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We propose a new approach for modelling preference structures in multi-objective decision-making (MODM) problems. The basic idea of the approach is to first develop PROMETHEE-influenced objective functions and then to use these to reformulate the problem as a distance-based goal–programming (GP) model. Three basic functional forms are proposed and explicit expressions are developed for them. Among other things, the expressions allow for the straightforward development of an interactive framework while keeping the information requirements from the decision maker (DM) at a minimum. An ‘automatic’ piecewise linear approximation scheme is proposed for solving the GP model. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. J. Multi-Crit. Decis. Anal. 6 : 150–154 (1997) No. of Figures: 0. No. of Tables: 0. No. of References: 12.  相似文献   

郑媛媛  李晓庆 《心理科学进展》2011,19(12):1749-1758
主语优先是言语加工中的一种语序效应, 它具体表现为三个方面:论元歧义句的理解过程中, 首论元倾向于被解释为主语; 非歧义句的理解过程中, 首论元为宾语时的加工难于首论元为主语时的加工; 关系从句的理解过程中, 主语的提取比宾语的提取更容易。本文对主语优先现象主要进行了以下方面的论述:① 结合印欧语系和非印欧语系中的各种类型的语言, 详细分析了主语优先现象及其普遍性与特殊性; ② 主语优先现象的理论解释:基于工作记忆的理论、句法关联理论、突出性特征理论和基于频率的理论; ③ 与主语优先现象有关的脑电成分及其所体现的认知加工过程。最后, 结合已有的研究, 指出了主语优先现象未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

Philosophers have advocated different kinds of freedom, but each has value and none should be neglected in a complete theory of freedom and responsibility. There are three kinds of freedom of preference and action that should be distinguished. A person S may fully prefer to do A at every level, and that is one kind of freedom. A person S may autonomously prefer to do A when S has the preference structure concerning doing A because S prefers to have that very preference structure, and that is a second kind of freedom. A person S may prefer to do A when S could have preferred otherwise, and that is a third kind of freedom. These forms of freedom may be combined, but they are valuable and essentially independent. They all involve the metamental ascendence of preference over desire, but it is autonomous preference that makes a person the author of his or her preference. The responsibility a person has for what he or she does out of a preference for doing it depends on the kinds of freedom of preference the person has and must be ranked in terms of them.  相似文献   

良好的医患沟通不仅令患者心情愉快,而且还对患者的健康有实质性的影响。从宾默尔所提出的移情偏好理论的视角,探讨如何在该理论指导下进行有效的医患沟通。移情偏好主要指从他人的立场和角度来体察其情绪和感受,明确其需求。鉴于此,提出医患沟通的相应策略:医生为主导,引导患者配合;基于移情,医生预测患者行为,做出最优反应;运用移情偏好,医生按照患者的具体情况处理。而所有这些策略都离不开医生的移情能力的培养和移情偏好的运用。  相似文献   

抽象颜色偏好实验研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本实验采用对偶比较法对4~21岁人群779名被试进行抽象颜色偏好调查研究,得出以下结果:(1)4~21岁人群抽象颜色偏好顺序依次是蓝、橙、红、黄、紫、绿;(2)男生和女生对抽象颜色的偏好具有明最差异;(3)不同年龄段的人群时抽象颜色偏好具有明显差异;(4)抽象颜色偏好虽然随着时代的变迁发生变化,但是仍有一定的规律性。  相似文献   

Preferences are often represented in terms of a function, in the deterministic case as well as in the probabilistic case. In the present paper we develop a new numerical representation of preference structures for which the strict preference relation (P) is without circuit but not necessarily transitive. Moreover, we investigate the consequences of the representation for the usual preference structures. In particular, we propose new formulations for the numerical representation of the interval order structure.  相似文献   

决策的选择偏好具有可变性。当前主要有三类不同取向的解释。第一类观点以效用概念为核心,分别讨论了评价模式和效用折扣对选择偏好的影响。第二类观点以心理表征概念为基础,分别提出了建构水平和表征差别对选择偏好的影响。第三类观点以联结和人工神经网络概念为要素,分别探讨了心理场距离和规避损失偏向对选择偏好的影响  相似文献   

娃娃脸效应是指由婴儿面孔特征(或婴儿图式)所引发的普遍、进化的社会认知反应, 不仅包括对婴儿面孔的偏好性反应—— 如优先注意、关怀和照料的冲动, 还包括对于具备婴儿图式的成年人、动物甚至非生命物体的泛化性反应, 即认为这些对象具有与婴儿相似的特质并对其产生相应的态度和行为。娃娃脸效应的表现、影响因素及神经机制的相关研究证明了人类对于婴儿面孔特征的偏好性反应是一种本能释放机制, 并为进化心理学中的亲代投资及性别选择理论提供了佐证。娃娃脸效应的文化差异以及实践应用可能是这一领域未来研究的主要方向。  相似文献   

风险偏爱特征的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用等级排序的方法 ,60名被试分别在大、小两种恒定的期望值条件下 ,对不同风险来源和不同风险水平的抽彩方案进行偏爱排序 ,以此来检验组合理论有关风险偏爱模式的假设。结果发现 :( 1 )被试的风险偏爱模式以单峰模式为主 ;( 2 )期望值的大小和不同的风险来源对偏爱模式没有显著影响。通过与美国研究者的结果比较发现 ,中美被试对于固定收益、中等风险和高风险评为最不偏爱的数量上存在显著差异。  相似文献   

