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This paper presents a new polychoric instrumental variable (PIV) estimator to use in structural equation models (SEMs) with categorical observed variables. The PIV estimator is a generalization of Bollen’s (Psychometrika 61:109–121, 1996) 2SLS/IV estimator for continuous variables to categorical endogenous variables. We derive the PIV estimator and its asymptotic standard errors for the regression coefficients in the latent variable and measurement models. We also provide an estimator of the variance and covariance parameters of the model, asymptotic standard errors for these, and test statistics of overall model fit. We examine this estimator via an empirical study and also via a small simulation study. Our results illustrate the greater robustness of the PIV estimator to structural misspecifications than the system-wide estimators that are commonly applied in SEMs. Kenneth Bollen gratefully acknowledges support from NSF SES 0617276, NIDA 1-RO1-DA13148-01, and DA013148-05A2. Albert Maydeu-Olivares was supported by the Department of Universities, Research and Information Society (DURSI) of the Catalan Government, and by grant BSO2003-08507 from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology. We thank Sharon Christ, John Hipp, and Shawn Bauldry for research assistance. The comments of the members of the Carolina Structural Equation Modeling (CSEM) group are greatly appreciated. An earlier version of this paper under a different title was presented by K. Bollen at the Psychometric Society Meetings, June, 2002, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.  相似文献   

This research is concerned with two topics in assessing model fit for categorical data analysis. The first topic involves the application of a limited-information overall test, introduced in the item response theory literature, to structural equation modeling (SEM) of categorical outcome variables. Most popular SEM test statistics assess how well the model reproduces estimated polychoric correlations. In contrast, limited-information test statistics assess how well the underlying categorical data are reproduced. Here, the recently introduced C2 statistic of Cai and Monroe (2014) is applied. The second topic concerns how the root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) fit index can be affected by the number of categories in the outcome variable. This relationship creates challenges for interpreting RMSEA. While the two topics initially appear unrelated, they may conveniently be studied in tandem since RMSEA is based on an overall test statistic, such as C2. The results are illustrated with an empirical application to data from a large-scale educational survey.  相似文献   

Theodore Millon (1928–2014) was arguably one of the most influential figures in conceptualizing and detailing personality styles and disorders in the latter 20th and early 21st centuries. A prominent member of the Axis II Work Group of DSM–III, III–R, and IV, Millon continued refining his evolutionary model long after his active involvement with these committees, and remained focused on the future of personality assessment until his death in 2014. This article is an exploration of his latter works, critiques of recent DSM–5 developments, and commentary on the usefulness of his deductive methodology as it continues to apply to the study, classification, and clinical application of personality assessment.  相似文献   

The use of item responses from questionnaire data is ubiquitous in social science research. One side effect of using such data is that researchers must often account for item level missingness. Multiple imputation is one of the most widely used missing data handling techniques. The traditional multiple imputation approach in structural equation modeling has a number of limitations. Motivated by Lee and Cai’s approach, we propose an alternative method for conducting statistical inference from multiple imputation in categorical structural equation modeling. We examine the performance of our proposed method via a simulation study and illustrate it with one empirical data set.  相似文献   

A procedure for generating non-normal data for simulation of structural equation models is proposed. A simple transformation of univariate random variables is used for the generation of data on latent and error variables under some restrictions for the elements of the covariance matrices for these variables. Data on the observed variables is then computed from latent and error variables according to the model. It is shown that by controlling univariate skewness and kurtosis on pre-specified random latent and error variables, observed variables can be made to have a relatively wide range of univariate skewness and kurtosis characteristics according to the pre-specified model. Univariate distributions are used for the generation of data which enables a user to choose from a large number of different distributions. The use of the proposed procedure is illustrated for two different structural equation models and it is shown how PRELIS can be used to generate the data.  相似文献   

