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A visual search for targets is facilitated when the target objects are on a different depth plane than other masking objects cluttering the scene. The ability of observers to determine whether one of four letters presented stereoscopically at four symmetrically located positions on the fixation plane differed from the other three was assessed when the target letters were masked by other randomly positioned and oriented letters appearing on the same depth plane as the target letters, or in front, or behind it. Three additional control maskers, derived from the letter maskers, were also presented on the same three depth planes: (1) random-phase maskers (same spectral amplitude composition as the letter masker but with the phase spectrum randomized); (2) random-pixel maskers (the locations of the letter maskers’ pixel amplitudes were randomized); (3) letter-fragment maskers (the same letters as in the letter masker but broken up into fragments). Performance improved with target duration when the target-letter plane was in front of the letter-masker plane, but not when the target letters were on the same plane as the masker, or behind it. A comparison of the results for the four different kinds of maskers indicated that maskers consisting of recognizable objects (letters or letter fragments) interfere more with search and comparison judgments than do visual noise maskers having the same spatial frequency profile and contrast. In addition, performance was poorer for letter maskers than for letter-masker fragments, suggesting that the letter maskers interfered more with performance than the letter-fragment maskers because of the lexical activity they elicit.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate age-related differences in visual search for targets defined by the conjunction of two features. In the experiments, 7- and 10-year-old children and young adults searched visual displays for a black circle among distractors consisting of gray circles and black squares. In Experiment 1 (N = 60), we compared performance in the standard search task (where an equal number of each type of distractor appeared across all display sizes) with performance in a modified search task (where the number of black squares was fixed at two and the number of gray circles increased as the display size increased). In Experiment 2 (N = 60), the ratio of black stimuli to gray stimuli was varied systematically as the display size increased. Results of both experiments indicated that all participants were able to restrict search to an appropriate subset of the display rather than conduct an exhaustive search. However, the young adults were more efficient in their ability to do so than were either the 7- or 10-year-old participants. The 10-year-olds were as efficient as the young adults when the number of black stimuli in the display was relatively small. However, these children became relatively less able to restrict search effectively as the number of black stimuli increased. Discussion focused on possible preattentive and attentive processes that may change systematically with age.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that during search for targets defined by a feature conjunction, attention is allocated sequentially to individual objects. We tested this hypothesis by tracking the time course of attentional processing biases with the N2pc component in tasks where observers searched for two targets defined by a colour/shape conjunction. In Experiment 1, two displays presented in rapid succession (100 ms or 10 ms SOA) each contained a target and a colour-matching or shape-matching distractor on opposite sides. Target objects in both displays elicited N2pc components of similar size that overlapped in time when the SOA was 10 ms, suggesting that attention was allocated in parallel to both targets. Analogous results were found in Experiment 2, where targets and partially matching distractors were both accompanied by an object without target-matching features. Colour-matching and shape-matching distractors also elicited N2pc components, and the target N2pc was initially identical to the sum of the two distractor N2pcs, suggesting that the initial phase of attentional object selection was guided independently by feature templates for target colour and shape. Beyond 230 ms after display onset, the target N2pc became superadditive, indicating that attentional selection processes now started to be sensitive to the presence of feature conjunctions. Results show that independent attentional selection processes can be activated in parallel by two target objects in situations where these objects are defined by a feature conjunction.  相似文献   

M F Bradshaw  A D Parton  R A Eagle 《Perception》1998,27(11):1317-1331
Although binocular disparity and motion parallax are powerful cues for depth, neither, in isolation, can specify information about both object size and depth. It has been shown that information from both cues can be combined to specify the size, depth, and distance of an object in a scene (Richards, 1985 Journal of the Optical Society of America A 2 343-349). Experiments are reported in which natural viewing and physical stimuli have been used to investigate the nature of size and depth perception on the basis of disparity and parallax presented separately and together at a range of viewing distances. Observers adjusted the relative position of three bright LEDs, which were constrained to form a triangle in plan view with the apex pointing toward the observer, so its dimensions matched that of a standard held by the subject. With static monocular viewing, depth settings were inaccurate and erratic. When both cues were present together accuracy increased and the perceptual outcome was consistent with an averaging of the information provided by both cues. When an apparent bias evident in the observers' responses (the tendency to under-estimate the size of the standard) was taken into account, accuracy was high and size and depth constancy were close to 100%. In addition, given this assumption, the same estimate of viewing distance was used to scale size and depth estimates.  相似文献   

