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针对临床上存在的手术前患者本人签字有违人文关怀,提出对病人的主体地位和自由权的尊重体现了人文关怀的本质;必要时病人权利让渡也是尊重病人的表现,在临床上具有可取性;医患沟通的目的是为了促进病人的健康和幸福.  相似文献   

人文关怀是对人、人类社会的生存和发展、命运和前途的关心,是对人性和人权的尊重和保护,是对人独立思想和人格的容许与提倡。随着医学模式的转变和急诊医学的发展和完善,越来越需要重视对病人的人文关怀,也就是对病人人权和人格的重视。在急诊医学教学当中,不但要传授相关的专业知识,而且需要将人文关怀的理念贯穿于教学始终,培养医学生人文关怀的素养,教师同时要重视医学生自身对人文关怀的需求。  相似文献   

人文关怀是对人、人类社会的生存和发展、命运和前途的关心,是对人性和人权的尊重和保护,是对人独立思想和人格的容许与提倡.随着医学模式的转变和急诊医学的发展和完善,越来越需要重视对病人的人文关怀,也就是对病人人权和人格的重视.在急诊医学教学当中,不但要传授相关的专业知识,而且需要将人文关怀的理念贯穿于教学始终,培养医学生人文关怀的素养,教师同时要重视医学生自身对人文关怀的需求.  相似文献   

医学存在自然和人文双重属性,医疗服务必须体现人文关怀。人文关怀的核心是以人为本,强调对人的尊重、理解、关心和爱护,重视人的作用。微创外科是传统外科的一场深刻的技术革命,其哲学基础是以人为本。微创外科手术以患者为主体和中心,提出对患者的主体地位和自由权的尊重;以减少对患者的创伤和痛苦为目的,强调患者的价值和尊严,重视对患者的无限关怀,其开创和发展充分体现了人文关怀的精神实质。  相似文献   

为了探讨和分析如何利用标准化病人评估临床医学专业学生的人文关怀能力,在某本科临床专业毕业考试中,随机选取该校400名学生,并且选取10名标准化病人对学生进行体格检查考试评估。评估包括体格检查项目、人文关怀能力、医患沟通能力等评分项目。统计结果显示,19.27%医学生没有自我介绍、42.20%医学生没有与病人目光交流、49.49%医学生没有注意病人真实感受、27.52%医学生缺乏对病人的隐私保护、4.59%医学生操作技能不合格,医学生的人文关怀能力明显不足。建议加强医学生对人文关怀技能的重视,提高医学生人文关怀意识及人文关怀技能,重视人文关怀培养路径。  相似文献   

医学存在自然和人丈双重属性.医疗服务必须体现人文关怀.人文关怀的核心是以人为本.强调对人的尊重、理解、关心和爱护,重视人的作用.微创外科是传统外科的一场深刻的技术革命,其哲学基础是以人为本.微创外科手术以患者为主体和中心,提出对患者的主体地位和自由权的尊重;以减少对患者的创伤和痛苦为目的,强调患者的价值和尊严,重视对患者的无限关怀,其开创和发展充分体现了人文关怀的精神实质.  相似文献   

人文关怀是护理学的本质,医学模式的转变、优质护理的开展以及患者关怀需求的增加,使护理人文关怀受到广大研究者的热议。就国内外专家学者对护理人文关怀概念、理论、结构要素和关怀实践发展进行分析和综述,总结我国护理人文关怀概念主要包括互动关系、尊重原则、情感表达和专业行为;护理人文关怀理论研究应充分考虑人文关怀的多向度、全面性和持续性,并提出未来护理实践发展应正视差距,推动制度改革,把握整体性与动态性、共性与个性、继承性和创新性之间的关系,以期为护理人文关怀理论及其实践的发展提供借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

从医学的目的与医学本质出发,重新界定了医学人文关怀,医护人员在对病人的医疗过程中,以尊重病人的人格和重视病人的需求为前提,以关爱和友善的态度为特征,以相互信任的医患关系之建立为标志的职业理念。进而明确其主客体关系、确认其医学固有属性之性质并强调其积极主动的实践意义,阐述如何使医学人文关怀的意识和理念根植于医学生心灵、体现于医疗卫生工作之中并真正成为医务工作者的一种自在的职业本能。  相似文献   

医疗服务须体现人文关怀   总被引:28,自引:8,他引:20  
如今,病人抱怨最多的是医护人员缺乏人文素养.病人有心理需求,是社会的人,而不仅仅是生物学意义上的人,因此,他们在接受医疗服务时也需要人文关怀.医务工作者只有富于人文修养,才能营造良好的医患关系.  相似文献   

大多数癌症病人会受到不同程度的癌痛困扰.癌痛治疗已成为癌症姑息治疗的一项重要内容,癌痛的科学评估与规范治疗对于改善病人的生存质量具有重要意义,同时在治疗过程中应当突出"人本思想",体现"人文关怀",尊重生命,关爱健康,减轻痛苦,尊重患者的权利和隐私,体现人道主义精神.  相似文献   

