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Generalized Pexider equation on a restricted domain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Let X be a normed space and D be a nonempty, open and connected subset of X×X. Inspired by a problem of J. Aczél, we study the functional equation

常亚平  肖万福  覃伍  阎俊 《心理学报》2012,44(9):1244-1264
采用问卷调查和实验研究的方法, 构建了以情感为中介的第三方正面评论与网络消费者冲动购买意愿的关系模型, 并检验了产品类别和评论员级别对该模型的调节效应。研究结果表明:第三方评论的好评度、好评数、时效性直接正向影响冲动购买意愿; 好评度以快乐和唤起情感为中介、好评数以快乐情感为中介间接正向影响冲动购买意愿; 消费者购买低涉入度(VS:高涉入度)产品和阅读高级(VS:初级)评论员发布的评论时, 第三方正面评论对冲动购买意愿的影响更强。  相似文献   

The systems-centered short-term therapy protocol was adapted and applied in three single case studies with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) patients in a ten-session individual treatment over a two week period. All three subjects showed substantial improvement and no longer met diagnostic criteria post-treatment. Changes were maintained at follow up both six months and one year later. These results are promising and suggest the importance of further research on SCT as a viable, alternative treatment for generalized anxiety disorder.  相似文献   

Promotional lotteries offer consumers a chance to win one of many prizes along with their purchase. Critically, as is often the case, these campaigns not only include an assortment of prizes but also an assortment of offerings that one can buy to enter the lottery—such as a small or an extra‐large coffee. While companies regularly advertise that the objective odds of winning do not vary by the size of their product offerings, recent anecdotal evidence suggest that consumers behave as if it does. The net result is that consumers seem to be supersizing during promotional lotteries, and thus purchasing larger sized items. Eight studies (four core and four supplementary in Supporting information ) and a single‐paper meta‐analysis confirm that the supersizing phenomenon is indeed real and provides evidence that this behavior is the manifestation of consumers elevating their sense of control. Specifically, supersizing serves to gain psychological control over the pursuit of a desirable, but seemingly unobtainable, outcome.  相似文献   

During the past decade, several studies have reported positive effects of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in the treatment of children and adolescents with mental disorders. One of the most important CBT interventions is to teach children and adolescents to challenge negative thoughts that lead to maladjusted behaviors. Based on the implicit theories of intelligence framework, the main purpose of this study was to test whether an incremental theory manipulation could be used to affect IQ test performance in adolescents with Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). Results showed that patients demonstrated enhanced IQ performance and experienced less state anxiety when they were exposed to an incremental theory of intelligence manipulation. Our findings suggest that incremental theory manipulation provides a useful cognitive strategy for addressing school-related anxiety in adolescents with mental disorders such as GAD.  相似文献   

Background Primary care physicians often treat older adults with Generalized Anxiety Disorder. Objective To estimate physician diagnosis and recognition of anxiety and compare health service use among older adults with GAD with two comparison samples with and without other DSM diagnoses. Methods Participants were 60+ patients of a multi-specialty medical organization. Administrative database and medical records were reviewed for a year. Differences in frequency of health service use were analyzed with logistic regression and between-subjects analysis of covariance. Results Physician diagnosis of GAD was 1.5% and any anxiety was 9%, and recognition of anxiety symptoms was 34% in older adults with GAD. After controlling for medical comorbidity, radiology appointments were increased in the GAD group relative to those with and without other psychiatric diagnoses, χ2 (2, N = 225) = 4.75, p < .05. Conclusions Most patients with anxiety do not have anxiety or symptoms documented in their medical records.  相似文献   

Do people represent space, time, number, and other conceptual domains using a generalized magnitude system (GMS)? To answer this question, numerous studies have used the spatial‐numerical association of response codes (SNARC) task and its variants. Yet, for a combination of reasons, SNARC‐like effects cannot provide evidence for a GMS, even in principle. Rather, these effects support a broader theory of how people use space metaphorically to scaffold their understanding of myriad non‐spatial domains, whether or not these domains exhibit variation in magnitude.  相似文献   

