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This investigation concerns the persistence of stuttering and recovery from it among high-risk children. At the end of the second year of a 6-year prospective study, 26 of 93 preschool children with a parental history of stuttering were classified as stutterers. Four years later, seven of these children were classified as persistent stutterers, and 16 children were classified as recovered stutterers. The articulatory and linguistic skills of these two groups of children and the communicative and speaking behaviors of their mothers, were measured before and after the onset of stuttering. The analysis of these measures revealed that the articulatory skills of the children and the communicative style and language complexity of the mothers differentiated the incipient stutters whose stuttering subsequently became chronic from those who recovered.  相似文献   

In this prospective study, 26 of the 93 preschool children with a parental history of stuttering who began to stutter were compared at preonset and 1 year later with those of a matched group of 26 children who continued to be seen as nonstutterers. These two groups of at-risk children were compared in terms of the development of their articulatory and language skills and in terms of the communicative style and speaking behaviors of their mothers. At preonset, the children who started to stutter demonstrated a faster articulatory rate than those who remained fluent. One year later, however, this difference was no longer statistically significant. The two groups of children did not differ in their linguistic skills at either of these time periods. Moreover, the communicative style and speaking behaviors of the mothers of the children who later began to stutter did not differ from that of the mothers of children who did not either prior to or after the onset of stuttering. This suggests that these variables did not contribute to the onset of stuttering or to its course.  相似文献   

Traits attributed to 34 stuttering and 34 nonstuttering male children by their mothers using an adjective checklist were studied. Mothers of school-aged male stutterers were found to perceive their children as being more insecure, sensitive, anxious, withdrawn, fearful, and introverted than did mothers of nonstutterers. It was concluded that although research has not demonstrated a characteristic stuttering personality, stutterers continue to be perceived as having characteristic personality patterns.  相似文献   

Conflicting findings have been reported concerning whether fluent children use more complex syntactic structures than stutterers and whether or not stutterers experience specific difficulty with complex syntactic structures. On critical examination, the first of these apparent discrepancies appears to be due to (a) differences in the methods employed for syntactic analysis in different studies, and (b) misleading impressions gained by looking at speakers within a single age range. Data were reanalyzed where one method of analysis had shown that fluent speakers and stutterers did not differ with regard to syntactic structures used but where they did show a propensity for stuttering to occur on complex syntactic structures. These data cover a range of age groups. When the second method of syntactic analysis was applied, a difference was found between fluent speakers and stutterers, with the stutterers initially using more simple structures and fewer complex ones. This difference decreased over age groups. However, a difference still remained with respect to which syntactic structures stutterers experience difficulty. An additional analysis, not formerly conducted on these data, showed that, as reported elsewhere, there was a higher probability of stuttering on clause-initial and. It was also shown that this tendency decreased with age group of the stutterers.  相似文献   

Several investigators have reported a significant perceptual difference between adult stutterers' and nonstutterers' fluent speech productions. However, there is only limited information concerning the perceptual evaluation of stuttering and nonstuttering children's fluent speech. Therefore, in this study identical fluent sentences from nine stuttering children (mean age = 6 yrs, 8 mos) and nine nonstuttering children matched individually for sex and age (within 6 mos) were analyzed perceptually in both a paired- and single-stimulus paradigm by 12 sophisticated listeners. Individual subject analyses revealed that only one-half or fewer of the stutterers could be discerned in either paradigm. In the remaining cases, either no discrimination could be made or a nonstutterer was incorrectly identified as a stutterer. When averaged for subject group comparison, these findings indicated that listeners could not discriminate between the two groups. Possible explanations for this discrepancy in results between child and adult stutterers are proposed.  相似文献   