In behavioral, biomedical, and psychological studies, structural equation models (SEMs) have been widely used for assessing relationships between latent variables. Regression-type structural models based on parametric functions are often used for such purposes. In many applications, however, parametric SEMs are not adequate to capture subtle patterns in the functions over the entire range of the predictor variable. A different but equally important limitation of traditional parametric SEMs is that they are not designed to handle mixed data types—continuous, count, ordered, and unordered categorical. This paper develops a generalized semiparametric SEM that is able to handle mixed data types and to simultaneously model different functional relationships among latent variables. A structural equation of the proposed SEM is formulated using a series of unspecified smooth functions. The Bayesian P-splines approach and Markov chain Monte Carlo methods are developed to estimate the smooth functions and the unknown parameters. Moreover, we examine the relative benefits of semiparametric modeling over parametric modeling using a Bayesian model-comparison statistic, called the complete deviance information criterion (DIC). The performance of the developed methodology is evaluated using a simulation study. To illustrate the method, we used a data set derived from the National Longitudinal Survey of Youth.  相似文献   

Sik-Yum Lee 《Psychometrika》2006,71(3):541-564
A Bayesian approach is developed for analyzing nonlinear structural equation models with nonignorable missing data. The nonignorable missingness mechanism is specified by a logistic regression model. A hybrid algorithm that combines the Gibbs sampler and the Metropolis–Hastings algorithm is used to produce the joint Bayesian estimates of structural parameters, latent variables, parameters in the nonignorable missing model, as well as their standard errors estimates. A goodness-of-fit statistic for assessing the plausibility of the posited nonlinear structural equation model is introduced, and a procedure for computing the Bayes factor for model comparison is developed via path sampling. Results obtained with respect to different missing data models, and different prior inputs are compared via simulation studies. In particular, it is shown that in the presence of nonignorable missing data, results obtained by the proposed method with a nonignorable missing data model are significantly better than those that are obtained under the missing at random assumption. A real example is presented to illustrate the newly developed Bayesian methodologies. This research is fully supported by a grant (CUHK 4243/03H) from the Research Grant Council of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region. The authors are thankful to the editor and reviewers for valuable comments for improving the paper, and also to ICPSR and the relevant funding agency for allowing the use of the data. Requests for reprints should be sent to Professor S.Y. Lee, Department of Statistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Cocaine is a type of drug that functions to increase the availability of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. However, cocaine dependence or abuse is highly related to an increased risk of psychiatric disorders and deficits in cognitive performance, attention, and decision-making abilities. Given the chronic and persistent features of drug addiction, the progression of abstaining from cocaine often evolves across several states, such as addiction to, moderate dependence on, and swearing off cocaine. Hidden Markov models (HMMs) are well suited to the characterization of longitudinal data in terms of a set of unobservable states, and have increasingly been used to uncover the dynamic heterogeneity in progressive diseases or activities. However, the existence of outliers or influential points may misidentify the hidden states and distort the associated inference. In this study, we develop a Bayesian local influence procedure for HMMs with latent variables in the presence of missing data. The proposed model enables us to investigate the dynamic heterogeneity of multivariate longitudinal data, reveal how the interrelationships among latent variables change from one state to another, and simultaneously conduct statistical diagnosis for the given data, model assumptions, and prior inputs. We apply the proposed procedure to analyze a dataset collected by the UCLA center for advancing longitudinal drug abuse research. Several outliers or influential points that seriously influence estimation results are identified and removed. The proposed procedure also discovers the effects of treatment and individuals’ psychological problems on cocaine use behavior and delineates their dynamic changes across the cocaine-addiction states.  相似文献   

