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We investigated how male Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) learn through extensive social and sexual experience to discriminate between male and female conspecifics. Opportunity for heterosexual copulation was important for this learning, but even extensive copulatory opportunity was not sufficient to produce a sexual discrimination; subjects also required exposure to other males. Exposure to females after copulatory opportunity did not produce a sexual discrimination but facilitated its acquisition. Time or exposure to only the visual features of male birds (provided by taxidermic models) after copulatory opportunity did not result in differential responding to male and female conspecifics. Finally, presenting stimulus birds one at a time proved to be a more sensitive test of sexual-discrimination learning than presenting two stimulus birds at the same time. The results indicate that sexual-discrimination learning is similar to conventional associative learning.  相似文献   

How male Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) discriminate the sex of conspecifics at a distance was investigated by testing subjects with male and female stimulus birds on the other side of a small window after opportunities to copulate with females and again after repeated exposures to males in the absence of copulatory opportunity. Time spent near the window, frequency of window approaches, duration of window visits, rate of walking near the window, line crossings outside the window area, pecking the window, and crowing were measured. Subjects responded similarly in the presence of male and female stimulus birds during the first test block but discriminated the sex of conspecifics after noncopulatory exposures to males. The discrimination was evident in less locomotion and less crowing in the presence of females as compared with males and, as predicted by a discrimination learning hypothesis, developed largely through a change in responding to males.  相似文献   

Female rats emit ultrasonic vocalizations during copulation. Female vocalizations are associated with darting and other proceptive behavior. In addition, females frequently call while approaching the male. A series of experiments was undertaken to determine whether female rats emit ultrasonic vocalizations in response to other rats or to their odors. Females were exposed either to bedding soiled by males or females or to devocalized conspecifics separated from the subject by a barrier. Females vocalized more to male cues than to female cues, regardless of whether the odor cues were from soiled bedding or from a devocalized conspecific. In addition, subjects vocalized more when presented with a devocalized female rather than a neutral stimulus. Furthermore, devocalized adult males, separated by a barrier, were more effective than either devocalized castrated or juvenile males in eliciting vocalizations; in turn, castrates and juveniles were more effective than neutral stimuli. Female calling was likely induced by odors from the male. In one experiment, the female subject was positioned in such a way that she could neither see or touch the stimulus male. Presentation of tape-recorded male vocalizations did not affect calling by the female. Vocalizations emitted by females in response to male odors may attract males or may facilitate subsequent copulatory behavior by the male.  相似文献   

Assessing cues from conspecifics is paramount during mate choice decisions. Neanthes acuminata is a marine polychaete with a unique life cycle: pair formation, female death following reproduction, male parental care and male ability to mate again after egg care. Males completing such egg care are ‘experienced’. Females have been shown to prefer experienced males over all others, including aggressively dominant males. As the female dies following reproduction, the reproductive success of her offspring depends upon successful parental care by the male. It is therefore vital that the female makes a good mate choice decision. This paper shows that the use of conditioned water from males caring for eggs and newly experienced males caused the female to alter her choice to a previously undesired male. However, conditioned water from males, which had reproduced but were isolated for 2 weeks, did not have the same effect on pairing behaviour. This indicates that the smell of experience is short lived.  相似文献   

Preference tests in a novel environment (Experiment 1) and unobtrusive observations in a specialized living environment (Experiment 2) examined the attractiveness of various classes of conspecifics for maturing guinea pigs (Cavia porcellus). It was found that (a). the young continued to remain near the mother well beyond weaning; (b). there was increased time spent with unrelated adult females, but not males, after weaning; (c). male and female offspring behaved similarly; and (d). littermates spent considerable time with each other. These results provide no evidence that guinea pigs approaching sexual maturity begin to associate preferentially with novel animals or potential breeding partners. Choices were largely predictable from earlier findings of the ability of various classes of conspecifics to reduce hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal activity of the young.  相似文献   

