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The short-term effects on testosterone (T) levels of (a) taking blood samples, (h) fighting in one's own home cage, and (c) fighting in another male's home cage were examined in eight alpha male guinea pigs, each living together with two females and two subordinate males in their home cages for 4 months. Every male was given two 5-minute agonistic encounters, one in his home cage and one in another male's home cage. After the encounter, intruder males were returned to their home cages. Three blood samples were taken 10 minutes before and 5 and 45 minutes after the agonistic encounters (sampling times were designated as 0, 20, and 60 minutes, respectively). One week before the agonistic encounters were conducted, blood samples were taken from each male on the same time schedule (0, 20, and 60 minutes). The main findings were as follows: (1) the animals showed an increase in T-levels after an agonistic encounter in their home cages and a decline in T-levels after an agonistic encounter in the home cages of other alpha males' irrespective of being the winner or the loser and the degree of escalation during the encounter; (2) the smaller the differences in T-titers between both opponents 10 minutes before the encounter, the more escalated the agonistic encounter.  相似文献   

Effects of timing of social isolation on play fighting and serious fighting were studied at different ages in male golden hamsters. Litters were isolated at 21, 35, and 65 days of age, and tested in a resident-intruder paradigm. Behaviors were compared within grous and with a fourth group of socially reared conspecifics. The earlier the pups were isolated, the more they engaged in play activities. Later, in adulthood, the aggression level of the same animals was retested using the same paradigm. The three isolated groups showed a high level of aggression, with significant differences among them. When compared with socially reared subjects, a reliable difference in the level of aggression was also found. These results support the view that early social experience is important, suggesting that isolation during early critical periods of socialization has a significant impact on play fighting, whereas short periods of isolation may be enough to trigger adult agonistic behavior. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Japanese quail from lines bidirectionally selected for high and low male mating frequency and from the random-bred base population were observed in an ontogenetic study of aggressive-sexual behavior. Quail were reared in sex-intermingled flocks until 28 days of age at which time half of the males from each line were housed as all-male flocks and half were transferred to individual cages. At 41 days of age, individually caged males exhibited mounting behavior to win encounters with other males. By 45 days, males from the high and control lines exhibited significantly more aggressive-sexual behavior than those from the low lines. Line x Rearing Experience interactions for mounting behavior at 45 and 56 days of age were due to the individually caged high- and control-line males' winning encounters by mounts; those maintained in flocks rarely mounted. Although some low-line males won encounters by mounts, occurrence of this behavior was infrequent. Males maintained in flocks were placed in individual cages at 57 days of age. When these males were compared with those housed in individual cages from 28 days of age, at 84 days of age and older, the Line x Rearing Experience interaction observed previously disappeared, and only differences among genetic lines were evident. Genetic and rearing experience effects are discussed as influencing agonistic and sexual behaviors.  相似文献   

Two longitudinal studies were conducted to quantify the social behaviors exhibited by both male and female Long-Evans rats from the immediate postweaning period until young adulthood. In Experiment 1, male sibling pairs engaged in a high level of play fighting during the early juvenile period but such activity declined to a level significantly lower than that of female and mixed-sex pairs after 54 days of age. In Experiment 2, social exchanges during maturation were examined during the presence and absence of the piloerection response in an effort to distinguish play fighting from agonistic interactions. In male pairs, piloerection was rarely seen before 55–75 days of age but thereafter occurred with increasing frequency especially among dominant males. Furthermore, subordinate males retreated from their dominant partners and remained in an escape chamber for a significant amount of time only during encounters involving the exhibition of piloerection. This finding suggests that piloerection can be useful in identifying play and aggressive interactions. In female and heterosexual pairs, piloerection was observed infrequently during social encounters occurring throughout maturation. In addition, when given the opportunity to escape, females were less likely to retreat from play activity if their partner was another female than a male.  相似文献   

