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Although violence and homicide are more prevalent in Colombia, South America than the US, the role of psychosocial factors in the violent behavior of Colombian adolescents remains unclear. The aim of this longitudinal study was to examine the interrelation of domains of personality, familial, peer, and ecological variables associated with violence in a community sample of adolescents from various self-reported ethnic groups in Colombia. The sample consisted of 1,151 male adolescents selected from three Colombian cities. The participants were surveyed using structured interviews at two points in time over a 2-year interval. Data were collected concerning adolescent personal attributes, family characteristics, peer, and ecological factors, including drug availability and the prevalence of violence in the community. The dependent variable was the self-reported frequency of the adolescent’s violent behavior. The results supported a model in which violent behavior was correlated independently over time with a number of risk factors from several domains. Evidence for the hypothesized mediated effects of the familial monitoring and bonding domain, the peer domain, the ecological domain, and prior victimization related to personal attributes and contemporaneous violence and the adolescent’s violent behavior 2 years later was also found. The findings suggest the use of specific intervention procedures with adolescents to prevent their subsequent violent behavior.  相似文献   

This article discusses the common and unique configurations of stress responses of children to traumatizing experience in the world's warzones like Bosnia-Herzegovina, Croatia, Rwanda, Liberia, Mozambique, El Salvador, the Middle East, and other nations caught up in the throes of declared and undeclared wars. Children are the most vulnerable, and suffer the greatest. The new concepts of warzone traumatic stress (WZTrS) and warzone traumatherapy (WZTrT) are presented to expand the discussion of the treatment of warzone children beyond today's exclusive focus either on intrapsychic factors alone or on material-resource replenishing alone. These terms are an alternative to current approaches to treatment in which a discrete stressor has been identified as the responsible toxic agent that produced the child's symptoms. Most warzone children have experienced a multiplicity of stressors—a virtual matrix of violent war stressors. The WZTrT model recognizes that the mental, social, and cultural needs of traumatized children change over time—from the time they are exposed to raging toxic war stressors to the time when war hostilities end. Thus warzone traumatherapy attempts to address the child's needs on a continuum based upon a time-referenced intervention model. The model presented here acknowledges the child's adaptational strengths, and the multitheoretical employing of psychodynamic, cognitive, and behavioral techniques grounded in cultural/racial sensitivity and indigenous folk medicine as indispensable tools in warzone therapy for children. Additionally, the model takes into account the special features of relevant international policies of the United Nations (UN) and Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) geared to assist in the recovery and integration of warzone traumatized children. WZTrT embraces Western models of interventions integratively and flexibly employed with the personal, cultural, social, spiritual, and economic factors existing in the world of the traumatized child. Hopefully, the article will contribute to creating innovative ways of conceptualizing the mental, physical, social, cultural, and economic needs of warzone children in order to advance conceptual, technical, scientific, and practical aspects of child-relevant warzone interventions.  相似文献   

小学中高年级儿童情绪理解力的特点研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对640名小学中高年级儿童情绪理解力的测查表明,儿童能够理解抽象的情绪概念和简单的情绪词汇;会依赖表情、言语及副言语和身体动作线索识别他人的情绪;会依赖内部心理活动、表情和身体动作线索识别自己的情绪;儿童已理解情绪与事件/行为间的因果联系,对积极情绪事件/行为的理解具有社交性和亲社会性的特点,对消极情绪事件/行为的理解具有攻击性和破坏性的特点;在理解自己和他人情绪隐藏能力时存在明显差异。  相似文献   

This paper explores a dialogical operationalization of identity fusion in the context of football firms. An in-depth life story interview with a longstanding member of a football firm involved in several violent episodes was qualitatively analyzed. The variety of positions of the self (I-positions) as well as the dialogical relations established by such positions were examined under themes associated with identity fusion, in an attempt to understand pro-group radical violent behavior. Results suggest that a core coalition of internal I-positions and external We-positions favoring extreme ultra violence appeared to dominate the participant’s self-system. This coalition seemed to have soft boundaries among the positions compounding it and, at the same time, rigid boundaries with other positions of the self-system, operating as an I-prison, preventing alternative counter-violence voices to be heard and promoter or meta-positions to emerge. Considering that functionally equivalent forms of identity fusion have been identified in radical football violence and terrorism, this knowledge can contribute to tackle the pathways for engaging in extreme violence in favor of a group/organization. Moreover, it can be used to develop more effective programs to promote individuals’ de-fusion from different groups, whenever group adherence proves dysfunctional and risky for themselves and/or others.  相似文献   


