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Female athletes in the United States face the paradoxical challenge of acquiring a degree of muscularity to be successful in their sport, yet they also endure pressure from societal expectations of femininity that often don??t conform with the notion of muscularity. To address research questions about how female student-athletes balance muscularity and femininity, we conducted a mixed-methods study to examine muscularity beliefs among female student-athletes, female college students, and male college student-athletes. We quantitatively examined Drive for Muscularity Scale (DMS) scores from 221 participants attending college in the Midwestern US. Results indicated that female student-athletes reported significantly higher DMS scores than female students, but male student-athletes reported the highest DMS scores in the sample. Qualitative results indicated that female student-athletes wanted to be muscular for these reasons: functionality (45%), health (42%), external gratification (21%), and internal gratification (18%). Only 16% of female student-athletes did not want to be muscular, whereas every male student-athlete reported a desire to be muscular. The results of this study can be used to better understand the unique drive for muscularity among athletes, particularly female college student-athletes who live the paradox of negotiating societal standards of femininity with this desire to be muscular. This enhanced understanding can help create more nuanced interventions for coaches, administrators, and mental health professionals to use to help female student-athletes create space to resist constraining societal gender ideologies. Doing so can help these student-athletes actualize their athletic potential on the field as well as their interpersonal and intrapersonal potential off the field.  相似文献   

Maltreatment can influence normative development and negatively impact emotional, behavioral, and social functioning in youth. As a result, it is not surprising that maltreated youth, as compared to non-maltreated youth, tend to underperform academically. Research on the academic performance of maltreated youth has increased over the last decade and several review papers have been published in this area. While the conclusions of these review articles have been that maltreated youth are at greater risk for academic deficits as compared to their non-maltreated peers, there are several conflicting findings within the literature that make it difficult to determine if or to what extent maltreated youth may demonstrate academic difficulty. Using a multilevel, structural equation model meta-analysis technique, the current study sought to provide a quantitative synthesis of the literature by examining the mean difference between maltreated and non-maltreated youth on measures of academic performance. Moreover, the current study also examined group differences between academic subject and maltreatment type. A total of 72 effect sizes were extracted from 32 studies that met inclusion criteria. Results demonstrated an overall negative, medium effect size, such that maltreated youth tended to perform slightly greater than half a standard deviation below non-maltreated youth on measures of academic performance. Moderation analyses suggest deficits may be greater on measures of general academic performance, as compared to language arts measures. No differences were observed for maltreatment type. These findings highlight the need for increased focus on academic difficulties among maltreated youth.  相似文献   

Noncognitive variables were better predictors of grades for athletes than were Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) scores. If is suggested that athletes be considered nontraditional students rather than student-athletes.  相似文献   

The attitudes of 293 first-time entering students at a large, public eastern university were measured using the revised Situational Attitude Scale (SAS) Student-Athlete. The findings suggested that freshman students perceived student-athletes negatively in situations dealing with academic competence. The contention was made to include the student-athlete culture as one susceptible to prejudice and discrimination. Student-athletes should be educated to the “isms” they may be facing from their peers in the classroom and on the campus. These results also indicated the need to include the student-athlete culture when engaging in “ism” reduction efforts with members of the campus community. Se midieron las actitudes de 293 estudiantes del primer año en una universidad pública grande en el este, usando el Revised Situational Attitude Scale (SAS) Student-Athlete. Los resultados sugieren que los estudiantes del primer año perciben a los estudiantes-atletas de una manera negativa en situaciones que tienen que ver con la competencia académica. Se discutió la visión de la cultura estudiante-atleta como susceptible de prejuicio y discriminación. Se debe educar a los estudiantes-atletas sobre los “-ismos” que ellos podrán encontrar en el aula y en el campus. Estos resultados también indican la necesidad de incluir la cultura estudiante-atleta cuando los miembros de una comunidad universitaria intentan reducir los “-ismos.”  相似文献   