Tool use is rare amongst rodents and has never been recorded in connection with agonistic displays. We witnessed a behaviour, stick display (StD), involving tool use in free-living Eurasian beavers (Castor fiber) that we conclude is a display behaviour. Two beavers were the main performers of the signal that was observed in at least six beavers from three families. Beavers reacted to displays by increased evasive and agonistic behaviours compared with their usual behavioural patterns when at territory borders. The behaviour was almost exclusively seen between rivals at territory borders. We suggest that the display is used in agonistic encounters, mainly in a territorial context. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The stress associated with transportation of non-human primates used in scientific research is an important but almost unexplored part of laboratory animal husbandry. The procedures and routines concerning transport are not only important for the animals' physical health but also for their mental health as well. The transport stress in cynomolgus monkeys (Macaca fascicularis) was studied in two experiments. In Experiment 1, 25 adult female cynomolgus monkeys were divided into five groups of five animals each that received different diets during the transport phase of the experiment. All animals were transported in conventional single animal transport cages with no visual or tactile contact with conspecifics. The animals were transported by lorry for 24 h at ambient temperatures ranging between 20 degrees C and 35 degrees C. Urine produced before, during and after transport was collected and analysed for cortisol by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). All monkeys exhibited a significant increase in cortisol excretion per time unit during the transport and on the first day following transport.Although anecdotal reports concerning diet during transport, including the provision of fruits and/or a tranquiliser, was thought likely to influence stress responses, these were not corrobated by the present study. In Experiment 2, behavioural data were collected from 18 cynomolgus macaques before and after transfer from group cages to either single or pair housing, and also before and after a simulated transport, in which the animals were housed in transport cages. The single housed monkeys were confined to single transport cages and the pair housed monkeys were kept in their pairs in double size cages. Both pair housed and singly housed monkeys showed clear behavioural signs of stress soon after their transfer out of their group cages.However, stress-associated behaviours were more prevalent in singly housed animals than in pair housed animals, and these behaviours persisted for a longer time after the simulated transport housing event than in the pair housed monkeys. Our data confirm that the transport of cynomolgus monkeys is stressful and suggest that it would be beneficial for the cynomolgus monkeys to be housed and transported in compatible pairs from the time they leave their group cages at the source country breeding facility until they arrive at their final laboratory destination in the country of use.  相似文献   

In order to determine the relatively long-term effects of having been primed for agonistic behaviors in an arena setting, 28 male LG/J mice were observed for these behaviors in a seminatural environment for a period of 5 days following a 20 min arena test. The mice were first placed in an arena in which they were allowed either immediate physical contact with another strain (control condition) or were briefly separated from another strain by a transparent partition before being allowed physical access to them (priming condition). Subjects, recorded as either having fought or not fought in the arena, were then placed in a 101 cm square seminatural setting. Seven trials, using 8 LGs each (4 arenaexperienced males and 4 naive females), were made, and agonistic behaviors were recorded for the priming and control condition subjects. The results showed that the control condition fighters (CF) like the priming condition fighters (PF) fought in the arena situation, but different agonistic patterns in the seminatural setting were noted. While in the seminatural environment, both CF and PF mice were attacked frequently and submitted frequently, but PF mice attacked opponents more frequently than did CF subjects (p < 0.025) and elicited significantly more submissions from opponent mice than did CF mice (p < 0.025). It is concluded that: (1) there are more and different agonistic behavior patterns available in the more natural environment than in the arena setting, and more specifically (2) there is a greater effect on agonistic behaviors in a seminatural environment for mice that fought when exposed to the arena priming procedure as compared with mice having fought in the arena control condition.  相似文献   

This naturalistic study examined the relationships between possession episodes and other social behaviors. Twenty children were observed in 240 social interactions that occurred during free play in their preschool classroom. The interactions were analyzed for behaviors related to possession, affiliation, prosociability, and aggression. The findings suggest that possession episodes are positively associated with agonistic behaviors and negatively related to positive social responses both situationally and dispositionally. First, disputes following possession claims frequently resulted in the termination or disruption of the social interaction. Moreover, a comparison between children's behaviors in interactions that contained a possession episode and in those that did not revealed that more aggression and fewer prosocial and affiliative behaviors occurred in the possession interactions. Second, in an analysis of individual social patterns, children who frequently engaged in possession disputes engaged in more aggressive actions and fewer affiliative ones than did their less possession-oriented classmates.  相似文献   