This study combines and compares data from the Korean Youth Panel Survey and the Korean Children and Youth Panel Survey to examine the effects parenting, peers, school, social structure, and personality exert on nonviolent and violent delinquency among 5,462 male and 5,103 female adolescents in South Korea. Overall, parental effects were found to be more important than peer effects, but their influence diminishes relative to that of peer effects with age. The semiparametric group-based modeling approach identifies distinct groups of stable nondelinquents, stable moderates, moderate escalators, de-escalators, and desistors (but not chronic offenders). Lastly, this study does not provide support for a public discourse that infers juvenile delinquency has increased in frequency and severity.  相似文献   

Prior research has indicated an association between exposure to violent media and aggressive thoughts, feelings, and behavior, potentially as a result of effects on inhibitory mechanisms. However, the role of violence in video games in modulating subsequent neural activity related to cognitive inhibition has received little attention. To examine short-term effects of playing a violent video game, 45 adolescents were randomly assigned to play either a violent or a nonviolent video game for 30 minutes immediately prior to functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). During the fMRI procedure, participants performed a go/no-go task that required them to press a button for each target stimulus and withhold the response for non-target stimuli. Participants who played the violent game demonstrated a lower BOLD response in right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) when responses were appropriately inhibited. The DLPFC is involved with executive functioning, including suppression of unwanted thoughts and behaviors. In addition, responses in the DLPFC demonstrated stronger inverse connectivity with precuneus in the nonviolent game players. These results provide evidence that playing a violent video game can modulate prefrontal activity during cognitive inhibition.  相似文献   

Adolescent Multiphasic Personality Inventory profiles of inpatient adolescents were examined to identify differences between suicidal (danger to self, n = 145) and violent (danger to others, n = 36) adolescents. Participants were 181 inpatients (12–17 years old, mean age, 14.7 years) admitted to an adolescent psychiatric unit of a southern California county hospital. Results indicate that the suicide group had significantly higher scores than the violent group on five scales (Hypochondriasis, Psychasthenia, Paranoia, Schizophrenia, and Social Introversion). These scales, singly or in combination, have been found to be indicative of psychotic process. This suggests the presence of psychotic process in suicidal, but not violent, adolescents.  相似文献   

Resiliency theory posits that some youth exposed to risk factors do not develop negative behaviors due to the influence of promotive factors. This study examines the effects of cumulative risk and promotive factors on adolescent violent behavior and tests two models of resilience—the compensatory model and the protective model—in a sample of adolescent patients (14–18 years old; n = 726) presenting to an urban emergency department who report violent behavior. Cumulative measures of risk and promotive factors consist of individual characteristics and peer, family, and community influences. Hierarchical multiple regression was used to test the two models of resilience (using cumulative measures of risk and promotive factors) for violent behavior within a sample of youth reporting violent behavior. Higher cumulative risk was associated with higher levels of violent behavior. Higher levels of promotive factors were associated with lower levels of violent behavior and moderated the association between risk and violent behaviors. Our results support the risk-protective model of resiliency and suggest that promotive factors can help reduce the burden of cumulative risk for youth violence.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to examine the longitudinal relations between posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms and violent behaviors. In this study, 415 adolescent survivors of the Wenchuan earthquake in China (May 12, 2008) were assessed by using self-report questionnaires 1 year (T1), 1.5 years (T2), and 2 years (T3) after the earthquake. The findings suggested that from 1 to 1.5 years after the earthquake, only intrusive symptoms of PTSD were a risk factor for violent behaviors, whereas violent behaviors were a risk factor for all 3 PTSD symptom clusters. Furthermore, 1.5 to 2 years after the earthquake, avoidance symptoms of PTSD were a risk factor for violent behaviors and hyperarousal symptoms of PTSD had no significant relation with violent behaviors.  相似文献   

This study contains an exploration of the use of mask-making and mindfulness training as components of an expressive arts group intervention designed to help youth understand and manage their stress. With the assistance of a school counselor, six eighth-grade students, who were having difficulty managing stress, were identified and participated in a 12-hour group intervention over the course of six weeks. Participants were assessed pre- and post-intervention and at a three-week follow-up on measures of self-efficacy, depression, anxiety, and stress. The group intervention resulted in significant self-reported reductions of anxiety and stress at the three-week follow-up.  相似文献   