The optic flow field can be described in terms of the local differential measures, divergence, deformation, and rotation, which are informative about observer motion and the 3-D structure of the environment. Does an explicit representation of these measures exist in human visual processing in the form of a feature map? Triesman's criteria were used to investigate this; ie is there 'pop-out' for a target defined as different in local divergence or deformation from surrounding elements, or is a serial search necessary? The stimulus arrays contained 3, 5, or 9 square or rectangular elements, which each underwent repeated cycles of expansion, contraction, or deformation. The time required to detect a target undergoing the opposite transformation increased steeply with the number of elements, implying very slow serial search. (The mean time was 210 ms per element for divergence targets and 542 ms per element for deformation). The process was clearly still serial when the density and number of elements was increased up to 48 in an array 2.16 deg x 2.16 deg. In contrast, a single line element undergoing the opposite direction of translation motion to the rest of the display did show pop-out. It is concluded that no parallel processes seem to exist which are sensitive to the spatial uniformity of divergence and of deformation of optic flow. These differential properties may be derived as conjunctions of signals from a primary process which extracts local velocity. This result contrasts with our findings for targets defined by stereo disparity gradient, which show parallel processing in analogous experiments.  相似文献   

Abstract: The sampling strategy of the visual system in binocular disparity and motion parallax to discriminate depth was investigated. Human observers were asked to discriminate between the depths of two surfaces defined by both cues. Gaussian noise was added to the depths represented by each cue, and the correlation in noise was manipulated. Human performance was compared with two types of likelihood models. The first was based on independent sampling, in which data from the two cues were gathered from independent sets of points in the display. The second was based on paired sampling, in which data from these cues were gathered from the same set of points. The former model yielded a better fit with human performance. This suggests that the visual system is more likely to adopt independent sampling.  相似文献   

Perception of motion speed was investigated with the visual search paradigm, using human Ss. When searching for a fast target among slow distractors, reaction time was minimally affected as the number of distractors was increased. In contrast, reaction time to detect a slow target among fast distractors was slow and linearly related to the number of distractors. The effect cannot be attributed to differences in temporal frequency, discriminability, or one type of representation that might result from spatiotemporal filtering. An alternative hypothesis that can account for the asymmetry is that speed detectors operate as high-pass filters in the velocity domain. This hypothesis is in agreement with results obtained in psychophysical studies on motion adaptation as well as data from single-cell recordings in nonhuman species.  相似文献   

The experiments reported in this paper were designed to investigate how depth information from binocular disparity and motion parallax cues is integrated in the human visual system. Observers viewed simulated 3-D corrugated surfaces that translated to and fro across their line of sight. The depth of the corrugations was specified by either motion parallax, or binocular disparities, or some combination of the two. The amount of perceived depth in the corrugations was measured using a matching technique.

A monocularly viewed surface specified by parallax alone was seen as a rigid, corrugated surface translating along a fronto-parallel path. The perceived depth of the corrugations increased monotonically with the amount of parallax motion, just as if observers were viewing an equivalent real surface that produced the same parallax transformation. With binocular viewing and zero disparities between the images seen by the two eyes, the perceived depth was only about half of that predicted by the monocular cue. In addition, this binocularly viewed surface appeared to rotate about a vertical axis as it translated to and fro. With other combinations of motion parallax and binocular disparity, parallax only affected the perceived depth when the disparity gradients of the corrugations were shallow. The discrepancy between the parallax and disparity signals was typically resolved by an apparent rotation of the surface as it translated to and fro. The results are consistent with the idea that the visual system attempts to minimize the discrepancies between (1) the depth signalled by disparity and that required by a particular interpretation of the parallax transformation and (2) the amount of rotation required by that interpretation and the amount of rotation signalled by other cues in the display.  相似文献   

