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Maternal aggression was examined in wild female mice (Mus musculus domesticus) derived from animals trapped in Alberta, Canada. Lactating females were tested for their behavior toward intruder males during the time of postpartum estrus while housed in a two-cage apparatus containing a defensible nest area. Prior to being used as intruders, sexually naive males were screened for their behavior toward a newborn pup (83% exhibited infanticide). Only infanticidal males were then housed in pairs and allowed to establish a dominance hierarchy. Dominance status was further verified by a urine marking test. The dominant and subordinate infanticidal males were then placed into a lactating female's cage and observed for 1 hr. The test was terminated immediately when a male began to attack the pups. Lactating females attacked the males in both groups, but subordinate males received more intense attacks than dominant males. Dominant males elicited significantly more fear/defense behavior than subordinate intruders. All of the dominant males and only one submissive male attacked the pups. Females were thus successful in blocking infanticide only by infanticidal subordinate males. Since females do not persist in attacking males with high fighting ability, one function of maternal aggression could be to assess the fighting, and resource holding, potential of a future mate. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Factors influencing the tendency to be aggressive were investigated in male house mice using a series of paired encounters. Body size, body lenght, body temperature, age, and anogenital distance were measured on all males. Paired encounters were conducted using a standard mouse cage as an arena. Across 64 males involved in 224 encounters, the tendency to be dominant and win encounters was significantly correlated only with anogenital distance (r = 0.383). These findings suggest that there are significant behavioral effects in male mice that could parallel the intrauterine position and related prental hormone effects that have been elucidated in female house mice and other rodents. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mice descending from lines previously selected for high and low levels of interfemale aggression and from a nonselected control line were exposed to live crickets on two consecutive test days. Latencies both to attack and to eat the cricket were recorded. No line or sex differences in attacking were found, although latency to attack decreased over test days. Control line mice were more likely to engage in the eating of the cricket than either the high or low selected lines, suggesting that the selection procedure may have dissociated attacking and eating components of predatory behavior.  相似文献   

Male and female wild house mice (Mus domesticus) were allowed to remain in the cage of their parents until 30-35 days of age. When a second litter was delivered, the first litter was exposed to the younger pups for 2-10 days. In adulthood the male and female mice that had been exposed to pups as juveniles and an additional group that had cohabitated with their parents for the same length of time but were not exposed to pups were tested for infanticidal behavior. The frequency of infanticide by the adult female mice was not significantly different (55% vs. 70%, respectively). In contrast, the adult males that were exposed to pups as juveniles were significantly less likely to kill young in adulthood when compared with males that were not similarly exposed (35% vs. 80%, respectively). These data further demonstrate the strong influence of experience on the expression of infanticide by male mice and its relative unimportance to the expression of female infanticide.  相似文献   

The authors investigated implications of agonistic onset for anxiety and dispersive motivation in maturing wild house mouse males (Mus domesticus). Laboratory-kept fraternal pairs either developed agonistic dominance or stayed amicable during their first 2 months of life, when the authors assessed open-field behavior and dispersal propensity. State anxiety was lower in amicable than agonistic males and higher in subordinate than dominant ones. During subsequent dispersal trials, 1 dominant and 1 amicable male from 2 fraternal pairs were concomitantly introduced into seminatural enclosures containing 3 females. One male invariably became territorial. The defeated males, if previously dominant, dispersed at significantly higher rates than if previously amicable. The authors conclude that agonistic onset during development represents an adaptive behavioral switch from a submissive-philopatric to agonistic-dispersive coping strategy.  相似文献   

Intraspecific communication between mice takes place mainly via urinary chemosignals or "pheromones". Pheromones can influence aggressive and reproductive behavior as well as the neuroendocrine condition of the recipient female mice via their olfactory system. In this study, reproductively cyclic mice in the estrus phase were used to test intraspecific agonistic aggressive behavior. Data were obtained also on the count of the eggs shed in the oviducts. The results showed that (i) individually housed female mice are more aggressive toward an intruder female mouse than grouped mice, (ii) mice in which the vomeronasal organ was removed show aggressive behavior intermediate between individually housed and grouped mice, and (iii) a within group analysis did not show a positive correlation between aggression and presence of shed eggs in the oviducts.  相似文献   

