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Research in life span development suggests that middle adulthood is a time of stability, discovery, and psychosocial growth. This review applies the life span developmental perspective to advance counselors’ understanding of psychosocial development during middle adulthood, specifically, midlife adults’ sense of self, perceptions of aging, developmental tasks, and contexts.  相似文献   

Despite the counseling profession’s widespread interest in wellness, little research has been conducted on wellness in older adulthood. The author reviews the literature to identify current trends in research on wellness among older adults. Out of 273 articles, only 40 (14.63%) used a multidimensional, holistic framework. Further analysis revealed a lack of multidimensional models that were normed on older adults or tailored to their needs. The author concludes with an 8‐dimensional wellness framework to guide future research.  相似文献   

Researchers have suggested strategies in the spiritual domain for improving wellness. This study explored relationships among spirituality, religiosity, and wellness for poor, rural women in early adulthood, early–middle adulthood, and middle–later adulthood. Implications for evidence‐based strategies to improve wellness for poor, rural women across the life span are provided.  相似文献   

The authors examined holistic wellness factors and drinking and driving behaviors among undergraduate students. Two factors of the Indivisible Self Wellness Model, the Coping Self and the Physical Self, decreased the odds of engaging in drinking and driving behavior.  相似文献   

大学生成人依恋、社会支持与抑郁的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
通过整群随机抽样的方法抽取了438名大学生, 对其施测关系问卷、亲密关系经历量表、社会支持评定量表和抑郁问卷, 以探讨成人依恋关系、社会支持与抑郁之间的相互关系。结果表明:(1)依恋回避、依恋焦虑、社会支持和抑郁在依恋类型上存在显著差异;(2)依恋回避与不同来源社会支持均存在显著负相关, 与抑郁存在显著正相关。依恋焦虑与主观社会支持存在显著负相关, 与抑郁存在显著正相关。不同来源社会支持与抑郁均存在显著负相关;(3)社会支持可以部分中介成人依恋对抑郁的影响。  相似文献   

在文献分析和半结构化访谈的基础上编制大学生过度消费初始量表。以250名大学生为被试进行项目分析和探索性因素分析,以401名大学生为被试进行信效度检验,最终形成的正式量表包含透支、计划和享乐三个维度,共11个条目。结果发现,用于测量大学生过度消费的多维量表、各维单项目量表和单项目量表均具有较高的内部一致性信度以及良好的结构效度和效标效度,可以作为后续相关研究的测量工具。  相似文献   

The authors investigated sociodemographic predictors of the mental health status of college students (N = 308) in Guam. Results indicated prevalence rates of 17.8%, 40.2%, and 25.6% for moderate or more severe levels of depression, anxiety, and stress, respectively. Psychological distress was found to be predicted by gender, ethnicity, living arrangement, and academic level. Comparisons with college students in the U.S. mainland and Hong Kong were also examined. Implications for counseling services and strategies are discussed.  相似文献   


Although the prevalence of drug use in the young adult population in Turkey is still far below the figures reported for most European Union countries and the United States, there seems to be a noteworthy increase in drug use, especially among high school and college students. The purpose of the present study was to examine the extent of drug use among college students in Turkey and to identify some of the individual-difference variables associated with drug use. Participants were 781 college students. A survey package including (a) measures of sensation seeking–risk taking, self-esteem, affectivity level, global mental health, overall life satisfaction, and the rate and nature of substance use and (b) demographic questions was administered to the participants during regularly held class meetings. A logistic regression analysis revealed that sensation seeking?risk taking, parental education level, smoking, and frequency of alcohol use predicted illicit drug experience. Implications of the findings and limitations of the study are discussed using the context of the study as a framework.  相似文献   

Refugee populations experience risk factors that may influence their wellness. As the number of refugees continues to rise, it is important for professional counselors, counselor educators, and counselors‐in‐training to be aware of techniques for supporting wellness in this population. This article addresses risk factors to refugee wellness within the indivisible self model of wellness (Myers & Sweeney, 2004 ) and highlights current wellness trends and the importance of a prevention‐based treatment paradigm for helpers working with refugee populations.  相似文献   

幸福评价的时间轨迹是指人们对自己的过去、现在和将来的幸福评价的轨迹。从过去、现在和将来角度来研究幸福, 对于全面理解幸福本质具有重要的意义。本研究用两项研究探索了中国大学生的幸福评价的时间轨迹。研究1让130名大学生完成时间维度生活满意度量表, 结果发现, 中国大学生认为过去与现在的幸福没有显著区别, 将来比过去和现在都幸福, 即过去幸福=现在幸福 < 将来幸福, 这与西方的研究结果过去幸福 < 现在幸福 < 将来幸福的轨迹不同。研究2采用实验法, 让45名大学生对描述幸福和不幸福的形容词进行评定, 再次支持了中国大学生的这一幸福评价的时间轨迹。不幸福评价的时间轨迹呈现出过去不幸福=现在不幸福 > 将来不幸福的趋势。  相似文献   

