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This paper describes an experiment in decision making under certainty with multiple, conflicting objectives and continuous decision variables. Two techniques for analysing such problems are considered: one taken from the paradigm of multicriteria decision making (MCDM), a non-directed approach called the NAIVE technique, and one from the paradigm of multiattribute decision analysis (D/A), the SMART technique. While the two techniques seek and are throught to arrive at the same end—a solution which is in some sense optimal for the decision maker (DM)—the former approach implicitly incorporates DM preferences while the latter approach considers preferences explicitly. The setting is a laboratory study using a sample of university students on a three-criteria problem which is designed to study the extent to which value functions implied/assessed by the techniques are consistent with DMs' holistic ranking of alternatives. Results show that (1) the two techniques of interest show significantly better rank order correlation with holistic judgement compared with other techniques, (2) DMs prefer the non-directed MCDM approach and (3) subjects break down into two groups: those that use assessable value functions when ranking and those that do not. This implies that for small-dimensioned problems DMs may first need to be classified as to the assessability of their value functions before a solution method is chosen.  相似文献   

In measurement theory terminology, MACBETH is an interactive approach for mapping into a real scale the various degrees to which the elements of a finite set possess a property P. The originality of MACBETH's questioning procedure is the possibility of establishing a constructive path towards cardinal measurement in both quantitative and substantive meaningful terms, avoiding the operational problems recognized as a weakness of other procedures. The use of the notion of semantic absolute judgements plays a key role here and the simplicity, interactivity and constructiveness of our approach insert it in the modern paradigms of decision aid. This article illustrates the usefulness of MACBETH as a tool to facilitate decision support, by describing its application in two real public decision situations where we acted as facilitators. Although the cases correspond to quite different decision contexts and problematics and our interventions have addressed diverse issues, they have in common the fact that we conducted both evaluation processes in the framework of an additive multicriteria aggregation procedure. In the first case MACBETH has been used to support the construction of (local) cardinal value functions, while the second illustrates how our approach can serve as a weighting procedure to determine the scaling constants of an additive aggregation model. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We introduce an approximation set to the value efficient set in multiobjective problems under partial information on the decision maker's preferences modelled by a vector value function. We show monotonicity and convergence properties based on increasingly precise vector value functions with two components, which improve the approximation and might be a support to possible solution methods. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

风险决策价值函数的数学公式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
唐孝威 《应用心理学》2010,16(3):215-217
本文提出风险决策价值函数的一个数学公式,定量描述决策者对价值的主观感受与收益及损失之间的关系。  相似文献   

According to the additive view of sensory imagination, mental imagery often involves two elements. There is an image-like element, which gives the experiences qualitative phenomenal character akin to that of perception. There is also a non-image element, consisting of something like suppositions about the image's object. This accounts for extra-sensory features of imagined objects and situations: for example, it determines whether an image of a grey horse is an image of Desert Orchid, or of some other grey horse. The view promises to give a simple and intuitive explanation of some puzzling features of imagination, and, further, to illuminate imagination's relation to modal knowledge. I contend that the additive view does not fulfil these two promises. The explanation of how images come to be determinate is redundant: the content constituting the indeterminate mental images on which the view relies is sufficient to deliver determinate images too, so the extra resources offered by the view are not required. When applied to modal epistemology, the view either delivers implausible results or offers no distinctive insight. Since the view is sold on its explanatory merits, and since these are dubious, the additive view should be rejected.  相似文献   

决策中社会价值取向的理论与测评方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统经济学决策理论强调利己性假设, 认为个体是理性的并由个人利益所驱动的。但是, 个体在相依情境中的社会动机要比利己性假设更为复杂, 具有较大的个体差异。社会价值取向是指个体在相依情境中对自己收益和他人收益分配的特定偏好, 是一个用来描述个体对他人利益关注程度的个体差异的概念。本文回顾了测量社会价值取向的三优势测量、环形测验和滑块测验等方法, 强调了不同测评方法的优点与不足, 并简要总结了决策、社会认知、共情、亲社会行为等领域内相关的社会价值取向研究。未来的研究则需要探索社会价值取向与不同社会因素的交互作用, 以及不同社会价值取向个体的神经机制等方面的研究。  相似文献   





