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Repeat applicants to a fire‐fighter position undertook the same cognitive ability and situational judgment tests on multiple occasions and the resultant practice effects were investigated. Practice effects of approximately two fifths of a standard deviation were observed between Times 1 and 2 on timed tests of Abstract Reasoning and Mechanical Comprehension. Smaller practice effects were observed, however, on a timed test of numerical comprehension ability and the untimed Teamwork Knowledge Skills and Abilities situational judgment test. For all four tests, the additional practice effect observed at Time 3 were smaller and nonsignificant; a result supplemented by latent growth curve analyses.  相似文献   

Using a policy‐capturing methodology, the current study examines if and to what extent individuals utilize selection process information contained in job ads in making evaluations of organizational attractiveness and decisions to apply. Results show both indirect and direct evidence that individuals do attend to and use these cues when presented in job ads in making initial job‐pursuit evaluations. Additionally, the results are consistent with a model derived from the organizational justice literature suggesting that perceptions of selection procedures' measurement accuracy may drive the observed effects. Specifically, ratings of organizational attractiveness and intentions to apply were significantly associated with perceptions of a given selection method's assessment accuracy for those ads that specified its use. Policy‐capturing results also show direct evidence that participants attend to and rely on selection process information in job ads to make job‐pursuit evaluations, and that perceptions of measurement accuracy are related to the degree to which, and how those cues are utilized. Research and applied implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Theoretical and empirical evidence distinguishes between two types of response distortion: impression management (IM) and self‐deceptive enhancement (SDE), although most research in Industrial/Organizational Psychology has focused on the effects of IM. The present study compared the effects of IM and SDE on job performance and personality validity. Two‐hundred and sixty‐one managers completed Big Five Personality, SDE, and IM measures. The managers' supervisors, peers, and subordinates rated their job performance. In accordance with previous research, accounting for managers' IM scores did not increase prediction of job performance. On the other hand, accounting for SDE did increase prediction. Increased prediction was due to an interaction between Extraversion and SDE, and an increase in the predictive validity of Emotional Stability when SDE was held constant. Results suggested that findings from previous research demonstrating that IM does not affect job performance or personality validity cannot be extended to SDE.  相似文献   

This article presents results from two samples of applicants (total N = 368) for general practitioner posts in the United Kingdom. The roles of job relatedness and self‐efficacy in fairness perceptions were explored, with data gathered at two time points: immediately after testing and one month later following outcome (pass/fail) feedback. Overall, results indicated that in two samples, job relatedness perceptions measured at the time of testing predicted fairness perceptions measured following outcome feedback. In addition, the stage in the selection process (shortlisting vs. assessment center) was important in determining the extent to which job relatedness perceptions predicted fairness. Findings also suggest that self‐efficacy may be a predictor, rather than an outcome variable, in applicant fairness perceptions in this high‐stakes setting. Results are discussed in relation to their practical and theoretical implications.  相似文献   

The present study examined the main and interactive effects of race, gender, and job type on job suitability ratings and selection decisions. Consistent with the double‐advantage additive effects model of race and gender, highly educated Black women were rated as more suitable for jobs and more likely to be selected for jobs requiring high levels of cognitive ability than were comparably educated White men, White women, or Black men. These results suggest that selection decisions might be jointly determined by race, gender, and the nature of a job. The implications of these findings for overcoming biases in employment‐related decision making are discussed.  相似文献   

Over the years, researchers have focused on ways to facilitate creativity in the workplace by looking at individual factors and organizational factors that affect employee creativity (Woodman, Sawyer, & Griffin, 1993 ). In many cases, the factors that affect creativity are examined independently. In other words, it is uncommon for researchers to look at the interaction among individual and organizational factors. In this study, it is argued that to get a true understanding of how to maximize creativity in the workplace, organizational researchers must look at the interaction between organizational factors and individual factors that affect employee creativity. More specifically, the current study looked at an individual's perceptions about his or her ability to be creative (i.e., individual factor) and perceptions of requirements for creativity in the workplace (i.e., an organizational factor). The results indicated that individuals who have a high belief about their ability to be creative (an individual factor) were most creative when they also perceived requirements for creativity in the workplace (an organizational factor). Furthermore, individuals who had low perceptions of creative ability were still able to perform creatively when they had high perceptions of requirements for creativity. This suggests that, to maximize creativity, organizations should focus on both individual and organizational factors that affect employee creativity.  相似文献   

