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The main aim of the present study is to compare the efficiency of executive control processes in 24 boys with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and 58 normal controls of similar age (between 8 and 11 years). Three reaction time (RT) paradigms were utilized: a dual task that requires coordination of two tasks responses, a shift task that makes it necessary to disengage attention from one task and engage into another one, and a stimulus-response spatial compatibility task that requires participants to inhibit a prepotent response. Another purpose of the study is to examine whether Barkley's (1997) executive dysfunction or Sergeant et al.'s (1999) resource allocation/arousal model best account for the behavioral deficits associated with ADHD. Examination of raw RT data showed significantly poorer performance in ADHD children with respect to age-matched controls on both the higher-level cognitive functions of executive control and on lower-level abilities (e.g., speed of processing) of all tasks of this study. However, using proportional transformations of raw RT data, we could demonstrate that, in addition to differences in processing speed, also executive control processes were significantly impaired in children with ADHD.  相似文献   

Attention and executive functions were investigated in medicated and unmedicated children with ADHD combined type using a novel selective reaching task. This task involved responding as rapidly as possible to a target while at times having to ignore a distractor. Results indicated that unmedicated children with ADHD showed slow and inaccurate responding. Slow responding reflected problems at the stage of movement preparation but not movement execution. An attentional impairment, rather than a motor planning problem per se, appeared to underlie the slow movement preparation. Inaccurate responding reflected problems with response inhibition and selective attention, impulsivity, set-shifting, and difficulties in maintaining vigilance. Although medicated children with ADHD did not show slow movement preparation, they did show some response inaccuracy, resulting especially from impulsive responding.These findings suggest that ADHD is characterized by slow motor preparation (but not motor execution), and deficits in selective attention, vigilance, and executive functions. Preliminary results suggest that stimulant medication may resolve some of these motor, attentional and executive function deficits.  相似文献   

In our Outpatient Department, we studied 56 subjects (41 males, 15 females; aged 5-16 yr.) with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) with respect to hand use in functional tasks via parental report. Left-hand use was markedly preferred, compared to that of a control group, more for complex than simple and for external (touching food and objects) than internal (scratching, rubbing eyes) tasks, suggesting a deficit in cerebral control of right-hand use. More patients were reported to have a left-hand preference than in the non-ADHD population. Furthermore, extent of laterality was greater for complex than simple external tasks and for external than for internal.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated rates of forgetting on verbal and nonverbal memory tests in children diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Although children with ADHD are known to have poor organizational and attentional problems that may impair memory performance, we hypothesized that savings scores would remain intact, because poor recall reflects difficulty with initial learning versus memory per se. Fifty-seven children diagnosed with ADHD were administered tests of nonverbal memory (Rey-Osterreith Complex Figure) and verbal memory (Story Memory, Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning) as part of a comprehensive neuropsychological evaluation. Subjects showed no evidence of rapid forgetting of information across the delay on either nonverbal memory (mean savings score=93%) or verbal memory (mean savings score=88%) tests. Cognitive remediation for children with ADHD should address ways to initiate and execute organizational strategies so that more information is learned upon immediate presentation.  相似文献   

Deficient inhibitory control in attention deficit hyperactivity disorder   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The purpose of this study was to examine two executive control processes — response inhibition and re-engagement of responses after inhibition in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Thirty-three children with ADHD and 22 normal control children of similar age (7 to 11 years) and mean IQ (107) were tested with the change paradigm. ADHD subgroups were defined by the context in which the ADHD symptoms predominated (in the home only; at school only; and in both, i.e., pervasive ADHD). Children with marked oppositional defiant or conduct disorder were excluded. Children with ADHD exhibited deficits in inhibitory control and in response re-engagement. Deficits were greatest in pervasive ADHD and, to a lesser extent, in those with ADHD limited to the school context. ADHD limited to the home context showed the least deficit. These results replicate an earlier study that found deficient inhibitory control in pervasive ADHD and demonstrate that the deficit in ADHD involves a second aspect of executive control.We are grateful to Anne Rhodes and Isobelle Williams for their assistance in the conduct of this research. This research was supported by grants from Health and Welfare Canada and the Medical Research Council of Canada. This paper was prepared with the assistance of Medical Publications, The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Ontario.  相似文献   

Inhibition and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The inhibitory account of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) was tested by examining the performance of college-aged adults on a variety of inhibitory tasks. The poorer performance of adults with ADHD compared with controls on negative priming, stopping, and continuous performance tasks, combined with similar group performances on a test of working memory capacity, indicates a specific inhibitory deficit as opposed to a general limitation in attentional capacity. Overall results provide evidence for extending the inhibitory deficit hypothesis to adult ADHD, not only for mechanisms of response (or motor) inhibition but also for mechanisms of cognitive inhibition.  相似文献   

