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This is a reply to Wessler's (1983) contention that pure RET is atheistic and, therefore, is unsuited to serve as a bridge between pastoral counseling and psychotherapy  相似文献   

Comments on P. J. Watson's (1993) paper, on the post-Enlightenment and rationality, showing how he is correct in many respects but misinterprets the philosophy and practice of rational-emotive therapy.  相似文献   

Estimates of the degree of genetic and environmental influences on religiousness have varied widely. This variation may, in part, be due to age differences in the samples under study. To investigate the heritability of religiousness and possible age changes in this estimate, both current and retrospective religiousness were assessed by self-report in a sample of adult male twins (169 MZ pairs and 104 DZ pairs, mean age of 33 years). Retrospective reports of religiousness showed little correlation difference between MZ (r=.69) and DZ (r=.59) twins. Reports of current religiousness, however, did show larger MZ (r=.62) than DZ (r=.42) similarity. Biometric analysis of the two religiousness ratings revealed that genetic factors were significantly weaker (12% vs. 44%) and shared environmental factors were significantly stronger (56% vs. 18%) in adolescence compared to adulthood. Analysis of internal and external religiousness subscales of the total score revealed similar results. These findings support the hypothesis that the heritability of religiousness increases from adolescence to adulthood.  相似文献   

The use of rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT) in sport psychology has received scant research attention. Therefore, this study examines the efficacy of REBT (comprising three counselling sessions and two homework assignments) in decreasing irrational beliefs and cognitive-anxiety in four elite youth cricketers using a single-case multiple-baseline across-participants design. Visual and statistical analyses indicated that REBT reduced irrational beliefs and cognitive-anxiety in all participants. The applied issues surrounding the use of REBT in a youth sport context are discussed, along with guidance for its future use in sport psychology research.  相似文献   

The article presents a synopsis on rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT), its fundamental theoretical framework, its applications, and future directions. The paper is organized according to the following structure: in part one, REBT fundamental/basic research is discussed; in the second part clinical/applied research in REBT is presented, including aspects of efficacy and effectiveness, discrimination of disorders for which REBT works most effectively, and its relations to other therapies. Uses and misuses of REBT and their impact on research and future developments are presented as well. While it is true that REBT research has many shortcomings, the overgeneralization and/or magnification of the negative, and the minimization of the positive are dysfunctional beliefs that maintain the false idea in the field that REBT has few empirical studies and that REBT research is in serious trouble. A balanced approach, analyzing both the strengths and weakness, suggest that REBT has hundreds of research articles and that high-quality studies tend to support REBT’s basic theory and efficacy. However, to strengthen this conclusion and to fully explore the potential of REBT, shortcomings of REBT research need to be corrected, and high-quality studies promoted. This is particularly important since, although effective, cognitive-behavioral psychotherapies have not yet reached “the desired standard” of efficacy and effectiveness, as about 30–40% of people are still nonresponsive to these interventions Thus, REBT could be a platform of reinvigorating empirical studies on the efficacy/effectiveness and theory of cognitive-behavioral models of psychopathology and human functioning. Mount Sinai School of Medicine, Biobehavioral and Integrative Medicine Programs, New York, USA.  相似文献   

Many theorists posit that religiousness/spirituality (RS) may change after trauma. However, empirical findings regarding RS following trauma are inconclusive. The present study examined the relationship between potentially traumatic events (PTEs) and current RS by considering the cumulative effect of PTEs and multiple dimensions of RS. In our sample of 245 undergraduates (60% female, 79% White), there were no differences in RS between participants who did and did not have PTEs. When analysed as a continuous variable, the number of PTEs was positively correlated with many RS dimensions (i.e., daily spiritual experiences, religious strain, religious comfort, provident and challenging God images, belief in God) but not all (i.e., organised religious involvement, belief in afterlife, benevolent God image). These results suggest that PTEs relate distinctly to different aspects of RS and that examining multiple dimensions of RS may be a more informative way of studying this association.  相似文献   

This commentary focuses on the current status of assessment in rational-emotive and cognitive-behavior therapy, in the context of making comments about three assessment articles published in the same journal issue. The commentary describes important characteristics of rational-emotive and cognitive-behavior assessment measures, suggests several avenues of psychometric research on behavioral tests of distress tolerance as clinical measures, reviews psychometric and other important properties of existing irrational belief measures, and endorses assessment related to newly proposed anger disorder diagnoses.
John M. MalouffEmail:

Derived from experience with cognitively and emotionally impaired juvenile offenders, several techniques are presented for counselors to increase the effectiveness of RET interventions with youth.  相似文献   

Lyddon (1990) claimed that rational-emotive therapy (RET) and other kinds of cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) are in “the rationalist camp,” are realistic rather than constructivist, and focus on the elimination of emotional responses to irrational cognitions. His allegations about CBT practices are questionable, and he ignores the fact that RET is not merely realistic and empirical in disputing clients' irrational beliefs but is in several respects one of the most constructivist of the psychotherapies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the extent of agreement among a panel of rational-emotive therapy (RET) experts about the essence of RET. The panel of experts consisted of the 9 members of The International Training Standards and Review Committee of the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy in New York. The question that the experts were asked was an adaptation of a Talmudic story known in Jewish lore as “While Standing on One Foot.” Responses were assigned to either of 2 categories: general cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) or RET-specific. There seems to be a range of responses that capture the essence of RET. A strong case can be made for subsuming many aspects of CBT under RET because much of what is associated with CBT has its origins in RET. The confusion about where RET ends and general CBT begins goes to the very heart of RET's status today.  相似文献   

