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Generalizability theory was applied to the Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFF) to analyze the dependability of the MFF as a measure of reflection-impulsivity at four grade levels: second, third, fourth, and fifth. A completely crossed, two-facet random model design was used to provide a multidimensional framework for examining the dependability of the MFF. Components of variance and coefficients of generalizability were derived from this design for the MFF error and latency scores at each grade level. Results showed that the MFF latency score was a more dependable measure than the MFF error score. In addition, the number of testing occasions made a more significant contribution to the generalizability of the MFF than the number of items. Coefficients of generalizability based on extrapolated items and occasions were also computed, providing the basis for improving the dependability of the MFF in future research. Overall, results indicate that the traditional method of allowing multiple trials for each item contributes to the imprecision of the MFF error score. An alternative procedure for administering the MFF is recommended.Portions of this article were presented at the annual convention of the American Educational Research Association, Toronto, Canada, March 1978. At various times during the conduct and completion of the present article, the first author was affiliated with the Los Angeles Unified School District and the University of California, Los Angeles.  相似文献   

The MFF20 was administered to 617 children aged 7–12yr. The resulting development trends for latency and errors suggest errors decrease to about age 10 yr then level off while a corresponding, though less dramatic, increase in latency was observed. These results were obtained without evidence of ceiling or floor effects or any evidence of a decrease in the relationship between latency and errors after age 10 yr, in contrast to those obtained by Salkind and Nelson (1980).  相似文献   

This article reports the development of a measure of indicidual differences in autonomous rule compliance. The autonomy scale (a short, easily administered CPI based test) was developed within the framework of a multidimensional, role-theoretical model of moral development. Five samples were used in the construction of the scale. Two of the samples (total n = 111) were used to derive the autonomy scale. The items for the scale were derived through the sequential use of two common item selection stategies: criterion keying and factor analysis. An initial set of 55 CPI items were derived using an "ideal" autonomy Q-sort profile as a selection criterion, and an Alpha factor solution was used to reduce this initial pool to a final set of 25 items. Several analyses were conducted using three additional samples (total n = 245) to estimate the reliability of the scale and determine its validity. The results of these analyses provide initial evidence for the content, criterion-realted, and construct validity of the scale and indicate that the measure has an adequate reliability.  相似文献   

Selective attention to visual and auditory stimuli and reflection-impulsivity were studied in normal and learning-disabled 8- and 12-year-old boys. Multivariate analyses, followed by univariate and paired-comparison tests, indicated that the normal children increased in selective attention efficiency with age to both visual and auditory stimuli. Learning-disabled children increased in selective attention efficiency with age to auditory, but not to visual, stimuli. Both groups increased with age in reflection as measured by Kagan's Matching Familiar Figures Test (MFF). The 8-year-old learning-disabled children were more impulsive than the 8-year-old normals on MFF error scores, but not on MFF latency scores. No difference occurred between the 12-year-old learning-disabled and normal children on either MFF error or MFF latency scores. Correlations between the selective attention scores and MFF error and latency scores were not significant.This research was supported in part by BEH grant G007507227. The authors are indebted to Eleanor McCandless for her assistance in securing the learning-disabled subjects and to James McLeskey and Michael Popkin for their assistance in collecting and analyzing data.  相似文献   

A measure of interpersonal dependency   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Interpersonal dependency refers to a complex of thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and behaviors revolving around needs to associate closely with valued other people. Its conceptual sources include the psychoanalytic theory of object relations, social learning theories of dependency, and the ethological theory of attachment. A review of existing self-report inventories revealed none that adequately assessed interpersonal dependency. A new 48-item self-report inventory which assesses interpersonal dependency in adults was developed using a sample of 220 normals and 180 psychiatric patients. It was cross-validated on two additional samples. Three components of interpersonal dependency emerged: emotional reliance on another person, lack of social self-confidence, and assertion of autonomy. The relationship of these components with normals and patients was discussed, as well as with the concepts of attachment and dependency.  相似文献   

