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The hypothesis that the degree to which parents control the mate choice of their children may explain differences in mate guarding across and within cultures was tested. Study 1, in a sample of 80 students from 30 different countries studying in The Netherlands, showed that the perceived level of parental influence on mate choice in a culture was associated with more mate guarding reported by individuals from that culture. Study 2, in a sample of 242 Argentinean individuals, showed that individuals who were more in favor of parental influence on mate choice did report more mate guarding. The effects remained intact when controlling for potentially confounding variables.  相似文献   

For most people, facial beauty appears to play a prominent role in choosing a mate. Evidence from research on facial attractiveness indicates that physical beauty is a sexually selected trait mediated, in part, by pubertal facial hormone markers that signal important biological information about the displayer. Such signals would be ineffective if they did not elicit appropriate cognitive and/or emotional responses in members of the opposite sex. In this article, I argue that the effectiveness of these hormonal displays varies with perceivers' brains, which have been organized by the degree of steroid hormone exposure in the uterus, and activated by varying levels of circulating steroids following puberty. I further propose that the methodology used for examining mate choice decisions has general applicability for determining how cognitive and emotional evaluations enter into decision processes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The authors reanalyzed data from a simulated left-turn experiment (P. A. Hancock, J. K. Caird, S. Shekhar, & M. Vercruyssen, 1991) to test the adequacy of the nonlinear Gray-Tallman satisfaction balance model of choice behavior (L. N. Gray & I. Tallman, 1984) in predicting left turns. Participants (Hancock et al., 1991) were 40 experienced U.S. drivers who were exposed to simulated oncoming traffic; the size of the vehicle (motorcycle, compact vehicle, full-sized vehicle, delivery truck), its speed (10-70 mph, or 16-112 kmph), and the intervehicle time gap (3-9 s) varied. Hancock et al. (1991) measured (a) the likelihood of a left turn and (b) the occurrence of a collision. The probability of a left turn was greater for larger intervehicle time gaps and for oncoming smaller vehicles traveling at higher speeds. The Gray-Tallman (1984) model explained 69% of the variation in turning versus 57% for a linear regression model. In making decisions people tend to treat the values and costs affecting choices in a multiplicative, rather than linear, fashion. The Gray-Tallman model also has the potential for incorporating, both theoretically and mathematically, an unlimited range of potential values and costs that may influence left turn decisions.  相似文献   

This study examined the genetic and environmental contribution to people's preference for spouses and friends to be similar to themselves. In their responses to 130 personality, attitude, and demographic questions, 174 pairs of monozygotic (MZ) twins resembled each other (r= .53) more than did 148 pairs of dizygotic (DZ) twins (r= .32), 322 pairs of spouses (r= .32), and 563 pairs of best friends (r= .20). It was not previously recognized that spouses and friends are as similar as DZ twins. MZ twins also chose spouses and best friends more similar to their co-twins' friends and spouses than did DZ twins (mean rs = .22 vs. .14). The twins' preference for spouses and friends similar to themselves was about 34% due to the twins' genes, 12% due to the twins' common environment, and 54% due to the twins' unique (nonshared) environment. Similarity to partners was more pronounced on the more heritable items than the less heritable items. It is concluded that people are genetically inclined to choose as social partners those who resemble themselves at a genetic level.  相似文献   

The domestic cat (Felis silvestris catus L.) has colonized different types of environments that differ in their spatial distribution of resources. Urban environments are characterized by highly clumped distributions of food and shelter, allowing domestic cats to live in large multimale‐multifemale groups. In such a situation, questions arise about male and female mating strategies. In particular, do females exert active mate choice? We tested this question using behavioural records on acceptance and refusal of males by estrous females. Our results showed that most females copulated with several males during a single estrus period. The variability of female behaviour was high: six females copulated with all courting males whereas three others mated with most courting males; six others copulated with half or less of the courting males. Even if some females copulated with certain males more often than with others, the identity of the most successful males changed each time. These results show that most females did not choose mates among different males available. The results are discussed in terms of optimal reproductive strategies of males and females in an urban environment. Aggr. Behav. 26:455–465, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We tried to find out why Ss chose a specific risk level. We, therefore, constructed a questionnaire with 30 statements about aspects of the contents of the choice dilemmas. A factor analysis of the 30 statements over ten choice dilemmas and 61 field-officers led to a structure of four cognitive elements. With these four factors as predictors we could explain a main part of the variance of the individual risk level of each choice dilemma. This regression analysis was done with normal product-moment-correlations and with scalar-products. Both analyses show great similarity, although it seemed to be better to use scalar-products because one can use the information of the means. The four cognitive elements could be interpreted as: (1) Decision-making strategy; (2) Responsibility for others; (3) Reputation; (4) Socially valued riskiness.  相似文献   

