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Using functional analysis results to prescribe treatments is the preferred method for developing behavioral interventions. Little is known, however, about the reliability and validity of visual inspection for the interpretation of functional analysis data. The purpose of this investigation was to develop a set of structured criteria for visual inspection of multielement functional analyses that, when applied correctly, would increase interrater agreement and agreement with interpretations reached by expert consensus. In Study 1, 3 predoctoral interns interpreted functional analysis graphs, and interrater agreement was low (M = .46). In Study 2, 64 functional analysis graphs were interpreted by a panel of experts, and then a set of structured criteria were developed that yielded interpretive results similar to those of the panel (exact agreement = .94). In Study 3, the 3 predoctoral interns from Study 1 were trained to use the structured criteria, and the mean interrater agreement coefficient increased to .81. The results suggest that (a) the interpretation of functional analysis data may be less reliable than is generally assumed, (b) decision-making rules used by experts in the interpretation of functional analysis data can be operationalized, and (c) individuals can be trained to apply these rules accurately to increase interrater agreement. Potential uses of the criteria are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract— We asked active psychological researchers to answer a survey regarding the following data-analytic issues: (a) the effect of reliability on Type I and Type II errors, (b) the interpretation of interaction, (c) contrast analysis, and (d) the role of power and effect size in successful replications. Our 551 participants (a 60% response rate) answered 59% of the questions correctly; 46% accuracy would be expected according to participants' response preferences alone. Accuracy was higher for respondents with higher academic ranks and for questions with "no" as the right answer. It is suggested that although experienced researchers are able to answer difficult but basic data-analytic questions at better than chance levels, there is also a high degree of misunderstanding of some fundamental issues of data analysis.  相似文献   

This study employed a pretest-posttest control group design in a field setting with 38 supervisors and managers to test the effect of a theory-based mastery practice design for interpersonal skills training. The mastery practice protocol was drawn from recent research in cognitive and educational psychology on complex skill acquisition. Dependent measures included knowledge retention, behavioral skill demonstration, and far transfer to the workplace based on a multirater 360-degree survey instrument. In addition, qualitative data were collected using a semistructured interview process. Comparison of the mastery practice design to conventional behavior modeling workshop practice indicated improvements in retention and behavioral demonstration measures but failed to document any effect on transfer. Implications for future research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

学习方式对关系类别间接性学习的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以96名大学生为被试,以4特征虚拟外星生物为实验材料,通过类别的间接性学习,探讨学习方式对关系类别间接性学习的影响,结果发现:类别的间接性学习条件下,限定分类任务中,被试更倾向于选择关系作为类标准;参照条件下被试限定分类结果与标准的关系类别的分类结果的杰卡德相似性显著高于个人条件;被试分类结果的简单关系类别的杰卡德相似性显著高于复杂关系类别的杰卡德相似性,4特征关系类别的间接性学习中存在单一性效应。  相似文献   

We evaluated the utility of an assessment for identifying tasks for the functional analysis demand condition with 4 individuals who had been diagnosed with autism. During the demand assessment, a therapist presented a variety of tasks, and observers measured problem behavior and compliance to identify demands associated with low levels of compliance or high levels of problem behavior (low‐probability demands) and demands associated with high levels of compliance or low levels of problem behavior (high‐probability demands). Results showed that clearer functional analysis outcomes were obtained for 3 of the 4 participants when low‐probability rather than high‐probability demands were used.  相似文献   

保险推销员(职业)自我效能感量表的建构   总被引:24,自引:2,他引:22  
在对保险推销员自我效能感进行理论分析、现场访谈和问卷调查之基础上,采用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析技术,对保险推销员自我效能感的内在结构进行了探讨。结果表明,保险推销员自我效能感由八个因素构成,即:晤谈技能、仪态、毅力、情绪调节、知识掌握、计划总结、直觉判断和前期准备。在此基础上,依据心理测量学原理和方法研制了保险推销员自我效能感量表。由此,保险推销员应从这八个方面来判断自己保险推销的总体素质。  相似文献   

通过验证近义词法在学生记忆英语单词中的有效性,探讨接受设计学法的可行性。4组学生分别采用一种方式完成记忆120个英语单词的作业任务。结果表明:近义词法是中国学生记忆英语单词有效的方法;对于大学生记忆英语单词来说,接受根据近义词法设计学习的效果要好。  相似文献   

