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“以德去刑”与“以刑去刑”作为儒法之争的焦点,在中国法律思想史上具有重大影响。这种传统的“德治”与“法治”思想有其合理的内涵,应当辩证吸收。鉴古知今,建设有中国特色社会主义,只有实践“依法治国”与“以德治国”的紧密结合,国家才能长治久安。  相似文献   

本文认为 ,西周的德刑关系思想 ,主要包括三个方面的内容 ,即天讨有罪 ,刑不可少 ;明德慎罚 ,慎重用刑 ;以德化人 ,教而后刑。西周的德刑论从头到尾都贯穿着“德治”的主张 ,对后世的德刑关系思想产生了重要的影响 ,成为中国古代德刑关系思想的理论元型。  相似文献   

在中国古代的治国理念中“德治”的思想一直占据主导地位,有着特别重要的意义。中国传统的德治主张包括了修己安人、先德后刑、德本财末、先学后仕、尊贤使能、以民为本的基本内容。  相似文献   

马斗成 《管子学刊》2004,(4):5-9,42
“刑、德”命题是古代政治法律思想中近乎永恒的命题。《管子》中有丰富、深刻的刑德思想:《管子》肯定刑在治国施政中的必要性,却大抵主张轻刑;《管子》更重视德,倡导以利民、惠民、养民为内容的德政及以“礼义廉耻”为主要特色的德教。其刑德兼施、先德后刑思想,可谓远绍周、吕,近承管、晏,下启苟、董,在中国古代正统刑德法律思想发展史上是重要一环。《管子》刑德思想还打上了齐地阴阳五行学说的烙印,具有浓厚的齐学色彩。  相似文献   

《黄老帛书》所见的另一种德治方略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《黄老帛书》以德治国说包裹在《君正篇》“一年从其俗,二年用其德”和“四年而发号令,五年而以刑正”的系统设计中。究其说,“用其德”是利用社会成员的道德(感)及其相互间的积极影响管理国家的一种方略。在对德的理解把握、德治的运作机制、可预期的作用方式和效果,以及对德治方略的定位等方面,《黄老帛书》之德治说有着与先秦儒家以德治国说颇为不同的致思方向与价值取向。前者注重被统治者道德行为的互动性,表现为对道德的客观规范的服从;而后者则执著于统治者道德品性的示范性,表现为对道德的主观人格的崇拜。  相似文献   

徐莹 《哲学研究》2023,(3):68-78
马王堆汉墓出土的黄老帛书阐述了一种“先德后刑”的刑德相养理论,有的学者以韩非的“刑德二柄”加以解读,认为二者同义。法家讲赏罚,以商韩为代表。商鞅之学在这一问题上,主张“先刑而后赏”。虽然黄老的“先德后刑”与商鞅的“先刑后赏”有相通之处,但黄老刑德概念的内涵远大于刑赏,二者在天人关系、人性驱动论等方面,也具有本质区别。韩非的“刑德二柄”与商鞅的刑赏治术并无二致,“因道全法”也非黄老思想。黄老刑德与商韩的赏罚之术并非同一思想体系,而《管子》务时寄政的“先德后刑”之说则颇具黄老学的气质与特征。通过对“先德后刑”与“先刑后赏”这两种早期刑德学说的比较分析,可以理清黄老与法家之间的思想纠葛,明确黄老刑德学说的思想独立性,并由此管窥战国时期的天人关系。  相似文献   

“谁”来实行“德治”、“谁”才能实行“德治”?围绕着这一问题,文章从韦伯的统治结构“三类型”说切入,论述了儒家的“卡里斯玛”崇拜及其与“德治”思想的关系。认为中国古代“德治”是以“卡里斯玛”崇拜为特征的“德治”,即“圣王”-“德治”。儒家寄希望于“卡里斯玛”式“圣王”来实现“民本”-“德治”-“邦宁”的“德治”理想。然而,这在“传统型”的君主制政体下是不可能真正和全面实现的。文章还分析了儒家“德治”思想的历史影响,指出除了给君主以“卡里斯玛”光环和一定程度上对君主有规范作用,唯有“德治”思想体系中的“德教”产生了实在的重大影响。  相似文献   

