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Before watching a fear-arousing antismoking movie, male smokers were administered a placebo pill that was said to have either arousing, tranquilizing, or no side effects. Subjects reported less intention to reduce smoking when they could attribute their arousal to the presumably arousing pill, and greater intention to do so when they expected the pill to be tranquilizing, than when they expccted no side effects. The self-reported number of cigarettes smoked during a two-week period following the experiment decreased in both the tranquilizing and no side-effects conditions, but not in the arousing side-effects condition. The data on subjects' i]ntentions are consistent with predictions derived from Kelley's discounting and augmentation principles and demunstrate informational functions of affective states. Several explanations concerning the differences between intentions and behavior are discussed, and implications concerning strategies for behavior change are explored.  相似文献   

This article describes the evaluation of a 4-1/2-month multimedia traffic-safety campaign that targeted young drivers in northeastern Tennessee. Discussion groups with teenagers provided the basis for public-service announcements (TV, radio, and billboard), which were developed specifically for this intervention. To determine the impact on crash frequencies among drivers 16–19 years old, baseline, intervention, and follow-up crash data were obtained from statistics maintained by the state. A time-series analysis of these data indicated that during the intervention period, there was a 21.6% decrease in crashes for which 16–19-year-old drivers were at fault, whereas a control location in southeastern Tennessee exhibited no significant change.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of three mediation tactics was compared in two laboratory studies. It was hypothesized that a content mediation procedure which involved identifying the priorities of both parties and suggesting a trade-off of low for high priority issues would be most effective in helping to resolve the dispute, followed by an issue identification mediation procedure in which priorities were identified but no suggestions were made. A positive framing mediation procedure in which the benefits of a negotiated settlement were emphasized was expected to be somewhat less effective. In Study 1, 64 students played the role of company negotiator and interacted with a programmed citizen group negotiator. All three mediation tactics produced more satisfactory outcomes (higher joint payoffs) than did a no-mediation condition. In Study 2, 46 pairs of students negotiated with one another and received content mediation, issue identification mediation, positive framing mediation, or no mediation. Negotiators receiving content mediation achieved more satisfactory outcomes (higher joint profits) than did negotiators in the other 3 conditions. Results are discussed in terms of a contingency model of mediation effectiveness.  相似文献   

An experimental study was undertaken to explore the effectiveness of impression management tactics in various situations. To manipulate the variables of interest, 6 different scenarios were created by crossing 2 independent variables: impression management tactics (self-focused or other-focused) and situation (employment interview, performance appraisal, or training session). Respondents, 178 human resource professionals, were mailed a survey that contained 2 of the 6 scenarios. In each scenario, respondents rated the person described in the scenario on performance, provided their affective impressions, and determined the appropriateness of the impression management cues given the situation. Results indicated a significant interaction between the use of impression management and the situation. These findings are compared to past research, and suggestions for future directions for the study of impression management are outlined.  相似文献   

Rouse, Greene, Butcher, Nichols, and Williams (2008) Sellbom, M., Ben-Porath, Y. S. and Bagby, R. M. 2008a. On the hierarchical structure of mood and anxiety disorders: Confirmatory evidence and an elaboration of a model of temperament markers. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 117: 576590. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar] repeat two claims about the MMPI–2 Restructured (RC) scales. One asserts that the correlations of RC scales with parent Clinical scales are modest compared to the correlations with other existing MMPI–2 scales. In response, we reiterate that the RC scales were not meant to emulate the divergent and overlapping content of the Clinical scales. Instead, each represents a distinctive Clinical scale component. Although individually focused, the RC scales span collectively a wide range of content and used as multivariate predictors, account for most of the variance of each Clinical scale. Rouse et al. also claim that most RC scales are redundant with existing MMPI–2 scales, which they propose as substitutes (“proxies”). However, our analyses of Rouse et al.'s database and of our own data show that several of their proposed proxies are far less mutually distinguishable than are the RC scale counterparts. Furthermore, several Clinical scales are more successfully, and none are less successfully, accounted for by RC scales than by proxies. In response to Rouse et al.'s neglect of a body of empirical findings supporting the construct validity of the RC scales, we also review the relevant research literature.  相似文献   

It has been a commonly held belief for some time that applicants attempt to manage impressions of interviewers in the employment interview process, but only recently have researchers begun to examine systematically the tactics applicants use, and how effective they are. The present study contrasted two sets of impression management tactics used by applicants and observed their effects on interviewer decisions in a controlled laboratory experiment. An applicant who employed self-focused-type impression management tactics was rated higher, received more recommendations for a job offer, and received fewer rejections from business students, who had just completed an interviewer training program, than when he used other-focused-type tactics. The implications of these results in terms of both theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

An exploration of the role that creativity can play in anxiety reduction was conducted using a quantitative study design. Participants completed the State Anxiety Inventory (SAI) before and after completing a coloring activity and results were compared. The experimental group colored a mandala design and the control group colored a blank piece of paper. This study hypothesized that partaking in the mandala coloring activity would produce a greater reduction in anxiety than coloring a blank piece of paper. Results revealed that coloring a blank piece of paper and coloring a mandala were equally effective techniques for reducing anxiety in master’s-level counseling students. Implications for the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