The occurrence of "blocking" was investigated in jungle fowl chicks (Gallus gallus spadiceus B.) in an imprinting situation. In Experiment 1, chicks were simultaneously exposed to two stationary coloured cylinders, either two red cylinders (Group RR), a yellow and a red cylinder (YR), or two yellow cylinders (YY). After six days of exposure, the cylinders were removed from the cages and replaced by a yellow and a blue cylinder (i.e. YB) for each chick. This second phase of the experiment lasted for seven days. When the blue cylinder was presented alone during tests at different stages in Phase 2, the RR birds spent significantly more time with this cylinder and emitted fewer shrill calls than the chicks in the YR and YY groups. In Experiment 2, RR and YY birds were reared as in Experiment 1, except that in the second phase of the experiment they were exposed to a blue cylinder only. In this experiment the development of an attachment to the novel blue cylinder proceeded similarly in the RR and YY birds. In Experiment 3, it was found that chicks that were reared with a yellow and a red cylinder preferred the latter stimulus. Thus, although in the first phase of Experiment 1 the RR birds had been exposed to a more attractive stimulus, in tests during the second phase they spent more time with a novel stimulus (B) than the YY birds. These results are consistent with the suggestion that imprinting to a novel stimulus is "blocked" to some extent when that stimulus is presented in compound with another stimulus to which the animal has previously been exposed.  相似文献   

Social interactions of cycling female golden hamsters paired with ovariectomized animals in large enclosures were primarily agonistic over the 4-day estrous cycle. These aggressive interactions were intense as indicated by frequent occurrences of chase and flight behavior. Dominant and subordinate social ranks were established in the majority of pairs (96%) tested, and even females in sexual heat were capable of attacking and dominating their rivals. Furthermore, cycling females exhibited significantly more aggressive acts than ovariectomized opponents 1 day prior to sexual receptivity. No differences in fighting patterns were found between animals on the other 3 days of the estrous cycle. Additional analyses revealed clear differences in agonistic elements, including flank marking, between dominant and subordinate females regardless of whether they were gonadectomized or intact. These analyses also showed that dominant individuals frequently chased and bit opponents during encounters within their nesting area. The data are examined for implications on the adaptive organization of female hamster agonistic behavior and the neuroendocrine regulation of species-typical behavior over the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

Male mice (C57BL/10J or SJL/J strains) were reared in either enriched social cages or restricted individual cages from 25 days of age until they underwent septal or control surgery 1 mo later. Enrichment differentially altered septal or control behavior as measured by: fluid consumption of water, saccharin, and quinine; performance on a rotorod; and the acquisition of an active avoidance task. The interactions of presurgical history with brain damage were manifested differently in the two strains of mice. The importance of attending more to genetic and presurgical history in attempts to define the effects of brain damage on behavior and to determine the function of brain structures is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the current work on mouse genetics, brain, and behaviour in my laboratory. It starts with an historical account of our research and shows how certain research themes, such as olfaction, learning, social behaviour, and environmental effects in rodents have led to our current research on behavioural phenotyping of inbred, mutant, knockout, and transgenic mice. We are concerned with finding neural and behavioural sequelae to genetic manipulations in mice and use a battery of tests to detect behaviours that are altered in genetically modified mice. In this way we are working to dissociate neural and behavioural effects of different gene manipulations in mouse models of neurodegenerative diseases. Sensory, motor, cognitive, affective, and social behaviours may all be affected by gene manipulation, thus careful behavioural techniques, with attention to the mice themselves, the apparatus, and procedure, experimenter variables, and environmental effects are necessary in order to determine a reliable and valid mouse behavioural phenotype. As both the genome and the environment have significant effects on the behavioural phenotype, our future research will utilize an epigenetic approach to examine how environmental cues modulate gene expression in the behavioural phenotyping of transgenic mice.  相似文献   