Certain relationships generate associative duties that exhibit robustness across change. It seems insufficient for friendship, for example, if I am only disposed to fulfil duties of friendship towards you as things stand here and now. However, robustness is not required across all variations. Were you to become monstrously cruel towards me, we might expect that my duties of friendship towards you would not be robust across that kind of change. The question then is this: is there any principled way of distinguishing those variations across which robustness of the disposition to fulfil duties of friendship is required from those across which it isn’t? In this paper I propose a way of answering this question that invokes distinctions concerning how we value friends and friendships, and how persons and friendships possess value – distinctions that are central to the project of specifying not only the limits of robustness, but also the source of duties of friendship and associative duties more generally.  相似文献   

雷锋精神是永远不会过时的。他的“傻子”精神、“钉子”精神和“螺丝钉”精神,给正在全面建设的小康社会和正在形成的学习型社会,具有多方面的启示和意义。  相似文献   

社会转型时期大学生的价值优先性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本研究以Schwartz开发的价值观量表(SVS)为工具,以北京地区1077位大学生为被试,运用结构方程模型、方差分析等方法考察社会变迁背景下大学生价值观的内容和结构。研究结果发现(1)大学生价值观由4类高阶价值和10类基本价值构成,在总体结构上不存在性别差异。(2)大学生的价值优先性呈现出三个基本特征:价值取向多元、利益指向多元、现实性。鉴于对研究局限的认识,本研究亦对后续研究方向提出建议。  相似文献   

论医学人文价值   总被引:21,自引:7,他引:21  
医学的基本价值是救护生命 ,这是医学特有的、体现医学基本任务和基本目的的内在规定 ;离开了医学的基本价值 ,医学就不成其为医学。医学的人文价值是关爱生命 ,这是医学必有的、体现医学本质和终极目的的内在规定。求真、崇善、尚美、达圣是医学人文价值的本质。离开了医学的人文价值 ,医学就不成其为人的医学  相似文献   

According to the dominant philosophical tradition, intrinsic value must depend solely upon intrinsic properties. By appealing to various examples, however, I argue that we should at least leave open the possibility that in some cases intrinsic value may be based in part on relational properties. Indeed, I argue that we should even be open to the possibility that an object's intrinsic value may sometimes depend (in part) on its instrumental value. If this is right, of course, then the traditional contrast between intrinsic value and instrumental value is mistaken.  相似文献   

In this paper a practical application of MCDM in water resources problems is presented. Based on a real project for Qinhuangdao water resources management sponsored by Qinhuangdao Municipality, we construct a set of models for inflow forecast, reservoir operations, water supply and allocation, and flood routing for system optimal operation and flood management. A stochastic dynamic programming (DP) model with a fuzzy criterion is proposed for monthly reservoir operations. A series of goal programming (GP) models is built for water supply and allocation on different planning and operating levels. The DP–GP models fulfil the optimal operation tasks of a water resources management decision support system (WRMDSS) for Qinhuangdao water resources management.  相似文献   

公共决策关涉价值,且负荷优先性价值。在思想史的维度上,众多学者认同公平是公共决策的优先性价值。在学理层面上,公共决策的公共性和政府的服务性决定公平是公共决策的优先性价值。处于市场经济条件下的政府必须以公共决策的优先性价值为基础正确把握公平与效率的辩证关系。  相似文献   