The generalized graded unfolding model (GGUM) is capable of analyzing polytomous scored, unfolding data such as agree‐disagree responses to attitude statements. In the present study, we proposed a GGUM with structural equation for subject parameters, which enabled us to evaluate the relation between subject parameters and covariates and/or latent variables simultaneously, in order to avoid the influence of attenuation. Additionally, an algorithm for parameter estimation is newly implemented via the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, based on Bayesian statistics. In the simulation, we compared the accuracy of estimates of regression coefficients between the proposed model and a conventional method using a GGUM (where regression coefficients are estimated using estimates of θ). As a result, the proposed model performed much better than the conventional method in terms of bias and root mean squared errors of estimates of regression coefficients. The study concluded by verifying the efficacy of the proposed model, using an actual data example of attitude measurement.  相似文献   

通过两个实验检验空间距离如何影响消费者选择偏好。实验一中,产品与消费者之间的空间距离不影响他们对不可匹配属性更优产品的偏好。实验二中,两种产品之间的空间距离与产品属性交互作用影响了消费者的选择偏好,使他们在两产品之间空间距离远时比近时更偏好不可匹配属性更优产品。两种不同类型的空间距离对消费者选择偏好的影响是不同的。强调两产品之间的空间距离远,会影响消费者在选择过程中对不可匹配属性的使用。  相似文献   

Piaget’s conception of adolescent egocentrism, as interpreted and extended by Elkind (1967) is discussed, and research that has related Elkind’s egocentric ideations of personal fable and imaginary audience to age and intellectual development is considered. Alternative theories of adolescent egocentrism and its decentration are examined, and a neo-Meadian framework is discussed that understands the imaginary audience ideation of adolescents as a possibly functional, highly variable response to the complex task of coordinating individual and social perspectives as part of the adolescent’s search for identity.  相似文献   

基于GPCM的计算机自适应测验选题策略比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘珍  丁树良  林海菁 《心理学报》2008,40(5):618-625
选题策略是计算机自适应测验(Computerized Adaptive Testing , CAT)研究的一项重要内容,它的好坏直接关系到考试的信度、效度及考试的安全性。CAT的许多研究与应用,都建立在0-1二级评分模型基础上,对多级评分CAT的选题策略的研究很少报导。目前国内虽已开展了基于GRM的CAT研究,但基于GPCM的CAT的研究尚未见有关报道。本文通过计算机模拟程序,对基于拓广分部评分模型(Generalized Partial Credit Model, GPCM)下的CAT的四种选题策略在多种情况下进行了比较研究。研究结果表明:被试能力呈正态分布时,选题策略的使用效果与项目步骤参数分布有很大的关系。(1)项目步骤参数均服从正态分布时,采用能力与项目步骤参数匹配选题策略效果最佳;(2)项目步骤参数均服从均匀分布时,能力与项目步骤参数平均数匹配选题策略效果最佳  相似文献   

BackgroundLittle is known about the acute effects of exercise among individuals with clinical or subclinical Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).PurposeThus, this study examined worry, state anxiety, and feelings of energy and fatigue responses to acute aerobic exercise and quiet rest, and explored potential moderators of response among young adult women with worry scores indicative of GAD.MethodsSeventeen young women with Penn State Worry Questionnaire scores ≥45 (60 ± 8) completed 30-min treadmill running at 65%–85% heart rate reserve (%HRR) and 30-min seated quiet rest in counterbalanced order. Outcomes included worry, state anxiety, and feelings of energy and fatigue. Two condition X two time repeated measures ANOVA examined differences across condition and time. Hedges’ d effect sizes (95%CI) were calculated to quantify and compare the magnitude of change. Independent-samples t-tests explored potential moderators of outcome response.ResultsTotal exercise time was 35.8 ± 3.4min with a mean 30.3 ± 0.16 in-zone minutes (65%-85%HRR); participants exercised at ∼72.9 ± 0.03 %HRR (range 66%–79%). Compared with quiet rest, acute exercise significantly improved worry engagement, state anxiety, and feelings of energy and fatigue (all p ≤ 0.031). Moderate-to-large (d = 0.44 to 1.69) reductions in state anxiety and feelings of fatigue and improvements in feelings of energy were found. Exercise-induced reductions in worry engagement were significantly larger among non-high trait anxious participants. Compared to normal sleepers, quiet rest significantly increased feelings of fatigue among poor sleepers.ConclusionFindings provide support for the positive effects of acute aerobic exercise on worry, state anxiety, and feelings of energy and fatigue among young women with worry indicative of GAD.  相似文献   

