课程的学习经验进行调查,其结果为:(1)在该课程的学习经验和考试成绩上男、女生差异显著,它表现在学习态度层面的有用性和成就态度,投入动机层面的自我投入上女生均优于男生;研究还发现,考分低则焦虑水平较高;(2)学习焦虑、学习态度、投入动机与考试成绩之间有显著相关,其中学习焦虑与成绩呈负相关,学习态度、投入动机与成绩呈正相关;(3)学习焦虑,学习态度和投入动机均影响学习成绩。学习成绩不仅受到学习焦虑和投入动机的直接影响,还受到学习态度等因素的间接影响。  相似文献   

This paper investigates the political consequences of inconsistency for the accessibilityand self-assessed stability of attitudes toward abortion. Two different sources of inconsistencyare examined: cognitive inconsistency between abortion attitudes and ideological identifications,and social inconsistency between individual abortion attitudes and the attitudes of others withinthese individuals' networks of association. The data analyzed are drawn from theresponses of 2,174 registered voters in a 1996 election survey that used computer-assistedtelephone interviewing (which enabled measurement of response latencies). The analysis focusedon the relationships among the accessibility, self-assessed stability, and extremity of abortionattitudes; the consequences of cognitive inconsistency for the accessibility and self-assessedstability of abortion attitudes; and the consequences of socially inconsistent abortion attitudes forthe accessibility and stability of abortion attitudes.  相似文献   

消费者态度的新认知:二元化的矛盾态度   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统态度的研究认为态度是一元化的,而矛盾性态度的研究则提出态度是二元化的,即对于同一事物正面和负面的评价可以同时存在。态度矛盾是一个普遍现象。社会心理学主要对一般性矛盾态度进行了研究,尚处于起步阶段。而消费者矛盾态度是营销学和社会心理学相交叉的一个新兴研究领域,其与一般性矛盾态度的差别是,后者相对稳定,而消费者矛盾态度相对不稳定,容易受到外部环境的影响,并对消费者购买行为产生显著的影响。  相似文献   

Interindividual differences in how people think and feel about politics have been investigated for decades. However, the great number of attitudinal concepts that has been developed to describe these differences is likely to distract from their conceptual overlap and dimensional structure. In addition, not much is known about the cross-cultural invariance of their interrelation. We propose that attitudes towards politics can be structured by two broad higher-order factors, a factor of general political involvement and a factor of general political trust. In two studies (N1 = 767; N2 = 29,018), including representative samples from 26 democracies, we first conduct several confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) to show that the higher-order model is a well-fitting and parsimonious alternative to a baseline model without higher-order factors in most samples. Second, we present evidence from multigroup CFA that the overall patterns of factor loadings are the same across all 26 countries. We interpret this structural equivalence across different democracies as support for the assumption that general political involvement and general political trust reflect basic orientations towards politics that are based on (1) demands of democratic political systems and (2) universal principles in human trait structure.  相似文献   

Conversing with diverse points of view stands as the central tenet of deliberative democracy, yet empirical evidence has suggested mixed outcomes related to perspective change as a result of deliberative encounters. I propose a difference‐driven model that suggests individual predispositions moderate the processing of dissimilar views when changing policy preferences. My analysis is based on a random sample of over 400 voters at a California‐wide deliberative event, where participants discussed proposals for reforming the state politics. I find that encountering more and different arguments transforms policy attitudes. Yet it is more difficult for people to change their minds on issues about which they hold strong beliefs. Some evidence suggests that different psychologies are at play for people who enter deliberation with substantial or weak political knowledge and for those who deliberate while holding strong or moderate prior opinions. Well‐grounded strong opinions are resistant to change, while well‐grounded moderate opinions are persuadable in deliberative groups. Uninformed positions can become entrenched in like‐minded groups, yet they can be adjusted once participants deliberate with dissimilar views, especially opinions that are held strongly without good informational ground. The findings urge deliberative forums that introduce participants to diverse perspectives to foster a considered public opinion.  相似文献   

Studies suggest that individuals are less likely to process information they can easily look up. Instead of committing information to memory, they rely on the Internet to store information for them—a phenomenon known as “offloading.” We examine the effects of offloading on political knowledge and voting behavior. Using data from a 10-wave panel experiment designed to study information processing in two distinct information environments, we demonstrate that people whose environment is conducive to offloading learn more during an election campaign than individuals whose information environment is not conducive to offloading, even though they look at less information during the campaign. Individuals in the offloading condition also make better vote choices despite examining less information. These results suggest that offloading reduces cognitive load, thereby freeing up processing space in working memory, which can increase learning of information that is accessed, and improve decision-making.  相似文献   

This article analyzes the association between knowledge of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), evaluation of TRC's achievements, experience of victimization, attitudes toward remembering and forgetting past political violence, perceptions of socioemotional climate (SEC), belief in forgiveness and attitudes toward violence in Peru based on a study conducted in three Peruvian cities with different rates of victimization due to political violence during 1980–2000 (n = 1200). Results showed that a positive attitude toward remembering the past of political violence was predominant and related to a positive evaluation of TRC's achievements. Attitude toward remembering also has an ambivalent collective effect increasing both positive and negative SECs, and it is less accepted by victims of political violence. On the other hand, attitude toward forgetting is less accepted by participants, and it also has an ambivalent effect by increasing positive and negative SECs. Attitude toward forgetting has more societal costs, since it is related to attitudes toward violence and decreased knowledge and a positive evaluation of TRC. In general, findings suggest that remembering traumatic events has an emotional cost, but also it is shown that remembering seems to be more beneficial for society in the long‐term than forgetting.  相似文献   

The reliability and validity of a French translation of the 7-item short form of the Francis Scale of Attitude toward Christianity was examined among a sample of 462 female French university students. Analysis supports the reliability and validity of the scale and commends it for further use among French speaking samples.  相似文献   

以Gawronski & Bodenhausen(2006)提出的联结性-推理性评价模型(associative-propositional evaluation model, APE)为基础,分析情绪在内隐态度向外显态度转化过程中的作用,以及情绪、态度与行为的关系。研究通过操纵被试的情绪状态(积极或消极),分析了不同情绪下个体对薯片的外显态度、内隐态度对其在五分钟内食用薯片数量的预测作用。研究发现,外显态度可以预测行为结果;而内隐态度对行为结果的预测受到情绪的调节,积极情绪下内隐态度能够预测行为结果,消极情绪下内隐态度不预测行为结果。因此,与消极情绪相比,积极情绪降低了个体对内隐态度进行修正的可能性,促使个体基于内隐态度直接构建外显态度,从而使得内隐态度能够预测行为结果。研究最后分析了情绪影响内隐态与行为之间关系的心理机制、本研究的理论价值及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   


In an experimental simulation with Israeli participants, the author examined the influence of two aspects of pre-employment screening (duration of screening and type of testing) on applicants' attitudes toward a recruitment effort and toward a potential job. Testing that lasted longer led to more favorable attitudes. The participants considered knowledge testing, compared with personality testing, more job related, less invasive of privacy, and less sensitive to the amount of time spent testing.  相似文献   

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