In emotion regulation (ER) research, participants are often trained to use specific strategies in response to emotionally evocative stimuli. Yet theoretical models suggest that people vary significantly in strategy use in everyday life. Which specific strategies people choose to use, and how many, may partially depend on contextual factors like the emotional intensity of the situation. It is thus possible – even likely – that participants spontaneously use uninstructed ER strategies in the laboratory, and that these uninstructed choices may depend on contextual factors like emotional intensity. We report data from four studies in which participants were instructed to use cognitive reappraisal to regulate their emotions in response to pictures, the emotional intensity of which varied across studies. After the picture trials, participants described which and how many strategies they used by way of open-ended responses. Results indicated that while a substantial proportion of participants in all studies described strategies consistent with cognitive reappraisal, a substantial proportion also endorsed uninstructed strategies. Importantly, they did so more often in the context of studies in which they viewed higher-intensity pictures. These findings underscore the importance of considering uninstructed ER choice in instructed paradigms and situational context in all studies of ER.  相似文献   

Prospects for a cognitive neuropsychology of autism: Hobson's choice   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Leslie (1987b) proposed a new, metarepresentational model for the cognition of pretense. This model identified a cognitive component necessary for the normal development of a "theory of mind." In this article, the relation of the child's early affective sensitivities to this component is considered. Early affective sensitivities seem to be cognitively distinct from the metarepresentational component. Childhood autism provides an interesting opportunity to study this problem. Three theoretical possibilities for the pathogenesis of this condition are presented: (a) a basic affective disorder as proposed by Hobson (this issue, p. 114), (b) a basic affective disorder and a basic cognitive disorder jointly, and (c) a basic cognitive disorder. There is little evidence for Option a, and a growing body of evidence supports Option c. Option b is sidelined for the time being on grounds of parsimony. Leslie's original theoretical proposals are revised, and some resulting implications are presented for the future investigation of the cognitive neuropsychology of autism.  相似文献   

The fast‐and‐frugal heuristic framework assumes noncompensatory tools for human preferences (i.e., priority heuristic) and inferences (i.e., take the best heuristic). According to this framework, these heuristics predict choice behavior as well as model the cognitive processes underlying such behavior. The current paper presents two studies that juxtapose predictions derived from these two simple heuristics with alternative predictions derived from compensatory principles. Dependent measures that included reaction time, choice pattern, confidence level, and accuracy were better predicted by compensatory indices than by noncompensatory indices. These findings suggest that people do not rely on limited arguments only, but tend to integrate all acquired information into their choice processes. This tendency was replicated even when the experimental task facilitated the use of noncompensatory principles. We argue that the fast and frugal heuristics can predict the final outcome only under certain conditions, but even in these particular situations they are not applicable to the processes underlying choice behavior. An integrative model for choice behavior is proposed that better represents the data. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Decision-making research has thoroughly investigated how people choose from a set of externally provided options. However, in ill-structured real-world environments, possible options for action are not defined by the situation but have to be generated by the agent. Here, we apply behavioral analysis (Study 1) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (Study 2) to investigate option generation and subsequent choice. For this purpose, we employ a new experimental task that requires participants to generate options for simple real-world scenarios and to subsequently decide among the generated options. Correlational analysis with a cognitive test battery suggests that retrieval of options from long-term memory is a relevant process during option generation. The results of the fMRI study demonstrate that option generation in simple real-world scenarios recruits the anterior prefrontal cortex. Furthermore, we show that choice behavior and its neural correlates differ between self-generated and externally provided options. Specifically, choice between self-generated options is associated with stronger recruitment of the dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. This impact of option generation on subsequent choice underlines the need for an expanded model of decision making to accommodate choice between self-generated options.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although personality characteristics figure prominently in what people want in a mate, little is known about precisely which personality characteristics are most important, whether men and women differ in their personality preferences, whether individual women or men differ in what they want, and whether individuals actually get what they want. To explore these issues, two parallel studies were conducted, one using a sample of dating couples (N= 118) and one using a sample of married couples (N= 216). The five-factor model, operationalized in adjectival form, was used to assess personality characteristics via three data sources—self-report, partner report, and independent interviewer reports. Participants evaluated on a parallel 40-item instrument their preferences for the ideal personality characteristics of their mates. Results were consistent across both studies. Women expressed a greater preference than men for a wide array of socially desirable personality traits. Individuals differed in which characteristics they desired, preferring mates who were similar to themselves and actually obtaining mates who embodied what they desired. Finally, the personality characteristics of one's partner significantly predicted marital and sexual dissatisfaction, most notably when the partner was lower on Agreeableness, Emotional Stability, and Intellect-Openness than desired.  相似文献   

