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<正>陈鹤琴小学坐落在市中心延安高架道南侧,是全国唯一一所以教育家陈鹤琴先生的名字命名的小学。近年来,学校认真贯彻《中共中央国务院关于进一步加强和改进未成年人思想道德建设的若干意见》,认真落实《教育部关于印发中小学生心理健康教育指导纲要的通知》精神,以"让每一个学生都有发展,让每一天学生都有精彩"的办学理念,注重学生的心理健康教育,把心理健康教育作为学校的一项重要工作  相似文献   

宣传出版工作是江苏天主教爱国爱教事业的重要组成部分,也是江苏"两会"重要工作之一。进一步加强江苏天主教宣传出版工作是凝聚广大神长教友的智慧力量、发扬天主教爱国爱教光荣传统,积极地与社会主义社会相适应,融入文化大发展、大繁荣,推进中国天主教牧灵福传事业健康发展的有力之举。加强正确的宣传舆论导向,是坚持独立自主自办教会方针,积极稳步推进民主办教,抵御外来渗透和干扰,夯实爱国爱教的思想基础的  相似文献   

羊肠坂是古代太行山中连接河南与山西两地的交通要道。三国时曹操在北征高干路过这里时,曾写下千古名篇《苦寒行》,“北上太行山,艰哉何巍巍!羊肠坂诘屈,车轮为之摧……。如今一千多年过去了,羊肠坂还能记录下当年的艰难与烽烟吗?金秋十月,我和几个朋友一起步行探访羊肠坂。  相似文献   

正从市区向西到镇上有30余里的路程,需要穿越横隔在两地之间的巍巍太行,盘旋的山道一路向上,沿途有美不胜收的风景,有闪亮的柏油道路和静谧的林荫。在我进入不惑之年时,与这条路忽然间有了交集。每当周一,我就会准时在五点起床,给上初中的儿子打点早餐,然后整理自己的行囊。在6点钟骑行穿越黎明的城市,一路向西,攀爬而上,  相似文献   

春风舒心柔和吹开鲜花千朵万朵大地生机一派及时的雨滋润着万物我们播种幸福我们把希望寄托我们用辛勤的汗水向美好的上主讴歌  相似文献   

人民日报北京1月27日讯(新华社记者秦杰、人民日报记者陈晓钟报道)中共中央政治局常委、全国政协主席李瑞环今天下午在人民大会堂西藏厅接见了来内地参观的十七世噶玛巴·伍金赤列多吉活佛。噶玛巴首先向李瑞环主席敬献哈达,口诵:向李主席致敬,敬祝您身体健康。李...  相似文献   

孙晶 《天风》1995,(5):5-5
经文:可11:12—14;赛37:31 这里记载一棵无花果树因为不结果子而遭主废弃的故事。 我们经常提到“奉献”这个词:在祷告中,我们说:“主啊,我们把自己献在你的祭坛上。  相似文献   

王三元 《天风》1996,(2):6-7
圣经常以果树作为信徒的象征或比喻。 主人种植果树,目的是从它得果子。它只有往下扎根,才能向上结果。所以,往下扎根与向上结果,是我们灵命最关键、最重要的两件事。因为扎根是关系到生存,结果关系到生存的价值。  相似文献   

我要向上主讴歌, 因为,是祂召选了我, 虽然我什么都不合格。回忆那一段难忘的岁月, 我的青春是在祂的怀抱中度过; 排徊中燃烧着希望, 痛苦中伴随着欢乐。失去的就不必惋惜, 让那永恒的部分生活! 去掉旧我, 永远穿上新我! 我要向上主讴歌, 因为,祂的体血在我手上举着,  相似文献   

弘治十五年(1502年),明孝宗任命两广总督刘大夏为兵部尚书,时常向他询问政务的得失,很是嘉许。有一天,他在文华殿召见刘大夏,告诉他说:“朕偶尔有办不了的事,常想召你来商议,又往往因为不属于你兵部范围的事而打消了念头,今后有该实行、该罢除的事,你可以直接以密件的形式呈上来。”  相似文献   

Honor has been an indispensable reference in the life of individuals and societies throughout the course of human history. As a basic concern of men and women, the phenomenon already appears in the earliest literary testimonies. The heroes of the Greek, Roman or German epic poems adapt their behavior to the demands of this particular deity, honor. Literature, at any time, in any culture, in any language, makes constant use of honor as an effective dramatic element. The recurrent presence is certainly a reflection of the actual significance the phenomenon of honor had in everyone’s life. This essay clarifies why honor is given such importance; why it has been considered to be more valuable for the individual than his/her own life. To this end, the mention of public opinion is unavoidable. This phenomenon, in its social psychological conception, is the key that permits us to enlighten the labyrinth of honor.  相似文献   

