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Forgetting congruent and incongruent stereotypical information   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In 2 studies, the authors investigated the directed-forgetting effects of stereotypically congruent, incongruent, and irrelevant information, after the in-group (Swedish) and out-group (immigrant) social categories had been subliminally primed. Because of recent theories of the role of attention and level of processing in the cognitive development of stereotypes, we hypothesized that directed-forgetting effects would be found for stereotype-congruent and irrelevant information but not for stereotype-incongruent information. The results supported our hypothesis, suggesting that the level of processing demanded by the type of information (regardless of whether congruent, incongruent, or irrelevant) may moderate directed-forgetting effects. The authors discussed the social implications of the results.  相似文献   

Complex sentences, withwhile, before, after, because, orin order to, and other presented clauses were to be conjoined together by using eitherand, orbut. Congruent cases, in which subjects were expected to respond withand, had shorter response latencies than incongruent cases, with expectedbut responses. This indicated a semantic incongruence effect. But the latter were remembered better, indicating a motivational salience effect due to contradiction of expectation. Whether the main clause preceded or followed the subordinate clause was not significant, in terms of either reponse latencies or sentence memory. Sentences withafter had faster response times than those withbefore, although identical constituent clauses were used.  相似文献   

Naming of movement directions was found to be subject to a small but significant amount of interference from incongruent names integrated with the movement stimuli. The delay of direction naming was less than the larga delay of color naming when colors and incongruent color names were combined in the Stroop test. A hypothesis that faster processing of movement directions than of colors is the basis of this difference in interference was tested by beginning the processing of the words at various intervals prior to their movement. No appreciable increase in interference resulted from any of these stationary preexposures of the words. When word preexposures were longest (200 and 300 msec), interference was reduced. The reduced naming interference for movement direction and other dimensions compared to color suggests a basic difference between the central processing of color and other dimensions. Conditions with congruent combination of words and directions provided substantial speeding of direction naming over control conditions.  相似文献   

The present electromyographic study is a first step toward shedding light on the involvement of affective processes in congruent and incongruent facial reactions to facial expressions. Further, empathy was investigated as a potential mediator underlying the modulation of facial reactions to emotional faces in a competitive, a cooperative, and a neutral setting. Results revealed less congruent reactions to happy expressions and even incongruent reactions to sad and angry expressions in the competition condition, whereas virtually no differences between the neutral and the cooperation condition occurred. Effects on congruent reactions were found to be mediated by cognitive empathy, indicating that the state of empathy plays an important role in the situational modulation of congruent reactions. Further, incongruent reactions to sad and angry faces in a competition setting were mediated by the emotional reaction of joy, supporting the assumption that incongruent facial reactions are mainly based on affective processes. Additionally, strategic processes (specifically, the goal to create and maintain a smooth, harmonious interaction) were found to influence facial reactions while being in a cooperative mindset. Now, further studies are needed to test for the generalizability of these effects.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to test the gender-role congruency hypothesis in the context of assumed leadership. Three hundred and forty-two female and 154 male Dutch students participated in a laboratory experiment. We expected that gender-role incongruent leaders would be evaluated less favorably than gender-role congruent leaders and that male subjects would devalue the gender-role incongruent leaders to a greater extent than would female subjects. In addition, we were interested in the relative contribution of the effectiveness and likability measures to the devaluation of gender-role incongruent leaders. The gender-role congruency hypothesis was supported by the data from male subjects only, and then only for the effectiveness measures. The results are discussed in the context of two meta-analyses concerning the impact of gender stereotypes on judgments of competence and evaluation of leaders.  相似文献   

Pleasantness and intensity ratings of beverages served in containers congruent and incongruent with expectancy were assessed. Past research has shown that the violation of food expectancies, e.g., color, taste, temperature, leads to more negative evaluations of food. Thus, it was hypothesized that beverages sampled from a container incongruent with expectancy, e.g., beer from a coffee cup, would be rated less favorably than the same beverage sampled from a container congruent with expectancy, e.g., beer from a beer bottle. 61 participants evaluated three beverages (beer, orange juice, and hot chocolate) in three containers (bottle, glass, and cup) using 11-point rating scales for pleasantness and intensity. Analysis indicated beverages were rated as significantly more pleasant in containers congruent with expectancy, as well as rated more intense when presented in bottles. These results further address the effects of violating expectations on producing negative hedonic evaluations.  相似文献   

A choice reaction time task was devised, using incongruent colour/word (Stroop-type) and congruent colour/word stimuli. A significant difference was found between reaction times to the two stimulus types with the Stroop-type stimuli eliciting longer reaction times. It is argued that traditional hypotheses about channel limitation can not explain this finding; the suggestion that the delay may lie in the decision-making process is put forward.  相似文献   