This study investigated the joint influences of episodic levels of pleasant mood at work and beliefs about one's job on judgments of job satisfaction, as well as examining the prediction of the patterns of affective states over time. Twenty-four managerial workers completed a diary during work hours which required them to report their mood state at four different times during the workday. The diaries were completed for 16 workdays. At a separate time they completed a measure of overall satisfaction, a Valence-Instrumentality-Expectancy (VIE) measure of beliefs about the job and two dispositional variables, dispositional happiness and affect intensity. Results showed that average levels of pleasant mood over the 16 days and VIE beliefs about the job made significant and independent contributions to the prediction of overall job satisfaction and did so over and above the contribution of dispositional happiness. Results also indicated that individual differences in affective intensity predicted the variability of pleasant mood over time as well as mean levels of mood activation. Finally, spectral analyses applied to the series of mood observations showed that the variability over time in the series of mood observations showed two definite cycles, one corresponding to a daily cycle and one corresponding to a two-period oscillation in mood. Results are discussed in terms of the joint influences of affective experiences and job beliefs on job attitudes and the importance of studying affect over time independent of job satisfaction. Copyright 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

This study attempted to determine the effects of family and social support on the self‐esteem, self‐efficacy, and job search self‐efficacy of the unemployed. A total of 117 surveys were collected in Nevada, Idaho, and Oregon measuring self‐esteem, general self‐efficacy, and job search self‐efficacy and social support. Pearson correlation coefficients demonstrated moderately strong positive relationships between social support and self‐esteem, general self‐efficacy, and job search self‐efficacy. Social and family support had a stronger influence on the self‐perceptions of men than women.  相似文献   

王爱平  张厚粲 《心理科学》2002,25(6):645-648
本研究采用RSVP任务考察了在汉字信息加工中间隔效应对重复知盲效应的影响。研究发现:(1)间隔效应是影响重复知盲效应的主要因素之一。当间隔数较小(或间隔时间较短)时,有较强的重复知盲效应;随着间隔数的增加(或间隔时间的延长),重复知盲效应逐渐减弱;(2)在同一系列位置,第一个重复项R1的正确率远大于第二个重复项R2,这可能反映出注意在重复知盲效应中的作用。  相似文献   

Abstract: We seem to directly perceive external things. But can we? According to the time‐lag argument, we cannot. What we directly perceive happens now. There is a time‐lag between our perceptions and the external things we seem to directly perceive; these external things happen in the past; thus, what we directly perceive must be something else, for example, sense‐data, and we can only at best indirectly perceive other things. This paper examines the time‐lag argument given contemporary metaphysics. I argue that this argument is not as compelling as it may initially seem. First, it denies that what we directly perceive can ever be what it seems to be; second, it conflicts with the current physical conception of time, relativity theory. This latter point leads to a more general one: the argument's force depends on a particular metaphysical conception on time, presentism, which is controversial in contemporary metaphysics of time. Given the alternative conception, eternalism, the argument is much less compelling. The overall argument of this paper, then, is that, if one wishes to hold that we directly perceive external things, we should subscribe to the latter view of time, i.e., eternalism.  相似文献   

Although the evidence for the use of situational judgment tests (SJTs) in high‐stakes testing has been generally promising, questions have been raised regarding the potential coachability of SJTs. This study reports the first examination of the effects of coaching on SJT scores in an operational high‐stakes setting. We contrast findings from a simple comparison of SJT scores for coached and uncoached participants (posttest only) with three different approaches to deal with the effects of self‐selection into coaching programs, namely using a pretest as a covariate and using two different forms of propensity score‐based matching using a wide range of variables as covariates. Coaching effects were estimated at about 0.5 SDs. The implications for the use of SJTs in high‐stakes settings and for coaching research in general are discussed.  相似文献   

Whether repetition and lag improve the recognition of movement patterns was investigated. Recognition memory was tested for one repetition, two-repetitions massed, and two-repetitions distributed with movement patterns repeated at lags of 3, 5, 7, and 13. Recognition performance was examined both immediately afterwards and following a 48 hour delay. Both repetition and lag effects failed to be demonstrated, providing some support for the claim that memory is unaffected by repetition at a constant level of processing (Craik & Lockhart, 1972). There was, as expected, a significant decrease in recognition memory following the retention interval, but this appeared unrelated to repetition or lag.  相似文献   

The job search process is considered a complex and intensive procedure requiring investment in time and effort on behalf of job seekers. Our study attempts to explore further the effects of a number of individual characteristics on job search behavior, effort, job search outcomes, as well as, on psychological well‐being. We examined these relationships using a daily diary methodology with the participation of 79 recent university graduates–job seekers in Greece at the beginning of the recent financial crisis. Our results did not support the importance of these individual characteristics on job search behavior, effort, and job search outcomes, but it supported their role of daily psychological well‐being, especially their self‐esteem. We discuss implications for job seekers to cultivate these skills that are related to these individual characteristics helpful in maintaining a positive psychological state during the job search period.  相似文献   

