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王娟  薛梦  魏千惠 《心理科学》2019,(1):230-236
以小学3-5年级的汉语聋生为被试,考察其口语叙事与书面叙事的发展特征,并与健听生比较,揭示聋生叙事发展特征的特异性。结果发现:(1)无论口语叙事还是书面叙事,聋生和健听生在宏观结构上表现相当,但聋生在微观结构上表现较差。(2)在宏观结构和平均句长上,无论健听生还是聋生,书面叙事得分均显著好于口语叙事;(3)在词汇密度上,健听生在口语叙事和书面叙事上的表现相当,但聋生的词汇密度在口语叙事下表现较差。(4)在词汇丰富性和词汇密度指标上,聋生和健听生存在年级间发展特征的差异。研究结果对聋生的叙事教学有重要启示。  相似文献   

本研究考察中文聋生读者利用语境预测性信息促进词汇加工的过程特点。实验采用3(组别:高阅读技能聋生组vs.高阅读技能聋生的能力匹配健听组vs.低阅读技能聋生组)×2(句子背景对目标词的预测程度:高预测vs.低预测)混合设计。结果发现:(1)目标词的左侧词汇上,能力匹配健听组在凝视时间和总注视时间两个指标上可见语境预测性效应,两个聋生组在任何指标上均没有语境预测性效应;(2)目标词上,能力匹配健听组在首次注视时间、凝视时间和总注视时间三项指标上均可见显著的语境预测性效应,高阅读技能聋生组仅在总注视上可见语境预测性效应,低阅读技能聋生的任何眼动指标均没有语境预测性效应。由此可见,聋生在利用语境预测性促进词汇加工方面与健听读者有所差异;相对于低阅读技能聋生,高阅读技能聋生读者识别词汇时能更多地利用语境预测性信息。  相似文献   

通过2个实验, 考察了语义类标记在中国手语词汇识别和语义提取中的作用。实验1采用手语词汇判断任务, 比较了有、无语义类标记的手语词汇识别。实验2采用语义决定任务, 探讨了语义类标记对手语词语义提取的影响。结果表明, 语义类标记影响聋生对手语词的识别和语义提取。聋生识别有语义类标记的手语词显著快于识别无语义类标记的手语词。当语义类标记与手语词的语义一致时, 能够促进聋生对手语词的语义提取; 当语义类标记与手语词的语义不一致, 会干扰聋生对手语词的语义提取。中国手语词语义类标记效应的发现, 丰富了中国手语词词汇认知的理论, 对聋人的语言教学和概念教学具有重要的启示。  相似文献   

研究采用移动窗口范式,以双字词为掩蔽单元,探究了聋生中文阅读知觉广度与词汇加工特点。结果发现:(1)聋生阅读知觉广度的左侧范围在1个双字词之外,右侧范围为1个双字词,健听读者阅读知觉广度为注视点左侧1个双字词至右侧1个双字词的范围,可见聋生的阅读知觉广度在范围大小和对称性上不同于健听读者;(2)提示注视点右侧词汇边界的移动窗口在平均注视时间、向右眼跳幅度上以相同趋势影响两组读者,但对两组读者注视次数、回视次数的影响模式不同。由此可见,聋生读者阅读知觉广度及词汇加工有其独特性特点。  相似文献   

先天聋人的语音、正字法意识和概念知识结构   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
先天聋人对书面词语基本没有语音意识。他们主要采用视知觉策略识别书面词语,其词语词法技能发展滞后。由于缺乏语音经验,他们大脑皮层的发育受到严重影响,概念知识结构也呈现不对称性。尽早实施手语教育和正字法教育,不仅有助于提高聋儿童的手语语音意识和书面词语识别技能,也能促进他们的认知能力正常发展  相似文献   

聋人手语视觉表象生成能力的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过视觉表象判断实验,对聋手语使用者和听力正常人两类被试视觉表象生成的能力进行了比较。实验发现:与听力正常的人相比,聋手语使用者学习和记忆大写字母的时间短于听力正常的被试,并且两组被试记忆复杂字母的时间都较长;聋被试和听力正常被试采用了相同的字母表征方式。但是,习得手语的年龄对聋手语者生成表象的能力没有明显的影响。  相似文献   

聋生汉字加工的自由回忆与词序位置记忆实验研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
谭和平  昝飞  刘春玲 《心理科学》2003,26(6):1065-1068
本研究采用韵母相同、声母相同、音异形似和音同形似四类汉字字组,对使用手语聋生、使用口语聋生和听力正常大学生进行了自由回忆和词序位置记忆两个实验。结果表明,聋生不论在汉字字组的自由回忆中还是在汉字次序信息的记忆中,对汉字的记忆效果不仅都与字组类型有关,而且都受到了语音干扰,存在语音混淆现象。这就证明,聋生在汉字加工过程中使用了语音编码,语音编码在聋生汉字加工过程中确实起到了非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

