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The representation of the visual field in early visual areas is retinotopic. The point-to-point relationship on the retina is therefore maintained on the convoluted cortical surface. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been able to demonstrate the retinotopic representation of the visual field in occipital cortex of normal subjects. Furthermore, visual areas that are retinotopic can be identified on computationally flattened cortical maps on the basis of positions of the vertical and horizontal meridians. Here, we investigate abnormal retinotopic representations in human visual cortex with fMRI. We present three case studies in which patients with visual disorders are investigated. We have tested a subject who only possesses operating rod photoreceptors. We find in this case that the cortex undergoes a remapping whereby regions that would normally represent central field locations now map more peripheral positions in the visual field: In a human albino we also find abnormal visual cortical activity. Monocular stimulation of each hemifield resulted in activations in the hemisphere contralateral to the stimulated eye. This is consistent with abnormal decussation at the optic chiasm in albinism. Finally, we report a case where a lesion to white matter has resulted in a lack of measurable activity in occipital cortex. The activity was absent for a small region of the visual field, which was found to correspond to the subject's field defect. The cases selected have been chosen to demonstrate the power of fMRI in identifying abnormalities in the cortical representations of the visual field in patients with visual dysfunction. Furthermore, the experiments are able to show how the cortex is capable of modifying the visual field representation in response to abnormal input.  相似文献   

We describe two studies that used repetition priming paradigms to investigate brain activity during the reading of single words. Functional magnetic resonance images were collected during a visual lexical decision task in which nonword stimuli were manipulated with regard to phonological properties and compared to genuine English words. We observed a region in left-hemisphere primary auditory cortex linked to a repetition priming effect. The priming effect activity was observed only for stimuli that sound like known words; moreover, this region was sensitive to strategic task differences. Thus, a brain region involved in the most basic aspects of auditory processing appears to be engaged in reading even when there is no environmental oral or auditory component.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging was used to investigate the role of phonology in visual word recognition (VWR). A group of children between the ages of 7 and 13 participated in a lexical decision task in which lexical frequency and homophony were manipulated. A significant homophone effect was observed for the high-frequency condition, indicating that phonology does indeed play a significant role in VWR. The brain activation patterns also support this idea in that regions that have been linked to phonological processing, the inferior frontal gyrus and the inferior parietal lobe, also revealed a homophone effect. Additionally, the posterior superior temporal cortex showed a homophone effect; however, this activation is argued to be related to lexical competition generated by the high-frequency homophone via the activation of multiple semantic representations.  相似文献   

One of the most intriguing findings on language comprehension is that violations of syntactic predictions can affect event-related potentials as early as 120 ms, in the same time-window as early sensory processing. This effect, the so-called early left-anterior negativity (ELAN), has been argued to reflect word category access and initial syntactic structure building (Friederici, 2002). In two experiments, we used magnetoencephalography to investigate whether (a) rapid word category identification relies on overt category-marking closed-class morphemes and (b) whether violations of word category predictions affect modality-specific sensory responses. Participants read sentences containing violations of word category predictions. Unexpected items varied in whether or not their word category was marked by an overt function morpheme. In Experiment 1, the amplitude of the visual evoked M100 component was increased for unexpected items, but only when word category was overtly marked by a function morpheme. Dipole modeling localized the generator of this effect to the occipital cortex. Experiment 2 replicated the main results of Experiment 1 and eliminated two non-morphology-related explanations of the M100 contrast we observed between targets containing overt category-marking and targets that lacked such morphology. Our results show that during reading, syntactically relevant cues in the input can affect activity in occipital regions at around 125 ms, a finding that may shed new light on the remarkable rapidity of language processing.  相似文献   

The models inspired by visual systems of life creatures (e.g., human, mammals, etc.) have been very successful in addressing object recognition tasks. For example, Hierarchical Model And X (HMAX) effectively recognizes different objects by modeling the V1, V4, and IT regions of the human visual system. Although HMAX is one of the superior models in the field of object recognition, its implementation has been limited due to some disadvantages such as the unrepeatability of the process under constant conditions, extreme redundancy, high computational load, and time-consuming. In this paper, we aim at revising the HMAX approach by adding the model of the secondary region (V2) in the human visual system which leads to removing the mentioned drawbacks of standard HMAX. The added layer selects repeatable and more informative features that increase the accuracy of the proposed method by avoiding the redundancy existing in the conventional approaches. Furthermore, this feature selection strategy considerably reduces the huge computational load. Another contribution of our model is highlighted when a small number of training images is available where our model can efficiently cope with this issue. We evaluate our proposed approach using Caltech5 and GRAZ-02 database as two famous benchmarks for object recognition tasks. Additionally, the results are compared with standard HMAX that validate and highlight the efficiency of the proposed method.  相似文献   

