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本研究探讨了个体悲伤表情识别能力对其疼痛共情的影响。先以表情分界测验将被试分为高、低悲伤表情识别力组,之后让两组被试接受疼痛共情脑电测试。结果显示:在ERP成分N2、P3上,悲伤表情高识别力组观看疼痛与非疼痛图片时的波幅差异比低识别力组的更大。结果表明:悲伤表情识别能力会影响个体疼痛共情;悲伤表情高识别力个体在疼痛共情的早期自发加工以及晚期有意识认知评价之上,均强于悲伤表情低识别力个体。  相似文献   

The present study examined the effects of bodily contact in a crowded environment. Initially, the skin conductance levels (SCL) of 160 males and females were obtained during rest and while bursting a balloon. In a subsequent session, subjects in same-sex groups of four were seated for 30 minutes in either (a) a large room, (b) a small room subjected to unavoidable bodily contact, or (c) a small room which was partitioned to either reduce or prevent bodily contact while allowing visual access. Measures of mood, tolerance for frustration, cognitive task performance, and self reports of annoyance and somatic distress were then taken. Results showed that crowding is stressful and that bodily contact makes a significant contribution to the amount of stress experienced for both men and women. In general, crowded subjects forced to touch showed the greatest increases in SCL, felt most annoyed, were most bothered by spatial intrusion during crowding, and had the lowest tolerance for frustration following crowding. Sex differences in mood following crowding and in reaction to the noncrowded environment were observed and appeared to be mediated by differential social concerns.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to explore the role of illness stereotypes in appraisals of health threat. The results of Study 1 indicated that a substantial proportion of questionnaire respondents believed that high blood pressure (BP) is associated with positive personal characteristics (e.g., persistence) whereas a smaller proportion believed that high BP is associated with negative characteristics. In addition, more favorable stereotypes were correlated with lower ratings of the seriousness of high BP. Study 2 examined the effects of experimentally induced illness stereotypes on the health-related judgments of subjects who received false feedback on a test of their BP. The results revealed a significant effect of illness stereotypes on health-threat appraisals of high BP. Subjects who were led to believe that high BP was associated with achievement and competence perceived high BP as a less serious threat to health than did subjects who believed high BP was associated with less desirable traits. In addition, subjects given high BP readings reported fewer symptoms they were told were associated with high BP when the disorder was associated with negative characteristics. The results demonstrate the importance of illness stereotypes in appraisals of health threats, symptom reporting, and reactions to medical diagnosis.  相似文献   

The present research examines how emotions of a third party interacting with an authority who has treated him or her unfairly affect one's feelings of anger toward the authority as a function of the ambiguity of the unfair treatment. Across a scenario and a laboratory study, it was found that when participants did not receive voice and it was unclear whether this was the result of an authority's unfair intentions, participants were less angry when the third party expressed shame, rather than anger, toward the same enacting authority. A second laboratory study replicated this effect, but now by showing that one's feelings of anger (in the case of ambiguity) were lower when the other person expressed guilt, relative to anger.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the conditions under which the experience of victimization alters one's responses to other victims. Subjects were led to believe they either had been fairly paid for their work on a task (nonvictims) or had been underpaid (victims). Half the subjects believed that the treatment they had received was based upon personal information they had revealed about themselves (responsible subjects), while the others believed their treatment had nothing to do with them personally (not responsible subjects). All subjects were given an opportunity to evaluate, judge similarity to, and pay a second victim who was believed to be either “responsible” or “nor responsiile” for his plight. The results generally supported the experimental hypotheses. The impact the experience of victimization had on an individual's responses to another victim depended upon the individual's perception of his own state. The directionality of such altered responses was determined by the individual's perception of the other's state.  相似文献   

The purpose of the current research was to evaluate how gender stereotypes and sexist attitudes affect responses to hypothetical job applicants. In Study 1 (N?=?93) undergraduate and graduate students in the Southwestern USA evaluated a male, female, or gender-ambiguous resume. They also completed the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI; Glick and Fiske 1996). Hypotheses were tested using ANOVA. Results suggested that participants who expressed more hostile sexist attitudes evaluated the gender-ambiguous applicant more negatively than a male or female applicant. In Study 2 (N?=?117), graduate and undergraduate participants were asked to indicate the gender of the ambiguous applicant. Those who scored high on hostile sexism, and perceived a gender-ambiguous applicant to be male, provided the most favorable evaluations.  相似文献   

通过对大连医科大学附属第一医院宁养院2001年3月~2013年11月收治的4838例癌痛患者进行调查,总结归纳居家癌痛患者的疼痛控制情况,探索癌痛患者的疼痛管理方法,结果提示依靠团队合作在居家条件下免费向癌痛患者及其家属提供身体、心理、社会和精神全方位的照顾和支持,即理想的疼痛管理是“整体性疼痛”与“整体性痛苦”的治疗,不仅针对临床疼痛症状,还必须处理相关因素。  相似文献   

Chest pain in the absence of identified cardiac cause, or non-cardiac chest pain (NCCP), is a common condition that may result in impaired quality of life. Theories of NCCP put forward that patients who react to cardiopulmonary sensations with fear may avoid activities that elicit cardiac sensations. Co-morbid psychiatric disorders, which are prevalent in this population, may predispose individuals to be more vigilant to physiological sensations, including cardiac-related symptoms. The daily impact of avoiding cardiopulmonary cues may limit quality of life. This study examined psychiatric disorders, fear of pain, and quality of life in 30 non-coronary artery disease (CAD) chest pain patients. Psychiatric disorder severity was independently associated with mental health related quality of life and fear of pain was independently associated with physical health related quality of life. This research adds understanding to contributory factors to impaired quality of life among patients with non-CAD chest pain.  相似文献   

