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In the year 1894, Husserl had not been already contaminated by Bolzano’s realism. It was then that he conceived a theory of assumptions in order to “save an existence” for mathematical objects. Here we would like to explore this theory and show in what way it represented a convincing alternative to realistic ontology and its counterpart: the correspondence theory of truth. However, as soon as he designed it, Husserl shoved away all the implications for his theory of assumptions, and merely abandoned it. We would also like to consider the wrong reasons for this renouncement, which undoubtedly have to do with the dichotomy between signification and perception in his elaboration of phenomenology.  相似文献   

Research has indicated that post-traumatic stress disorder is linked to heightened levels of alcohol use. Sensitivity to strain may increase alcohol use as a coping strategy among this population. Using the Pathways to Desistance dataset, this research examines these effects among juvenile offenders and the experience of victimization as strain. Results indicated a near tripling of the relative risk of assignment to the high alcohol use group if one had ever met clinical criteria for the disorder at baseline. There was a significant interaction between ever meeting clinical criteria for post-traumatic stress disorder and experiencing victimization during an observation period.  相似文献   

This article outlines an 8-week curriculum that was created to help outpatients develop cognitive and behavioral skills for coping with delusions and hallucinations as well as to reduce patients’ comorbid subjective levels of distress (e.g., depression, anxiety). The manualized protocol consisted of psychoeducation and training in a variety of CBT skills that have shown promise in treating individuals with residual psychosis, using recovery-oriented “naturalistic” methods and culminating in the creation of an individualized “tool kit” of cognitive coping resources. A preliminary study of the effectiveness of this brief group-based CBT program for outpatients with chronic, residual symptoms of schizophrenia was conducted. Participants were 24 outpatients diagnosed with schizophrenia spectrum disorders who were stable on medications and connected to case management community follow-up. The Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale for Schizophrenia interview and the Symptom Checklist-90 self-report symptom scales were administered pre- and post-intervention. The results suggest that there were significant improvements in psychotic symptoms and self-reported distress from pre- to posttreatment.  相似文献   

Characteritics of bulimia, medical concerns, treatment alternatives, and family issues are presented for the counselor working with clients in a nonhospitalized setting.  相似文献   

Quine rejects Peirce's theory of truth because, among other things, its notion of a limit of a sequence of theories is defective in that the notion of a limit depends on that of nearer than which is defined for numbers but not for theories. This paper shows that the missing definition of nearer than applied to theories can be supplied from within Quine's own epistemology. The upshot is that either Quine's epistemology must be rejected or Peirce's pragmatic theory of truth is partially vindicated.  相似文献   

This randomized controlled trial examined the long-term effects of group-based psychological interventions on measures of tic severity, self-reported quality of life (QOL), and school attendance. Children (n = 28) with Tourette syndrome (TS) were assessed 12 months after completing a course of either group-based Habit Reversal Training (HRT) or Education.Both groups demonstrated long-term improvement in tic severity and QOL, which included significant continued improvement during the follow-up (FU) period. Both groups also showed significant posttreatment improvement in school attendance. Further research is required to explore potential therapeutic mechanisms, independent or mutual, which may underlie long-term symptom improvements.  相似文献   

This article seeks to bring some clarity to the controversial question of whether the Son of God assumed a fallen or unfallen human nature. We briefly survey conflicting historical assessments and continuing perplexity related to this question. Next we argue that much contemporary confusion can only be removed by first noting how John Calvin and Reformation catechisms tended to understand the idea of Jesus' sinlessness. In conclusion, from the vast literature on the subject we outline seven points which may serve contemporary reflection on this question by showing where the two views agree, disagree, or show internal divisions.  相似文献   

This study used factor mixture modeling to investigate individual differences in how life satisfaction is construed. Referring to the cognitive regulation of well-being we aimed to identify individuals for whom work and nonwork life domains contribute differently to overall life satisfaction. In a sample of 1,704 working adults two subgroups with different response patterns were identified. In the first subgroup work and nonwork life domains contributed equally to overall life satisfaction. In the second subgroup satisfaction with nonwork rather than work-related life domains were important sources of life satisfaction. Furthermore, participants in the second group processed negative affect from the work domain in ways that enabled them to maintain high levels of life satisfaction. We examined the external validity of class assignment and replicated our findings in a second sample. How factor mixture modeling can be used to uncover cognitive mechanisms that operate in evaluations of life satisfaction is discussed.  相似文献   