This quasi-experimental study evaluated the effectiveness of a multi-modal experiential stress management course for college students. Experiential approaches included yoga, mindfulness hiking, and equine-assisted stress management activities. Univariate analysis of covariance revealed significantly lower perceived stress for the experimental group at the conclusion of the stress management course. Repeated measures univariate analysis of variance revealed that the stress management course significantly reduced present moment stress over time and that equine-assisted activities were as effective as yoga and mindfulness hiking in reducing student stress.  相似文献   

The effect of a 6‐week loving‐kindness meditation (LKM) on the multidimensional empathy of 103 master's‐level counseling students was evaluated, in addition to the correlation between reported levels of time spent meditating and empathy. Statistical analyses indicated that participants who received the LKM intervention experienced gains in dimensions of empathy. A significant relationship between quantity of meditation and perspective taking was noted. Implications and suggestions for future research are explored.  相似文献   

大学生自我认同感的差异   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过访谈法自编大学生自我认同感调查问卷,对某大学100名在校本科学生进行调查,统计分析得出:(1)男女大学生在家庭认同上差异最为显著(df=1,x^2=7.272.p〈O.01),在姓名认同(df=l,x^2=3.898,p〈O.05)、性别认同(df=l,x^2=4.034,p〈0.05)、容貌认同(df=l,x^2=4.061,p〈O.05)也存在蓿显著的差异;(2)文理科大学生在家庭认同上存在着显著性差异(df=l,x^2=5.394,p〈O.05);(3)城镇与农村大学生在学习成绩认同上存在着显著性差异(df=l,x^2=4.823,p〈0.05)。  相似文献   

该研究选取90名大学生为被试,探索了阅读理解监控,阅读理解成绩及其相关因素。结果发现:大学生的阅读广度,阅读理解效能感和对所阅读材料的熟悉程度对其理解监控水平具有直接的影响作用;大学生的阅读理解监控,阅读广度和阅读材料的难度对其阅读理解成绩具有直接的影响作用;阅读广度同时经由阅读理解监控进而对阅读理解成绩具有间接影响作用。  相似文献   


The authors examined attitudes and behaviors regarding close relationships between European and Asian Americans, with a particular emphasis on 5 major subgroups of Asian Americans (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Filipino Americans). Participants were 218 Asian American college students and 171 European American college students attending a culturally diverse university. The European Americans did not differentiate among the various subgroups of Asian Americans. Their attitudes regarding close relationships were less positive toward Asian Americans than toward Mexican and African Americans, a finding contrary to the prediction of social exchange theory (H. Tajfel, 1975). In contrast to the European Americans' view of homogeneity among Asian Americans, the 5 major subgroups of Asian Americans expressed a distinctive hierarchy of social preference among themselves. Results are discussed in terms of their implications for future research on interethnic relations involving Asian Americans.  相似文献   

大学生非智力因素测查问卷的编制报告   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
本研究在对非智力因素的结构进行理论探讨的基础上,结合对大学生的访谈资料,确定了10项与大学生学习活动关系比较密切的非智力因素。采用自陈量表编制原理,编制了具有较高信度和实证效度的大学生非智力因素量表。  相似文献   

上海市大学生网络成瘾调查报告   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
顾海根 《心理科学》2007,30(6):1482-1483,1499
本调查使用大学生网络成瘾量表,调查了上海市八所高校近四千名大学生。调查结果显示:上海市大学生网络成瘾的发生率为12.9%,其中轻度者为9.12%,中度者为3.60%,重度者为0.18%。上海市大学生网络成瘾的发生率存在显著的性别、年级差异,但不存在文理科差异。  相似文献   

Happiness was assessed in 140 Kuwaiti students by means of a single item self-report. Its retest reliability after one week was good (r=+0.86). It is argued that single question suffices for measuring states like happiness. Average happiness appeared to be quite low compared to students in other countries. Possible reasons for the low level of happiness among Kuwaiti college students are discussed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

大学生无聊倾向问卷的初步编制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
在文献分析基础上,结合国外常用的无聊倾向量表,通过开放式问卷、访谈等方法,编制适用于我国大学生的无聊倾向问卷。并对972名大学生进行测查,采用探索性因素分析对无聊倾向性的结构进行剖析。结果表明:(1)问卷分为两个维度:外部刺激和内部刺激;(2)这两个维度由6个因子组成:单调性、约束性、孤独感、紧张感、自控力和创造力;(3)问卷具有较好的信效度,是测量大学生无聊指数的有效工具。  相似文献   

大学生情绪智力特征的研究   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
张进辅  徐小燕 《心理科学》2004,27(2):293-296
本研究采用自编的大学生情绪智力量表.对重庆地区801名本科大学生情绪智力的特征进行了调查和分析。结果表明:大学生情绪智力量表具有较高的信度、效度,能够较客观地测量大学生的情绪智力的结构性特点;大学生的情绪智力总体上表现出积极的趋势,但其结构内部的发展不平衡,情绪的意识因素的发展高于情绪的行为因素;大学生的情绪智力存在显著的性别差异、一定的专业差异和一定的年级差异。  相似文献   

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