This study was designed to determine (a) what dimensions underlie emotional reactions to news events, (b) whether these dimensions are independent, (c) whether reactions to major news events are similar for different groups of people, and (d) whether a simple method could be developed for evaluating emotional reactions to news events. Subjects rated the similarity of their emotional reactions to 20 page-one newspaper stories in a paired-comparison task. The data were multidimensionally scaled using the KYST computer program. Two dimensions emerged that accounted for 89% of the judgment variance: pleasure/displeasure and degree of arousal. Interpretation of these dimensions was verified using a semantic differential task. The two dimensions were not independent. They were related by a U-shaped function: News events farther from evaluative neutrality were judged more arousing. A second study with 40 news events and a different subject population replicated these findings. Subjects' ratings of news events on three scales (happy, important, and exciting) were sufficient to recover the KYST dimensions. The theoretical and practical implications of these. results are discussed.  相似文献   

Self-enhancement approaches to self-concept provide a perspective for identifying motivational factors likely to be affected by interpersonal evaluative feedback. The main hypothesies were that in contrast to positive feedback, negative feedback would lead to higher self-esteem, lower perceptions of task importance, and lower perceptions of control over an evaluator's reactions. Students received a lesson on solving analogies from a teacher (confederate), and then took a test on analogies. After reviewing the student's test, the teacher conveyed either positive feedback, negative feedback, or no feedback. Consistent with a self-enhancement perspective, recipients of negative feedback increased their global self-esteem, placed less importance on succeeding at the task, and felt less control over the teachers' reactions. Implications for understanding the role of interpersonal evaluative feedback in motivation and self-esteem, and self-enhancing responses to threats more generally are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined patient knowledge as a moderator of psychological reactions to illness among patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus. We reasoned that knowledgeable patients would have the most severe reactions to their illness because the causal implications of good or poor metabolic control would be most apparent. Accordingly, we expected that more knowledgeable patients would react more negatively than less knowledgeable patients to poor metabolic control but would react more positively to good metabolic control. Results from a sample of 46 patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus supported this hypothesis. These findings suggest that increased patient knowledge may not produce uniformly positive results. Patient education programs must consider the psychological implications of patient knowledge in addition to the physiological consequences.  相似文献   

The present study examined how group membership and need for help, variables that can operate independently or in combination, can affect reactions to receiving help. Arab participants (n = 164) received or did not receive help from an in‐group member (Arab helper) or from an out‐group high‐status member (Jewish helper) when the task was described as easy or difficult, or when no information was given. As predicted, Arab participants who received assistance from a Jewish helper or received assistance on an easy task showed more negative reactions than did those who received assistance from an Arab helper or on a difficult task. The theoretical implications for disentangling intergroup and interpersonal influences on reactions to receiving help are considered.  相似文献   

The effects of morning, rush hour commuting were examined in a quasi-experimental field study involving government-employed commuters (single and carpool drivers). Commuting stress was measured as a response to variations in how difficult it was for commuters to move from home to work. The mediation of these effects by two sources of control in the commuting situation also were assessed. Control was operationalized as control over the internal environment of the car (single versus carpool driver) and choice over routes taken to get to work. Among commuters with a high impedance route, driving to work was associated with significant increases in systolic and diastolic blood pressure and decreases in behavioral performance. The stress of commuting under high impedance conditions was reduced for single drivers relative to carpoolers. Under similar conditions of high impedance, however, having the option to select more than one route to get to work seemed to be more stressful than having only one route. The practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

Although blushing after a social infraction can function as a remedial gesture, people generally consider blushing as an undesirable response. To address this apparent inconsistency, we tested the idea that blushing has remedial properties after clear-cut antecedent behaviors, but can undermine the actor's image in ambiguous situations. In Experiment 1, participants (N = 49) read vignettes referring to prototypical mishaps, transgressions, and ambiguous situations. In Experiment 2 (N = 58), we specifically varied the actor's intentionality while keeping the actor's behavior constant. In support of its alleged face-saving properties, blushing had remedial effects after obvious mishaps and voluntary transgressions. However, in ambiguous social situations and after transgressions that are ambiguous with respect to the actor's intentionality, blushing undermined the actor's trustworthiness.  相似文献   

Empirical studies of creativity emphasize the importance of ambiguity advantage in idea generation and creative problem‐solving. This study examined whether ambiguous figures could directly induce a mind‐set that would transfer to the creative problem‐solving. In Experiment 1, we examined whether presentation of ambiguous figures would influence participants' performance in alternative uses tasks, and the results showed that prior exposure to ambiguous figures significantly enhanced participants' performance in the dimension of fluency, flexibility, and originality than those exposed to non‐ambiguous figures; in general uses tasks, there were no significant difference in the reaction time and originality between the ambiguous figure condition and non‐ambiguous figure condition. In Experiment 2, the facilitative effect of ambiguous figures on creative thinking was further examined with creative story generation tasks that demand more mental effort and increased cognitive load. Results showed that creativity of stories generated in ambiguous figure condition was scored significantly higher than those in non‐ambiguous figure condition. The current research extends our understanding of the facilitative effect of ambiguous figures on creative problem‐solving.  相似文献   

This research examines the recent public outcry against violent rap songs. It was hypothesized that rap music receives more negative criticism than do other types of music, regardless of the actual content of the lyrics. Participants read a violent lyrical passage and were led to believe that it was either a rap song or a country song. They then responded to how offensive and dangerous they thought the song was. The results support the hypothesis. When a violent lyrical passage was represented as a rap song, reactions to the lyrics were significantly more negative. Age, whether or not the participants had children, and the participants’ music tastes and buying habits were all significantly related to whether or not this biased judgment occurred. The findings are briefly discussed in terms of various models of racism and stereotyping.  相似文献   

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