College student alcohol-related problems are a major social issue. Past research has revealed that server intervention can have a positive impact on excessive alcohol consumption and driving under the influence of alcohol. The present study is an examination of bar owners and college students' attitudes and beliefs about server intervention policies. The findings reveal group differences in acceptance and rejection of the policies. The findings are discussed with respect to change efforts geared toward alcohol service establishments.  相似文献   

Resource-limited regions of the world represent the areas most affected by the global HIV epidemic. Currently, there are insufficient data on the neurocognitive effects of HIV in these areas and neuropsychological studies that have been carried out thus far are marked by inconsistent methods, test batteries, and rating systems for levels of cognitive impairment. These differences in methods, along with genetic variability of both virus and host, differences in co-infections and other co-morbidities, differences in language and culture, and infrastructural deficiencies in many international settings create challenges to the assessment of neurocognitive functioning and interpretation of neuropsychological data. Identifying neurocognitive impairment directly attributable to HIV, exploring relationships between HIV-associated neurocognitive impairment, disease variables, and everyday functioning, evaluating differences in HIV-1 subtype associated neuropathology, and determining implications for treatment remain complicated and challenging goals. Endeavors to establish a more standardized approach to neurocognitive assessments across international studies in addition to accumulating appropriate normative data that will allow more accurate rating of neuropsychological test performance will be crucial to future efforts attempting to achieve these goals.  相似文献   

The author's aim was to analyze the cortical arousal response during a conventional strength training session as a method to assess central nervous system fatigue. Sixteen trained men were recruited to perform the maximum number of training series composed of 6 exercises of 10 repetition each, at the intensity of 70% of the 1 maximum repetition, with a rest period of 2 min between exercises and 5 min between series, until exhaustion. Cortical arousal was measured using the critical flicker fusion threshold before, after warm-up, after each exercises series, after the recovery phase between series, and 15 min and 30 min after finishing the training session. Participants could not finish the fourth series of exercise, corresponding with a significant decrease of cortical arousal respect to the warm-up value. The assessment of cortical arousal using CFFT during a strength training session could be a fast and efficient method for assessing central nervous fatigue. Practically, coaches could modify the training protocol according to the individual cortical arousal response in order to improve training efficiency and prevent injuries.  相似文献   

This study examines situational determinants of power usage and compliance derived from the Interpersonal Power Interaction Model. Organizations where routine tasks predominate were compared with those where complex tasks prevail. Samples of workers (N = 194) and supervisors (N = 100) from four companies representing routine tasks and complex ones completed three versions of the Interpersonal Power Inventory (Raven, Schwarzwald & Koslowsky, 1998). Results indicated that in settings where routine tasks predominate usage of and compliance with harsh power tactics was greater than in complex ones. Yet, soft tactics were not related to task complexity. It was also found that rank and tactics interacted. Regardless of settings, supervisors as compared to subordinates reported more frequent usage of soft tactics and less frequent usage of harsh ones. The discussion suggests a mechanism for understanding these patterns.  相似文献   

The study investigates differences between Jewish and Arab employees vis‐à‐vis their evaluation of the effectiveness of several influence tactics, and examines whether these differences are mediated by cultural differences. Rational persuasion was the only influence tactic that was evaluated as more effective by Jewish employees, in comparison with Arab employees. In contrast, ingratiation, pressure, and coalition were evaluated as more effective by Arab employees, in comparison with Jewish employees. Regarding cultural values, we found indulgence higher among Jewish employees than among Arabs, whereas uncertainty avoidance was higher among Arab employees. Examination of the mediating processes indicates that even after removing the influence of cultural values, Arab employees still judged these 3 tactics as more effective than did Jewish employees.  相似文献   

In order to assess the effectiveness and the moderators of the effects of solution-focused group therapy (SFGT) in ethnic Chinese school settings, we used a meta-analytic method to synthesize 24 studies from Taiwan and China. The results showed that the overall effect sizes of SFGT’s immediate and follow-up effects were 1.03 and 1.09, respectively, and were positive and large in ethnic Chinese school settings. The overall SFGT immediate effect size was large for all school levels, except for junior high schools (d = .61). The overall SFGT immediate effect size for internalizing behavior problems was 1.06, and for family and relationship problems it was .94. This study offers significant evidence pointing to SFGT’s high degree of effectiveness in ethnic Chinese school settings. Implications for the use of SFGT in school settings and Chinese culture are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of using a video iPod as a prompting device for teaching three job-related tasks to a young man with developmental disabilities in a community-based employment setting. The effectiveness of the prompting device was evaluated using a multiple probe across behaviors design. Results indicated that the introduction of the video iPod was associated with immediate and substantial gains in independent correct responding with an associated decrease in the number of prompts given from a job coach. In addition, the participant used the video iPod independently. Instructional implications and future research will be discussed.  相似文献   

It is proposed that the existing relationship between the influencing agent and the target of influence plays a central role in the choice of using hard and soft influence tactics. In a field study, 3 key aspects of the relation between agent and target were examined, and the results generally supported our hypotheses. First, the more unfairly people felt they were treated, the more often they wielded influence, especially using harder influence tactics. Second, the better the influencing agent liked the target, the relatively less often he or she used hard tactics. Finally, the more the influencing agent felt dependent upon the target, the fewer influence tactics, both hard and soft, were used. The discussion focuses on both the practical and theoretical implications of these findings.  相似文献   

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