Parental ratings of preschoolers' risk for injury, direct assessment of preschoolers' behavior thought related to risk for injury (e.g., Inattention, impulsivity) and number of documented injuries were examined in preschoolers with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and their non-ADHD peers (Control). Of preschoolers with ADHD, 58.3% exhibited behavior which placed them at-risk for physical injury (0% Control), and their performance was significantly poorer on clinic-based tests. Nonetheless, preschoolers with ADHD did not actually sustain significantly more injuries which warranted medical treatment in an emergency department. Although preschoolers with ADHD may be at increased risk for minor injuries, further research is needed to determine whether they more frequently sustain more serious injuries.  相似文献   

Research shows abnormal function of the pre-frontal cortex in Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This cortex is involved in the control of executive functions related to planning and execution of goal-oriented strategies, working memory, inhibitions, cognitive flexibility, and selective attention. Selective attention involves focus on the target stimulus, ignoring competing distractions. The Stroop Test (Stroop, 1935) is usually used to evaluate selective attention. This study investigated whether children with ADHD could exhibit modified performance in the Stroop Test. Using a computerized version of this test (Capovilla, Montiel, Macedo, & Charin, 2005), the study compared the reaction times (RTs) of 62 Brazilian children, between 8 and 12 years of age, 31 of whom were diagnosed with ADHD and sent to psychiatric clinics, and 31 without ADHD studying in regular schools. All children with ADHD satisfied the criteria of the DSM-IV-TR and were evaluated with the Conners Abbreviated Questionnaire (Goyette, Conners, & Ulrich, 1978), completed by parents and teachers. The results revealed that children with ADHD exhibit greater interference in RT than children without ADHD. This corroborated the hypothesis that children with ADHD exhibit a deficit in selective attention, consisting in augmented RTs, as measured by the Computerized Stroop Test.  相似文献   

Validity of the distinction between oppositional disorder (OD) and attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADDH) was examined in a sample of 6- to 12-year-old boys with behavior problems. Problem identification, cognitive/attentional, family context, and behavioral symptom differences were examined among nine boys with OD only, 20 with ADDH, 40 with comorbid OD and ADDH, and 28 with neither disruptive behavior disorder. Systematic comparisons of groups including and excluding the OD and ADDH diagnoses were undertaken to determine the existence of pure OD and pure ADDH disorder effects. The most consistent result was the lack of evidence for either pure OD or pure ADDH effects. Most of the significant findings reflected differences between the nondisruptive (neither) and comorbid groups. The results support the importance of comorbidity, but they provide little support for disorder-specific distinctions between oppositional and attention deficit disorders.  相似文献   

Forty-one clinic-referred children were given the DSM-III diagnosis of attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity (ADD/H) based on structured diagnostic interviews of the child and mother and on two teacher and two parent rating scales. The degree of agreement between diagnostic classification of ADD/H based solely on criterion scores on each rating scale and classification based on the comprehensive clinical assessments that included use of the same rating scaleswas assessed by comparing the ratings of the 41 children with ADD/H to those of 47 clinic-referred children given other diagnoses or no diagnosis. The accuracy of classification was highly similar across scales. Increasing the cutoff score increased the acing true positives. Using the point of intersection of these two curves to choose the optimal cutoff scores resulted in 70–75% accurate classification and 25–30% misclassification of children given clinical diagnoses of ADD/H. This rate of misclassification suggests that rating scales alone should not be used to classify ADD/H for most clinical and research purposes, especially because the method of comparison used in this study favored finding a high degree of correspondence.  相似文献   

We review 22 neuropsychological studies of frontal lobe functions in children with attention deficit disorder with and without hyperactivity (ADD/+H,ADD/-H). Some measures presumed to assess frontal lobe dysfunctions were not reliably sensitive to the deficits occurring in either form of ADD. Tests of response inhibition more reliably distinguished ADD/+H from normal children. Where impairments were found on other tests between ADD and normal subjects, they were highly inconsistent across studies and seemed strongly related to age of the subjects and possibly to the version of the test employed. Other methodological differences across studies further contributed to the discrepant reports. The co-morbidity of other disorders, such as learning disabilities (LD) and conduct problems, with ADD may be an additional confounding factor in some, though not all, of these studies. In a separate study, children with ADD/+H (n=12) were then compared on frontal lobe tests to three other groups: ADD/-H (n=12), LD but no ADD (n=11),and normal children (n=12) statistically covarying for differences in conduct problems across groups. Most measures did not distinguish among these groups. Both ADD groups made more omission errors on a Continuous Performance Test (CPT) than the normal group. All three clinical groups performed more poorly on the word and interference portions of the Stroop Test. Thus, while both types of ADD share some apparent similarities in deficits on a few frontal lobe tests in this study, the totality of existing findings suggests an additional problem with perceptual-motor speed and processing in the ADD/-H group.This research was supported by NIMH grant MH41464 and by funds from the Department of Psychiatry, University of Massachusetts Medical Center. The authors are grateful to Judy Tessier and Ellen Mintz-Lennick for their assistance with some of the data collection and scoring. The comments of Virginia Douglas on an earlier draft of this paper are greatly appreciated.  相似文献   