In applications of SEM, investigators obtain and interpret parameter estimates that are computed so as to produce optimal model fit in the sense that the obtained model fit would deteriorate to some degree if any of those estimates were changed. This property raises a question: to what extent would model fit deteriorate if parameter estimates were changed? And which parameters have the greatest influence on model fit? This is the idea of parameter influence. The present paper will cover two approaches to quantifying parameter influence. Both are based on the principle of likelihood displacement (LD), which quantifies influence as the discrepancy between the likelihood under the original model and the likelihood under the model in which a minor perturbation is imposed (Cook, 1986 Cook, R. D. 1986. Assessment of local influence. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological)., 48: 133169. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). One existing approach for quantifying parameter influence is a vector approach (Lee &; Wang, 1996 Lee, S-Y. and Wang, S. J. 1996. Sensitivity analysis of structural equation models. Psychometrika, 61: 93108. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) that determines a vector in the parameter space such that altering parameter values simultaneously in this direction will cause maximum change in LD. We propose a new approach, called influence mapping for single parameters, that determines the change in model fit under perturbation of a single parameter holding other parameter estimates constant. An influential parameter is defined as one that produces large change in model fit under minor perturbation. Figure 1 illustrates results from this procedure for three different parameters in an empirical application. Flatter curves represent less influential parameters. Practical implications of the results are discussed. The relationship with statistical power in structural equation models is also discussed.
FIGURE 1 Influence mapping for single parameters.  相似文献   

结构方程模型中调节效应的标准化估计   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
温忠麟  侯杰泰 《心理学报》2008,40(6):729-736
回归分析和结构方程分析中,标准化估计对解释模型和比较效应大小有重要作用。对于调节效应模型(或交互效应模型),通常的标准化估计没有意义。虽然显变量的调节效应模型标准化估计问题已经解决,但潜变量的调节效应模型标准化估计问题复杂得多。本文先介绍回归分析中显变量调节效应模型的标准化估计,然后提出了一种通过参数的原始估计和通常标准化估计来计算潜变量调节效应模型的“标准化”估计的方法,得到的“标准化”估计是尺度不变的,说明可以用“标准化”估计来解释和比较主效应和调节效应  相似文献   

Partial Least Squares as applied to models with latent variables, measured indirectly by indicators, is well-known to be inconsistent. The linear compounds of indicators that PLS substitutes for the latent variables do not obey the equations that the latter satisfy. We propose simple, non-iterative corrections leading to consistent and asymptotically normal (CAN)-estimators for the loadings and for the correlations between the latent variables. Moreover, we show how to obtain CAN-estimators for the parameters of structural recursive systems of equations, containing linear and interaction terms, without the need to specify a particular joint distribution. If quadratic and higher order terms are included, the approach will produce CAN-estimators as well when predictor variables and error terms are jointly normal. We compare the adjusted PLS, denoted by PLSc, with Latent Moderated Structural Equations (LMS), using Monte Carlo studies and an empirical application.  相似文献   

Structural equation modeling (SEM) has become an increasingly used methodological strategy in psychology. Nevertheless, many psychologists continue to be unclear about how to apply this analytic tool in their research. This article reviews SEM from a conceptual perspective, particularly focusing on confirmatory factor analysis. Additionally, the relation between SEM and other analytic techniques (e.g., exploratory factor analysis) are addressed. A confirmatory factor analytic example is presented and reviewed in detail. Finally, limitations of SEM and other considerations are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examines the unscaled and scaled root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), comparative fit index (CFI), and Tucker–Lewis index (TLI) of diagonally weighted least squares (DWLS) and unweighted least squares (ULS) estimators in structural equation modeling with ordered categorical data. We show that the number of categories and threshold values for categorization can unappealingly impact the DWLS unscaled and scaled fit indices, as well as the ULS scaled fit indices in the population, given that analysis models are misspecified and that the threshold structure is saturated. Consequently, a severely misspecified model may be considered acceptable, depending on how the underlying continuous variables are categorized. The corresponding CFI and TLI are less dependent on the categorization than RMSEA but are less sensitive to model misspecification in general. In contrast, the number of categories and threshold values do not impact the ULS unscaled fit indices in the population.  相似文献   