New products are often extremely incongruent with expectations. The inability to make sense of these products elevates anxiety and leads to negative evaluations. Although scholars have predominantly focused on combating the negative response to extreme incongruity, we propose that extreme incongruity may have implications that extend beyond the category. We base our predictions on the concept of fluid compensation, which suggests that when people struggle to make sense of something, they will nonconsciously reinforce highly accessible schemas in unrelated domains. Four studies confirm that extreme incongruity encourages fluid compensation, such that it elevates preference for dominant brands (study 1), green consumption (studies 2 and 4), and ethnocentric products (study 3). We isolate the causal role of anxiety using moderation tasks and biometric feedback. Furthermore, we demonstrate that compensation has an immediate dampening effect on arousal intensity. Thus, if consumers can compensate before explicitly evaluating an extremely incongruent product, their evaluations tend not to be negative. Taken together, we document that extreme innovations encourage compensation, and in compensating, consumers can become more receptive to extreme innovations.  相似文献   

程小扬  丁树良 《心理科学》2011,34(4):965-969
摘要: 在计算机自适应测验中, 对0-1评分模型按a-分层选题是高效安全的策略,但多级评分模型的项目难度/步骤参数有多个而无法直接应用这种选题策略。信息函数能够很好地综合项目所有参数及能力参数,但最大信息量选题策略会影响考试安全。本文提出一种变加权选题策略,它通过调用一个与信息量相关联的函数,该函数与信息量成正比,与区分度的某个幂函数成反比,从而达到既能综合项目所有参数又按a分层的效果。在GPCM模型下用蒙特卡罗实验进行比较研究,结果显示新的选题策略总体效果比已有相关结果好。  相似文献   

运用广义回归神经网络(GRNN)方法对小样本多维项目反应理论(MIRT)补偿性模型的项目参数进行估计,尝试解决传统参数估计方法样本数量要求较大的问题。MIRT双参数Logistic补偿模型被设置为二级计分的二维模型。首先,模拟二维能力参数、项目参数值与考生作答矩阵。其次,把通过主成分分析得到的前两个因子在每个题目上的载荷作为区分度的初始值以及题目通过率作为难度的初始值,这两个指标的初始值作为神经网络的输入。集成100个神经网络,其输出值的均值作为MIRT的项目参数估计值。最后,设置2×2种(能力相关水平:0.3和0.7; 两种估计方法:GRNN和MCMC方法)实验处理,对GRNN和MCMC估计方法的返真性进行比较。结果表明,小样本的情况下,基于GRNN集成方法的参数估计结果优于MCMC方法。  相似文献   

A human stigmergy model of product development through a series of incremental novelties and imitations is obtained by observing the isomorphism between solution trees generated by groups of humans participating in online games like Foldit, self-organizing topics in online learning systems, product evolution through a combination of innovation and imitation in the cell phone industry, and social networks formed over the past 40 years in creation of the Boston biotech commons. The model incorporates two very simple rules: (1) preferential attachment, and (2) the combination of existing product designs into a single design. A computer model used to simulate the model produces product evolution networks isomorphic to observed solution trees and product evolution trees. Additionally, industries with a high degree of novelty produce a product evolution network with scale-free and betweenness centrality structure.  相似文献   

以一般结果期待的双维结构观点为基础,按照一般结果期待的乐观期待和悲观期待的水平将184名大学生样本划分为明显乐观、明显悲观、双重倾向和倾向不明四个类型,进而探讨不同类型大学生在创业投资情境下一般结果期待对风险决策偏好的影响。结果表明,风险概率、描述框架与一般结果期待的交互作用显著,在低风险概率、积极框架下,双重倾向型一般结果期待大学生比其他三个类型的大学生表现出明显的风险寻求偏好。  相似文献   

Loyal Rue 《Zygon》2000,35(3):587-602
Much of contemporary scholarly opinion rejects the attempt to construct a general theory of religion (that is, its origin, structure, and functions). This view says that particular religious traditions are unique, sui generis , incommensurable, and cannot therefore be generalized. Much of contemporary opinion also rejects the attempt to explain religious phenomena using the categories and concepts of the natural and social sciences. This view says that the phenomena of religion cannot be understood apart from a recognition of "the sacred," or some element of transcendence, implying that religion cannot be naturalized. This article begins to show how the phenomena of religion can be both generalized and naturalized.  相似文献   

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