张帆  李德高 《心理学报》2017,(11):1383-1391
聋生在书面语语法学习中遇到极大困难。以"是……的"句为实验材料,使用移动窗口式自步速逐词句子阅读任务进行3项实验研究发现,和既懂手语又懂口语的(听力损失不高于70 d B的)中轻度聋生相比,(听力损失高于70 d B的)重度聋生对句尾助词"的"的句法信息加工尤其困难,他们对"是……的"句的句法意识较弱。本研究对重度聋生的书面语语法教学训练具有重要的心理学指导意义。  相似文献   

昝飞  谭和平 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1089-1095
本研究采用暂同形似、音同形异、音异形似和无关字四类汉字字组为实验材料.每类字组都按汉字使用频率分为低频字、中频字、高频字三种.对使用手语聋生和使用口语聋生进行了同音判断和启动效应实验,旨在探究聋生在汉字识别过程中语音编码所起的作用。实验结果表明,在聋生汉字识别中,字形的知觉加工对提取语音具有非常重要的作用,但语音的提取对聋生来说非常困难。不同字频对不同字组的同音判断成绩的影响不同,表明聋生对不同汉字的语音意识不同。聋生在汉字识别中存在语音混淆和字形混淆的现象,说明语音编码和字形编码在汉字识别过程中都起了重要的作用。字频对聋生汉字识别的影响也不同,同频字产生语音特征的影响;低频字产生字形特征的影响;而中频字都不产生语音特征和字形特征的影响。  相似文献   

在聋校的数学课堂教学中经常存在着这样一种普遍现象,上课了,教师在讲授时,聋生认真听讲,课堂气氛活跃。可只要老师一提问就没人举手发言,一个个低着头默不作声。就是老师指名接受能力强的聋生回答,他们回答的时候也只是随便地打几个手语应付一下,内容不完整,意思有缺漏,语速断续,显得很勉强,有时老师只好自问自答。  相似文献   

Deaf college students seem to have relatively stronger associations from words for taxonomic categories of basic (e.g., snake) to those of super-ordinate (e.g., reptiles) level than vice versa compared with hearing students in word association (Marschark, Convertino, McEvoy & Masteller, 2004). In deciding whether two sequentially presented words for taxonomic categories of different levels are conceptually related, deaf adolescents might therefore have a poorer performance when they see a category name before than when they see it after one of the corresponding exemplar words. Deaf Korean adolescents were found to recognize words for taxonomic categories of super-ordinate level with lower efficiencies than those of basic level. Their accuracy seemed to reflect a reversed typicality effect when they decided that first-presented words for taxonomic categories of basic level were conceptually related to second-presented words for those of super-ordinate level. It was argued that deaf Korean adolescents went through a temporary stage of having iconic representations of several exemplars of the category aroused in working memory before the abstract semantic representation was fully activated when they saw the word for a taxonomic category of super-ordinate level.  相似文献   

闫国利  秦钊 《心理科学》2021,(5):1266-1272
听觉通道受损,是否会影响聋人的视觉功能?有三种理论对此做出了解释。缺陷理论:聋人视觉功能存在缺陷,包括听觉脚手架假说和劳动分工假说。补偿理论:聋人视觉功能会表现出增强,包括响应增强假说、知觉增强假说、超通道功能假说和背侧通路假说。整合理论:聋人视觉功能既可能表现为缺陷,也可能表现为增强,与实验任务和被试年龄有关。本文评述了听觉障碍对聋人视觉功能影响的三种理论,并对其今后的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

听觉障碍人群由于听觉部分或完全受损, 视觉语言——唇读和手语就成为其阅读能力发展的主要途径。唇读有助于听觉障碍人群形成语音表征, 与词汇知识相互影响, 且可以促进字词阅读及阅读理解的水平; 口语或书面语的加工可以激活相应的手语表征, 手语影响着听觉障碍人群各个层次的阅读能力。未来研究应该关注语音意识、词汇知识等技能在视觉语言影响听觉障碍人群阅读能力过程中的作用机制, 并以视觉语言为中心, 发展出适合汉语听觉障碍人群阅读能力习得的理论模型。  相似文献   

Orally trained, congenitally deaf adolescents and hearing, reading-age-matched control subjects made rhyme judgements for pictures and for written words. Hearing children performed the task accurately. By contrast, the deaf group were very poor at rhyme judgement for words and for pictures. For hearing children, word rhyme judgement was more accurate when the words were congruent in their spelling pattern (e.g. bat/hat), less accurate when the spelling pattern of the rhyming words was incongruent (hair/bear). Deaf subjects showed an even more pronounced effect of spelling congruence; their ability to match for rhyme when written words did not share the same spelling pattern was extremely poor. Moreover, spelling congruence predicted deaf subjects' picture rhyming skills.