The present paper reports sex differences in exploratory behaviour by infant Spiny Mice, Acomys cahirinus, that may, in part, be related to differences in maternal behaviour towards pups; like some other rodents, mother Acomys differentiate behaviourally between male and female pups. In Experiment 1 infant Acomys were allowed to explore a novel arena. This experiment showed that even by Day 3 (the day of birth=Day 1) female Acomys explored a novel environment more than males; they entered the arena sooner than males and spent more time in contact with a novel object. Experiment 2 showed that infant females were more active than males when observed in the home cage in the presence of their parents and made more approaches to the mother. Mothers, on the other hand, directed more licking behaviour towards males. Experiment 3 focused on the exploratory behaviour of individual pups in the presence of the mother. Given access to a large, complex arena, female pups explored more than males. The results also showed that mothers direct more of their social interactions towards sons than daughters, particularly when pups are about a week old. Some mothers appear to “direct” the movement of their offspring, by blocking their forward movement; this was done more often to male than to female pups. The data suggest that the previously observed changes in exploratory behaviour at this time, and the emergence of sex differences in exploration, may in part depend upon the mothers' reactions to pups by sex.  相似文献   

Plants provide unique opportunities for learning by engaging all human senses. Recent laboratory studies have shown that infants use a combination of behavioural avoidance and social learning strategies to safely learn about plant properties from adults. Here we investigate how infants and their caregivers interact with plants in an outdoor garden as a first step towards examining the operation of these social learning processes in naturalistic settings. We focus on two specific aspects of spontaneous infant-caregiver interactions with plants: olfactory and touch behaviours. Additionally, we look at whether infants' and caregivers’ prior knowledge of the plants in our study influences infants’ behaviour. Our results showed a multifaceted connection between infants’ and caregivers' previous experience with the plants and their olfactory and touch behaviours. First, infants tended to touch and smell the plants after their caregivers did, and this appeared to be independent of whether infants had seen the plant before. Second, infants systematically engaged in some of the same types of olfactory and touch behaviours their caregiver displayed towards plants. Finally, infants whose caregivers were given more information about the plants in the study showed fewer touch behaviours, but no difference in olfactory behaviours. These findings bolster the previous laboratory studies of plant learning early in life, highlighting the importance of olfactory behaviours, and underscoring the benefits of using ecological observations to explore unique aspects of human development.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the impact of social motives or individuals' preferences for specific self—other outcome distributions, on behaviour in an n-person game. Subjects' social motives (altruistic, cooperative, individualistic, competitive) were assessed prior to the decision-making in either 7-person games (Experiment 1) or 20-person games (Experiment 2). A modification of the n-person game format normally employed is introduced in this research to permit the choices made by players on a given trial to modify the payoff matrix available to self and others on subsequent trials. The game format, a simulated social dilemma, was presented in terms of a conservation of resources problem. In Experiment 1 communication opportunities were manipulated. As predicted, there were consistent differences between the four classes of social motivation in the amount of the resources taken for self competitive subjects took the most, individualistic subjects took less than the competitive ones but more than the average, while cooperative and altruistic subjects took the smallest amount of the resources for themselves. Moreover, competitive subjects expected the others to take fewer resources than they intended to themselves, and altruistic subjects expected the others to take more resources than they intended to themselves. These findings are only partly consistent with existing theories concerning the relationship between behaviour and expected behaviour of others. In addition, when communication was allowed, significantly fewer resources were taken for self Contrary to the predictions based on previous research findings, subjects in the 20-person groups did not take more resources for self than subjects in the 7-person groups.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between preschool children's social‐cognitive abilities (theory of mind and social information processing; SIP) and their observed physical and relational aggressive behaviour. Children with more advanced social‐cognitive abilities engaged in fewer acts of physical aggression; however, much of the ability of the social‐cognitive variables to predict physical aggression was shared with language ability. In addition, social‐cognitive understanding moderated the connection between language ability and physical aggression. Exploratory examination of gender differences in patterns of association between physical aggression and the social cognitive understanding variables revealed that the relationships were only true for boys. Relational aggression was not associated with social cognitive ability for either boys or girls, but this is likely due to the low frequency of relationally aggressive behaviour observed in this sample.  相似文献   

