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The main purpose of this study was to use meta-analysis to investigate the mean effect size of relevant variables associated with creative person, process, product, and environment. Altogether, 2,013 effect sizes from 111 studies were analyzed. The unweighted grand mean effect size of the 111 studies was 0.69, with a standard deviation (SD) of 0.63. Such result was significantly different from 0 at t (110) = 11.52, p < .01. When the averaged effect size of each study was weighted with the sample size of that study, the weighted grand mean effect size was 0.72. The important findings were: (a) the mean effect sizes associated with problem-solving creativity and verbal creativity were significantly larger than those associated with emotional creativity and nonverbal creativity, (b) variables having a large mean effect size were prestige of honors/awards, working circumstances favorable for creativity, defining problem, and retrieving knowledge, (c) most of the mean effect sizes of the problem solving procedures on the measures of problem solving exceeded the medium (0.5) of Cohen's guidelines. Areas to be further explored are suggested.  相似文献   

Despite prominence and increasing application of the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) theory across national contexts, the role of culture has not yet been systematically explored. We conducted a meta-analysis of 132 independent samples from 120 studies across 5 global regions (total N = 101,073) to fill this void. Our paper responds to long-standing concerns around neglecting differences in the relationships of workplace factors with burnout and engagement across national cultures by testing for a moderating role within JD-R theory. Results suggest strong support for the direct job demands-burnout and job resources-engagement pathways. Regarding the role of culture, our study reveals moderating roles for five out of six cultural dimensions using Hofstede’s framework. Interestingly, these cultural dimensions present a moderating impact towards relationships with either job demands or job resources, yet not both. Our findings offer a valuable starting point for further theoretical developments that can impact international business and global mobility. While these insights suggest a role of national cultural context in JD-R studies, sensitivity analyses showed that the findings were only partly stable.  相似文献   

The present research tested whether the effect of stereotype threat on calculus performance was moderated by calculus GPA and math identification in advanced undergraduate women majoring in science, technology, and engineering (STEM) fields. Women (n = 102) were randomly assigned to one of three conditions—stereotype threat, gender equivalence, or no mention (of gender). Confirming stereotype threat theory, at high levels of calculus GPA and math identification, women performed the worst in the stereotype threat condition, intermediate in the gender equivalence condition, and best in the no mention condition. Strategies to counter the inimical effects of stereotype threat are discussed  相似文献   

处置效应是股票投资决策中的典型现象.它是指当投资者面对盈利时急于卖出股票,而当他们面对亏损时长时间持有股票的现象.自发现处置效应以来,研究者就不断探索其心理机制及其调节变量.目前,大量研究者从前景理论、认知失调理论、过度自信理论以及后悔理论等方面探索处置效应的心理机制.文章最后指出了当前在处置效应的研究中仍然存在的问题,并对未来的研究趋势进行了展望.  相似文献   

The relative size of religious groups or denominations within societies or nations influences variation in the extent to which group members psychologically identify with their religion. National‐level census data measuring the proportional size of religious groups in New Zealand are merged with nationally representative data on self‐reported psychological identification drawn from the New Zealand Attitudes and Values Study. A multilevel random coefficient model shows a logarithmic function for the relationship between religious group size and average group‐level religious identification. Members of smaller religious groups (less than 1.5 percent of the population) tend to strongly identify with their religion, whereas members of groups that are larger in size (over 6 percent of the population) tend to be less identified, on average. Religious group cohesion may be a dynamic process. Larger religious groups are less cohesive and experience more contested identities and ideological positions (average group identification is lower).  相似文献   

以汉字为实验材料,自变量为汉字正字法笔画家族大小,采用延迟反应的同一字判断任务,记录并研究大学生被试对刺激字的脑电(EEG)。本文对笔画家族的定义是,通过改变1~5笔笔画得到刺激字的正字法家族成员,改变的笔画不构成部件。脑电结果显示:大家族刺激字比小家族刺激字诱发更负的N400和N250成分、更低的P200,其中N400的结果与基于交互激活模型的二阶段理论的预期一致。  相似文献   

Psychometrika - The paper outlines several approaches for dealing with meta-analyses of count outcome data. These counts are the accumulation of occurred events, and these events might be rare, so...  相似文献   

石晶  郝振  崔丽娟 《心理科学》2012,35(2):401-407
采用问卷调查法,以上海三所高校的467名大学生为被试,检验群体认同对极端群体行为(为群体牺牲意愿)的影响及其内在心理机制。结果表明:(1)群体认同对为群体牺牲意愿有显著的预测作用;(2)积极情感和否认态度完全中介群体认同对为群体牺牲意愿的影响,且积极情感在群体认同和否认态度之间担当部分中介角色;(3)抗伤害信念在积极情感和为群体牺牲意愿之间起调节作用。  相似文献   

Automatic and controlled modes of evaluation sometimes provide conflicting reports of the quality of social objects. This article presents evidence for 4 moderators of the relationship between automatic (implicit) and controlled (explicit) evaluations. Implicit and explicit preferences were measured for a variety of object pairs using a large sample. The average correlation was r=.36, and 52 of the 57 object pairs showed a significant positive correlation. Results of multilevel modeling analyses suggested that (a) implicit and explicit preferences are related, (b) the relationship varies as a function of the objects assessed, and (c) at least 4 variables moderate the relationship: self-presentation, evaluative strength, dimensionality, and distinctiveness. The variables moderated implicit-explicit correspondence across individuals and accounted for much of the observed variation across content domains. The resulting model of the relationship between automatic and controlled evaluative processes is grounded in personal experience with the targets of evaluation.  相似文献   