Arbib MA 《The Behavioral and brain sciences》2005,28(2):105-24; discussion 125-67
The article analyzes the neural and functional grounding of language skills as well as their emergence in hominid evolution, hypothesizing stages leading from abilities known to exist in monkeys and apes and presumed to exist in our hominid ancestors right through to modern spoken and signed languages. The starting point is the observation that both premotor area F5 in monkeys and Broca's area in humans contain a "mirror system" active for both execution and observation of manual actions, and that F5 and Broca's area are homologous brain regions. This grounded the mirror system hypothesis of Rizzolatti and Arbib (1998) which offers the mirror system for grasping as a key neural "missing link" between the abilities of our nonhuman ancestors of 20 million years ago and modern human language, with manual gestures rather than a system for vocal communication providing the initial seed for this evolutionary process. The present article, however, goes "beyond the mirror" to offer hypotheses on evolutionary changes within and outside the mirror systems which may have occurred to equip Homo sapiens with a language-ready brain. Crucial to the early stages of this progression is the mirror system for grasping and its extension to permit imitation. Imitation is seen as evolving via a so-called simple system such as that found in chimpanzees (which allows imitation of complex "object-oriented" sequences but only as the result of extensive practice) to a so-called complex system found in humans (which allows rapid imitation even of complex sequences, under appropriate conditions) which supports pantomime. This is hypothesized to have provided the substrate for the development of protosign, a combinatorially open repertoire of manual gestures, which then provides the scaffolding for the emergence of protospeech (which thus owes little to nonhuman vocalizations), with protosign and protospeech then developing in an expanding spiral. It is argued that these stages involve biological evolution of both brain and body. By contrast, it is argued that the progression from protosign and protospeech to languages with full-blown syntax and compositional semantics was a historical phenomenon in the development of Homo sapiens, involving few if any further biological changes.  相似文献   

Developmental neuroimaging of the human ventral visual cortex   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Here, we review recent results that investigate the development of the human ventral stream from childhood, through adolescence and into adulthood. Converging evidence suggests a differential developmental trajectory across ventral stream regions, in which face-selective regions show a particularly long developmental time course, taking more than a decade to become adult-like. We discuss the implications of these recent findings, how they relate to age-dependent improvements in recognition memory performance and propose possible neural mechanisms that might underlie this development. These results have important implications regarding the role of experience in shaping the ventral stream and the nature of the underlying representations.  相似文献   

Research using the visual paired comparison task has shown that visual recognition memory across changing contexts is dependent on the integrity of the hippocampal formation in human adults and in monkeys. The acquisition of contextual flexibility may contribute to the change in memory performance that occurs late in the first year of life. To assess this skill, the images are presented on a background of one colour during familiarization and on a different coloured background during the recognition test. Our research showed that recognition memory is impaired by a change in context at 6 and 12 months of age but is unaffected at 18 and 24 months of age. The findings are discussed in relation to hippocampal development and the proposed developmental step in memory at 9-10 months of age.  相似文献   

Visual object recognition is considered to be largely translation invariant. An earlier study (Foster & Kahn, 1985), however, has indicated that recognition of complex novel stimuli is partially specific to location in the visual field: It is significantly easier to determine the identity of two briefly displayed random patterns if both stimuli are presented at the same, rather than at different, locations. In a series ofsame/different discrimination tasks, we characterize the processes underlying this “displacement effect”: Horizontal and vertical translations are equally effective in reducing performance. Making the task more difficult by increasing pattern similarity leads to even higher positional specificity. The displacement effect disappears after rotation or contrast reversal of the patterns, indicating that positional specificity depends on relatively low levels of processing. Control experiments rule out explanations that are independent of visual pattern memory, such as spatial attention, eye movements, or retinal afterimages. Positional specificity of recognition is found only forsame trials. Our results demonstrate that position invariance, a widely acknowledged property of the human visual system, is limited to specific experimental conditions. Normalization models involving mental shifts of an early visual representation or of a window of attention cannot easily account for these findings.  相似文献   