The recent waves of Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, and other non-Judeo-Christian immigrants in American cities have increased religious diversity. This article examines changes in public attitudes on church-state issues in the Washington, D.C. metro area—a region that has experienced significant religious diversification. We find that between 1993 and 2000, aggregate support for public displays of Christianity decreased in the Washington area, and support for free exercise of minority religions increased. Yet the changing structure of church-state attitudes suggests that many residents are beginning to think of religious issues in a more polarized way.  相似文献   

That government policy toward provision of sex education and contraception for adolescents may be influenced by public opinion is reflected in the fact that recent program formulation appears to follow the conventional wisdom of a general conservative shift among the American public, i.e., recent policy toward adolescent pregnancy is conservative in the sense of being reactive rather than preventive. A cheek on the validity of this conventional wisdom was accomplished by integrating available data on public opinion toward sex education and brth control services for teenagers. These data reveal an upward trend in public approval of such services for adolescents that runs counter to the conventional wisdom. This is because the conventional wisdom is not firmly supported by the available data on American opinions and values which demonstrate that the overall movement in attitudes decisively contradicts the idea of a simple conservative swing. Provision of more and better contraceptive services and sex education to teenagers is an important policy goal that would lower the incidence of adolescent pregnancy and would be supported by the American people.  相似文献   

Social media technologies offer several features that allow users to monitor other people’s opinions on public issues. Initial research showed that user-generated content can shape recipients’ perceptions of the majority opinion on societal problems. Still, it remains largely unexplored under which circumstances people gauge other users’ opinions through social media and whether perceived opinion climates affect people’s opinions and communication behavior in these environments. Results of a two-session experiment revealed that people’s fear of isolation sharpens their attention toward user-generated comments on Facebook which, in turn, affect recipients’ public opinion perceptions. The latter influenced subjects’ opinions and their willingness to participate in social media discussions. These findings are discussed in light of the spiral of silence theory and the social projection hypothesis.  相似文献   

The recent Eurozone crisis and negotiations over bailout packages to Greece are more than a simple controversy about financial resources. They have a decidedly moralistic overtone. Giving more funds is thought by some to be unfair to hard‐working taxpayers and does not teach Greece an important moral lesson. Yet much international political economy scholarship neglects such considerations. We build on moral psychology to understand the ethical drivers of both German support and opposition to the 2015 Greek government bailout package. We analyze original survey data to show how morality is an essential factor in Germany's hard‐line approach. Our results show that caring and European attachment are associated with bailout support, while authority, national attachment, and retributive fairness drive opposition. Some morals also have boundaries: National attachment attenuates the effect of harm/care on support for foreign financial assistance but strengthens the effect of fairness on bailout opposition. Moral psychology helps us understand foreign policy but must be adapted to account for multiple potential ingroups.  相似文献   

明贤 《中国宗教》2020,(4):50-51
如何以理念、价值和原则为导向,把握技术的运用、规制技术的边界,是互联网宗教舆情研判至为重要的落脚点。从整体上看,"互联网宗教舆情研判系统"至少要包括智能化的数据采集、分析、呈现与干预等4个环节。以下从每个环节的需求起点、技术对接以及具体案例的技术流程等方面作一简略介绍。  相似文献   

While previous work has examined the structure of public opinion on church and state, to date there has been little effort to connect public opinion on this group of issues to vote choice. I begin by hypothesizing that attitudes on religious establishment are distinct from attitudes on more often studied issues like abortion and gay marriage. Second, I argue that religious establishment meets the conditions for partisan voting: the parties and candidates have taken distinct, highly public stands on religious establishment, and the issue is highly salient among a certain segment of voters. Finally, I develop a theory that establishment attitudes should exert a greater impact among those individuals who feel that their values are threatened in contemporary society because such individuals may see religious accommodation as a means of returning to their understanding of traditional values. I test these hypotheses using data from the 2008 Cooperative Campaign Analysis Project, and I find considerable support for my argument.  相似文献   

网络舆论具有突发突变、扩散迅速,主体多元、难以管控,理性不足、跟风明显等特点.在发挥监督作用的同时,其负面效应也日益显现.网络舆论对医患关系的负面影响,表现为以偏概全,丑化了医生群体的形象;先入为主,削弱了医患之间的信任;争相效仿,加剧了医患之间的冲突.基于此,医方应成立专门机构,应对网络危机;主动与媒体沟通,争取舆论导向;加强网上互动,增进医患了解;从而最大限度减少或消除医患间的误解,改善医患关系.  相似文献   

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