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潜变量交互效应建模: 告别均值结构   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
吴艳  温忠麟  林冠群 《心理学报》2009,41(12):1252-1259
潜变量交互效应建模研究近年来有了长足的发展, 但模型中被认为不可缺少的均值结构往往让实际应用工作者却步。本文首先分析了潜变量交互效应模型中均值结构产生的根源; 然后讨论了指标变换与均值结构的关系; 接着提出了一个均值为零的潜变量交互结构, 所建立的模型不需要均值结构, 却不会改变主效应和交互效应等参数; 最后用模拟例子对无均值结构和有均值结构的两种模型的参数估计进行了比较, 结果符合理论预期, 困扰人们多年的均值结构问题从此可以终结。  相似文献   

This article examines the formation process of spatial presence, which is conceived as a two-step process involving the construction of a mental model of the mediated environment, followed by the emergence of spatial presence. During both stages, cognitive processes and user traits are in effect. We present data derived from a pooled set of data of three studies using the same virtual environment. Structural equation modeling is used to confirm the proposed theoretical model. The results show that attention and the trait of visual spatial imagery are positive predictors of the mental model of the mediated environment. In the second step, the formation of spatial presence is governed by involvement, the suspension of disbelief, and the domain-specific interest, together with the mental model.  相似文献   

This study examined the temporal and dynamic nature of students’ self-regulatory processes while learning about the circulatory system with hypermedia. A total of 74 undergraduate students were randomly assigned to 1 of 2 conditions: independent learning or externally assisted learning. Participants in the independent learning condition used a hypermedia environment to learn about the circulatory system on their own, while participants in the externally assisted condition used the same hypermedia environment, but were given prompts and feedback from a human tutor during the session to facilitate their self-regulatory behavior. Previously published pretest–posttest shifts toward more mature understanding of the circulatory system indicate that the externally assisted condition leads to greater learning. The present article uses think-aloud data during learning to explore process issues in light of models of self-regulated learning and conditions of engagement that may affect those processes. Results indicate that access to a human tutor influences the deployment of regulatory processes, intervals of use, and temporal dependencies. For example, there is significantly more planning during the final time interval of the learning session in the externally assisted condition; students in both conditions deploy more learning strategies in the first and second time intervals, compared to the last two time intervals. Additionally, in the externally assisted condition participants were more likely to shift from planning to monitoring and less likely to shift from learning strategies to planning. We discuss theoretical, conceptual, and methodological issues pertaining to these results, as well as implications for future research and the design of adaptive hypermedia systems.  相似文献   

This article presents a developmental theory of the relation between self and affect. Self-discrepancy theory (Higgins, 1987) is used as a framework for considering developmental and individual differences in children's self-concepts, self-regulation, and self-evaluation. Developmental changes in children's representational capacities are described that produce developmental shifts in this self-system. Different modes of caretaker-child interaction are distinguished in terms of how features of the interaction impact psychologically on the child. The implications of these differences for children's self-system and emotional/behavioral vulnerabilities are discussed. The development of self-regulatory and self-evaluative processes are distinguished with respect to developmental continuities and discontinuities. Patterns of sex differences in socialization, conduct, and emotional problems are described to exemplify the need for distinguishing these two processes developmentally. The question is raised whether children can be socialized to maximize the positive conduct valued by society and the positive self-regard valued by individuals.  相似文献   


Differences in self-regulatory processes of 30 college women who were volleyball Experts, Non-Experts, or Novices were studied regarding overhand serving skill during a practice episode. It was hypothesized that Experts would display better goals, planning, strategy use, self-monitoring, self-evaluation, attributions, and adaptation than either Non-Experts or Novices. It was also hypothesized that Experts would display higher self-efficacy beliefs, perceived instrumentality, intrinsic interest, and self-satisfaction in volleyball serving than either Non-Experts or Novices. All hypotheses were supported. The combined 12 measures of self-regulation predicted 90 percent of the variance in the women's volleyball serving skill. The findings are discussed according to a three-phase model of self-regulation, and recommendations are made for future research.  相似文献   