通过对从事人力资源管理工作的公务员、软件工程师、网络编辑和报纸广告销售人员四个职业的272名任职者调查数据的层次回归分析,文章发现控制了职业和人口统计学变量的影响之后,工作满意度、情感承诺和工作投入三个工作态度变量对工作技能的重要性和水平评价有显著影响。进一步对比发现,工作满意度对于技能的重要性和水平评价的影响效应较大。该研究对多个职业的分析结果拓展了人们对工作分析结果影响因素的认识,并对未来工作分析研究和实践有重要的启示作用  相似文献   

To demonstrate the multidimensionality of test fairness, we examined the reactions of 246 police applicants to two consecutive selection tests (written and video‐based) in terms of eight dimensions of fairness. As hypothesized, each test was seen as more fair in terms of certain dimensions. Furthermore, test fairness measured immediately after each test predicted perceptions of overall selection system fairness measured after candidates received their test results and after controlling for applicants’ selection outcomes (i.e., whether they were eligible for further consideration in the selection process). Job‐relatedness/content for the video‐based test interacted with test score to affect test‐taking self‐efficacy. Our discussion focuses on the multidimensionality of test fairness, the contribution of these dimensions to overall selection system fairness, and the consideration of these dimensions in selection system design.  相似文献   

The current study examined the impact of political behavior and perceptions of politics on job satisfaction and affective commitment. It is hypothesized that political behavior and perceived politics would interact to predict these outcomes such that those who reported greater use of these tactics would be more satisfied and committed when work environments were viewed as political in nature. Data were gathered from 131 police officers, who completed surveys following developmental programs. In general, results provided support for the hypothesis. Specifically, the Political Behavior × Perceived Politics interaction term explained incremental variance beyond demographic variables, control variables, and indicators of perceived control and understanding for each work outcome. These findings indicate that some individuals may experience positive consequences when occupying an environment perceived to be highly political. Implications of these findings, strengths and weaknesses, and avenues for future research are provided.  相似文献   

Finding reemployment after job loss is a complex and difficult task that requires extensive motivation and self‐regulation. This study aimed to examine whether improving unemployed job seekers’ cognitive self‐regulation can increase reemployment probabilities. Based on the goal orientation literature, we developed a learning‐goal orientation (LGO) training, which focused on goal setting aimed at improving rather than demonstrating competences and creating a climate of development and improvement. We predicted that the LGO training would influence peoples’ goal orientation towards job seeking, which in turn would relate to learning from failure, strategy awareness, and self‐efficacy, leading to job‐search intentions, resulting in increased reemployment status. Using a 2‐group quasi‐experimental design with 223 unemployed job seekers, we found support for these predictions, except for self‐efficacy. The results suggest that an LGO training is a promising tool to improve self‐regulation in and effectiveness of job search.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the role of self‐enhancement in a job search context. Based on previous theoretical and empirical research on positive illusions and core self‐evaluations, we examined the relationships among core self‐evaluations, self‐enhancement, perceived job alternatives, and job search behaviors. Participants in two different studies were students attending a career fair at a university in the southwestern United States to look for a job. Results showed that self‐enhancement is positively related to preparatory job search and mediates the relationship between core self‐evaluations and perceived job alternatives. The implications of this study are discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of providing applicants with pre‐test information and preparation (PTIP) materials on pass rates and reactions to the selection process. Applicants for chemical process operator positions that had (n=38) and had not (n=57) received PTIP materials before completing a test battery were surveyed after they had received notice of the outcome of the testing. Providing the PTIP materials did not influence overall pass rates or applicant reactions. However, results indicated that testing outcome (pass vs fail) had a strong influence on applicant reactions to the testing process. Among those that did not pass the testing hurdle, providing PTIP materials markedly improved perceptions of fairness and satisfaction with the testing process. These findings show that the use of PTIP materials reduces negative applicant reactions experienced by individuals that do not pass employment tests.  相似文献   

Although the word‐frequency effect is one of the most established findings in spoken‐word recognition, the precise processing locus of this effect is still a topic of debate. In this study, we used event‐related potentials (ERPs) to track the time course of the word‐frequency effect. In addition, the neighborhood density effect, which is known to reflect mechanisms involved in word identification, was also examined. The ERP data showed a clear frequency effect as early as 350 ms from word onset on the P350, followed by a later effect at word offset on the late N400. A neighborhood density effect was also found at an early stage of spoken‐word processing on the PMN, and at word offset on the late N400. Overall, our ERP differences for word frequency suggest that frequency affects the core processes of word identification starting from the initial phase of lexical activation and including target word selection. They thus rule out any interpretation of the word frequency effect that is limited to a purely decisional locus after word identification has been completed.  相似文献   

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