The forests in Finland have been under intensive planning for decades. Currently, mathematical programming is widely used in planning of wood production. Today's multi‐functional forestry, however, calls for more flexible decision support methods. MCDM tools have been used in responding to fresh planning challenges. For example, the Finnish Forest and Park Service, entrusted with the care of the vast majority of state‐owned natural resources in Finland, endeavours to produce large‐scale natural resource plans satisfying the needs of both economic, social, and ecological sustainability. Participatory approach is applied in the process. Several forestry applications of MCDM methods, particularly those making use of the AHP or the HIPRE program, have been presented. Also, the outranking methods ELECTRE and PROMETHEE have been tested. Due to the nature of forestry applications, statistical techniques for analysing uncertainties in pairwise comparisons and for utilizing interval judgement data have been developed to improve the usability of the AHP. Recently, a hybrid method called A'WOT, making use of the AHP and SWOT, was also introduced into strategic forest planning. This paper summarizes the experiences gained in applying a MAVT and two outranking methods in connection with a participatory natural resource planning process in Finland. In addition, some results of the method development work related to application needs are briefly presented. The details of the planning cases reviewed here have previously been presented in forestry journals. The purpose of this paper is not only to show how MCDM methods have been applied in forestry, but also to discuss the usability and usefulness of MCDM methods from the viewpoint of supporting forestry decision making—and how they might further be improved. Also, some perspectives for the future development work of MCDM applications in the field of natural resource management are focused on. As a conclusion, the use of more than just one MCDM method in a single planning process is seen usually recommendable. In addition, developing hybrid MCDM methods is regarded as a potential direction for future research. Also, closer co‐operation between method developers and appliers is called for to produce more useful applications. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Guy Fletcher 《Philosophia》2009,37(1):149-152
Despite its apparent ubiquity, philosophers have not talked much about sentimental value. One exception is Anthony Hatzimoysis (The Philosophical Quarterly 53:373–379, 2003). Those who wish to take sentimental value seriously are likely to make use of Christine Korsgaard’s ideas on two distinctions in value. In this paper I show that Hatzimoysis has misrendered Korsgaard’s insight in his discussion of sentimental value. I begin by briefly summarising Korsgaard’s idea before showing how Hatzimoysis’ treatment of it is mistaken.
Guy FletcherEmail:

企业职工的工作价值观特征分析   总被引:19,自引:2,他引:19  
企业管理者可以借助三种不同的力量来激励和影响职工的工作行为 ,一种是外在的经济力量 ,一种是与工作相关的内在激励 ,还有一种是以人的信念和价值观念为基础的影响力。前两种行为激励是组织行为学研究的传统领域 ,而工作价值观则是近来随着组织文化的兴起而提出的新课题。本研究以企业现场调查为基础 ,分析了企业职工的工作价值观的特点 ,指出工作价值观是由工作行为评价因素、组织集体观念因素和个人要求因素三个方面构成 ,它们与职工的工作动机有着显著的相关。职工的工作价值观还表现出年龄的差异 ,年轻职工 (3 0岁以下 )的工作价值观并不是与年长的职工 (3 0岁及以上 )完全不同 ,他们在工作行为评价因素、组织集体观念因素方面有着共同之处 ,但是他们在考虑问题和判断时 ,思想更复杂 ,更多地考虑个人要求因素。不同所有制企业中的职工 ,其工作价值观也存在着一定的差异 ,其中 ,国有 /集体企业职工的组织集体观念显著地高于外资 /合资企业职工。  相似文献   

传统伦理学的价值伦理学转向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统伦理学的价值伦理学转向,一是基于研究重心由“应当”问题转换为“德行之所以然”的问题,二是基于研究范式上由目的论、德性论、义务论等转换为价值论。作为传统伦理学的集大成者,康德伦理学一方面因其浓烈的价值论色彩而成为舍勒和N.哈特曼价值伦理学的前奏,另一方面因其“实质”内容缺失而致的形式主义又为后者的拓展提供了空间。舍勒,尤其是N.哈特曼的实质价值伦理学正是在康德伦理学的理论平台上得以建立的。  相似文献   

对价值问题的处理是心理咨询中的重要哲学命题。人本主义心理学所遵循的“价值中立”原则,是心理咨询中回避价值干预的根源所在。通过对心理咨询理论的整体审视,提出不能简单地把价值中立原则拓展到整个心理咨询之中,不能忽视心理咨询的教育功能和社会责任,纯粹的“价值中立”是无法实现的。  相似文献   

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