Juror reasoning and verdict choice have been explored variously as functions of argument skill and the overall story representation of the evidence on which verdict choices are based. This study investigates the proportion of testimony covered in the justification of a verdict choice and its relationship with argument skill, narrative explanation or evidence‐based argument, and certainty about verdict choice. Each of these variables was also compared with the verdict choice. People serving jury duty justified verdict choices in two abridged jury trials. Individuals were consistent in the relative amount of evidence used in both trials. Argument skills, evidence evaluation type, and evidence synthesis type all accounted for variance in the amount of evidence covered. Evidence coverage, along with argument skills, predicted verdict choice. As expected, those most certain about verdict choice did not use the most evidence. Implications regarding mediating factors in story construction and juror decision making are discussed. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

吴宝沛  吴静  张雷  李璐 《心理科学进展》2014,22(12):1953-1963
本文对择偶与人类嗓音之间的关系进行了深入分析。首先, 人类具有普遍的异性嗓音偏好:男性偏爱高音调的女性嗓音, 女性偏爱低音调的男性嗓音, 这种普遍偏好受到一系列跟自身婚配价值有关的因素的调节。其次, 人类的嗓音偏好跟嗓音背后的进化意义密切关联:女性化嗓音是女性生育力的线索, 而男性化嗓音是男性好基因和好资源的线索。而且, 富有吸引力的男性嗓音和女性嗓音能够预测个体的性行为和繁殖成功。再次, 富有有吸引力的人类嗓音影响个体的社会认知, 对亲密关系的维系也会带来消极影响。最后, 我们探讨了未来研究的若干方向:研究基频之外的其他嗓音参数, 探讨嗓音偏好的性选择机制、特殊群体的嗓音偏好, 以及嗓音偏好与其他认知过程的关系。  相似文献   

When good pain turns bad   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Classically, pain is viewed as being mediated solely by neurons. However, recent research has shown that activated glial cells (astrocytes and microglia) within the spinal cord amplify pain. These nonneuronal cells play a major role in the creation and maintenance of pathological pain. Glia become activated by immune challenges (viral or bacterial infection) and by substances released by neurons within the pain pathway. Activated glia amplify pain by releasing proinflammatory cytokines. Taken together, research findings suggest a novel approach to human pain control that targets glia. In addition, it is likely that such glial-neuronal interactions are not unique to pain, but rather reflect a general rule of sensory processing.  相似文献   

Terrestrial gravity restricts human locomotion to surfaces in which turns involve rotationsaround the body axis. Because observers are usually upright, one might expect the effects of gravity to induce differences in the processing of vertical versus horizontal turns. Subjects observed visual scenes of bending tunnels, either statically or dynamically, as if they were moving passively through the visual scene and were then asked to reproduce the turn deviation of the tunnel with a trackball. In order to disentangle inertia-related (earth-centered) from vision-related (body-centered) factors, the subjects were either upright or lying on their right side during the observations. Furthermore, the availability of continuous optic flow, geometrical cues, and eye movement were manipulated in three experiments. The results allowed us to characterize the factors' contributions as follows. Forward turns (pitch down) with all cues were largely overestimated, as compared with backward turns (pitch up). First, eye movements known to be irregular for vertical stimulation were largely responsible for this asymmetry. Second, geometry-based estimations are, to some extent, asymmetrical. Third, a cognitive effect corresponding to the evaluation of navigability for upward and downward turns was found (i.e.,top-down influences, such as the fear of falling often reported), which tended to increase the estimation of turns in the direction of gravity.  相似文献   

Several hypotheses emanating from social cognitive career theory (SCCT) were tested. Participants (796 Italian high school students) completed measures of self-efficacy, outcome expectations, interests, social supports and barriers, and choice consideration related to occupations representing Holland’s (1997) six RIASEC types. Findings indicated general support, across Holland types, for the hypotheses that self-efficacy and outcome expectations jointly predict interests, and that interests mediate the relations of self-efficacy and outcome expectations to choice consideration. However, the specific nature of the mediation effect (i.e., full versus partial) varied somewhat across the RIASEC types. In addition, contrary to SCCT’s predictions, social supports and barriers related to choice consideration mostly indirectly (through self-efficacy) rather than directly. We consider the implications of these findings for further research on SCCT’s choice and environmental hypotheses.  相似文献   

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