In two studies, we tested the conceptualization of creative mindsets as latent classes, and examined several social and affective consequences of class membership. Business students completed a battery of questionnaires assessing creative personal identity, creative mindsets, social comparisons, pride, gratitude, anger, and sadness. Results from study 1 showed the presence of four latent classes: those holding low levels of both mindsets, those holding high levels of both mindsets, those holding high levels of a growth and low levels of a fixed mindset, and those holding medium levels of a growth and relative high levels of a fixed mindset. The latent class with low levels of both mindsets, growth and fixed, showed the lowest levels of creative personal identity. The latent class characterized by holding high levels of a fixed and growth mindset reported the highest tendency to use social comparison as a way of judging the quality of business ideas. Results from study 2 showed a similar four‐class solution. The low fixed and low growth creative mindset class showed the lowest levels of creative personal identity, higher levels of sadness and lower levels of pride and gratitude than some of the other classes.  相似文献   

Structural equation models (SEMs) with latent variables are widely useful for sparse covariance structure modeling and for inferring relationships among latent variables. Bayesian SEMs are appealing in allowing for the incorporation of prior information and in providing exact posterior distributions of unknowns, including the latent variables. In this article, we propose a broad class of semiparametric Bayesian SEMs, which allow mixed categorical and continuous manifest variables while also allowing the latent variables to have unknown distributions. In order to include typical identifiability restrictions on the latent variable distributions, we rely on centered Dirichlet process (CDP) and CDP mixture (CDPM) models. The CDP will induce a latent class model with an unknown number of classes, while the CDPM will induce a latent trait model with unknown densities for the latent traits. A simple and efficient Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithm is developed for posterior computation, and the methods are illustrated using simulated examples, and several applications.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Although body dissatisfaction is recognized as the strongest risk factor for eating disturbances, a majority of young males are body dissatisfied, but do not concomitantly report severe levels of eating disorder symptomatology. The present investigation was designed to examine five theoretically relevant variables (i.e., body checking, emotional dysregulation, perfectionism, insecure-anxious attachment, and self-esteem) as potential moderators of the relationship between body dissatisfaction and two critical components of male eating disorder symptomatology: drive for muscularity and bulimic behaviors. Data collected from 551 Italian males between 18 and 28 years old were analyzed using latent structural equation modeling. The authors found that emotional dysregulation, body checking, insecure-anxious attachment and perfectionism intensified the relationship between body dissatisfaction and each criterion variable representing male eating disorder symptomatology; the interactions accounted respectively for an additional 2%, 7%, 4% and 5% of variance in drive for muscularity and for an additional 6%, 4%, 5%, and 2% of the variance in bulimic behaviors. By contrast self-esteem weakened this relationship and the interactions accounted for an additional 3% of the variance in both drive for muscularity and bulimic behaviors. Implications of these findings for prevention and treatment of male eating disturbances are discussed.  相似文献   

With the growing popularity of intensive longitudinal research, the modeling techniques and software options for such data are also expanding rapidly. Here we use dynamic multilevel modeling, as it is incorporated in the new dynamic structural equation modeling (DSEM) toolbox in Mplus, to analyze the affective data from the COGITO study. These data consist of two samples of over 100 individuals each who were measured for about 100 days. We use composite scores of positive and negative affect and apply a multilevel vector autoregressive model to allow for individual differences in means, autoregressions, and cross-lagged effects. Then we extend the model to include random residual variances and covariance, and finally we investigate whether prior depression affects later depression scores through the random effects of the daily diary measures. We end with discussing several urgent—but mostly unresolved—issues in the area of dynamic multilevel modeling.  相似文献   

