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When rats first encountered a mouse-trap or a flashbulb in a chamber to which they had been habituated, they buried it with bedding material from the floor of the chamber, whereas rats previously habituated to the trap or the flashbulb did not. Conversely, rats did not bury a stationary, wire-wrapped wooden prod or a length of polyethylene tubing, even on first encounter. However, almost every rat struck by the trap, shocked by the prod, exposed to an airblast from the tube, or to a flash of the bulb, buried the respective source of aversive stimulation with the bedding material, even when a comparable control object was present during conditioning and testing. Thus, the phenomenon of defensive burying is not restricted to situations in which neutral objects serve as the source of painful electric shock. Rats seem to enter the experimental environment with an already established tendency to bury some objects (unconditioned defensive burying) but not others, and they readily learn to selectively bury an object that has been the source of any one of a variety of aversive stimuli (conditioned defensive burying).  相似文献   

The relative importance of five information variables in determining the amount of friendliness attributed to a described action was analyzed using a five-way ANOVA. The variables (a) antecedent condition, (b) disposition of the actor, (c) intent of the actor, (d) likely social outcome of the act, and (e) actual social outcome of the act, were given a high friendliness value and a low friendliness value. Thirty-two stories which described the same act, but which systematically differed in background information, were made by combining one of the two values of the five variables in all possible combinations. Senior secondary school girls read the stories and rated the friendliness of the act and the friendliness of the actor on 9-place, unipolar rating scales. Results showed that the intent of the actor contributed the only significant source of variance to the trait attribution to the act. The trait attribution to the actor was significantly influenced by intent, antecedent condition, and disposition.  相似文献   

McCauley, Stitt, Woods and Lipton's finding that groups were more conservative than individuals when betting at a race track has been criticized on statistical and methodological grounds. The present study which does not suffer the shortcomings for which McCauley et al. were legitimately criticized does, nonetheless, sustain their general results and conclusions. Groups were significantly more cautious than individuals when wagering $2.00 on a horse race.  相似文献   

Complete tests of subjectively expected utility (SEU), subjectively expected value (SEV), expected utility (EU) and expected value (EV) theories were made for duplex gambles without measuring subjective probability or subjective utility. All gambles were hypothetical and offered on booklets. The duplex gambles consisted of winning gambles, which offered a chance to win a certain amount of money or to break even; and losing gambles, which offered a chance to lose a certain amount of money or break even.The results indicated that SEU, SEV and EU theories could not account for the strategies of 33%, 53% and 86% of the Ss respectively in the losing form of gambles, while EV theory accounted for 78% of the behavior of Ss.In the winning form of gambles, SEU, SEV and EU theory held for 77%, 65%, and 54% of the Ss respectively, while EV theory held for only 40% of the Ss. Suggestions for further research were made.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to compare the relative effectiveness of a value confrontation procedure and a procedure based on verbal operant conditioning in enhancing career development attitudes and increasing the frequency of information-seeking behavior in rural adolescent males. Ninety subjects were identified as internally controlled or externally controlled based on their locus of control scores and then randomly assigned to one of the two experimental treatment groups or a control group. The value confrontation procedure involved developing an awareness of self-dissatisfaction about one's career planning and relating this self-dissatisfaction to the importance one gave to the values logical and responsible. These values had been identified empirically in this study as having a relationship to career planning. The reinforcement counseling treatment involved the interpretation of individual career maturity data followed by the verbal operant conditioning of responses indicative of career maturity. Post tests administered 7 weeks after the treatments showed that the value confrontation procedure resulted in significantly greater frequency of information seeking for internally controlled subjects when compared to the reinforcement counseling and control procedures. No treatment was significant in increasing the maturity level of career development attitudes.  相似文献   

The present study represents a further investigation of an imagery training procedure previously developed by the authors (Yuille & Catchpole, 1973). Subjects given a brief training session in the use of an interacting imaginal mnemonic showed significantly higher performance than nontrained Ss on tests of immediate, delayed, and second learning set memory. While both recognition and recall were equally affected by the procedure, with recognition showing its usual superiority, the type of immediate memory test did not affect delayed recall. The findings are interpreted as supporting the preference of young children for visual coding.  相似文献   

This paper examines the pretreatment intercorrelation matrix of the subtests of the Porch Index of Communication Ability to derive factors reflecting components of language impairment. In addition to a general factor reflecting overall language dysfunction, five specific factors reflecting verbal competency (fluency), graphic-verbal expression, gestural-verbal expression, gestural-nonverbal comprehension, and graphic-geometric comprehension were found which accounted for 90.6% of the total variance. A cluster analysis of the five pretreatment factor scores yielded six groups which accounted for 79% of the variance for these factors. These groups were differentiated primarily in terms of impairment and showed a high rate of accuracy prediction for group membership (97.5%). These groups were extremely stable, as shown by the 75% accurate prediction rate derived from the post-treatment factor scores. The effectiveness of this model in generating homogeneous and highly discriminable groups based on objective measures of the patient's language functions indicates that classification of patients into empirical groups should be a major concern of any research design. Implications for assessing effectiveness of therapeutic intervention and the design of test battery were also discussed.  相似文献   