以人为本,推进我国临终关怀事业的发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
加快我国临终关怀事业的发展进程,就要集中经济与卫生资源,提供政策和支撑条件;制定临终关怀机构的规范化建设标准和制度,强化培训和管理;加强对临终关怀伦理的研究,将关怀生命、维护尊严、尊重临终者权利、满足临终者意愿和全人关怀的伦理原则落实在临终关怀的实践中。  相似文献   

...teaching institutions should establish policies for all aspects of care provided by residents-in-training (not just for the acquisition of informed consent to treatment) and establish mechanisms to monitor how these policies are implemented and their effect on the quality of patient care and patient satisfaction with care. Clear policy on which treatments are provided by junior residents and which treatments and aspects of care are provided by senior residents is necessary for patients and their families to have control over what happens to them in the health-care institution....Teaching institutions should regularly assess whether residents are being asked to take on more responsibilities in patient care than they are prepared to do. The reasons to do this are not solely related to protecting the patient from harm. Protecting the residents-in-training from overwhelming guilt, fear, and providing them with a more humane approach to medical education should be a minimal expectation for the training of those who will be expected to provide humane care to others....  相似文献   

Shared Decision Making (‘SDM’) is one of the most significant developments in Western health care practices in recent years. Whereas traditional models of care operate on the basis of the physician as the primary medical decision maker, SDM requires patients to be supported to consider options in order to achieve informed preferences by mutually sharing the best available evidence. According to its proponents, SDM is the right way to interpret the clinician-patient relationship because it fulfils the ethical imperative of respecting patient autonomy. However, there is no consensus about how decisions in SDM contexts relate to the principle of respect for autonomy. In response, I demonstrate that in order to make decisions about what treatment they will or will not receive, patients will be required to meet different conditions depending on the approach proponents of SDM take to understanding personal autonomy. Due to the fact that different conceptions of autonomy yield different obligations, I argue that if physicians and patients satisfied all the conditions described in standard accounts of SDM, then SDM would undermine patient autonomy.  相似文献   

急诊科倡导人文关怀是非常必要的,当代医学模式已从生物医学转变为生物-心理-社会模式,从而更重视对人的关怀,急诊医生每天面对的是急危重症,不仅要有精湛的医术、临危不乱的心态,同时在治疗抢救过程中还要有一颗仁爱之心,生命至上的信念,应当突出“人本思想”,体现“人文关怀”,尊重生命,关爱健康,减轻痛苦,尊重患者的权利和隐私,体现人道主义精神。急诊医生只有富于人文修养,方能建立良好的医患关系,有利于减少医疗纠纷,提升医院的竞争力。  相似文献   

循证医学是一种人性化的医学实践方法,最近发布的英国国家临床最优化研究所(NICE)帕金森病(PD)指南,即《帕金森病诊断与管理指南——第二次咨询稿》,充分体现了PD诊疗决策中的人文关怀和循证医学的人文精神。作者从NICE指南的指导思想、医患交流及姑息护理阐述了PD诊治中的人文思想和循证医学对医学人文精神的不断追求。  相似文献   

Family medicine providers at a large family medicine clinic were surveyed regarding their impression of the impact, utility and safety of the Primary Care Prescribing Psychologist (PCPP) model in which a prescribing psychologist is embedded in a primary care clinic. This article describes the model and provides indications of its strengths and weaknesses as reported by medical providers who have utilized the model for the past 2 years. A brief history of prescribing psychology and the challenges surrounding granting psychologists the authority to prescribe psychotropic medication is summarized. Results indicate family medicine providers agree that having a prescribing psychologist embedded in the family medicine clinic is helpful to their practice, safe for patients, convenient for providers and for patients, and improves patient care. Potential benefits of integrating prescribing psychology into primary care are considered and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

近年我国不少生殖医学中心在如何提高体外受精一胚胎移植(IVF—ET)治疗成功率问题上,都将注意力集中在临床用药的研究、控制性超促排卵方案的改进以及实验室条件的改善上,大多忽视IVF—ET患者心理方面的治疗。有研究表明:IVF—ET治疗的成功,不仅与患者自身的病理及生理状况有关,更与患者在治疗过程中产生的心理压力有关。因此,建议医护人员在给不孕症患者实施IVF-ET助孕治疗的全过程中,应给予患者更多人文关怀,这样不仅能够减少IVF—ET患者心理健康问题的发生,而且可以改善患者的身心状态和应对治疗能力,从而提高IVF—ET治疗成功率。  相似文献   

The respect shown by clinic personnel for the adult status of their patients, and the right of people with mental retardation to good routine gynecologic care are not at issue. What is at issue is the right of a mentally retarded woman to refuse the intrusion of a pelvic examination. To accept an accommodated decisional capacity to say yes or indicate assent but to deny the reverse might be in the patients' medical best interest, but it is neither consistent nor respectful of their autonomy.  相似文献   

从细节着手围手术期人文关怀   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
人文关怀不是能一蹴而就的工作,而是需要从细节着手贯穿始终的系统工程。作为麻醉医生,与患者的接触通常仅限于围手术期。除了为患者提供高质量的麻醉外,还必须注意围手术期的各种细节问题。只有把术前、术中、术后各个阶段的各种"小事"做好了,才能充分体现对患者的人文关怀。这既有利于患者的健康,也有利于建立良好的医患关系。  相似文献   

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