The detection of outliers and influential observations is routine practice in linear regression. Despite ongoing extensions and development of case diagnostics in structural equation models (SEM), their application has received limited attention and understanding in practice. The use of case diagnostics informs analysts of the uncertainty of model estimates under different subsets of the data and highlights unusual and important characteristics of certain cases. We present several measures of case influence applicable in SEM and illustrate their implementation, presentation, and interpretation with two empirical examples: (a) a common factor model on verbal and visual ability (Holzinger &; Swineford, 1939 Holzinger, K. and Swineford, F. 1939. A study in factor analysis: The stability of a bi-factor solution. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago..  [Google Scholar]) and (b) a general structural equation model assessing the effect of industrialization on democracy in a mediating model using country-level data (Bollen, 1989 Bollen, K. A. 1989. Structural equation models with latent variables New York, NY: Wiley.. [Crossref] [Google Scholar]; Bollen &; Arminger, 1991 Bollen, K. A. and Arminger, G. 1991. Observational residuals in factor analysis and structural equation models. Sociological Methodology, 21: 235262. [Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Throughout these examples, three issues are emphasized. First, cases may impact different aspects of results as identified by different measures of influence. Second, the important distinction between outliers and influential cases is highlighted. Third, the concept of good and bad cases is introduced—these are influential cases that improve/worsen overall model fit based on their presence in the sample. We conclude with a discussion on the utility of detecting influential cases in SEM and present recommendations for the use of measures of case influence.  相似文献   

By means of more than a dozen user friendly packages, structural equation models (SEMs) are widely used in behavioral, education, social, and psychological research. As the underlying theory and methods in these packages are vulnerable to outliers and distributions with longer-than-normal tails, a fundamental problem in the field is the development of robust methods to reduce the influence of outliers and the distributional deviation in the analysis. In this paper we develop a maximum likelihood (ML) approach that is robust to outliers and symmetrically heavy-tailed distributions for analyzing nonlinear SEMs with ignorable missing data. The analytic strategy is to incorporate a general class of distributions into the latent variables and the error measurements in the measurement and structural equations. A Monte Carlo EM (MCEM) algorithm is constructed to obtain the ML estimates, and a path sampling procedure is implemented to compute the observed-data log-likelihood and then the Bayesian information criterion for model comparison. The proposed methodologies are illustrated with simulation studies and an example. The research described herein was fully supported by a grant (CUHK 4243/03H) from the Rearch Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administration Region. The authors are thankful to the Editor, the Associate Editor, and anonymous reviewers for valuable comments which improve the paper significantly, and are grateful to ICPSR and the relevant funding agency for allowing the use of their data. Requests for reprints should be sent to S. Y. Lee, Department of Statistics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N. T., Hong Kong.  相似文献   

Recent research reflects a growing awareness of the value of using structural equation models to analyze repeated measures data. However, such data, particularly in the presence of covariates, often lead to models that either fit the data poorly, are exceedingly general and hard to interpret, or are specified in a manner that is highly data dependent. This article introduces methods for developing parsimonious models for such data. The underlying technology uses reduced-rank representations of the variances, covariances and means of observed and latent variables. The value of this approach, which may be implemented using standard structural equation modeling software, is illustrated in an application study aimed at understanding heterogeneous consumer preferences. In this application, the parsimonious representations characterize systematic relationships among consumer demographics, attitudes and preferences that would otherwise be undetected. The result is a model that is parsimonious, illuminating, and fits the data well, while keeping data dependence to a minimum.  相似文献   

Study designs involving clustering in some study arms, but not all study arms, are common in clinical treatment-outcome and educational settings. For instance, in a treatment arm, persons may be nested in therapy groups, whereas in a control arm there are no groups. Methodological approaches for handling such partially nested designs have recently been developed in a multilevel modeling framework (MLM-PN) and have proved very useful. We introduce two alternative structural equation modeling (SEM) approaches for analyzing partially nested data: a multivariate single-level SEM (SSEM-PN) and a multiple-arm multilevel SEM (MSEM-PN). We show how SSEM-PN and MSEM-PN can produce results equivalent to existing MLM-PNs and can be extended to flexibly accommodate several modeling features that are difficult or impossible to handle in MLM-PNs. For instance, using an SSEM-PN or MSEM-PN, it is possible to specify complex structural models involving cluster-level outcomes, obtain absolute model fit, decompose person-level predictor effects in the treatment arm using latent cluster means, and include traditional factors as predictors/outcomes. Importantly, implementation of such features for partially nested designs differs from that for fully nested designs. An empirical example involving a partially nested depression intervention combines several of these features in an analysis of interest for treatment-outcome studies.  相似文献   

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