This study examined the use of a progressive delay procedure combined with verbal mediation to teach self-control to children with attention deficit disorder. Results showed that when participants were initially given the choice between an immediate smaller reinforcer and a larger delayed reinforcer, all participants chose the smaller reinforcer. When slight delays to obtain a larger reinforcer were instated in conjunction with intervening verbal activity, all participants demonstrated self-control regardless of the content of the verbal activity.  相似文献   

Compared the sensitivity of boys with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to differences in reward frequency. Fifteen boys with ADHD as diagnosed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (3rd ed., rev.; American Psychiatric Association, 1987) and a matched control group completed a signal-detection task in which correct identification of 1 stimulus was rewarded 3 times as often as correct identification of the other. Boys in the ADHD group completed the task twice, on and off medication. Group differences emerged in response bias toward the more frequently rewarded alternative. Boys in the control group showed a stable pattern of response bias, irrespective of which alternative they were last rewarded on. Boys in the ADHD group showed different patterns of response bias following rewards on the 2 alternatives. These results suggest children with ADHD were more sensitive to individual instances of reward compared with controls, whose response bias is governed more by their reinforcement history. Methylphenidate improved discriminability and reduced sensitivity to individual instances of reward in the boys with ADHD.  相似文献   

Research implicates frontostriatal pathophysiology in both attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). Nevertheless, ADHD is characterized with frontostriatal hypoactivity and OCD with hyperactivity. Furthermore, both disorders seem to lie on opposite ends of a clinical impulsive-compulsive continuum. While never having directly been compared, and despite these differences, OCD and ADHD appear to share similar neuropsychological impairments especially in executive functions. This study aimed at comparing adults with OCD and adults with ADHD on neuropsychological measures and behavioural impulsivity and OC measures. Thirty OCD, 30 ADHD, and 30 matched healthy control (HC) participants were administered a comprehensive neuropsychological battery and completed several questionnaires. The groups were compared on all neuropsychological and clinical measures and correlations between neuropsychological and clinical symptoms were computed. The ADHD and OCD groups performed more poorly than HC on all neuropsychological domains and most domain subtests. The ADHD group reported significantly higher impulsivity than the OCD group. OCD patients did not differ from HC on behavioural impulsivity. A unique dissociation was found between impulsivity and response inhibition where both clinical groups showed similar response inhibition deficit, but differed significantly on impulsivity. Moreover, a negative association between OC symptoms and response inhibition and a bias in self-perception of impulsivity was found only in the OCD group. We propose an executive overload model of OCD that views neuropsychological impairments in OCD as an epiphenomenon, according to which continuous attempts to control automatic processes are associated with obsessive thoughts overflow that causes an overload on the executive system.  相似文献   

Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) face an increased risk of poor achievement in school. Thus, knowledge of the cognitive processing abilities of children with ADHD is critical to understanding and improving their academic performance. Although many studies have focused on the specific nature of the attention deficit experienced by children with ADHD, few have examined higher order cognitive processing such as comprehension of stories. The present study examined the processes of encoding story information, building a story representation, and modifying a story representation in boys with ADHD and nonreferred boys. Boys were asked to narrate a story from a picture book twice. Boys with ADHD showed deficits in representing goals and goal plans in their narrations, as compared to nonreferred boys. Boys with ADHD also committed more errors than nonreferred boys, but did correct certain types of errors on their second telling. Implications are discussed in terms of future research needed to identify the cognitive deficits that account for these narrative deficits.  相似文献   

Reeve WV  Schandler SL 《Adolescence》2001,36(144):749-765
A prominent hypothesis regarding the etiology of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is that its presence and magnitude reflect frontal lobe dysfunction. Past tests of this hypothesis have been inconsistent. The present study examined frontal lobe functioning in adolescents with ADHD. A sample of 10 ADHD adolescents and 10 controls between the ages of 12 and 17 served as participants for the study. The control group was matched on age (within six months) and gender. This study aided in clarifying past contradictory studies by using clearly defined criteria to determine ADHD, a representative age range of participants, carefully selected tests, and a control task. The two measures that were administered to assess frontal lobe functioning were the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test and the Stroop Color and Word Test. The Purdue Pegboard was used as a control measure that did not assess frontal lobe functioning. The findings indicate that the ADHD group performed significantly worse on the following: color score, color/word score, and interference score of the Stroop Color and Word Test; percent of perseverative responses, percent of perseverative errors, and number of completed categories of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test. No differences were found on the Purdue Pegboard task.  相似文献   

Attention deficit (ADDH) children self-paced the delivery of response pairs for paired-associate learning at about the rate previously shown to be conducive to relatively good learning in attention deficit. The self-pacing opportunity did not seem either to impair or to enhance the learning performance. On methylphenidate they paced themselves at about the same rate but learned much more. Stimulant therapy does not help by slowing the child down but permits more effective memorizing at the same presentation rate.  相似文献   

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