Adolescent males, both delinquent and nondeliquent, were used in the development of a task in which two Ss first make separate decisions, then a joint decision regarding a number of paired photos of girls' faces. The task was developed in order to facilitate and encourage controlled experimentation in the study of interpersonal dominance.  相似文献   

The study reports the development of a short and easily administered questionnaire aiming at measuring dimensions of social life within neighborhoods. Principal-components analysis consistently extracted four factors replicated in three independent samples (N=96 to 1,060). The factors emerged as theoretically meaningful dimensions tapping the concepts of supportive acts of neighboring, neighbor annoyance, neighborhood attachment, and weak social ties. Factor invariance and factor replicability were high. Internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and construct validity yielded acceptable results. The principal virtue of the measure is that it may be applied to discern qualitative differences between neighborhoods by simultaneous assessments of several dimensions of neighboring. This research was financially supported by The Norwegian National Research Council. We thank Jostein Rise for valuable comments, and David R. Jacobs, Jr., and Melanie Young for advice in translating the questionnaire.  相似文献   

Individual modernity may be defined as a syndrome of attitudes and beliefs, including progressivism, secularity, optimism, future-oriented perspectives, and a sense of personal efficacy. Measures of individual modernity have frequently been used in sociological and cross-cultural inquiry, but less attention has been paid to these devices by psychologists. An attempt was therefore initiated to construct- a new, brief index of modernity suitable for group administration and as free as possible from nuisance relationships to generalized distrust and anomie. An 8-item scale appearing to possess the desired attributes was developed on samples of 80 males and 139 females. Tentative norms were derived from a new sample of 766 subjects, and preliminary interpretational information was presented.  相似文献   

A model for the measurement of the discrepancy between two scores is presented and discussed as a paradigm for the study of growth or experimentally produced change. The model assumes two tests or measures differing in complexity, and it analyzes the true difference between the test scores into a component that is entirely dependent on the first or base-line test and a second component that is entirely independent of it. Equations for estimating both components are given and these are compared with other measurement efforts with similar goals.  相似文献   

A short-form measure of loneliness   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The revised UCLA Loneliness Scale (ULS-20) and a four-item short form (ULS-4) are widely used in personality research (Russell, Peplau, & Cutrona, 1980). In an exploratory factor analysis of the ULS-20, we identified eight items that loaded substantially on the first factor. These items were combined to form an alternative short-form measure, the ULS-8. The results of this study indicate that the ULS-8 is reliable, valid, and a better substitute for the ULS-20 than is the ULS-4. Consistent with the previous research, the loneliness measures (ULS-20, ULS-8, ULS-4) were strongly related to socially undesirable personality characteristics, but loneliness was uncorrelated with the six different health-related behaviors (exercise, meal regularity, alcohol use, hard drug use, smoking, and hours of sleep) assessed in this study.  相似文献   

A measure of emotional empathy   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  

In two experiments designed to assess the effect of varying amounts of exposure to noncontingency training, it was discovered that performance decrements could be produced after relatively brief training and again after extended training. Between these conditions was a period of recovery during which no performance deficits were evident. There was also a tendency for individual differences in motivation to moderate deficits following brief but not extended training. A four-stage model is proposed to account for these results. In response to uncontrollable outcomes, individuals are said to pass through a phase of no effect, followed by temporary helplessness, recovery, and final helplessness. The model also proposes that motivational differences and perceptions of noncontingency exert independent and opposing influences on learned helplessness deficits.  相似文献   

Ten prisms and 10 plates differing in height were presented to 30 male and 30 female college students whose task was to judge volume and surface of the solids. No sex differences in volume or surface estimates were found. Increasing the height of a prism from a cube initially resulted in underestimates of volume; for prisms whose heights deviated markedly from a cube, a consistent and steadily increasing tendency to overestimate volume occurred. Decreasing the height of a plate from a cube initially had no significant effect on surface estimates, but with a marked decrease in height, a consistent and steadily increasing tendency to underestimate surface resulted.  相似文献   

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