The effects of binocular disparity (aniseikonia) and perspective cues operating together on judgments of depth and height were studied, both when these stimulus variables operated in the same direction and when they were in conflict. Both depth cues were effective upon the perception of depth and height. The effects of binocular disparity and perspective cues upon perceived depth were found to be additive. The effects of these depth cues upon perceived height showed some interaction in the sense that, operating together, the effect of the perspective cue was stronger than the separate effect of the perspective cue, both when binocular disparity and perspective cues operated in the same direction and when they were in conflict. This interactive effect increased with increasing strength of the perspective cues. The size-distance invariance hypothesis was confirmed under the present experimental conditions. By a causal analysis of inference, this invariant relation could be explained in the following way: both the perceived depth and the perceived height of the sides of the patterns were directly determined by binocular disparity and perspective cues, but the perceived height was also indirectly determined through change of perceived depth. A direct causal relation between perceived depth and perceived height was found.  相似文献   

The resolution of temporal attention is limited in a manner that makes it difficult to identify two targets in short succession. This limitation produces the phenomenon known as the attentional blink (AB), in which processing of a first target (T1) impairs identification of a second target (T2). In the AB literature, there is broad agreement that increasing the time it takes to process T1 leads to a larger AB. One might, therefore, predict that increasing the number of possible T1 identities, or target set, from 1 to 16 would lead to a larger AB. We were surprised to find that this manipulation of T1 difficulty had no influence on AB magnitude. In subsequent experiments, we found that AB magnitude interacts with T1 processing time only under certain circumstances. Specifically, when the T1 task was either well masked or had to be completed online, we found a reliable interaction between AB magnitude and the target set size. When neither of these conditions was fulfilled, there was no interaction between target set size and the AB. Previous research found that when the target set changes from trial to trial, trials with more possible targets elicited a larger AB. In the present study, the target set is held constant, reducing the demands on working memory. Nevertheless, AB magnitude still interacts with target set size, as long as the T1 task cannot be processed offline. Thus, the act of searching memory delays subsequent processing, even when the role of working memory has been minimized.  相似文献   

Norman JF  Dawson TE  Butler AK 《Perception》2000,29(11):1335-1359
The ability of younger and older adults to perceive the 3-D shape, depth, and curvature of smooth surfaces defined by differential motion and binocular disparity was evaluated in six experiments. The number of points defining the surfaces and their spatial and temporal correspondences were manipulated. For stereoscopic sinusoidal surfaces, the spatial frequency of the corrugations was also varied. For surfaces defined by motion, the lifetimes of the individual points in the patterns were varied, and comparisons were made between the perception of surfaces defined by points and that of more ecologically valid textured surfaces. In all experiments, the older observers were less sensitive to the depths and curvatures of the surfaces, although the deficits were much larger for motion-defined surfaces. The results demonstrate that older adults can extract depth and shape from optical patterns containing only differential motion or binocular disparity, but these abilities are often manifested at reduced levels of performance.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated dimension-based attentional processing in a complex singleton conjunction search task. In Experiment 1, observers had to discern the presence of a singleton target defined by a conjunction of size (fixed primary dimension) with either color or motion direction (secondary dimension). Similar to findings in singleton feature search, changes (vs. repetitions) of the secondary dimension across trials resulted in reaction time (RT) costs—which were, however, increased by a factor of 3–5 compared to singleton feature search. In Experiment 2, the coding of search-critical, dimensional saliency signals was investigated by additionally presenting targets redundantly defined in both secondary dimensions, with redundant-target signals being either spatially coincident or separate (i.e., one vs. two target items). Redundant-target RTs significantly violated Miller’s (Cognit Psychol 14:247–279, 1982) race model inequality only when redundant signals were spatially coincident (i.e., bound to a single object), indicating coactive processing of target information in the two secondary dimensions. These findings suggest that the coding and combining of signals from different visual dimensions operates in parallel. Increased change costs in singleton conjunction search are likely to reflect a reduced amount of weight available for processing the secondary target-defining dimensions, due to a large amount of weight being bound by the primary dimension.
Ralph WeidnerEmail:

Kristjánsson, Wang, and Nakayama (2002) demonstrated that visual search for conjunctively defined targets can be substantially expedited ("primed") when target and distractor features are repeated on consecutive trials. Two experiments were conducted to examine whether the search response time (RT) facilitation on target-present trials results from repetition of target-defining features, distractor features, or both. The experiments used a multiple conjunctive search paradigm (adapted from Kristjánsson et al., 2002), in which the target and distractor features were varied (i.e., repeated) independently of each other across successive trials. The RT facilitation was numerically largest when both target and distractor features were repeated, but not significantly larger than that when only distractor features were repeated. This indicates that cross-trial priming effects in conjunctive visual search result mainly from the repetition of distractor, rather than target, features.  相似文献   

The combined influence of binocular disparity and shading on pictorial shape was studied. Stimuli were several pairs of stereo photographs of real objects. The stereo base was 0, 7, or 14 cm, and the location of the light source was varied over three positions (one from about the viewpoint of the camera, one about perpendicular to the line of sight, and one in between the two). Therefore, in total, nine different combinations were studied. Subjects had to perform surface attitude settings at about 300 positions in the image plane. From the settings, depth maps were calculated on which a principal components analysis was performed. It was found that three components were enough to account for at least 97.8% of the variance in the data. The first component accounted for shape constancy. The effects of the two cues could be isolated as a linear combination of the other two components. The effects of the disparity and the shading cue variation were found to combine in almost linear fashion.  相似文献   

The combined influence of binocular disparity and shading on pictorial shape was studied. Stimuli were several pairs of stereo photographs of real objects. The stereo base was 0, 7, or 14 cm, and the location of the light source was varied over three positions (one from about the viewpoint of the camera, one about perpendicular to the line of sight, and one in between the two). Therefore, in total, nine different combinations were studied. Subjects had to perform surface attitude settings at about 300 positions in the image plane. From the settings, depth maps were calculated on which a principal components analysis was performed. It was found that three components were enough to account for at least 97.8% of the variance in the data. The first component accounted for shape constancy. The effects of the two cues could be isolated as a linear combination of the other two components. The effects of the disparity and the shading cue variation were found to combine in almost linear fashion.  相似文献   

Using a cued conjunction search task, Anderson, Heinke, and Humphreys (2010) demonstrated larger effects from cueing target colour than from cueing target orientation. In this study, we separated the implicit (nonexpectation-dependent) and explicit (expectation-dependent) effects of orientation and colour visual cues. In Experiment 1, we replicated the original findings for short cue durations (100–200 ms), demonstrating that cues matching the physical property of the target on 80% of trials exert a rapid effect on search. These early cueing effects on reaction times were supported by evidence of guidance from cues on early eye movements. Experiment 2 introduced a feature to the cue that randomly matched the colour or orientation of the target. When cue orientation was predictive, there were strong implicit effects based on whether the colour of the cue and target matched. When cue colour was predictive, there were only weak effects from the cue's orientation. Implicit effects from cue colour remained when orientation-predictive cues were used and colour was unlikely to predict the target (Experiment 3). The data suggest that strong effects of colour cueing result from a combination of implicit and explicit processes, whereas effects from orientation cues are largely limited to the explicit guidance of visual search.  相似文献   

A visual search task was used to test the idea that shaded images and their line-drawn analogues are treated identically from an early stage onwards in human vision. Reaction times and error rates were measured to locate the presence or absence of a target in an array of a variable number of distractors. The target was a cube in one orientation and the distractors cubes in a different orientation. The stimuli were defined by lines alone, shading alone, or lines plus shading. Both the slopes and the intercepts of the search functions (graphs of search time against number of displayed items) were higher for the line drawings than for the stimuli defined by shading. Over six experimental sessions, both the slopes and the intercepts fell for all stimuli, but the relative differences between them were maintained. The data suggest that, at an equivalent stage of practice, line-drawn stimuli are processed more slowly than shaded stimuli in early vision.  相似文献   

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