The inappropriateness of pure rational-emotive therapy (RET) for pastoral counseling is discussed and a modified version (cognitive appraisal therapy) proposed to replace RET.  相似文献   

The current outcome study operationalized a brief “Christian” form of rational-emotive therapy (CRET) and compared the therapeutic efficacy of this treatment with a standard version of brief rational-emotive therapy (RET) with depressed Christian clients. Results indicated that both treatments were effective in reducing depression and automatic negative thoughts, while only the CRET reduced clients' irrational beliefs. No between-group differences were obtained for clients' perceptions of the counselor. Findings are discussed in terms of applied integration issues and the long-standing antagonism of rational-emotive philosophy toward religious beliefs.  相似文献   

Rational-emotive behavior therapy (REBT) is a widely utilized treatment approach for many mental disorders, but it has been “relatively neglected in the professional scientific literature” (Ellis 2003b). This neglect has been attributed in part to a lack of solid REBT outcome studies, which in turn stems from the difficulty of measuring constructs of interest in REBT, such as irrational beliefs, via self-report measures. In light of these concerns, the current paper aims to identify the potential utility of behavioral analogue laboratory tasks for advancing the understanding of mechanisms in REBT, as well as treatment outcome using this therapeutic approach. Specifically, we focus on the utilization of behavioral measures of distress tolerance and their application to the key REBT construct of frustration intolerance. In identifying the parallels across distress tolerance and frustration intolerance, we consider how the incorporation of distress tolerance tasks into REBT research can be useful in evaluating the role of frustration intolerance in the initiation, maintenance, and treatment of disordered behavior across a broad range of clinical disorders.
C. W. LejuezEmail:

This study examined the effects of cognitive restructuring intervention program of rational-emotive behavior therapy on irrational thoughts/behaviors arising from adverse childhood stress in Nigeria. The participants (n = 26) are the identified victims of adverse childhood stress who met the criteria for inclusion through self-report questionnaire. The treatment process is guided by the adverse childhood stress management manual. It consists of 12 weeks of full intervention and 2 weeks of follow-up meetings. The study used repeated measures ANOVA in order to see the improvement of each participant and across control and treatment groups’ thoughts/behaviors after the intervention program. The results show that sex differences do not determine experience of adverse childhood stress. Through cognitive restructuring intervention program of rational-emotive behavior therapy, irrational thoughts/behaviors arising from adverse childhood stress experience were significantly reduced in the treatment group when compared to the control group. Significant improvement was also observed at the end of the intervention of the treatment group. The implication for research and practice were discussed in line with these outcomes. Finally, the study stressed the importance of a follow-up study in Nigeria that would assess irrational beliefs and one or more measures of PTSD symptoms or emotional disturbance.  相似文献   

Although I was perceptive enough to realize, in my first paper on rational-emotive therapy (RET) in 1956, that cognitions, emotions, and behaviors almost always are not pure or disparate but significantly include each other, I have appreciably added to this concept and have stressed forceful emotive and educative, as well as strong behavioral, techniques of RET in recent years. I have also increasingly pointed out that the ABC's of RET-A standing for Activating Events, B for Beliefs about these events, and C for emotional and behavioral Consequences of these Beliefs-also influence, include, and interact with each other. The present paper gives salient details of how A's, B's, and C's, as well as cognitions, emotions, and behaviors all importantly affect one another and how they become combined into dysfunctional, demanding core Basic Philosophic Assumptions that lead to neurotic disturbances. To change and to keep changing these dysfunctional basic assumptions, RET uses a number of intellectual, affective, and action techniques that often are applied in a forceful, persistent, active-directive manner. It is more cognitive than most of the other cognitive-behavior therapies in that it tries to help many (not all) clients to make an elegant or profound philosophic change (Ellis, 1979b, 1985b). But it is also more emotive and behavioral than most other popular therapies in that it assumes that neurotic individuals' core basic philosophies assumptions are, as Muran (in press) points out, tacit cognitive-affective-motoric structures that account for emotional experiences in the face of external stimuli, and that therefore therapists had better teach their clients (and the general public) several powerful cognitive-emotive-behavioral methods of helping themselves change.Albert Ellis is President of the Institute for Rational-Emotive Therapy, 45 East 65th Street, New York, NY, 10021  相似文献   

Reasons are given for changing the name of Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET) to Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) and for bringing its behavioral aspects into more prominence. Excerpted from “Changing Rational-Emotive Therapy (RET) to Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT).Behavior Therapist, 1994,16(10), 1–2, and fromReason and Emotion in Psychotherapy, Rev ed. updated. New York Carol Publishing, 1994. Reprinted with permission.  相似文献   

Rational-emotive therapy (RET) can be particularly applied to individuals with serious love problems, such as people possessed by super-romantic love, limerents who are mired in obsessive-compulsive feelings, insensately jealous and possessive lovers, people who needlessly interfere with their encountering suitable partners, and those who suffer anguish and depression when they lose love. It also has important things to teach about keeping alive and enhancing normal love feelings. This paper outlines the RET theory of love and applies it to various amative difficulties.This article is to appear as a chapter inClinical applications of Rational-Emotive Therapy, edited by Albert Ellis and Michael Bernard, New York: Plenum, 1985.  相似文献   

My own viewpoint on mental measurement (1887)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

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