The present study investigated how well individuals knowledgeable about stuttering are able to make disfluency judgments in clients who speak another language than their own. Fourteen native speakers of Brazilian Portuguese identified and judged stuttering in Dutch speakers and in Portuguese speakers. Fourteen native speakers of Dutch identified and judged stuttering in Brazilian Portuguese speakers and in Dutch speakers. It was found that judges can make similar level of judgment in a native and a foreign language, and that native and foreign judges can make similar level of judgment irrespective of native/foreign differences. It was also found, however, that the Dutch judges performed significantly better in identifying native stutterers than foreign stutterers. And for the identification of nonstutterers, both panels performed better in their native language than in the foreign language, and in their native language they both performed better than the other panel. Both the Brazilian Portuguese and the Dutch speaking panel were generally also less confident, and found identification of stuttering more difficult in the foreign language than in the native language. In addition, when asked for the characteristics that helped them identify stutterers, they provided more detail in the native language than in the foreign language. Also a number of differences were found between the two panels which may be due to differences in training or cultural background. The implications of the findings for clinical practice and for future research in this area are discussed. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: The reader will be able to: (1) describe how language influences the identification of a speech disorder such as stuttering, and (2) list, and (3) define behaviors that help to identify stuttering in a foreign language.  相似文献   

The present study examined the perceptions school-age children have of stutterers. Four groups of fourth and fifth grade students viewed a videotape with either the speaker stuttering or not stuttering while reading a poem. A semantic differential scale of bi-polar adjective pairs was used to rate the speaker on intelligence and personality traits. The current study found that there is a significant difference between school-age children's perceptions of stutterers and nonstutterers with the ratings for the disfluent speaker more negative than the ratings for the fluent speaker. It was found that children did not rate personality and intelligence related traits differently. This information can be used to validate the need for education regarding stuttering for children and those who work with children. EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES: The reader will learn about and be able to (1). identify perceptions of stutterers by a variety of groups; (2). discuss the implications of research on perceptions of stutterers; and (3). compare/contrast children and adults and their perceptions.  相似文献   

A stuttering therapy program in which adult stutterers were hospitalized and treated in small groups (n = 4) under token economy conditions is described. The Token System reinforced reductions and penalized increases in stuttering during conversation. The therapy program was divided into three stages. Initially, subjects were treated by the token system, which was then integrated with a delayed auditory feedback schedule designed to instate and shape a prolonged speech pattern into normal fluent speech. Finally, subjects passed through a speech situation hierarchy while under token control conditions. Experiments conducted in the first two stages of treatment are described. The first-stage experiments examined the design of the token system; the second-stage experiment assessed the effect of a contingent punishment schedule integrated with the delayed auditory feedback procedure in order to shape rate of speaking as well as fluency.  相似文献   

Conversations between eight stuttering children, eight nonstuttering children, and their respective mothers were observed, recorded, and analyzed. Results indicate that mothers of stutterers made significantly more demands, commands, and requests when talking with their children; on the other hand, mothers of nonstutterers uttered more statements. Additional findings reveal that the stuttering children were more verbal, while their nonstuttering peers communicated more frequently with gestures and other means of expression. The data are discussed in light of theories that parent-child interactions are critical to the onset and development of stuttering. Implications for clinical management of young stutterers are presented.  相似文献   

In a preliminary investigation, narrative ability was compared in stuttering and nonstuttering school-age boys using tasks known to be sensitive to narrative deficits. The groups were also compared on the broader domains of receptive and expressive language development using the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Revised (CELF-R). The results did not support the popular view that stutterers, as a group, are more vulnerable to language disorders than their nonstuttering peers. A recent hypothesis that stuttering behavior might be a causal factor in delayed expressive language development was also not supported. The importance of examining individual differences in stuttering children is emphasized for both clinical and research purposes.  相似文献   

Using surface electrodes, mean microvolt values of laryngeal-area muscle activity were determined for 13 male and 6 female stutterers during 10-sec periods in which single words were silently read and stuttering expectancy was indicated. No significant differences in levels of laryngeal-area muscle activity were found between periods of fluency expectancy and stuttering expectancy preceding both fluent and stuttered speech. The results were interpreted as being nonsupportive of the hypothesis that a breakdown in stutterers' laryngeal-area muscle activity occurs during moments of stuttering expectancy. In addition, the results suggest that the most common rationale for the utilization of laryngeal biofeedback procedures to enhance fluency should be questioned.  相似文献   