本文比较了在日资企业里工作的中国和东南亚三国职工的满意度和企业选好度。1总体而言 ,四国职工的满意度都不太高。中国职工对“现在的工资”、“工资的增长”、“福利保健”及“劳动时间”等方面的满意度更低于东南亚三国。只在“职业稳定性”和“对上司的态度”上显示出比较满意。而东南亚三国在“劳动时间”和“福利保健”上有较高的满意度。2与欧美企业相比 ,四国职工对日资企业的评价总体上是低的。除“雇佣稳定性”外 ,对所有项目的回答都是欧美企业优于日资企业。 3如果条件相同 ,中国职工对企业的选好度的顺序是 :本国企业、欧美企业、港台企业和日资企业。马来西亚是 :日本企业、欧美企业、本国企业、港台企业。印度尼西亚将日资企业排在第二位。泰国将日资企业排在第三位。4在中国 ,对日资企业的选好度的决定因素是对工作和待遇的满意度和对日资企业劳动条件的评价。而在东南亚三国 ,起决定作用的是满意度和日本管理有用性。  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted that examined the preference of a student diagnosed with a brain injury. In Study 1, a preference assessment was followed by a three-choice concurrent-operants reinforcer assessment. Two choices resulted in access to preferred activities for completing work, and a third choice resulted in access to nothing (i.e., no activity). Unpredictably, the participant consistently chose the no-activity option. Study 2 examined why this student preferred work associated with no activity over preferred activities. Through a variety of concurrent-operants procedures, it was determined that she preferred fluent work followed by reinforcers rather than work that was broken up by access to preferred activities. Implications for research on preference are discussed.  相似文献   

Pigeon's key pecking was reinforced with food in two experiments in which the correspondence between preference for starting one of two reinforced behavior patterns and the likelihood of finishing it subsequently was examined. Reinforcers were scheduled according to concurrent schedules for two classes of interresponse times, modified such that reinforcers followed a center-key peck terminating either a shorter interresponse time started by a left-key peck or a longer interresponse time started by a right-key peck. In Experiment 1, the times when reinforcers potentially were available were not discriminated, whereas in Experiment 2 they were. Absolute reinforced pattern durations were varied. The relative frequency of starting a particular pattern was highly correlated with relative frequency of that completed pattern in both experiments. Other relations between starting and finishing a pattern depended on whether reinforced interresponse times were discriminated. For instance, preference for starting a pattern sometimes correlated negatively with the likelihood of subsequently completing it. The present experiments are described as capturing part of the ordinary language meaning of "intention," according to which an organism's behavior at one moment sets the occasion for an observer to say that the organism "intends" in the future to engage in one behavior rather than another.  相似文献   

陈桄  朱皕 《心理科学进展》2006,14(4):625-630
在婴儿早期的视觉经验中,面孔是最特殊的一类刺激,小婴儿从出生开始就喜欢看面孔,这种现象称为面孔偏好。面孔偏好的发展反映了婴儿知觉能力的发展规律,具有重要的社会化意义。该文系统介绍了线性系统模型、右脑优势模型、CONSPEC理论、视觉模块理论和非特异化识别理论5种最主要的婴儿面孔偏好理论,并对这些理论的区别和联系进行了探讨。最后,对面孔偏好研究的新趋势和未来方向进行了评价和展望  相似文献   

胡琳丽  高增明 《心理科学》2014,37(1):156-160
以80名大学女生为被试,在关系自我理论的框架下,采用移情研究的双时段范式,以实验法考察了关系自我和重要他人对于陌生人印象偏好的影响。结果发现:在无提示的条件下,与重要他人相似的陌生人得到更多的印象偏好;在有提示的条件下,这种由相似性而产生的偏好会显著降低。证明了重要他人对陌生人印象偏好的影响,并讨论了关系自我在其中发挥的中介作用。  相似文献   

Research has consistently demonstrated that political liberalism is predicted by the personality trait Openness to Experience and conservatism by trait Conscientiousness. Less well studied, however, is how trait personality influences political orientation. The present study investigated whether differences in media preference might mediate the links between personality and political orientation. Participants completed measures of Big Five personality, media preferences, and political orientation. Results revealed that increased preferences for Dark/Alternative and Aesthetic/Musical media genres, as well as decreased preferences for Communal/Popular media genres, mediated the association between Openness to Experience and liberalism. In contrast, greater preferences for Communal/Popular and Thrilling/Action genres, as well as lower preferences for Dark/Alternative and Aesthetic/Musical genres mediated the link between Conscientiousness and conservatism.  相似文献   

汉语短时识别中的偏好效应   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
魏连娣  李晓东 《心理科学》2005,28(3):594-597
使用2-AFC任务,对汉语短时识别中的偏好效应进行研究。结果表明:汉语识别中存在偏好效应;偏好效应受词频变化的影响,高频时有更大的偏好效应;本实验的偏好效应不受启动词加工水平的影响,说明它是在一种纯的内隐记忆条件下产生的。  相似文献   

李宏汀  王平飞 《心理科学》2012,35(4):848-851
前人研究表明:年龄影响颜色偏爱、抽象颜色偏爱不同于具体颜色偏爱。因此本研究在抽象颜色偏爱实验基础上通过设计高保真网页研究青年人、老年人的网页颜色偏爱(包括主题色及其与文本色的搭配)。结果表明:(1)年龄、性别不会影响网页颜色偏爱。(2)浅蓝色、蓝色比较适合作为网页主题色。(3)网页主题采用不同颜色时,被试对文本色偏爱表现出较高的规律性,黑色、蓝色更适合作为网页文本色。  相似文献   

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