Current research practices in communication create problems for both internal and external validity. One serious design flaw, which involves use of a single message to represent a category of messages, occurs in nearly all of the experimental research on communication effects. The problem with such a design is that an observed difference between categories may reflect only differences between individual, idiosyncratic cases. A related error, the “language-as-fixed-effect fallacy,” involves use of several replications of each category, but analysis of the cases as fixed effects. The consequence is that findings cannot be generalized beyond the sample used. Future research should use multiple cases within each message category studied and treat cases as nested random effects. Since the cases cannot be true random samples from message populations, care must be taken to avoid known sources of bias or other barriers to generalization.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical analyses of communication fear have employed the analogy of state and trait anxiety. Communication apprehension is considered to be representative of general trait anxiety which is a function of disordered personality processes. Public speaking fear represents state anxiety and is a function of normal social evaluation anxiety. Two studies are reported which correlate state-trait measures of anxiety with communication apprehension and public speaking fear. The data support the hypothesis that communication apprehension is associated with trait anxiety but, contrary to the theoretical analysis, public speaking anxiety is associated with both state anxiety and trait anxiety. The results are discussed in terms of the theoretical analysis of communication fear. The implications for future research on assessment and amelioration of communication fear are considered.  相似文献   

汉字特征内隐学习的初步实验研究   总被引:8,自引:5,他引:8  
在汉字特征识别的范围内,在高强度练习和正确反馈条件下探讨内隐学习汉字的某些特点。实验采用了一种测量内隐和外显学习的特征分类方法.这些特征包括汉字的笔划维度(显著性特征)和汉字的偏好维度(非显著性特征)。实验结果发现:汉字偏好特征的学习,内隐组被试表现出更大的底层规则的迁移;汉字的偏好特征还表现出高潜力的内隐知识。  相似文献   

学习支持对基于计算机模拟的发现学习的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了针对发现活动的意义性的解释性支持 (IS)、针对其系统逻辑性的实验性支持 (ES)以及学习者的推理能力对基于模拟的科学发现学习的影响。设计开发了关于浮力的模拟软件 ,被试为北京十四中初二学生 80名 ,采用 2 (有 /无IS)× 2 (有 /无ES)× 3(推理能力 )的混合实验设计。结果发现 ,推理能力在原理性知识、直觉性理解测验以及学习者所设计实验的质量上有显著的主效应。IS在原理性知识和灵活应用测验上有显著的主效应。ES与推理能力在原理性知识测验上有显著的交互作用 ,ES在学习者所设计实验的质量上有显著的主效应。这一结果说明 ,发现活动的意义性和系统逻辑性对基于模拟的发现学习有重要的制约作用 ,应该针对这两个侧面设计相应的学习支持  相似文献   

We evaluated the effects of monitoring responses on the acquisition of sight words with 3 children with autism. In the training condition, we taught participants a vocal imitation and matching response related to a peer's reading response. In another condition, participants were exposed only to a peer's reading responses. Participants read the words more accurately during test sessions when the monitoring response was required. Results and discussion highlight the importance of identifying component responses of observational learning and the need for additional research in this area.  相似文献   

学习困难学生语义分类编码策略的研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
杨心德 《心理学报》1996,29(4):375-379
通过对38名学习困难学生与48名学习优秀学生使用语义编码策略的比较研究,发现学习困难学生不能像学习优秀学生那样自觉地在学习的信息加工过程中使用学习策略;学习困难学生不使用学习策略的机械学习成绩与学习优秀学生无显著差异;教育训练有助于学习困难学生将语义编码之类的活动运用于信息加工过程而促进学习。  相似文献   

中国近现代,自公元1900年到公元1949年,这一阶段中国学习心理学发展的轨迹可归纳为三个方面,理论研究:从翻译到评价再到独立探讨;实证研究:从实验法的倡导到大量实验研究的出现,实践研究:从近代学校的建立到大量有实践价值的学习观的提出。  相似文献   

卢仲衡 《心理学报》1984,17(4):3-19
本文叙述了80(年)届开始的在七省市23个班以三年为一周期的数学自学辅导教学推广实验是成功的。在学业成绩、自学能力成长、自学能力迁移和各学科全面发展四个指标上,实验班几乎都优于对比班。81(年)届开始的十六省市的77个实验班和82(年)届开始的二十二省市的70个实验结果都支持了80(年)届的实验结果。这种教学不仅有利于辅导差生,而且也有利于发展优生的聪明才智,真正做到既能调动学生学习的主动性和积极性,也能发挥教师的指导辅导作用,减轻教师的低效劳动,促使其智力化。这种方法不仅能发展学生的求同思惟,也能发展求异思惟。  相似文献   

Measures of rate of change and of rate of rate of change are developed for application to physiological and psychological data. Examples are given of the use of these measures with heart-rate data for comparisons within and between subjects. It is shown that the measures provide information over and above that offered by means and variances, and that the measures appropriately reflect the impact of external variables.  相似文献   

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