Written exposure therapy (WET) is a brief intervention for posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with promising and continually emerging research support. Given its efficiency in reducing symptom severity and resolving diagnoses, there is great interest in application to novel populations and settings. The current case series focuses on application of an adaptation of WET to three individuals participating in a residential substance use disorder treatment program in a group setting. The individuals had varying substance problems and trauma histories and all showed a favorable response. The series highlights the promise of an adaptation of WET as a concurrent treatment for PTSD in residential substance use treatment. Moreover, the case series suggests that an adaptation of WET has the potential to be successfully adapted to deliver services in a group environment and delivered in 2.5 weeks, thereby demonstrating the possibility of using an adaptation of WET as a means of maximizing the utilization of scarce resources to successfully treat a large number of individuals with PTSD in a time-limited residential treatment context.  相似文献   

Understanding individual differences in cognitive performance is an important part of understanding how variations in underlying cognitive processes can result in variations in task performance. However, the exploration of individual differences in the components of the decision process—such as cognitive processing speed, response caution, and motor execution speed—in previous research has been limited. Here, we assess the heritability of the components of the decision process, with heritability having been a common aspect of individual differences research within other areas of cognition. Importantly, a limitation of previous work on cognitive heritability is the underlying assumption that variability in response times solely reflects variability in the speed of cognitive processing. This assumption has been problematic in other domains, due to the confounding effects of caution and motor execution speed on observed response times. We extend a cognitive model of decision‐making to account for relatedness structure in a twin study paradigm. This approach can separately quantify different contributions to the heritability of response time. Using data from the Human Connectome Project, we find strong evidence for the heritability of response caution, and more ambiguous evidence for the heritability of cognitive processing speed and motor execution speed. Our study suggests that the assumption made in previous studies—that the heritability of cognitive ability is based on cognitive processing speed—may be incorrect. More generally, our methodology provides a useful avenue for future research in complex data that aims to analyze cognitive traits across different sources of related data, whether the relation is between people, tasks, experimental phases, or methods of measurement.  相似文献   

Among the many methods available for modeling intraindividual time series, differential equation modeling has several advantages that make it promising for applications to psychological data. One interesting differential equation model is that of the damped linear oscillator (DLO), which can be used to model variables that have a tendency to fluctuate around some typical, or equilibrium, value. Methods available for fitting the damped linear oscillator model using differential equation modeling can yield biased parameter estimates when applied to univariate time series. The degree of this bias depends on a smoothing–like parameter, which balances the need for increasing smoothing to minimize error variance but not smoothing so much as to obscure change of interest. This article explores a technique that uses surrogate data analysis to select such a parameter, thereby producing approximately unbiased parameter estimates. Furthermore the smoothing parameter, which is usually researcher-selected, is produced in an automated manner so as to reduce the experience required by researchers to apply these methods. Focus is placed on the damped linear model; however, similar issues are expected with other differential equation models and other techniques in which parameter estimates depend on a smoothing parameter. An example using affect data from the Notre Dame Longitudinal Study of Aging (2004) is presented, which contrasts the use of a single smoothing parameter for all individuals versus use of a smoothing parameter for each individual.  相似文献   

The present study explored whether levels of anxiety, and a range of individual differences measures (age, IQ and suggestibility), could predict performance during cross‐examination questioning. Eighty‐three children (aged 4–11 years) witnessed a staged event before being interviewed (3–6 days later) and cross‐examined (10 months later). Results demonstrated that cross‐examination induced a significant rise in anxiety levels. Further, recall of unchallenged details (based on children's initial testimony, which they reviewed prior to cross‐examination) and anxiety levels were the only significant predictors of cross‐examination performance. Further research is needed to explore the interrelationship between anxiety and other individual difference measures on cross‐examination performance, and to determine how to alleviate the anxiety of child witnesses (to enable them to achieve their best evidence in court). Preparation to ensure children understand the importance of attending to the recording of their original evidence may improve children's resilience under cross‐examination and reduce anxiety levels. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

While conventional hierarchical linear modeling is applicable to purely hierarchical data, a multiple membership random effects model (MMrem) is appropriate for nonpurely nested data wherein some lower-level units manifest mobility across higher-level units. Although a few recent studies have investigated the influence of cluster-level residual nonnormality on hierarchical linear modeling estimation for purely hierarchical data, no research has examined the statistical performance of an MMrem given residual non-normality. The purpose of the present study was to extend prior research on the influence of residual non-normality from purely nested data structures to multiple membership data structures. Employing a Monte Carlo simulation study, this research inquiry examined two-level MMrem parameter estimate biases and inferential errors. Simulation factors included the level-two residual distribution, sample sizes, intracluster correlation coefficient, and mobility rate. Results showed that estimates of fixed effect parameters and the level-one variance component were robust to level-two residual non-normality. The level-two variance component, however, was sensitive to level-two residual non-normality and sample size. Coverage rates of the 95% credible intervals deviated from the nominal value assumed when level-two residuals were non-normal. These findings can be useful in the application of an MMrem to account for the contextual effects of multiple higher-level units.  相似文献   

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