Prior research has shown that the face's width-to-height ratio (fWHR) and the voice's pitch influence social perception. Yet, the relative contribution of either cue has been largely unexplored. We examined the simultaneous effects of fWHR and pitch on social evaluations. Experiment 1 (N = 102) tested how such cues shaped global impressions. Experiment 2 (N = 121) tested fWHR and pitch's effect on behavioural affiliative intentions, framing social interaction as a physical or an intellectual competition. Experiment 3 (N = 57) assessed whether variations in fWHR and pitch could influence trait attribution (i.e., physical formidability and intelligence). Individuals with large faces or low-pitched voices elicited negative impressions, positive behavioural intentions in a physical competition, and the attribution of stronger formidability but lower intelligence. Across the studies, cues exerted independent effects. The implications of these findings for research on cross-modal social perception are discussed.  相似文献   

There is a long-standing debate as to whether social or physical environmental aspects drive the evolution and development of cognitive abilities. Surprisingly few studies make use of developmental plasticity to compare the effects of these two domains during development on behaviour later in life. Here, we present rearing effects on the development of learning abilities and social behaviour in the jumping spider Marpissa muscosa. These spiders are ideally suited for this purpose because they possess the ability to learn and can be reared in groups but also in isolation without added stress. This is a critical but rarely met requirement for experimentally varying the social environment to test its impact on cognition. We split broods of spiders and reared them either in a physically or in a socially enriched environment. A third group kept under completely deprived conditions served as a ‘no-enrichment’ control. We tested the spiders’ learning abilities by using a modified T-maze. Social behaviour was investigated by confronting spiders with their own mirror image. Results show that spiders reared in groups outperform their conspecifics from the control, i.e. ‘no-enrichment’, group in both tasks. Physical enrichment did not lead to such an increased performance. We therefore tentatively suggest that growing up in contact with conspecifics induces the development of cognitive abilities in this species.  相似文献   

Health messages that provide gain- or loss-framed arguments have a differential impact on behavioural decision-making (Rothman & Salovey, 1997). Typically, gain-framed messages more effectively promote preventive health behaviours, which maintain health and minimise the risk of a health problem, whereas loss-framed messages more effectively promote detection behaviours, which involve the risk of finding a health problem. Two experiments tested the thesis that the risk implications of the behaviour are an important determinant of the persuasive impact of gain- and loss-framed appeals. Results revealed that when the risk associated with a health behaviour (either a prevention behaviour in Experiment 1 or a detection behaviour in Experiment 2) was low, participants responded more favourably to gain-framed messages. However, when the risk associated with the health behaviour (either prevention or detection) was high, participants responded more favourably to loss-framed messages. Discussion focuses on the importance of taking into account how individuals construe a behaviour when constructing framed appeals.  相似文献   

Sixty hooded Long‐Evans rats were assigned to one of three conditions: isolation‐rearing (from 14–30 days of age), brief isolation (from 28–30 days of age), and normal (no isolation). From day 14 to day 21, the isolation‐reared animals were maintained in an incubator set at 35°C to prevent hypothermia and were separated from each other by Plexiglas. They learned to nourish themselves by lapping milk that continuously flowed down one side of the enclosure. Thereafter, they were housed in standard hanging wire cages. Unlike previous studies of isolation at this age, there were no significant weight differences between the isolation‐reared group and the two control groups. At 30 days of age, the three groups were compared on fighting (serious and play), nonagonistic social behaviors (following and crawling under), and exploratory behavior (open‐field ambulation). The isolation‐reared group was significantly different from the normal group on all measures (isolates were higher on all measures except exploration). The isolation‐reared animals showed significantly more serious fighting (aggression) than the brief isolation animals, whereas these two groups did not differ on other behaviors. This methodology allows for the study of isolation‐rearing without the nutritional confounds found in previous research and shows an effect on aggression that is not accounted for by recent isolation. Aggr. Behav. 25:211–223, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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