We conclude that oral training for deaf people does not always permit them to achieve a reliable phonological representation of speech from lip-reading and residual hearing alone. Instead they use the written spelling of the word. This result is not predicted from some previous results that suggest that orally trained deaf people can make direct, spontaneous use of rhyme in the processing of visually presented material.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to show that deaf adolescents tended to process information in different ways from hearing adolescents. Memorizing items sequentially shown on computer screens under the control of their articulators' movements, deaf adolescents tended to treat items that cohered as taxonomic, thematic, or slot-filler categories as isolated pieces of information. Having to perceive information by means of sign language, however, their achievements were not worse than those of hearing adolescents anymore, no matter whether the stimuli were presented as words or pictures. They could not only utilize categories relations to help memorize categories exemplars but were relatively better aware of slot-filler or thematic than taxonomic relations as well, suggesting that they had a relatively delayed development of taxonomic category representations in comparison with hearing adolescents.  相似文献   

刘幸娟  张明 《应用心理学》2010,16(2):134-138
选取一组先天聋被试和与之匹配的听力正常被试,采用线索提示范式考察中央线索化对听觉障碍被试在辨别任务中基于位置返回抑制的影响。实验结果发现,在有中央线索化的任务实验中,听力正常和听觉障碍被试都出现了返回抑制,但是听觉障碍被试消失得比听力正常被试早。无中央线索化的辨别任务实验中,听力正常被试组仅在SOA=650ms时,听觉障碍被试没有发现返回抑制现象。结果表明听觉障碍被试辨别任务的返回抑制更易受中央线索化条件的影响,听障被试的空间注意调节机制更具策略性和有效性。  相似文献   

Intelligence has long been seen as linked to the spoken and written word. Because most deaf people have poor spoken language skills and find reading a significant challenge, there is a history in both psychology and education of considering deaf individuals to be less intelligent or less cognitively flexible than hearing individuals. With progress in understanding natural signed languages and cognitive abilities of individuals who lack spoken language, this perspective has changed. We now recognise, for example, that deaf people have some advantages in visuospatial ability relative to hearing people, and there is a link between the use of natural signed languages and enhanced visuospatial abilities in several domains. Such findings contrast with results found in memory, where the modality of mental representation, experience, and organisation of knowledge lead to differences in performance between deaf and hearing individuals, usually in favour of the latter. Such findings demonstrate that hearing loss and use of a natural sign language can influence intellectual abilities, including many tapped by standardised IQ tests. These findings raise interesting questions about the place of spoken language in our understanding of intelligence and ways in which we can use basic research for applied purposes.  相似文献   

The extent to which ability to access linguistic regularities of the orthography is dependent on spoken language was investigated in a two-part spelling test administered to both hearing and profoundly deaf college students. The spelling test examined ability to spell words varying in the degree to which their correct orthographic representation could be derived from the linguistic structure of English. Both groups of subjects were found to be sensitive to the underlying regularities of the orthography as indicated by greater accuracy on linguistically-derivable words than on irregular words. Comparison of accuracy on a production task and on a multiple-choice recognition task showed that the performance of both deaf and hearing subjects benefited from the recognition format, but especially so in the spelling of irregular words. Differences in the underlying spelling process for deaf and hearing spellers were revealed in an analysis of their misspellings: Deaf subjects produced fewer phonetically accurate misspellings than did the hearing subjects. Nonetheless, the deaf spellers tended to observe the formational constraints of English phonology and morphology in their misspellings. Together, these results suggest that deaf subjects are able to develop an appreciation for the structural properties of the orthography, but that their spelling may be guided by an accurate representation of the phonetic structure of words to a lesser degree than it is for hearing spellers.  相似文献   

聋人阅读过程中的视觉功能补偿现象是由于听觉信息的缺失,聋人的视觉功能会发生补偿性改变,表现为对副中央凹视野内文本信息的加工效率更高。本研究采用边界范式,测量聋人的副中央凹-中央凹重复效应,以探究聋人的副中央凹视觉功能补偿现象能否促进其中央凹的词汇识别过程。结果发现,聋人的副中央凹-中央凹重复效应出现在早期阅读指标凝视时间,而阅读能力匹配组只出现在晚期阅读指标总注视时间。因此,相比阅读能力匹配的健听读者,聋人的副中央凹-中央凹重复效应出现得更早,表现出副中央凹视觉功能补偿现象。  相似文献   

For hearing people, structure given to orthographic information may be influenced by phonological structures that develop with experience of spoken language. In this study we examine whether profoundly deaf individuals structure orthographic representation differently. We ask "Would deaf students who are advanced readers show effects of syllable structure despite their altered experience of spoken language, or would they, because of reduced influence from speech, organize their orthographic knowledge according to groupings defined by letter frequency?" We used a task introduced by Prinzmetal (Prinzmetal, Treiman, & Rho, 1986) in which participants were asked to judge the colour of letters in briefly presented words. As with hearing participants, the number of errors made by deaf participants was influenced by syllable structure (Prinzmetal et al., 1986; Rapp, 1992). This effect could not be accounted for by letter frequency. Furthermore, there was no correlation between the strength of syllable effects and residual speech or hearing. Our results support the view that the syllable is a unit of linguistic organization that is abstract enough to apply to both spoken and written language.  相似文献   

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