In this article, we formulate a nonlinear structural equation model (SEM) that can accommodate covariates in the measurement equation and nonlinear terms of covariates and exogenous latent variables in the structural equation. The covariates can come from continuous or discrete distributions. A Bayesian approach is developed to analyze the proposed model. Markov chain Monte Carlo methods for obtaining Bayesian estimates and their standard error estimates, highest posterior density intervals, and a PP p value are developed. Results obtained from two simulation studies are reported to respectively reveal the empirical performance of the proposed Bayesian estimation in analyzing complex nonlinear SEMs, and in analyzing nonlinear SEMs with the normal assumption of the exogenous latent variables violated. The proposed methodology is further illustrated by a real example. Detailed interpretation about the interaction terms is presented.  相似文献   

个体因为自己或内群体成员的不道德行为而面临道德失调,为了维持积极的道德自我形象,不得不采取一系列道德自我调节策略以减少道德失调。在道德决策阶段,通过道德许可来缓冲预期的道德失调。在行为评价和责任归因阶段,通过道德规范的动机性遗忘来避免道德觉察,也可以通过道德切换、去道德化、道德推脱等认知策略将不道德行为合理化。在反馈调节阶段,通过道德补偿、道德清洗等行为策略以恢复道德自我形象或通过道德掩饰来避免道德形象损失。最后探讨了道德自我调节过程的系统性、灵活性特点及其不利后果,并提出了未来可能的研究方向。  相似文献   

A general equadion is presented, covering all arbitrary values for the true population splits, for obtaining the true population phi, given observed cell frequencies for a selected sample, and true population splits. A nongeneral solution is also offered, based on the use of the G Index. Demonstrations with hypothetical data are given.  相似文献   

Coordination is a taxonomy of how processes change together through time. It depicts the changes of 2 or more variables in terms of the strength and consistency of their covariation, the directionality of their covariation (i.e., do increases in 1 variable correspond with increases [in-phase] or decreases [anti-phase] in the other variable), and the timing of their covariation (i.e., do both variables change at the same rate or does 1 variable change faster than the other). Current methods are able to characterize some, but not all, of these aspects of coordination and provide incomplete information as a result. This study addresses this limitation by demonstrating that multivariate Latent Change Score models can be used to fully differentiate all possible coordination patterns. Furthermore, one can then expand coordination beyond the 2-outcome case to test arrangements of underlying coordination mechanisms or patterns. Examples using 2 simultaneous Latent Change Score models and 4 simultaneous Latent Change Score models illustrate this approach within the context of adolescents and parents regulating Type 1 diabetes.  相似文献   

Psychometrika - In psychometrics, the canonical use of conditional likelihoods is for the Rasch model in measurement. Whilst not disputing the utility of conditional likelihoods in measurement, we...  相似文献   

Depression and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are highly comorbid conditions that may arise following exposure to psychological trauma. This study examined their temporal sequencing and mutual influence using bivariate latent difference score structural equation modeling. Longitudinal data from 182 emergency room patients revealed level of depression symptom severity to be positively associated with changes in PTSD intrusion, avoidance, and hyperarousal over 3 time intervals, beginning shortly after the traumatic event. Higher scores on depression anticipated increases (or worsening) in PTSD symptom severity. The pattern of influence from PTSD symptom severity to change in depression symptom severity simply followed the general trend toward health and well-being. Results are discussed in terms of the dynamic interplay and associated mechanisms of posttrauma depression and PTSD symptom severity.  相似文献   

Self-regulatory skills models are important explanatory constructs for many societal applications. However, little research exists on the relative influence of different self-regulatory skills models for specific applications, with all relevant constructs considered simultaneously. This study evaluated the contributions of the self-regulatory models of learned resourcefulness and self-management to the outcome variable of affective symptomatology. Specifically, structural equation modeling was used to test whether learned resourcefulness accounts for additional variance in affective symptomatology when taking self-management into consideration. Results indicated that both learned resourcefulness and self-management accounted for a large proportion of variance in affective symptomatology, and the model in which the path between learned resourcefulness and affective symptomatology was constrained to zero provided the best fit of the data, tentatively suggesting that learned resourcefulness did not seem to add much value in terms of predicting affective symptomatology when in the presence of self-management. Implications for self-regulatory skills theory and models are discussed.  相似文献   

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