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D Kemmerer 《Cognition》1999,73(1):35-63
A major interest in cognitive science is the relationship between linguistic and perceptual representations of space. One approach to exploring this relationship has been to investigate aspects of the linguistic encoding of space that correspond closely to aspects of the visual system. Another approach, which does not contradict the first but rather complements it, is to investigate ways in which linguistic and visual representations of space are different. This paper pursues the second approach by arguing that the distinction between proximal and distal demonstratives (e.g. this vs. that, here vs. there) does not correspond to an independently established distinction between near and far space in the visual system but is instead based on language-internal factors. Recent neuropsychological and neurophysiological studies suggest that the brain contains separate mechanisms for representing, on the one hand, near or peripersonal space which extends roughly to the perimeter of arm's reach and, on the other hand, far or extrapersonal space which expands outward from that boundary. In addition, crosslinguistic research suggests that it is very common for languages to have two basic types of demonstrative terms - proximal and distal. This parallelism raises the possibility that the linguistic distinction may derive from the perceptual distinction. However, several arguments support the contrary view that the two distinctions are independent of one another. A substantial proportion of languages in the world have demonstrative systems that divide space into three or more egocentrically-grounded regions, thereby violating the two-way perceptual contrast. Even more importantly, empirical studies of how demonstratives are used in ongoing discourse in different languages suggest that they do not encode quantitative spatial information such as within vs. beyond arm's reach; instead, they specify abstract semantic notions that, when combined with the unique pragmatic features of communicative contexts, allow speakers to make a virtually unlimited range of spatial distance contrasts. Thus, demonstratives constitute an interesting case of divergence between linguistic and perceptual representations of space.  相似文献   

Against the background of Freud's "Totem and Taboo" the case of a seven-year-old boy is discusses, focusing on his identification with a cat. Guided by Freud's dialectic thinking and his discussion of the phenomena of patriarchy and matriarchy, one is led to contemplate the totemism of a matriarchally oriented boy. The attempt to understand this child's pathology is based upon the concept of the specificity of a developmental phase. In the light of anthropological data, clinical phenomena are evaluated ontogenetically, in analogy with the recapitulation hypothesis.  相似文献   

Rabbits were trained via a Pavlovian eyelid-conditioning regime to respond differentially to a conditioned stimulus (CSR) depending on whether or not that stimulus was preceded several seconds earlier by a preparatory stimulus consisting of an electric shock otherwise employed as an unconditioned stimulus (UCS). Following training, differential responding to CSR varied systematically with the interval between the preparatory stimulus and CSR, consistent with assumptions concerning decay of information in short-term memory. The major finding, however, involved the test effects of announcing the preparatory stimulus by either a conditioned stimulus with which it had otherwise been paired (CS+) or a conditioned stimulus with which it had otherwise been systematically unpaired (CS-). The greater differential responding to the following CSR in the latter case is taken to support the notion that a "surprising" UCS is more likely to be retained (rehearsed) in short-term memory than is an "expected" UCS.  相似文献   

The internet has brought about an entirely new method of self-presentation in such online social networking Web sites as MySpace in which individuals create profiles that reflect their identity. This cyber social tool provides a new site of analysis to examine the extent of patterns of gendered identity in which females tend to turn to others for validation in contrast to males, who are more apt to maintain their individuality and whose relationships are more of an extension of their already-complete selves. In this study of 51 female and 49 male MySpace profiles, males were less apt to mention their significant other in the "About Me" section: 43% mentioned their significant other 0 times compared to 16% of females, and 14% of males mentioned their significant other between 2 and 10 times compared to 37% of females (p = 0.003). In the "Interests" section, the majority of males (67%) did not mention their significant other at all compared to 47% of females, and 33% mentioned her between 1 and 5 times compared to 53% of females (p = 0.05). These results reveal that online data sources manifest identity formation consistent with traditional gender roles in which females are dependent on others for their sense of self.  相似文献   

Right-handed subjects were presented with a dichotic tonal sequence, whose basic pattern consisted of three 800-Hz tones followed by two 400-Hz tones on the channel and simultaneously three 400-Hz tones followed by two 800-Hz tones on the other. All tones were 250 msec in duration and separated by 250-msec pauses. On any given stimulus presentation, most subjects reported the sequence of pitches delivered to one ear and ignored the other. They further tended significantly to report the sequence delivered to the right ear rather than to the left. However, each tone appeared to be localized in the ear receiving the higher frequency, regardless of which ear was followed for pitch and regardless of whether the higher or lower frequency was in fact perceived.  相似文献   

While the variety of responses of psychotherapy groups to new members is wide, this article addresses those that are treatment destructive, that is, murderous in that they are aimed at the elimination of a new sibling. A number of frequently encountered destructive response patterns to new members are illustrated and categorized. It is suggested that survival of the new member is best insured by adequate preparation of the group so that the nucleus of powerful feelings activated in this situation can be felt and expressed prior to the addition of the new member. A clinical example of appropriate preparation is offered, and the contributions of group therapists to new member casualties are noted.  相似文献   

While much has been written about the importance of the experience of presence in simulation protocols, the role of "absence" deserves closer attention. The role of subjective experience and neurophysiologic processes involved in fluctuating states of consciousness is a key issue in developing assessment and treatment tools using interactive immersive simulator tasks. This paper proposes that when engaging in an interactive simulator task, there are fluctuations of consciousness that determine both motivational engagement and measured performance. Rather than expecting a continuous experience, both in terms of perceptual and motor output flow, factors such as circadian fluctuations, fatigue, and actual intrusion of sleep into waking consciousness are relevant in assessments and treatments using virtual environment-based tasks. These factors are particularly relevant in treatment populations with neurological and psychiatric disorders, where such disturbances are more common. To illustrate this construct, a series of experiments examining these phenomena in relation to a standardized driving-simulation protocol to detect psychomotor impairment developed for clinical and diagnostic testing in a sleep laboratory setting are reviewed.  相似文献   

1906-1908年是胡塞尔思想发展的重要年代,是他从描述心理学走向超越论现象学的过渡时期.在此期间他曾于一个笔记本中做过一些私人的、类似日记的札记,其中最主要的内容是他对以往思想的回顾和清算,以及他对未来工作的构想与计划.这些计划后来大都得到了实施.除此之外,胡塞尔在里面还留有一些内心的独白,表露出他在此期间的复杂心态.这份文献提供了理解胡塞尔哲学思想和哲学人格的重要依据.  相似文献   

古人对《周易·无妄·六三》爻辞的注释是千人千面,他们所依据的爻位说首先就值得怀疑,之后的解说也没能把握爻义的本质。这则爻辞实际上反映的是古人转移巫术中的移祸巫术。  相似文献   

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