Ultrasonic vocalizing by adult female mice (Mus musculus)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Though an extensive body of literature exists concerning the emission of 70-kHz ultrasonic vocalizations by adult male mice (Mus musculus), almost nothing is known about the ultrasonic vocalizing of adult females. A series of five experiments was conducted to examine adult female mouse ultrasound emission. Results indicated female ultrasonic vocalizing to be typically displayed among female mouse dyads and comparable to the ultrasonic vocalizing levels obtained among male-female pairs. Genotypically based variations in the production of ultrasounds by females were also noted. Like male mice, socially naive females readily ultrasonically vocalized to anesthetized female conspecifics and rarely vocalized to anesthetized males. Unlike males, socially experienced females emitted few ultrasounds to either female urine or female-soiled cage shavings. Although social experience served to increase the ultrasound emission of male mice to female sex cues, the production of ultrasounds by females to these cues was decreased by social experience. Implications with regard to the existence of a behavioral/functional sexual dimorphism in adult mouse ultrasonic vocalizing are discussed.  相似文献   

Two longitudinal studies were conducted to quantify the social behaviors exhibited by both male and female Long-Evans rats from the immediate postweaning period until young adulthood. In Experiment 1, male sibling pairs engaged in a high level of play fighting during the early juvenile period but such activity declined to a level significantly lower than that of female and mixed-sex pairs after 54 days of age. In Experiment 2, social exchanges during maturation were examined during the presence and absence of the piloerection response in an effort to distinguish play fighting from agonistic interactions. In male pairs, piloerection was rarely seen before 55–75 days of age but thereafter occurred with increasing frequency especially among dominant males. Furthermore, subordinate males retreated from their dominant partners and remained in an escape chamber for a significant amount of time only during encounters involving the exhibition of piloerection. This finding suggests that piloerection can be useful in identifying play and aggressive interactions. In female and heterosexual pairs, piloerection was observed infrequently during social encounters occurring throughout maturation. In addition, when given the opportunity to escape, females were less likely to retreat from play activity if their partner was another female than a male.  相似文献   

Male hamsters (Phodopus sungorus campbelli) scent marked at greater frequencies in the presence of conspecific odor, either male or female, than in clean areas. Marking rates were not different between male and female odor conditions. In contrast, the pattern of investigation in response to conspecific odor did differ between the male and the female odor conditions. When male odors were used as stimuli, investigative sniffing increased at the scent marking sites but when female odors were used as stimuli investigative sniffing increased throughout the arena. Thus, male dwarf hamsters direct their scent marks at both male and female conspecifics, discriminate between male and female odor, and investigate in a different manner areas scent marked by males and females.  相似文献   

Many nonhuman animals are capable of discriminating a group or entity containing more objects from one containing less of the same objects. The capacity for making judgments of numerousness may also allow individuals to discriminate between potential mates. Female meadow voles (Microtus pennsylvanicus) may use judgments of relative numerousness to distinguish between potential suitors by selecting males that signal their interest by depositing more scent marks relative to other males. We used a familiarization–discrimination paradigm in the absence of training to test the hypothesis that female voles will discriminate between the different numerosities of scent marks of two male conspecifics that are similar in features of their phenotype and quality. During the exposure phase, we presented female voles with different ratios of feces scent marks from two males. During the test phase, we presented females with a single, fresh fecal scent mark from each of the two male donors, whose marks they had previously encountered during the exposure phase. In both phases, females spent more time investigating the scent mark(s) of the male that deposited more scent marks than that of the male that deposited fewer scent marks provided the difference in the ratio of scent marks provided by the male donors in the exposure phase was ≥2. Our results are consistent with studies on a variety of taxa, suggesting that numerosity discriminations are evolutionarily ancient and spontaneously available to nonhuman animals and humans.  相似文献   

Behavioral, physiological (i.e., endocrine), and anatomical consequences of crowding in mice were studied in a situation where animals were in auditory, visual, olfactory, and tactile contact but restrained from full physical interactions, to prevent overt aggression. Males that cohabited with females undisturbed by neighboring conspecifics showed greater propensity to attack same-sex intruders and had higher plasma testosterone levels than did their “crowded” counterparts, that is, males cohabiting with females and housed adjacent to other male/female pairs. In this respect, the latter animals resembled submissive males. However, a significant increase in weight of androgen-dependent target organs (i.e., seminal vesicles and preputial glands) was found in crowded males. These data indicate that despite the observed inhibition of social aggression these males are not physiologically comparable (homologous) to male mice that experienced defeat and the stress of submission during fighting. The intriguing possibility that different conversion pathway of testosterone are accelerated, as a result of social communication, in males living in these two environments and the behavioral implications of these possibilities are discussed. Finally, the parental behavior of crowded animals, although not freely interacting with each other, was disrupted, causing a marked decrease in reproductive success. In this situation a high incidence of infanticide of their offspring by both parents was observed, whereas this behavior was virtually absent in non-crowded male/female pairs.  相似文献   