Previous studies indicate that at least some aspects of audiovisual speech perception are impaired in children with specific language impairment (SLI). However, whether audiovisual processing difficulties are also present in older children with a history of this disorder is unknown. By combining electrophysiological and behavioral measures, we examined perception of both audiovisually congruent and audiovisually incongruent speech in school‐age children with a history of SLI (H‐SLI), their typically developing (TD) peers, and adults. In the first experiment, all participants watched videos of a talker articulating syllables ‘ba’, ‘da’, and ‘ga’ under three conditions – audiovisual (AV), auditory only (A), and visual only (V). The amplitude of the N1 (but not of the P2) event‐related component elicited in the AV condition was significantly reduced compared to the N1 amplitude measured from the sum of the A and V conditions in all groups of participants. Because N1 attenuation to AV speech is thought to index the degree to which facial movements predict the onset of the auditory signal, our findings suggest that this aspect of audiovisual speech perception is mature by mid‐childhood and is normal in the H‐SLI children. In the second experiment, participants watched videos of audivisually incongruent syllables created to elicit the so‐called McGurk illusion (with an auditory ‘pa’ dubbed onto a visual articulation of ‘ka’, and the expectant perception being that of ‘ta’ if audiovisual integration took place). As a group, H‐SLI children were significantly more likely than either TD children or adults to hear the McGurk syllable as ‘pa’ (in agreement with its auditory component) than as ‘ka’ (in agreement with its visual component), suggesting that susceptibility to the McGurk illusion is reduced in at least some children with a history of SLI. Taken together, the results of the two experiments argue against global audiovisual integration impairment in children with a history of SLI and suggest that, when present, audiovisual integration difficulties in this population likely stem from a later (non‐sensory) stage of processing.  相似文献   

In perceptual filtering tasks, congruency effects vary as a function of proportion congruent (PC), with smaller congruency effects when congruent trials are rare than when they are frequent. This effect is typically larger with extreme differences between high and low proportion congruent conditions (e.g., 80% congruent–20% incongruent) than with intermediate differences (e.g., 60% congruent–40% incongruent; Logan & Zbofroff, 1979; Blais & Bunge, 2010). Some authors have claimed that both PC effects can be explained in terms of the same reactive cognitive control mechanism that is responsible for sequential congruency (SC) effects (e.g., Botvinick, Braver, Barch, Carter, & Cohen, 2001). In fact, in most previous studies there was a systematic confounding between proportion congruent and the proportion of transitions involving an incongruent trial followed by another incongruent trial. In the present study we eliminated this confound and tested directly whether PC effects can still be measured in the absence of SC effects. Once confirmed, we studied the properties of this pure form of PC effect, in particular whether it is conflict-type specific or general, and whether it decreases gradually as a function of changes in proportion congruency (80% vs. 70% vs. 60%). Our results showed significant PC effects in the absence of SC effects, which replicates our previous findings (Torres-Quesada, Milliken, Lupiáñez, & Funes, 2014), and PC effects that can be conflict-type general or specific, depending on the nature of conflict type where they were produced. Importantly, the congruency effect was modulated by the level of proportion congruent, decreasing systematically as the absolute percentage of incongruent trials decreases.  相似文献   

Twelve cats were individually exposed to a four-point elimination problem for 50 consecutive days. The problem for the animals consisted of choosing a series of different points where they found, and were allowed to eat, a piece of meat, without returning to any previously visited point. The order of elimination was not controlled in any way by the experimenter. Results indicated that cats were able to solve this problem. All subjects showed a strong tendency to make successive runs toward points situated as far apart as possible. Moreover, a relation was shown between performance and the tendency to follow this high divergence principle. This result is discussed in terms of subjects' ability to process information about the spatial characteristics of the experimental situation. This ability might in fact be related to the behavioral plasticity of animals in spatial problems according to the difficulty of the task.  相似文献   

The present study utilizes an incongruent color-words paradigm, where color-words are briefly flashed either to the left or to the right of the center of futation. The hypothesis is that a greater conflict between the word and the color the word is written in will occur in the left hemisphere than in the right hemisphere, if the task of the subject is to report only the color. In previous studies, however, only behavioral measures, like vocal reaction time and error frequency, have been used to assess asymmetry. In the presented experiment we have added analysis of the 8–13 Hz EEG alpha difference between the hemispheres, predicting greater alpha reduction to the color-words in the left hemisphere, but not to the control stimuli. Twenty intact, male, dextrals participated. Results supported the prediction, witha 8.3% reduction of alpha activity in the left hemisphere to the color words, compared to a 1.9% reduction in the right hemisphere. No difference was found to the control stimuli.  相似文献   

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