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Model selection criteria (MSC) involves selecting the model with the best estimated goodness-of-fit to the data generating process. Following the method of Vuong (1989), a large sample Model Selection Test (MST), is introduced that can be used in conjunction with most existing MSC procedures to decide if the estimated goodness-of-fit for one model is significantly different from the estimated goodness-of-fit for another model. The MST extends the classical generalized likelihood ratio test, is valid in the presence of model misspecification, and is applicable to situations involving nonnested probability models. Simulation studies designed to illustrate the concept of the MST and its conservative decision rule (relative to the MSC method) are also presented. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.  相似文献   

以北京大学第五版27种法学核心期刊2002年~2011年刊发的医事法论文为研究对象,分别统计分析其数量、作者、研究内容、基金项目、被引用等信息,据此指出我国近10年医事法研究中存在基础薄弱、缺乏深度、人才不足、资助不力等问题,并提出加快人才培养、搭建研究平台、开展实证研究、加大资助力度、促进医患沟通等建议.  相似文献   

Statistical learning has been widely proposed as a mechanism by which observers learn to decompose complex sensory scenes. To determine how robust statistical learning is, we investigated the impact of attention and perceptual grouping on statistical learning of visual shapes. Observers were presented with stimuli containing two shapes that were either connected by a bar or unconnected. When observers were required to attend to both locations at which shapes were presented, the degree of statistical learning was unaffected by whether the shapes were connected or not. However, when observers were required to attend to just one of the shapes' locations, statistical learning was observed only when the shapes were connected. These results demonstrate that visual statistical learning is not just a passive process. It can be modulated by both attention and connectedness, and in natural scenes these factors may constrain the role of stimulus statistics in learning.  相似文献   

A single-case analysis was carried out to study the nonpharmacological treatment of post-stroke anxiety in an older adult male. The intervention consisted of a biofeedback-assisted program of autogenic training; efficacy was demonstrated using multiple discontinuations and reinstatements of treatment. Physiological indices and self-report measures of anxiety and depression documented treatment success, although a moderate increase in fear was evident on the Fear Survey Schedule II at the final follow-up assessment.  相似文献   

What similarities and differences are there between memory for short lists shown at one item per second and memory for such lists after rapid serial visual presentation (RSVP) at much higher rates—eight items per second? This paper reports that, when pictures are shown at eight per second or one per second, phonological similarity of the picture names reduces recall at the one item per second rate, but not at the eight item per second rate. In contrast, when subjects are shown the written names of the pictures, phonological similarity reduces recall at both rates. It is concluded that phonological coding does not occur for picture lists shown at high rates. The mechanisms underlying memory for pictures and words shown at RSVP and short-term memory rates are considered.  相似文献   

视觉统计学习是指个体依据视觉刺激之间的转接概率来掌握统计规律的过程。本研究通过5个实验探讨了个体基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息进行视觉统计学习的加工机制。每个实验均包括熟悉(学习)和测试两个阶段:在熟悉阶段, 让被试观看名人面孔并完成重复图片探测的无关任务; 在测试阶段, 让被试进行二选一迫选任务。其中, 实验1和2分别考察基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息的视觉统计学习效果; 实验3分别考察基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息视觉进行统计学习的精确性; 实验4进一步考察基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息进行视觉统计学习的时间特征; 实验5验证基于名人面孔视觉特征的视觉统计学习具有面孔特异性。结果表明:个体能同时基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息进行精确的视觉统计学习; 基于正立名人面孔的视觉统计学习效果显著高于基于倒置名人面孔的视觉统计学习效果; 虽然基于视觉特征和语义信息的统计加工都具有一致的精确性, 但后者需要更多的加工时间。这提示:基于名人面孔视觉特征的视觉统计学习具有面孔特异性, 个体基于名人面孔视觉特征和语义信息的视觉统计学习过程是分离的, 统计运算发生于面孔特征加工完成之后。  相似文献   

We compare Karl Popper’s ideas concerning the falsifiability of a theory with similar notions from the part of statistical learning theory known as VC-theory. Popper’s notion of the dimension of a theory is contrasted with the apparently very similar VC-dimension. Having located some divergences, we discuss how best to view Popper’s work from the perspective of statistical learning theory, either as a precursor or as aiming to capture a different learning activity.  相似文献   

Temporal patterning in blood glucose (BG) consistent with fractals—how BG follows a repetitive pattern through resolutions of time—was used to examine 2 different samples of adolescents with Type 1 diabetes (10–14 years). Sample 1 contained 10 adolescents with longtime series for accurate estimations of long-term dependencies associated with fractals. The second contained 94 adolescents measured multiple times daily over a 2-week period corresponding to psychosocial measures. In both samples, temporal dependencies in BG showed patterns consistent with fractals. In the second sample, temporal dependencies were associated with indicators of vigilant regulation including adolescents' higher anxiety, mothers' higher monitoring, and intrusive support. The existence of temporal dependencies in BG moderated the relationship between glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and indicators of low BG risk but not the relationship between HbA1c and high BG risk. These results show how a biomedical indicator may be susceptible to metric issues associated with fractals.  相似文献   