Lying about facial recognition: an fMRI study   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Novel deception detection techniques have been in creation for centuries. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) is a neuroscience technology that non-invasively measures brain activity associated with behavior and cognition. A number of investigators have explored the utilization and efficiency of fMRI in deception detection. In this study, 18 subjects were instructed during an fMRI "line-up" task to either conceal (lie) or reveal (truth) the identities of individuals seen in study sets in order to determine the neural correlates of intentionally misidentifying previously known faces (lying about recognition). A repeated measures ANOVA (lie vs. truth and familiar vs. unfamiliar) and two paired t-tests (familiar vs. unfamiliar and familiar lie vs. familiar truth) revealed areas of activation associated with deception in the right MGF, red nucleus, IFG, SMG, SFG (with ACC), DLPFC, and bilateral precuneus. The areas activated in the present study may be involved in the suppression of truth, working and visuospatial memories, and imagery when providing misleading (deceptive) responses to facial identification prompts in the form of a "line-up".  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Recent advancements in imaging methods and analysis approaches have provided important insights about the neural bases of object recognition. We address the potential limitations of standard functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and discuss methodological advancements, including fMRI-adaptation, pattern analyses, and high-resolution fMRI, that may be more appropriate for studying object and face representations. fMRI-adaptation and high-resolution fMRI measure responses of neural subpopulations within standard fMRI voxels, and pattern analyses examine the information in the distributed activations across voxels, which may differ from the mean response across these voxels. These methods have provided evidence for a multitude of representations across the human ventral stream that provide empirical constraints for cognitive theories of recognition.  相似文献   

Contribution of acetylcholine to visual cortex plasticity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Acetylcholine is involved in a variety of brain functions. In the visual cortex, the pattern of cholinergic innervation varies considerably across different mammalian species and across different cortical layers within the same species. The physiological effects of acetylcholine in the visual cortex display complex responses, which are likely due to cholinergic receptor subtype composition in cytoplasm membrane as well as interaction with other transmitter systems within the local neural circuitry. The functional role of acetylcholine in visual cortex is believed to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of cortical neurons during visual information processing. Available evidence suggests that acetylcholine is also involved in experience-dependent visual cortex plasticity. At the level of synaptic transmission, activation of muscarinic receptors has been shown to play a permissive role in visual cortex plasticity. Among the muscarinic receptor subtypes, the M(1) receptor seems to make a predominant contribution towards modifications of neural circuitry. The signal transduction cascade of the cholinergic pathway may act synergistically with that of the NMDA receptor pathway, whose activation is a prerequisite for cortical plasticity.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that native language (L1) phonology can affect the lexical representations of nonnative words, a visual semantic-relatedness decision task in English was given to native speakers and nonnative speakers whose L1 was Japanese or Arabic. In the critical conditions, the word pair contained a homophone or near-homophone of a semantically associated word, where a near-homophone was defined as a phonological neighbor involving a contrast absent in the speaker’s L1 (e.g., ROCK-LOCK for native speakers of Japanese). In all participant groups, homophones elicited more false positive errors and slower processing than spelling controls. In the Japanese and Arabic groups, near-homophones also induced relatively more false positives and slower processing. The results show that, even when auditory perception is not involved, recognition of nonnative words and, by implication, their lexical representations are affected by the L1 phonology.  相似文献   

Allocation of attention according to informativeness in visual recognition   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In visual identification, is visual attention attracted to more informative elements, i.e. to elements which are more critical for identification? This question was investigated by having subjects detect some visual probes while performing a primary task that involved identification. The probes were located in the neighbourhood of highly or poorly informative parts of the identified stimuli. Three experiments that followed this rationale were conducted. In Experiment I, it was found that when subjects searched for a target letter in lines of identical background letters, they detected more dots near the feature that distinguished between the target and the background letters. In Experiment 11, it was found that native Hebrew-speaking subjects detected more lines above a letter that distinguished between two English words. Experiment III showed that the effect was reduced but did not vanish when spatial uncertainty was introduced. On the whole, the data are interpreted as suggesting that more attention may indeed be directed to informative regions, and that this effect cannot be solely attributed to retinal factors.  相似文献   

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