大学期间学习成绩预测度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
易晓明  黄金贤 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1469-1470,1456
本研究在筛选的基础上追踪调查了5个年级4476名大学生的新生16PF测验结果以及大学期间学习成绩的数据,结果发现:大学期间的学习成绩与新生性格特点有关;男大学生成绩差异的7.5%、女大学生成绩差异的4.0%可以由新生16PF测验结果来解释。总起来看,新生入学时的个性特征对大学期间学习成绩有影响作用,但尚不足于准确预测学习成绩。  相似文献   

Response times on test items are easily collected in modern computerized testing. When collecting both (binary) responses and (continuous) response times on test items, it is possible to measure the accuracy and speed of test takers. To study the relationships between these two constructs, the model is extended with a multivariate multilevel regression structure which allows the incorporation of covariates to explain the variance in speed and accuracy between individuals and groups of test takers. A Bayesian approach with Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) computation enables straightforward estimation of all model parameters. Model-specific implementations of a Bayes factor (BF) and deviance information criterium (DIC) for model selection are proposed which are easily calculated as byproducts of the MCMC computation. Both results from simulation studies and real-data examples are given to illustrate several novel analyses possible with this modeling framework. The authors thank Steven Wise, James Madison University, and Pere Joan Ferrando, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, for generously making available their data sets for the empirical examples in this paper.  相似文献   

胡谊  顾春梅 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1161-1164
运用多元概化理论及其方法,本研究分析了上海市高考历史试卷(2006年),结果发现:(1)在试卷结构,各部分试题具有较好的测量信度,但在赋分比例存在问题;(2)在主观题评分,评阅者对分数影响微弱,说明分数能较为真实地反映不同考生之间的学科知识和能力差异。此外,研究还为将来提高高考命题和评阅质量提供合理化建议。  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between demographic and personality variables through the use of a multivariate technique, canonical analysis. The principal advantage of such a technique lies in its ability to simultaneously consider sets of variables rather than focusing narrowly in a single predictor or criterion variable. The four demographic variables examined, sex, age, education, and marital status, produced four statistically significant relationships with personality traits measured by the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule. These relations were examined and suggestions made as to how the results might be used to indicate areas for further research.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to examine students' views on dishonest academic behaviours. First year students from Mkoba Teachers' College in Zimbabwe's city of Gweru (n = 152) responded to an open-ended questionnaire that was used to collect data. Knowing examination questions or assignment answers in advance was rated as the worst dishonest academic behaviour engaged in at the college. Lack of preparation was put forward as the main reason why some students engage in academic cheating. Popular proposals for dealing with academic dishonesty included; encouraging students and lecturers to maintain their integrity, severely punishing perpetrators and enforcing security of examination materials. The findings have implications on how responsible authorities communicate appropriate norms to students.  相似文献   

基于阶层线性理论的多层级中介效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了三种常见的多层级中介效应模型, 并根据阶层线性理论和依次检验回归系数的方法, 详述了多层级中介效应的检验步骤以及中介效应量的估计方法, 在2-1-1和1-1-1中介效应模型中, 推荐采用对层1自变量按组均值中心化, 同时将组均值置于层2截距方程式的中心化方法, 以实现组间和组内中介效应的有效分离。本文还展望了多层级中介效应模型的拓展方向, 即多层级调节性中介模型和多层级结构方程模型; 以及检验方法的拓展, 即Sobel检验和置信区间检验。  相似文献   

Self-determination is a general psychological construct within the organizing structure of theories of human agentic behavior. People who are self-determined act volitionally to serve as the causal agent in their lives. To provide a fuller understanding of the self-determination of adolescents, this study collected data on self-determination, quality of life, self-efficacy, and assertiveness for more than 1,400 Italian adolescents. We conducted a series of Multivariate Analyses of Variance to examine the relationships among, differences between, and associations with self-determination, including any differences as a function of age and gender as well as differences in quality of life, self-efficacy, and assertiveness as a function of level of selfdetermination. We also examined which quality of life factors were associated with enhanced self-determination and self-efficacy. Findings support the importance of self-determination to quality of life and enhanced self-efficacy.  相似文献   