39 stutterers and 39 normal speakers indicated their ear preferences for dichotically presented words and digits. A single response mode for both dichotic words and digits was selected to study speech perception. Stutterers showed significantly less of the normal right-ear preference for dichotic words and digits than non-stutterers. The proportion of stutterers who failed to demonstrate a right-ear preference for dichotic words was significantly greater than for non-stutterers. 18% of the stutterers and none of the non-stutterers showed reversed or a left-ear preference for dichotic digits. Although non-stuttering children and adults performed alike on the dichotic tasks, the right-ear dichotic-words scores of stuttering children were significantly smaller than those of adult stutterers. The results are related to an early notion that stuttering may be related to mixed dominance and recent evidence showing that large percentages of older stuttering children show spontaneous remission of stuttering.  相似文献   

Though the phonological difficulty of a word might reasonably be supposed to influence whether a word is stuttered, it has recently been reported that the incidence of stuttering does not depend on this factor in child stutterers. This conclusion is reexamined in the current report. Data are employed that were obtained from groups of child stutterers (and their controls) who vary in age and severity of their disorder. First, it is shown that the measure of phonological difficulty reveals differences in phonological ability for children of different ages (stutterers and fluent controls). The properties of words with regard to whether they are function words or content words, their position in the sentence, their length, and the phoneme that they start with vary between phonological categories (referred to as “Brown's factors”). Since these factors could influence whether words are stuttered in their own right, they may led to apparent differences in stuttering between words in different phonological categories that are spurious. Alternatively, these factors may disguise influences that phonological categories have on stuttering. It is shown in the next analysis that the words in the various phonological categories differ with regard to Brown's factors. In the final analysis, the proportion of words stuttered for words in each phonological category are analyzed so that any influence Brown's factors might have are removed by treating the factors as covariates. No dependence of stuttering on phonological category is observed for age group, stutterer's severity, or word types (stuttered word or word following the stuttered word). Thus, phonological difficulty as measured here and elsewhere does not appear to be a major factor governing the incidence of stuttering in children.  相似文献   

Articulatory speaking rate and response time latency are believed by many to be important factors in determining whether stuttering will occur in a given utterance. Currently, however, there is little empirical evidence to suggest that these measures of utterance timing are directly related to stuttering. This study examined the relationship between articulatory speaking rate and response time latency in the conversational speech of 12 boys who stutter (mean age = 55.2 months; SD = 8.8 months) who participated in 30-min conversational interactions with their mothers. Discriminant function analyses were conducted on 75 utterances drawn from each child's speech sample to determine if the articulatory speaking rate or response time latency of a specific utterance was related to the likelihood that the child would stutter on that utterance. No significant relationships between these measures of utterance timing and stuttering were found for any of the 12 subjects, and there were no significant relationships between these two measures of utterance timing. Findings do not provide support for many current theories of stuttering and suggest that the role of these measures of utterance timing in predicting the occurrence of stuttering in conversational speech in these theories may need to be reexamined.  相似文献   

The distraction explanation of changes in stuttering rate was examined in the present experiment. Twelve stutterers were compared with 12 nonstutterers who were matched for age, sex, and level of education. Subjects were tested for disfluency production under conditions designed to reflect the dimension of distraction. These conditions were: (a) over attention to speech (counting speaking errors). (b) “normal” conditions (no additional task), and (c) distraction (pursuit tracking of an irregular target). The results showed no effect on stuttering rate that could be attributed to the distraction conditions. However, stutterers rated the difficulty of these conditions in concordance with the distraction theory. It was suggested that, while stutterers' perceptions may account for the popularity of the distraction explanation, evidence supporting the theory is lacking.  相似文献   