Field and Davey (1997) claimed that evaluative conditioning (EC), rather than being a genuine type of Pavlovian associative learning, represents nothing but an experimental artifact. They come to this conclusion by first identifying the prototypical experimental procedure of EC research, by next pointing to the potential methodological shortcomings of this prototypical procedure in order to infer associative learning, and by finally demonstrating that when the appropriate controls are added to this prototypical procedure, it becomes clear that apparent EC results represent nothing but an experimental artifact. In this paper, we first demonstrate that what Field and Davey identify as the “prototypical procedure” is, as a matter of fact, the exception rather than the rule in EC research, such that the potential scope of their criticism is rather limited. Next, we show how the results of their own experiment are actually due to an artifact that is not present in any EC study. Finally, we discuss how Field and Davey's criticism of EC research has its roots in a misconception of the appropriate within or between subject controls for Pavlovian associative learning.  相似文献   

Although previous research suggests that mood can influence creativity, the controversy about the effects of positive and negative moods has raged for years. This study investigated how the relationship between induced mood and creativity is moderated by dispositional and situational autonomy. It contrasted the different moderating effects of the 2 kinds of autonomy. In Experiment 1, 93 participants completed a questionnaire about dispositional autonomy and performed a creative task after watching 1 of 3 film clips, which were to induce positive, negative, or neutral moods. The results of experiment 1 indicated that positive moods prompted creativity and negative moods inhibited creativity when individuals were low in dispositional autonomy (low in autonomous orientation or high in impersonal orientation). In Experiment 2, 73 participants engaged in a game to manipulate levels of situational autonomy and induce positive or negative moods. The results of experiment 2 showed that positive moods fostered greater creativity than did negative moods when individuals were in full-autonomy condition. The different moderating effects of dispositional and situational autonomy are discussed.  相似文献   


Subjective well-being (SWB) research is characterized by many large samples, which often results in virtually all variables being significantly related to well-being, even if the associations are small. In this article we explore the strengths of associations between various predictors and SWB outcomes. In addition to standard effect-size statistics, we also examined the range of the SWB scale covered in the distribution of the predictor, allowing us to estimate the strength of influence of each variable, independent of variability in the sample. We analyzed just a few variables to illustrate what our approach reveals. Our analyses included a representative sample of both the world and the United States, and our data included three types of SWB (life satisfaction (LS), positive affect (PA), and negative affect (NA)). The largest effect sizes emerged for societal characteristics, such as between-nations differences, as well as personal characteristics, such as perceived social support. Small or very small effect sizes were consistently found for demographic characteristics, such as sex, age, and marital status. Other effect sizes varied by the type of SWB being considered. For example, income resulted in a large effect size for LS, but small to medium effect sizes for PA and NA. We suggest that when scholars report and interpret the associations of predictor variables with SWB, they consider the strengths of their significant associations.


Archival studies of within-family prosocial behavior (Judge & Hrdy, 1992; Smith, Kish, & Crawford, 1987) have shown that inheritance patterns support Hamilton’s (1964) theory of inclusive fitness, such that people will more of their estates to relatives of closer genetic relatedness. In a survey-based simulation of these studies, students allocated one of three lotteries to their blood relatives. As expected, participants allocated greater proportions of their lotteries to relatives of greater genetic relatedness. This effect became stronger with decreasing lottery amounts. Relatives of certain relatedness were favored over relatives of uncertain relatedness (via paternal uncertainty), and this effect was stronger among those with less money to allocate. Male participants tended to favor their young female relatives over their young male relatives when given the smallest lottery, but this sex preference reversed when male participants were given the largest lottery. In general, scarcer resources led to more evolutionarily conservative investment strategies.  相似文献   

情绪劳动是指员工遵照一定的组织规则, 在工作场所与顾客互动过程中进行的情绪调节。研究证明情绪劳动对组织情境中一系列结果变量影响显著, 既有积极影响也有消极影响, 作用对象包括施动者员工、受动者顾客和规则制定者组织。情绪劳动与结果变量的关系受多个员工、工作和顾客特征变量的影响。资源保存理论为情绪劳动的作用机制提供了一种有力的解释。即时、短期与长期效应的整合、指向内部顾客的情绪劳动以及组织氛围的影响是未来研究值得关注的方向。  相似文献   

采用即时的跨通道匹配任务,研究语音通达字形过程中汉语同音字多少的影响以及语义在其中的作用.在三个lSI点均发现同音字家族数效应和语义透明度效应,同音字家族数效应在各个时间点稳定,而语义透明度效应随时间点的推后变小;还发现同音字家族数、语义透明度和ISl的交互作用.  相似文献   

分别以经度数和语言等级数为材料,采用快速刺激分类范式,通过两个实验试图分离出SNARC效应中的数字大小和顺序信息。结果发现,被试在对东经经度数的加工中存在SNARC效应,对西经经度数的加工出现反转的SNARC效应;正数组被试在汉语等级数加工中出现反转的SNARC效应,在日语等级数加工中出现SNARC效应,而负数组恰好相反。本研究表明,数字SNARC效应在大小信息和顺序信息中出现了分离,相较数字的大小信息而言,数字的顺序信息对SNARC效应影响更大。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The partial correlation and the semi-partial correlation can be seen as measures of partial effect sizes for the correlational family. Thus, both indices have been used in the meta-analysis literature to represent the relationship between an outcome and a predictor of interest, controlling for the effect of other variables in the model. This article evaluates the accuracy of synthesizing these two indices under different situations. Both partial correlation and the semi-partial correlation appear to behave as expected with respect to bias and root mean squared error (RMSE). However, the partial correlation seems to outperform the semi-partial correlation regarding Type I error of the homogeneity test (Q statistic). Although further investigation is needed to fully understand the impact of meta-analyzing partial effect sizes, the current study demonstrates the accuracy of both indices.  相似文献   

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