Recognition of information from acoustic signals is crucial in many animals, and individuals are under selection pressure to discriminate between the signals of conspecifics and heterospecifics or males and females. Here, we first report that rhinos use information encoded in their calls to assess conspecifics and individuals of closely related species. The southern (Ceratotherium simum) and critically endangered northern (C. cottoni) white rhinos are the most social out of all the rhinoceros species and use a contact call pant. We found that southern white rhino pant calls provide reliable information about the caller’s sex, age class and social situation. Playback experiments on wild territorial southern white rhinoceros males revealed that they responded more strongly to the pant calls of conspecific females compared to the calls of other territorial males. This suggests that pant calls are more important form of communication between males and females than between territorial males. Territorial southern males also discriminated between female and territorial male calls of northern species and reacted more intensively to the calls of northern than southern males. This might be caused by a novelty effect since both species naturally live in allopatry. We conclude that white rhinos can directly benefit from assessing individuals at long distances using vocal cues especially because their eyesight is poor. Pant calls thus likely play a significant role in their social relationships and spatial organization. In addition, better understanding of vocal communication in white rhinos might be helpful in conservation management particularly because of their low reproduction in captivity.  相似文献   

Cuttlefish have a large repertoire of body patterns that are used for camouflage and interspecific signaling. Intraspecific signaling by male cuttlefish has been well documented but studies on signaling by females are lacking. We found that females displayed a newly described body pattern termed Splotch toward their mirror image and female conspecifics, but not to males, prey or inanimate objects. Female cuttlefish may use the Splotch body pattern as an intraspecific signal, possibly to reduce agonistic interactions. The ability of females to produce a consistent body pattern in response to conspecifics and mirrors suggests that they can recognize same-sex conspecifics using visual cues, despite the lack of sexual dimorphism visible to human observers. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accesible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Lactating mice respond differently to male and female conspecific intruders, displaying defensive attack towards the former and offensive attack towards the latter. Two studies are reported in which the effects of naloxone on this differential response pattern were assessed. In the first study, lactating residents were pretreated with saline or naloxone (0.5, 2.5 mg/kg) and consecutively confronted with intruders of differing sex. Results suggested that attack (offensive) against female conspecifics is more sensitive to the inhibitory effects of opiate-receptor blockade than attack (defensive) on males. This conclusion was strengthened in a follow-up study, in which independent groups of lactating residents were used to further examine the effects of naloxone (0.5 mg/kg) on response to male and female intrusion. Analysis indicated that this low dose of naloxone significantly inhibited attack on female, but not on male, intruders. Indeed, in response to male, but not to female, intrusion, naloxone-treated residents showed a significant increase in fear-related behaviour. Findings are discussed in relation to the motivational differences in the response of lactating mice to intruders of differing sex and to possible mechanisms underlying the reported differential effects of opiate-receptor blockade.  相似文献   

Hungry adult female deer mice were presented with freshly asphyxiated conspecifics and house mice. The deer mice showed a reliable preference for the conspecific flesh during the first 2 hr of testing, but this preference was attenuated during the following 20 hr of testing. Previous research has shown that male deer mice prefer contraspecific flesh. The preference of female deer mice for conspecific flesh is attributed to their tendency to be more aggressive toward living conspecifics than are male deer mice and their tendency to avoid living contraspecifics more than do male deer mice.  相似文献   

Hungry adult female deer mice were presented with freshly asphyxiated conspecifics and house mice. The deer mice showed a reliable preference for the conspecific flesh during the first 2 hr of testing, but this preference was attenuated during the following 20 hr of testing. Previous research has shown that male deer mice prefer contraspecific flesh. The preference of female deer mice for conspecific flesh is attributed to their tendency to be more aggressive toward living conspecifics than are male deer mice and their tendency to avoid living contraspecifics more than do male deer mice.  相似文献   