This study investigated whether student clinicians working with stutterers subsequently produce more disfluencies than student clinicians providing therapy to clients with other speech and language disorders. Seventeen graduate students working in a 6-wk summer camp setting were divided into two groups: eight who provided treatment for stutterers (group 1) and nine who provided therapy for clients with other communication disorders (group 2). All student clinicians were recorded during spontaneous speaking and oral reading tasks prior to camper arrival and following camper departure. An eight-category classification system was used to determine disfluency types. Findings revealed that Group 1 clinicians significantly decreased their total disfluencies between pre- and post-camp recordings on the spontaneous speaking task. Unexpectedly, this same group also substantially increased part-word repetitions and sound prolongations. The possibilities of incidental learning, reverse modeling, and overidentification with stuttering clients are discussed.  相似文献   

For years, reports have circulated that stutterers experience marked decrements in their stuttering when they speak or read in monotone. Wingate has suggested that the ameliorative effects of various novel speaking conditions on stuttering can be attributed to modifications in vocalization induced by such conditions. The present study was conducted to see whether this explanation would extend to monotoned speech as well. Ten teenage and adult stutterers and 10 normal speakers were tested in control and monotone reading conditions. Dependent measures were the frequencies of disfluency and stuttering, fundamental frequency, fundamental frequency standard deviation, vocal SPL, vocal SPL standard deviation, and fluent reading rate. Only within-group statistical comparisons were made, because members of the two groups could not be matched pairwise along critical vocal parameters. The major findings of this study indicated that across the two conditions, both groups significantly reduced their fundamental frequency, fundamental frequency standard deviation, vocal SPL and vocal SPL standard deviation. Only the stutterers exhibited a significant decrement in disfluency and stuttering. The normals did not evince enough disfluency in the control condition for a reduction to occur during monotoning. Neither group effected a reduction in fluent reading rates. These and other findings and interpretations are discussed relative to Wingate's modified vocalization hypothesis.  相似文献   

The fluent speaking rate of nine adult male stutterers was compared before and after stuttering intervention. The subjects, ranging in age from 18 to 37 yr (mean, 25 yr, 3 mo), exhibited mild to severe stuttering prior to treatment. The only rate reduction strategy taught to subjects during intervention was to slow the first phoneme or syllable of sentences spoken. In addition, however, subjects significantly reduced their overall rate as determined by measurements made of their fluent speech at the middle of sentences, as well as overall sentence durations (excepting the first word of utterances). The data from this investigation are interpreted relative to the facilitation/simplification hypothesis.  相似文献   

Fifteen stutterers, primarily children, who visited the Medical Pedagogical Department at the University of Blagoevgrad were evaluated for a variety of criteria used in Bulgaria to differentiate cluttering, stuttering, and mixed cluttering and stuttering. The same battery of tests was administered to all subjects. Based on these criteria, five subjects were diagnosed as clutterers, six as stutterers, and four as mixed. Daly's (1992–1993) Checklist for Possible Cluttering, Experimental Edition was also utilized to classify the subjects. Differences between the differential diagnostic criteria used by Bulgarian logopedists and other authors are discussed.  相似文献   

An often-cited criterion for assessing the effect of a stuttering therapy is the ability of the stutterers to produce normally fluent speech. Many modern stuttering therapies use special techniques that may produce stutter-free speech that does not sound completely normal. The present study investigates this problem in the framework of the Dutch adaptation of the Precision Fluency Shaping Program.

Pre-, post-, and -year follow-up therapy speech samples of 32 severe stutterers who were treated in a four-week intensive therapy are compared with comparable samples of 20 nonstutterers. For that aim the samples were rated on 14 bipolar scales by groups of about 20 listeners. The results show that the speech of the stutterers in all three conditions differs significantly from the speech of the nonstutterers. The pretherapy speech takes an extreme position on a Distorted Speech dimension, due to the large proportion of disfluencies. The posttherapy speech has extremely low scores on a Dynamics/Prosody dimension, a‘1 while the follow-up therapy speech differs from the normal speech on both dimensions, but now the distances are smaller. These results are discussed in relation to the severity of the stuttering problem in the group of treated stutterers. Finally, implications for future research on therapy evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

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