Using data from an ongoing longitudinal study of 5,164 adolescents and their parents from seven cities in mainland China, this study investigated how social capital embedded in the family and the community, together with family human capital and financial capital, influenced the depressive symptoms of urban Chinese adolescents within an integrative framework. The structural equation modeling results suggested that higher community social capital was associated with lower level of adolescent depressive symptoms and was the strongest predictor among all these contextual factors. Family social capital played a significant role in mediating the effects of all other contextual factors on adolescent depressive symptoms. Unexpectedly, higher family financial capital predicted increased depressive symptoms both directly and indirectly through its negative effect on family social capital. As for gender, female adolescents reported more depressive symptoms as a result of less available family social capital. Implications of these findings for theory, practice, policy, and future research are discussed.  相似文献   

青少年和父母对心理咨询认识的质性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用访谈法探讨8个已求助和5个未求助家庭的青少年和父母对心理咨询的认识;比较已求助者和未求助者、青少年和父母对心理咨询认识的差异。结果显示,青少年和父母从6个方面描述心理咨询:功能、形式、适用问题、服务提供者、求助者和效果,各方面提及次数最多的分别是问题解决、谈话法、心理困扰、心理医生、心理有病的人和有帮助;误解包括心理咨询是针对心理有病的人,只有严重问题才需要求助。已求助者比未求助者更了解心理咨询,提及问题解决、心理困扰和有帮助的次数更多。青少年更多认为心理咨询是心理老师处理正常群体的心理困扰;父母更多认为心理咨询是心理医生处理心理疾病。青少年和父母对心理咨询的认识趋于理性和准确,但仍有误解需要澄清。  相似文献   


Refugee adolescents present a unique challenge to treatment. In their desire to be part of their new country, they often split off the formative years of their development. This includes both the person that they were in the past, their relations with peers and what made them “cool,” along with the officially documented political story that brought them asylum. This can lead them to feel disconnected and disoriented, but also as though their world is in fact built on lies.

They often come to treatment following enactments that make them appear tough, hardened and hard to reach, and which continue in the consulting room. When they are met with an official “trauma” narrative that explains their experience in political and psycho-educational terms they often find the experience alienating. They need to connect the world that they left, the world that live in now, and their own private experiences of love and hate in order to form an integrated identity.

This discussion explores aspects of the refugee narrative of psychoanalysis to help to illuminate the tasks necessary to co-create a meaningful narrative with refugee adolescent patients. It suggests ways to connect to the refugee experience and hear the young patients as they move between the political and the personal, the official and the familial, to understand themselves and return to the developmental task of creating an adult identity.  相似文献   

This study examined whether coping moderated the impact of community violence exposure (CVE) on violent behavior among 285 urban African American and Latino adolescent males assessed annually across 5 years. Composites indicating overall CVE (having knowledge of others’ victimization, witnessing violence, direct victimization) and approach to coping with CVE were created by averaging across years 1–3 (Time 1; mean ages 14–16). Adolescents classified as coping effectively tended to respond to CVE in beneficial ways (e.g., developing long-term solutions, engaging in positive reappraisal). Violent behavior was examined across years 1–3 (Time 1) and years 4–5 (Time 2; mean ages 18–19). CVE was longitudinally associated with greater violent behavior, adjusting for Time 1 levels of violent behavior. This association was significant only among adolescents with less effective coping strategies. Interventions targeting the enhancement of coping skills may be an effective method of reducing the impact of CVE on adolescent violent behavior. Sonya S. Brady is now an Assistant Professor in the Division of Epidemiology and Community Health, School of Public Health at the University of Minnesota (1300 South Second Street, Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55454-1015, USA; Tel.: +1-612-6241818; Fax: +1-612-6240315.  相似文献   

主要考察中学生心理理解能力上的个体差异.采用集体施测纸笔作答调查问卷.通过他们在具有代表性的同伴交往事件问题上的回答,了解他们对自身和他人被同伴接纳或拒绝事件的归因和解释.内地的447名中学生和香港的600名中学生参加了调查.结果表明,内地青少年比香港青少年更可能用客观原因解释社会交往事件.在对社会交往事件主观原因解释上两地中学生存在发展上的差异.对两地青少年而言,对自身负性事件的再次交往意愿显著低于自身正性事件,而香港青少年在自身负性事件上更低.总体上内地青少年的再次交往意愿高于香港青少年.对于内地青少年而言,在他人正性和自身正性事件中对情绪的评定没有差异,而对他人负性事件和自身负性事件的情绪评定有显著差异;但对于香港青少年来说,无论是他人正性自身正性事件还是他人负性自身负性事件,情绪评定都有显著差异.  相似文献   

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