中国古代德治与法治浅探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国古代基本上实行的是“德主刑辅”的治国方略,而这一治国方略经历了一个从“为政以德”到“任法而治”,再到“德主刑辅”、德刑并举的发展演变过程。  相似文献   

关于《黄老帛书》刑与德的关系,学界大体有三种观点:一是德彰刑隐说,二是德主刑辅说,三是重德轻刑说。这三种看法均值得商榷。帛书刑德关系是以四时、阴阳为理据的。与四时相关联,刑德分布具有“晦、微”和“明、章(彰)”的特性,相应的,刑德在被施用的过程中也应展现出各自的特性;与阴阳相关联,帛书规定刑德具有不可或缺的整体性。尽管,相应于四时、二者的施用有先后之分,但并不能导出主辅之别。若按阴阳关系的一般原则(包括帛书的阴阳法则在内),属阳的德本应对属阴的刑起着支配、主导的作用,但帛书于刑德关系的论述中未完全遵守这一法则,显示出其理论体系的矛盾性,谓帛书主张德主刑辅有挪移董仲舒之说的嫌疑。而称帛书重德而轻刑,同样也有此倾向。  相似文献   

孔子德刑观承前启后。与前人不同,跨越运象以思阶段,形成完整的形上体系;同时又统领后来者,后儒在德刑之"神"、之"形"上都在沿用、传承孔子之所创。表达方式上,孔子首创直接对比方式,将德、刑直接对比,更利于观点的表达、理解和接受,当代中国道德建设便是缺少类似于此的精炼表达和内容阐释;孔子还开了从心理层面诠释德主刑辅的先河,增强了德主刑辅观点的可信度,当下中国道德建设亦应重视伦理道德的心理属性,切忌按经济操作手法来建设道德;最为主要的是孔子在德与刑之间植入了"礼"这个制度性规范,通过礼这个"制度"来保障道德精神在现实生活中的实现,中国封建社会悠久而成功的德治典范便是归功于此,当代中国道德建设也应借鉴于此,将"德治"的软实力通过"德制"这个硬措施来保障和实现。  相似文献   

According to Kant each person has an empirical character, which is ultimately grounded in one’s free choice. The popular Causal Laws interpretation of empirical character holds that it consists of the causal laws governing our psychology. I argue that this reading has difficulties explaining moral change, the ‘gradual reformation’ of our empirical character: Causal laws cannot change and hence cannot be gradually reformed. I propose an alternative Causal Powers interpretation of empirical character, where our empirical character consists of our mind’s causal powers. The resulting picture of empirical character allows for moral change and Kantian weakness of will.  相似文献   

赵南 《心理学探新》2004,24(2):20-23,33
《吕氏春秋》包含有丰富的道德心理思想。它对构成个体道德心理的各因素、赏罚的作用、个体道德修养的途径,以及影响个体道德的众多社会因素都有深刻的认识与精辟的见解,值得今人借鉴。  相似文献   

本研究模拟公共物品两难困境范式,以初中生为被试,通过两个实验分别考察道德惩罚和关系惩罚对不同性别和社会价值取向个体合作行为的影响。结果发现:(1)两种惩罚条件下初中生的合作水平均显著高于无惩罚条件,但当惩罚撤除后只有关系惩罚条件下的效应还存在;(2)初中女生在两种惩罚条件下的合作水平均显著高于无惩罚条件,而男生只在关系惩罚条件下出现该情况;(3)亲社会取向与亲自我取向初中生在两种惩罚阶段均表现出更高的合作水平,但在惩罚撤除后,只有亲社会取向者保持了高合作水平。这些结果表明,关系惩罚的作用较为持久,且对男生的影响更为突出,不过两种惩罚在亲社会取向者身上均显现出延后效应。  相似文献   

"以德配天"的天人论思想以及"明德慎罚"的主张,是西周时期实施道德教化的理论前提和宗旨。从内容上看,这一时期的道德教化主要包括政德教化、王室教化和民众教化,其教化内容、方式与体制也各具特色,这对我国儒家德教思想、传统治国方略和蒙养教育等优良传统的形成和家训演进都产生了广泛而深远的影响。  相似文献   

