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Early stimulation of rodents: a critical review of present interpretations   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It is widely accepted that extra stimulation, when administered to infant laboratory rodents, has adaptive consequences. Presumed benefits are: (1) accelerated growth and development, (2) reduced emotional reactivity, (3) improved learning performance, and (4) more adaptive physiological stress responses. Levine has explained these benefits by considering such stimulation to compensate for the impoverished rearing conditions of the laboratory. However, ecological studies of the natural microhabitats of rodents suggest that laboratory conditions are over-stimulative for the very young. The presumed benefits are reviewed and the validity or adaptiveness of each is concluded to be very questionable. The prevalent misinterpretation is attributed to an anthropocentric research orientation.  相似文献   

Stereopsis was induced with images cycled alternately to each eye. Presentation was gradually modified until each eye was receiving identical stimulation at any moment in time. It was found possible to maintain stereopsis under the conditions. Variations upon this experiment were devised to auspicate investigation of the conditions underlying this perceptual selection. The implications are discussed from two theoretical viewpoints.  相似文献   

The article starts with a brief overview of the kinds of approaches that have been attempted for the presentation of Phenomenology’s view on the emotions. I then pass to Husserl’s unsatisfactory efforts to disclose the intentionality of emotions and their intentional correlation with values. Next, I outline the idea of a new, “normalized phenomenological” approach of emotions and values. Pleasure and pain, then, are first explored as affective feelings (reell lived-experiences). In the cases examined, it is shown that, primordially, pleasure and pain are recordings for our bodily and spiritual states resulting from our confrontation with beings and situations in the world. Delight and distress are, subsequently, approached as the first full-fledged emotive acts that animate or intentionally interpret pleasure and pain in specific ways. The elementary values of agreeableness and disagreeableness appear correspondingly to the latter in relation to the very pleasure or pain and to what has caused them. In other words, agreeable and disagreeable show how what we confront in the world weighs for us, what value it has for the embodied intentional consciousness, for its state and functioning as well as for its existentio-praxial possibilities in the lifeworld.  相似文献   

A perspective on psychoanalytic interpretations as a special case of artistic translations (i.e. translations of both content and formal aspects of discourse) is proposed. Mutative interpretations are seen as creative endeavours that always presuppose a prior text, which is itself already a translation. Freud's main uses of the metaphor of translation as an intrapsychic as well as an intersubjective phenomena, their resonance among later psychoanalytic thinkers and their convergence with classic theories of translation are presented. A perspective on psychoanalytic interpretations as an evolving self-other dialect is developed within the framework of Borges's theory of translation and Bakhtin's concept of exotopy. This framework questions the possibility of an original source, proposes the translator's inevitable implication in translation and underscores intersubjectivity as a necessary way towards the translation of absent meanings. The work of translation also highlights the relevance of space and time contexts, as well as the necessary role of a different other for the interpretation of unconscious processes. Differences between theories of translation reiterate contemporary psychoanalytic controversies about the preeminence of the analysand's subjectivity and the intersubjective approach to treatment. Borges's 'The Aleph' and an excerpt of Dora's case offer paradigmatic demonstrations of the limits and possibilities of understanding through translation.  相似文献   

There is considerable appeal to the Aristotelian idea that taking pleasure in an activity is sometimes simply a matter of attending to it in such a way as to render it wholehearted. However, the proponents of this idea have not made adequately clear what kind of attention it is that can perform the surprising feat of transforming otherwise indifferent activities into pleasurable ones. I build upon Gilbert Ryle's suggestion that taking pleasure in an activity is tantamount to engaging in the activity while fervently desiring to do it and it alone. More specifically, I draw upon insights into the sort of evaluative attention involved in having a desire to generate corollary insights into the sort of attention that makes activity pleasurable. My aim is to offer a compelling account of a certain class of pleasures, and to shed light on their relation to reasons. I argue that prospective pleasures in this class are not always reasons for action, and that even when they are reasons they have this status only derivatively, as vivid apprehensions of an independent realm of values. This does not mean that such pleasures are never good. They are good provided that they track real values, for then they constitute a proper savoring of one's activities and/or circumstances, and provide a valuable respite from the distractions and unwarranted doubts that so often leave us at odds with ourselves and alienated from our own doings.  相似文献   

Remembering pictures: pleasure and arousal in memory.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Incidental memory performance for pictures that varied along the affective dimensions of pleasantness and arousal was assessed. For both an immediate and delayed (1 year later) free-recall task, only the arousal dimension had a stable effect on memory performance: Pictures rated as highly arousing were remembered better than low-arousal stimuli. This effect was corroborated in a speeded recognition test, in which high-arousal materials encoded earlier in the experiment produced faster reaction times than their low-arousal counterparts. Pleasantness affected reaction time decisions only for pictures not encoded earlier. These results suggest that whereas both the dimensions of pleasantness and arousal are processed at initial encoding, long-term memory performance is mainly affected by arousal.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of ramp time on subjects' perception of discomfort/pain and muscle soreness associated with high-voltage electrical stimulation. 31 female students were randomly assigned to three treatment groups, each of which was assigned a different ramp time (1.0, 3.5, and 5.0 sec.). The subjects' wrist and finger flexors were stimulated with ElectroStim 180-2 unit using the bipolar electrode arrangement. During the stimulation, the subjects rated their experience of discomfort/pain at the threshold of sensory stimulation, the threshold of motor stimulation, and maximum tolerance of painful stimulation. The session was terminated after 10 tetanic isometric contractions. The subjects were instructed to rate their soreness, 24- and 36-hr. poststimulation using a 10-point ratio scale. A significant F ratio was noted for discomfort/pain perceptual levels but not for ramp time. Scheffé's post hoc analysis showed that the discomfort increased as the current intensity was increased. The F ratio for ramp time and time frame (24- and 36-hr. poststimulation) was not statistically significant for the ratings of muscle soreness. The findings suggest that the patients's complaint of pain and muscle soreness associated with high-voltage electrical stimulation is not affected by the rate of rise of current.  相似文献   


This paper seeks to place the technique of metaphorical interpretations (called amplification in analytical psychology) under scrutiny due to theoretical uncertainty surrounding the therapeutic value of the practice. The historical roots in Freud and Jung are briefly presented, as well as the contributions of subsequent psychoanalytic theory. The theoretical and technical implications of the practice of metaphorical interpretations have relevance for practitioners who are working psychotherapeutically with clients, as well as those who are case managing patients (under CPA), particularly patients with severe disturbances. Case material is presented and advanced theoretically from which it is suggested that potential problems with metaphorical interpretations result primarily from an incorrect assessment of the patient's symbolic capacity and/or the inappropriate presentation of the interpretation. Aspects relating to countertransference and unamplifying (internal amplifications) are also explored. Finally, the positive aspects of metaphorical interpretations are noted.  相似文献   

The argument that scarce health care resources should be distributed so that patients in 'need' are given priority for treatment is rarely contested. In this paper, we argue that if need is to play a significant role in distributive decisions it is crucial that what is meant by need can be precisely articulated. Following a discussion of the general features of health care need, we propose three principal interpretations of need, each of which focuses on separate intuitions. Although this account may not be a completely exhaustive reflection of what people mean when they refer to need, the three interpretations provide a starting-point for further debate of what the concept means in its specific application. We discuss combined interpretations, the meaning of grading needs, and compare needs-based priority setting to social welfare maximisation.  相似文献   

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