Two experiments utilizing first- and second-grade Canadian children showed that generalized imitative physical affection was most facilitated by prior imitative physical contact training (as opposed to verbal contact training) when the object of the affection was either a toy teddy bear, Experiment I, or an adult human, Experiment II.Additional findings from Experiment I showed that generalized imitative physical aggression was equally facilitated by imitative physical contact training and that punishment, as well as extinction operations applied to training imitations, resulted in suppression of all generalized imitations with no differential effect of punishment on affection or aggression being noted.The lack of any persisting imitations in a control group in Experiment II, which received noncontingent reinforcement but instructional prompting for training imitations, suggested that instructional control of imitation responses was initially weak and that the contingency between reinforcement and training imitations was critical for continued occurrence of training imitations and any occurrence of generalized physical affection imitations.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1 a go/no-go discrimination procedure was used to compare control of five pigeons' keypecking by food-access duration with control by light duration. Pecks to an illuminated key were reinforced with grain following 10-sec presentations of food access or houselight, but not after 5-sec presentations of either stimulus. Each subject discriminated food-access duration faster and to a greater degree than light duration. In four between-subject replications, pigeons discriminated food-access duration better than the duration of a localized light, the feeder light and a keylight, and with either water or food as reinforcement. In Experiment 2 control by durations of food access and light was compared using a conditional right-left choice procedure (two pigeons), and a delayed symbolic matching-to-sample procedure (six pigeons). Under both, choice accuracy again was higher on food-access trials. The results of Experiment 3, in which two pigeons received generalization trials with durations of food access and light that were intermediate to the training values, confirmed that responding was controlled by the duration dimension of both food access and light. The superior control by food access is consistent with previous evidence that food is an effective and memorable stimulus, possibly because of its biological importance. These results also provided empirical support for the commonly made assumption that stimuli differ in effectiveness. As well, the results show that the stimulus to be discriminated can play an important role in the accuracy of duration disciminations, a fact which has implications for the study of temporal discriminations in animals.  相似文献   

Two studies provided evidence that three independent and bipolar dimensions, pleasure-displeasure, degree of arousal, and dominance-submissiveness, are both necessary and sufficient to adequately define emotional states. In one study with 200 subjects, 42 verbal-report emotion scales were explored in regression analyses as functions of the three dimensions plus a measure of acquiescence bias. Multiple correlation coefficients showed that almost all of the reliable variance in the 42 scales had been accounted for. The specific definitions provided by these equations were replicated in a second study that employed 300 subjects' ratings of 151 emotion-denoting terms on semantic differential-type scales.  相似文献   

Rats shocked once through a wire-wrapped stationary prod mounted on the wall of a test chamber incorporated the bedding material covering the chamber floor into a defensive reaction. When tested 1 min later, they approached the prod and buried it. Evidence was provided by three separate studies of this burying response that rats had learned about the association of both the position and brightness of the prod with shock after this single conditioning trial. In Experiment 1, the amount of burying decreased if either the position or brightness of the prod had been changed prior to the test. In Experiments 2 and 3, rats were shocked through one of two prods (white or black) mounted on opposite walls of the test chamber. When the positions of the prods were unchanged for the test, almost every subject buried the prod through which it had been shocked, even when the conditioning-test interval was 24 hr; whereas, each rat directed substantial amounts of bedding material at both prods when the positions of the two prods were reversed. Thus, discriminated “avoidance” learning can be rapid, reliable, and enduring when shock is administered “by” a clearly defined stimulus object, i.e., when cue and consequence are spatially contiguous.  相似文献   

Two groups of children, one of below average intelligence and one of above average intelligence, were adminitered nine tasks involving matching information between auditory and visual modalities and temporal and spatial presentations. The below average intelligence children made more matching errors than the above average intelligence group, with no indication that matching problems were particular to one modality or particular to cross-modal as opposed to intramodal matching. Factor analyses did suggest, however, that matching processes varied according to levels of intelligence. The results are discussed in terms of the differences between modality-specific and nonmodal theoretical views of sensory systems, and it is noted that neither view alone is adequate to account for the variations found for the two intelligence groups. It is suggested that the results are consistent with Luria's research on neurological organization.  相似文献   

Fear and courage     
S. Rachman   《Behavior Therapy》1984,15(1):109-120

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