This essay suggests that while Antony Duff's model of criminal punishment as secular penance is pregnant with possibilities for theological reception and reflection, it proceeds by way of a number of separations that are brought into question by the penitential traditions of Christianity. The first three of these—between justice and mercy, censure and invitation, and state and victim, constrain the true communicative character of his account of punishment. The second set of oppositions, between sacrament and virtue, interior character and external action, and formal and moral reconciliation, subject the model of state punishment as secular penance to problematic liberal and libertarian constraints. A postsecular analogy, outlining a theology of the invitational nature of divine judgment, and drawing on Thomas Aquinas's account of penance as both sacrament and virtue, is proposed.  相似文献   

天人合一是中国哲学的根本特征之一 ,它在传统伦理思想中表现为天人合德。这一命题规定了传统道德的本体、道德价值的本原以及人的道德本性 ,是传统伦理思想最核心的理念和最根本的特征。它固然存在许多理论上的缺失 ,但又极富思辨性 ,对伦理学上的许多重大理论问题都提供了自己的解答。这对于我们今天探究这些问题 ,仍然具有启迪意义。  相似文献   

Blame and also punishment do not reach many agents in the sense that many agents are not motivated to ethically self-correct, and in fact, may be worsened by these practices. The main reasons agents may not be reached by them are that (on the most plausible secular or naturalistic ethical theory) (a) the agent's second nature may make inaccessible to him a sound appreciation of ethical considerations, and (b) the fixity of mature character may make ethical self-correction practically impossible. Still, when they are ethically rationalized, blame and punishment seem to be requirements. Even the most plausible secular or naturalistic ethics involves an important kind of incompleteness and unclarity concerning this issue. The Jewish and Christian traditions involve conceptions of the accessibility of ethical considerations and also the possibility of character change (both ultimately grounded in grace) in ways that enable us to overcome the perplexity about blame and punishment. They are not 'good for nothing' even when they fail to improve agents. The religious traditions' conceptions of moral agency and the possibility of perfection enable us to see why there are reasons not to ethically 'write off' even persistently vicious agents. Moreover, we can see that the fulfilling of ethical requirements is an enabling condition for perfection that is not merely ethical. To highlight the contrast between the naturalistic view and the theistic view, Aristotle's moral psychology and moral epistemology are contrasted with those of Maimonides and Aquinas, both of whom borrow heavily from Aristotle, but fundamentally transform what they borrow.  相似文献   

Reward, Punishment, Privatization, and Moral Suasion in a Commons Dilemma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Strategies such as privatization, counterreinforcers, and moral suasion have been suggested and tested as means of preserving shared, slowly regenerating resources such as whales, clean air, and forests. We hypothesized that reinforcers would preserve a shared simulated resource best when it was shared in a commons dilemma format, and would be relatively ineffective when the resource was divided into private territories. Subjects in groups of three played a game in which they had to harvest resources from a slowly regenerating pool without depleting the resource. Three levels of reinforcement (reward, punishment, or no reinforcement) were crossed with three game structures (territoriality. Golden Rule moral suasion, and basic structure). Results showed that neither reward nor punishment helped the management of the commons when the resource was broken down into private segments, but both reward and punishment helped in the Golden Rule and basic structure conditions. Subjects perceived the territorial condition to be more competitive and more under their control compared to the moral suasion or basic structure conditions. In the moral suasion condition. subjects enjoyed either reinforcement condition (reward or punishment) more than no reinforcement.  相似文献   

论《贞观政要》的官德思想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《贞观政要》不仅是一本"帝王学"著作,而且含有丰富的官德思想,其官德思想可以概括为"正己修德,修身治国"、"以史为鉴,居安思危"等方面,这些官德在贞观时期成为唐太宗君臣的为官之德,并被实践于贞观年间的治国理民之中,是"贞观之治"盛世得以出现的重要原因。《贞观政要》的官德思想继承了前代官德的优良传统,更对后世官箴的书写及官吏道德规范的制定提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that intermittent punishment of a response increases its persistence to continuous punishment and that intermittent punishment training in one situation produces persistence to continuous punishment in other situations. Experiment 1 showed that as long as the instrumental response and punishing stimulus were held constant from intermittent to continuous punishment marked differences between these situations had no decremental effect on persistence. Experiment 2 showed that intermittent punishment training of one response resulted in substantial persistence to continuous punishment of a different and apparently incompatible response and that such response change had no more than a marginal effect on persistence. The results were seen as requiring some revision to the traditional conditioning-model interpretation of persistence to punishment.  相似文献   

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