Two nonalbino inbred (C57 BL/6 and C3H/He) and one albino strain (Swiss) of mice were compared for female aggression toward intruders: 1 in period of lactation, 2 in nonlactating state and (3) in nonlactating state but previously rubbed with urine of lactating females; and for male aggression toward familiar or unfamiliar opponents. The results showed that resident females of the C57 and Swiss strain vigorously attack lactating intruders introduced into their cages. This effect was mediated by urinary cues emitted by the latter mice. It was also shown that Swiss residents displayed aggression towards nonlactating females, irrespective of their strain. Groups of C57 residents reacted most aggressively towards Swiss females, less aggressively towards C3H intruders, but did not show any aggression towards their own nonlactating conspecifics. In contrast, none of the C3H resident female groups displayed aggression towards intruding females of any category or strain. The results also showed that the males of the three strains displayed little (Swiss and C3H) or no aggression (C57) towards familiar opponents, whereas they directed increased aggressive responses towards unfamiliar ones. Comparisons among the three strains of mice revealed that Swiss males were the most aggressive in either situation. On the other hand, the finding that C3H males showed aggressive responses suggested that male and female aggression are, in this strain, under separate genetic or hormonal control.  相似文献   

Objective Using the Internet can influence psychological well-being, for instance life satisfaction has been negatively related to Internet uses. The first aim of this study was to compare the motives for Internet use and life satisfaction. The second aim was to explore nation- and gender-based differences in Internet uses. Method The questionnaires related to Internet motives and life satisfaction, and were filled out by 300 medical students, including 150 Israeli students (75 females, 75 males) and 150 Hungarian students (75 females, 75 males). Results In the Israeli and Hungarian sample, the entertainment motive was rated the highest while the escape motive was rated the lowest. There were significant differences between the Israeli male and female students in arousal and information-seeking, while for the Hungarian male and female students there were significant differences for pass time. Life satisfaction was higher in the Israeli sample. In both samples it was shown that the higher the life satisfaction was, the less likely the students were to use the Internet for companionship purposes. Again in both samples, a higher life satisfaction predicted less frequent use of the Internet for the social interaction motives.  相似文献   

Mirror-induced aggressive display of male Siamese fighting fish was reduced by water-borne traces of (a) a pair of male combatants, (b) a nondisplaying fish of either sex, and (c) bits of torn cadual fin. These findings may indicate a mechanism whereby males tolerate the presence of conspecifics to permit nonagressive social interactions.  相似文献   

The attacks by resident lactating Wistar rats on sexually naive conspecifics of both sexes were examined. Male and female intruders were equally attacked in terms of frequency and number of bites, but the topographies of biting seen in these encounters were different. Similarly to male-male agonistic interactions, females were attacked in a fashion which avoided bites to the head and snout (“offensive” attack), whereas males were frequently bitten on such vulnerable regions (“defensive” attack). This dichotomy in bite pattern suggests that different motivations and functions underlay maternal aggression in these situations. The defensive attack on males may be a deterrent to infanticide since only male intruders counterattack lactating females and kill their pups. The attack on females may be concerned with resource competition.  相似文献   

We have studied the effects of an acute predator stress experience on spatial learning and memory in adult male and female Sprague-Dawley rats. All rats were trained to learn the location of a hidden escape platform in the radial-arm water maze (RAWM), a hippocampus-dependent spatial memory task. In the control (non-stress) condition, female rats were superior to the males in the accuracy and consistency of their spatial memory performance tested over multiple days of training. In the stress condition, rats were exposed to the cat for 30 min immediately before or after learning, or before the 24-h memory test. Predator stress dramatically increased corticosterone levels in males and females, with females exhibiting greater baseline and stress-evoked responses than males. Despite these sex differences in the overall magnitudes of corticosterone levels, there were significant sex-independent correlations involving basal and stress-evoked corticosterone levels, and memory performance. Most importantly, predator stress impaired short-term memory, as well as processes involved in memory consolidation and retrieval, in male and female rats. Overall, we have found that an intense, ethologically relevant stressor produced a largely equivalent impairment of memory in male and female rats, and sex-independent corticosterone-memory correlations. These findings may provide insight into commonalities in how traumatic stress affects the brain and memory in men and women.  相似文献   

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