Recent authors have encouraged the use of single-case experimental design in family therapy research. However, several issues related to the application of these designs have not been addressed. The present article suggests that the applicability of single-case methods to family therapy research may be limited. The first issue raised is the general lack of adequate dependent measures of family interaction that fulfill the requirements of the single-case experimental designs. Suggestions for development of appropriate measures are given. Second, the necessary reliance on relatively weak single-case designs often allows only relatively weak conclusions. Finally, the strategy of beginning the single-case study of family functioning and family therapy in laboratory settings is suggested.  相似文献   

生命伦理学的当代研究,应该在原有成就基础上,突破唯人本中心论的生物医学伦理学模式,追求对包括生物医学伦理学在内的世界生命伦理学、地球生命伦理学的构建,使生命伦理学成为引导当代人类走向未来、健康生存的真正桥梁.因而,生命伦理学的当代研究,首先须重新认识生命,理解生命,打通人类生命与世界生命、个体生命与整体生命之间的血缘通道,弘扬生命的亲生命本性.唯有如此,才能真正打开以自然宇宙、历史演化、人类存在为三维向度的生命伦理认知视阈,探索构建生态化综合的生命伦理研究方法.  相似文献   

Social validation is used to determine satisfaction with an intervention and has been utilized in many single-case studies within sport and exercise psychology research and consultancy. This article reviews current social validation procedures and makes recommendations of how a more thorough consideration of the technique could add greater value to the understanding of single-case protocols within research and applied practice. Recommendations include using semi-structured interviews for data collection, using content analysis to analyze these data, reporting social validation results in a thorough manner, collecting social validation information from significant others, and collecting social validation data as frequently as possible.  相似文献   

Several methods have been devised to measure delay discounting. The present study recruited university students to complete a delay-discounting task involving five different outcomes (finding a dating partner, free cigarettes, winning $100,000, being owed $100,000, and obtaining one's ideal body image) that was administered using either the fill-in-the blank (FITB) or multiple-choice (MC) method. Results showed that the different administration methods sometimes produced significantly different rates of discounting, the direction of which differed by outcome. Hyperbolic discounting and the area under the discounting curve were nearly always significantly correlated when the FITB method was used but were never significantly correlated when the MC method was used. Discounting across the five outcomes produced a two-factor solution when the FITB data were factor analyzed. The MC data were described by a one-factor solution. The present results illustrate that procedural variables have a potentially profound impact on delay-discounting data, and generalizing from studies on delay discounting should be done with caution until those variables are fully understood.  相似文献   

Reviews of the psychological literature suggest that many studies lack sufficient statistical power to detect effects of interest. Increased attention to statistical power by journal editors, reviewers, and funding agencies has led to a need for researchers to consider power carefully when designing studies. Our goal is to present an overview of issues that influence statistical power in the context of traditional research designs and analytic methods. We then extend the discussion of statistical power to complex designs and analyses providing readers with sources useful for evaluating power in the design stage of conducting research. Finally, we advocate the use of simulation and Monte Carlo methods as a flexible general strategy for designing research studies with adequate statistical power.  相似文献   

总结分析了201 2年1月~2013年5月国外4种医学专业杂志(BMJ、JAMA、LANCET和NEJM)医学人文相关文章的发表情况,并与国内4种知名医学专业杂志(《中华医学杂志》、《中国实用内科杂志》、《中华内科杂志》和《中华外科杂志》)发表的医学人文类文章的情况进行对比分析,结果发现,国外医学专业杂志医学人文类文章比重较大,而且涉及的领域较广,包括医疗卫生政策管理、医学社会学、对患者及医生的人文关怀、医疗风险告知和医疗差错告知的文章.而国内与国外杂志相比存在较大差距.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to describe and illustrate through a hypothetical case example how visual journaling, a form of expressive arts counseling, can be adapted for use in individual counseling. Counselors may consider using visual journaling as a counseling intervention when working with clients who may not have words for what they are feeling or experiencing, and for clients who tend to be very analytical. Visual journaling can be a way to bypass the intellect and give clients another way to access their experience.  相似文献   

This paper recommends how authors of statistical studies can communicate to general audiences fully, clearly, and comfortably. The studies may use statistical methods to explore issues in science, engineering, and society or they may address issues in statistics specifically. In either case, readers without explicit statistical training should have no problem understanding the issues, the methods, or the results at a non-technical level. The arguments for those results should be clear, logical, and persuasive. This paper also provides advice for editors of general journals on selecting high quality statistical articles without the need for exceptional work or expense. Finally, readers are also advised to watch out for some common errors or misuses of statistics that can be detected without a technical statistical background.  相似文献   

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