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The superiority of tensor or outward movements of hand and arm over flexor or inward movements has been described, but no evidence has been found relating to directional preferences in simple perceptual-motor tasks.

One hundred children, aged 9 to 13, 50 being right-handed writers and 50 left-handed writers, were tested on a stroke-making task, using both preferred and non-preferred hands. 75 per cent, of them exhibited a preference for outward movements of both hands, a finding which applied equally to both handedness groups. Thus an explanation based on writing habits is discounted.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to establish the role of perceptual-motor factors in copying an equilateral four-sided figure. Children, 5 to 12 years, and adults, were asked to copy the figure presented in either "square" or "diamond" orientation under five conditions: control; large model presentation; neutral picture frame surround; partial visual information reduction; and total visual information loss. The model was present at all times. Scores were orientation and angular variability. Developmental trends were found for both figures; the diamond was less well performed than the square at all ages tested. Three perceptual-motor factors were found to be important: formulation of the movement plan; movement programming, and sensory feedback. The difficulty of the diamond is thought to be due to the high programming and hence planning demands in drawing oblique lines. Both kinaesthesis and sequential vision are important factors in drawing; and only from 12 years of age are environmental cues used efficiently to orient the figure.  相似文献   

Previous research has consistently shown that subjects switch to noncompensatory information search behaviour when task complexity increases. However, a rather specific class of tasks was used in these studies for which complete information search is not necessary to attain accurate task performance. In the present study information search behaviour, choice accuracy, subjective difficulty and confidence were registered under various task complexity conditions in two different task environments. In the first task, subjects had to make a choice between apartments; in the second task, a choice was required between baskets containing groceries of different prices. Forty subjects made choices by means of computerized information boards. The results showed effects of both complexity and type of task on information search behaviour. The lowest proportion of requested information and the most variable search pattern was observed for the apartments task in the complex task condition. However, accuracy remained constant over all complexity conditions. Together, the results suggest that under high task complexity levels subjects try to work smarter rather than harder. In the context of a choice requirement the specific task structure may allow them to switch to noncompensatory strategies while maintaining accuracy and avoiding the integration of large amounts of information.  相似文献   

Practice may modify the effects of alcohol on perceptual-motor performance in at least three different ways: (1) alcohol may affect learning—that is, the rate at which performance of a skill improves with practice; (2) alcohol may have a greater effect on performance when the skill is unfamiliar than when it is practised; and (3) practice with alcohol may allow adaptation to its effects. These were investigated using a simple computer game in which subjects attempted to destroy a tank by pressing a key to release a bomb from a plane horizontally traversing the screen above it. The results demonstrated that (1) performance improved with practice; (2) with alcohol (0.8 mg/kg body weight), subjects were more variable and less accurate; (3) improvement with alcohol was greater than without alcohol, but as performance was impaired by alcohol, there was greater scope for improvement; (4) those who practised with alcohol still improved when switched to no alcohol late in practice; and (5) alcohol had the same effect early and late in practice. It is therefore concluded that there is no evidence to support any of the three suggestions outlined above.  相似文献   

Dual-task performance as a function of adult age and task complexity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A dual-task procedure was used to examine capacity demands of letter-matching in younger and older adults. Older subjects generally were slower on both tasks than were younger adults, but this difference was especially pronounced for the late stages of category matching, suggesting that retrieval and comparison of category information is particularly demanding for older adults.  相似文献   

Aged-related differences in the elicitation and habituation of orienting responses to the onset and offset of stimuli have been suggested by several authors. Electrodermal and cardiac orienting responses to the onset and offset of a visual stimulus were measured in three age groups (4 yr., 7 yr., and undergraduate). Each S made one of three judgments: non-signal (observe stimulus), content (color of stimulus), and duration (length of time stimulus presented). Few age differences were found in elicitation or habituation of orienting responses to stimulus onset or offset. There was a trend for elicitation of orienting responses to stimulus offset to be age-related, but the failure to find any other age-related changes made this difference somewhat questionable. Instructions as to the judgement to be made by S were the primary determinants of orienting responses to stimulus onset and offset across all age groups.  相似文献   

Participants moved a joystick to bring a computer-displayed cursor to each of six on-screen target locations arrayed around the center of the screen. At the start of each trial, the stick rested vertically, with a cursor occupying the center of the screen. A target appeared at another location and as soon as the stick was moved away from its rest position the cursor disappeared until the participant pressed a trigger on the stick to indicate when s/he thought the stick-controlled cursor was at the target site. With training, participants improved on the blind positioning task, but when conditions changed their performance suffered. Changing the hand used in the task or the location of the stick caused approximately equal disruptions, but changing both hand and location was significantly more disruptive than changing just one feature. The results support the hypothesis that perceptual-motor learning entails coding of extrinsic (spatial coordinates) as well as intrinsic (postural or body movement) information. Received: 14 October 1999 / Accepted: 6 November 2000  相似文献   

This paper describes an investigation of the relationship between extraversion and impulsiveness. These two traits were measured respectively by the Eysenck Personality Inventory (EPI) and the IES Arrow-Dot test. The subjects were 50 males and 50 females matched for age. Arrow-Dot impulsiveness was found to correlate significantly with extraversion in both samples. In the female sample Arrow-Dot impulsiveness correlated only significantly with the ‘impulsiveness’ component of extraversion. In the male sample both the ‘impulsiveness’ and ‘sociability’ components of the extraversion factor contributed about equally to its variance.  相似文献   

In a behavioral divided visual field study, we investigated the efficiency of inter-hemispheric cooperation according to (1) task computational complexity (physical-identity versus name-identity letter matching), (2) age (younger versus older adults) and (3) educational attainment, used as a proxy for cognitive reserve. Overall, the results indicated a shift from within- to across-hemisphere processing advantage with increasing task complexity, suggesting that bilateral engagement leads to enhanced performance under high-demand conditions. This pattern was influenced by age, with older adults showing no within-hemisphere advantage in the simpler task and a greater across-hemisphere advantage in the more complex one, consistent with an age-compensatory view of inter-hemispheric recruitment. Moreover, for older adults, more years of education was associated with a weaker across-hemisphere advantage. Thus, we propose that cognitive reserve may account for bilateral engagement efficiency. Finally, the groups differed in terms of laterality effects, with only younger adults demonstrating a left visual field advantage in the name-identity task, lending some support to the right hemi-aging hypothesis.  相似文献   

The effects of attention and memory cues on concept learning performance were investigated as a function of task complexity and grade level of Ss. It was found that: (1) the attention and memory cues were closely interrelated in their effects upon performance with both significantly improving performance at all but the lowest levels of complexity; (2) both types of cues considerably lessened the effect of stimulus complexity upon performance; and (3) the attention cue elicited the best performance from Ss in the first through ninth grades, while the memory cue elicited the best performance from 4-year-old and kindergarten Ss.  相似文献   

While numerous studies have reported learning of perceptual-motor skills by amnesic patients, few if any have documented the eventual acquisition of expertise on a given task. This paper recounts the learning of the computer game Tetris by a hippocampal amnesic, whose acquisition of the task in a formal evaluation was somewhat slower than that of a comparison group, but who after many hours of self-paced practice achieved expert-level play.  相似文献   

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