Multilevel modeling (MLM) is growing in use throughout the social sciences. Although daunting from a mathematical perspective, MLM is relatively easy to employ once some basic concepts are understood. In this article, I present a primer on MLM, describing some of these principles and applying them to the analysis of a multilevel data set on doctor–patient communication during medical consultations.  相似文献   

The extent to which college programs meet the needs and goals of women students has not been established. In this study, a sample of students and alumnae of the College of Home Economics, Iowa State University, responded to a set of attitude scales concerning their reactions to courses in their core curriculum. Factor analysis of the person-course interactions revealed 6 factors which were tentatively defined in terms of the courses loading most heavily on each. Implications for improved educational planning of women are discussed.  相似文献   

探讨高校教师教学水平评价多元概化理论合成信度的权重效应。使用"高校教师教学水平评价问卷",要求534名学生对16名教师进行评价,对收集到的数据作嵌套设计的多元概化理论分析。结果表明:(1)在高校教师教学水平评价中,多元概化理论合成信度估计权重、先验权重和效果权重产生不同效应;(2)结合高校教师教学水平评价,在充分分析三种权重对合成信度影响的基础上,提出了多元概化理论"合成信度三种权重效应分析模式图",能为正确使用多元概化理论权重提供科学参考。  相似文献   

多层(嵌套)数据的变量关系研究, 必须借助多层模型来实现。两层模型中, 层一自变量Xij按组均值中心化, 并将组均值 置于层2截距方程式中, 可将Xij对因变量Yij的效应分解为组间和组内部分, 二者之差被称为情境效应, 称为情境变量。多层结构方程模型(MSEM)将多层线性模型(MLM)和结构方程模型(SEM)相结合, 通过设置潜变量和多指标的方法校正了MLM在情境效应分析中出现的抽样误差和测量误差, 同时解决了数据的多层(嵌套)结构和潜变量的估计问题。除了分析原理的说明, 还以班级平均竞争氛围对学生竞争表现的情境效应为例进行分析方法的示范, 并比较MSEM和MLM的异同, 随后展望了MSEM情境效应模型、情境效应无偏估计方法和情境变量研究的拓展方向。  相似文献   

The stress inoculation training paradigm developed by Donald Meichenbaum and his collaborators has been successfully applied to the treatment of a variety of problems. The author describes the use of stress inoculation training as the super structure of a university course in peak performance for student-athletes. Several sorts of data suggesting that the intervention is efficacious in altering behavior are examined.  相似文献   

This study linked nonlinear profile analysis (NPA) of dichotomous responses with an existing family of item response theory models and generalized latent variable models (GLVM). The NPA method offers several benefits over previous internal profile analysis methods: (a) NPA is estimated with maximum likelihood in a GLVM framework rather than relying on the choice of different dissimilarity measures that produce different results, (b) item and person parameters are computed during the same estimation step with an appropriate distribution for dichotomous variables, (c) the model estimates profile coordinate standard errors, and (d) additional individual-level variables can be included to model relationships with the profile parameters. An application examined experimental differences in topographic map comprehension among 288 subjects. The model produced a measure of overall test performance or comprehension in addition to pattern variables that measured the correspondence between subject response profiles and an item difficulty profile and an item-discrimination profile. The findings suggested that subjects who used 3-dimensional maps tended to correctly answer more items in addition to correctly answering items that were more discriminating indicators of map comprehension. The NPA analysis was also compared with results from a multidimensional item response theory model.  相似文献   

目的:拟用多元概化理论考察领悟社会支持量表在高中生群体中应用的测量学性能。方法:以p×i随机测量模式的概化设计,针对1500名在校高中生进行领悟社会支持调查。结果:三个因子的相关程度较高(0.65以上);整体量表的概化系数和可靠性指数均达到了0.9以上,而各因子在0.77以上。结论:整体量表及各因子在高中生群体中应用的信效度较高,可用作常模和标准参照测验;量表在各因子的分值比和项目数上,设计较合理和完善。  相似文献   

A method for extimating both additive and interactive effects of several independent dichotomous variables on a dichotomous criterion is proposed and related to explicit causal assumptions. Parameters of the stochastic model are estimated by observed conditional probabilities, a procedure that maximally reduces variance.  相似文献   

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