Isolated male ICR mice in a T-maze consistently selected the goal box which enabled them to fight another mouse if the alternative goal box allowed no social interaction (Experiment 1). However, if the alternative choice enabled the isolated mice to interact with another mouse through a mesh screen which prevented fighting, the preference for the opportunity to fight did not appear (Experiment 2). Because the visual, olfactory, and auditory stimuli available through the screen appeared to be as attractive as the stimuli provided by the additional opportunity to fight, it is not necessary to conclude that the stimuli reinforcing the choice behavior in Experiment 1 were provided by fighting. Since there is no compelling reason to conclude that fighting is a primary reinforcer for these isolated mice, it is not necessary to argue that the high incidence of isolation-induced fighting is the reflection of a primary aggressive motive.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to determine the effects of different parts of the Y chromosome of wild house mice on aggression. To reach this goal, intercrosses were made between two selection lines for attack latency (SAL and LAL) and their congenic strains (SAL. LY and LAL. SY). This procedure resulted in F1 hybrids that carried the same autosomes, but differed in their X chromosome and the two different parts of their Y chromosomes, the different parts of the Y chromosome being a recombining part called the pseudoautosomal region (PAR) and a non-recombining part (non-PAR). We conclude that both parts of the Y chromosome contribute slightly but significantly to variation in aggression. The major effect is accomplished by the PAR of the aggressive parent; a mirror effect is achieved by the non-PAR of the aggressive parent in interaction with the PAR. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The hypotheses were tested that mouse motherhood is accompanied by decreased reactivity to aversive stimuli and that female anxiety is inversely related to the probability of displaying intense forms of postpartum aggression. Outbred Swiss female mice were tested for anxiety in a light/dark choice test when virgin, pregnant, or lactating, and then tested for maternal aggression (5-min exposure to a male intruder) on postpartum Day 7. Anxiety declined in pregnant and lactating females when compared with virgin animals. Furthermore, females who displayed higher scores of postpartum fighting were less anxious in the previous test regardless of reproductive stage. Part of interindividual variability in postpartum aggression might thus be related to differences in the extent to which individuals perceive and react to anxiogenic situations. In addition, the higher emotionality characterizing the C57BL/6 and DBA/2 inbred strains may be responsible for the lack of a clear-cut exhibition of maternal aggression in these two strains.  相似文献   

From previous research, the ultrasonic vocalizations of male mice (Mus domesticus) to female mouse urine were hypothesized to be learned as a result of classical conditioning during adult heterosexual encounters. According to this interpretation, a previously neutral conditioned stimulus in female urine comes to elicit vocalizations as a result of its association with some other unknown unconditioned stimulus associated with adult females. However, the research from which this hypothesis was derived utilized urine collected from females housed in metabolic cages. Three experiments further examined the classical conditioning hypothesis using two types of female urine: (i) metabolic-cage-collected urine and (ii) freshly voided urine. Experiment 1 demonstrated that, in contrast to vocalizations to metabolic-cage-collected urine, adult heterosexual experience was not necessary for males to vocalize to freshly voided female urine. In addition, unlike metabolic-cage-collected urine (Experiment 3), freshly voided urine remained a potent stimulus for eliciting vocalizations during repeated testing (Experiments 2 and 3). Finally, freshly voided urine appeared to cause a previously neutral stimulus (cotton swab) to acquire ultrasound eliciting properties (Experiment 2). We suggest from these findings that two chemosignals that elicit vocalizations from males may exist in female mouse urine: (i) a potent, but volatile or easily degraded, unconditioned stimulus to which males vocalize without sexual experience and (ii) a nonvolatile, chemically stable conditioned stimulus.  相似文献   

The aims of this paper are to study the aggressive behavior in male mice with consecutive experience of victories in 2, 10, and 20 days (T2, T10, and T20 winners) of daily agonistic confrontations under the sensory contact model and to determine the most probable behavioral domains that should be used as animal models for learned aggression in humans. It has been shown that the structure of winners' behavior changes from test to test: the attacking behavior prevailed (81% of the total time) in the behavior of T2 winners. Attacks and diggings (herein: digging up and scattering the litter on the partner' territory) prevailed in the behavior of T10 winners (each approximately 40%). T20 winners demonstrated aggressive grooming half of the testing time and digging behavior 25% of the time. Correlational analysis revealed that the number of significant correlations between the behavioral domains (attacking, digging, aggressive grooming, self‐grooming, threats, rotations) and between different behavioral parameters (latency, number, total and average time) of one behavioral domain are growing from the second test to twentieth test, and the relationships between the behavioral domains change qualitatively. The following may be regarded as elements of learned aggression in male mice: (1) appearance of aggressive grooming instead of the intensive attacking behavior and (2) involvement of the digging behavior in the hostile behavior together with the threats and attacking behavior. Negative correlations between parameters of the behavioral domains may testify to the replacement of one behavioral pattern by another and reflect learned behavior. Positive correlations between certain behavioral domains may reflect the formation of a common motivational background for the winners' behavior. Aggr. Behav. 26:386–400, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Search abilities of mice (Mus musculus domesticus) were evaluated using an arena closed by a ceiling in which 9 food sources (which mice could reach standing on their hind legs) could be arranged according to 2 configurations: a 3 x 3 square matrix and 3 clusters each containing 3 food sources. Testing conditions prevented olfactory and visual cues from being left after visits to food sources, and mice were able to choose alternative routes between food sources. Results showed that mice were more efficient with the matrix than with the cluster configuration. Sex differences were observed: Females improved their performance with both configurations, whereas males improved only with the matrix one. Mice did not develop evident search strategies that would minimize task complexity. Comparison with data published on capuchin monkeys revealed differences, with monkeys performing better with the cluster configuration than with the matrix and applying searching strategies.  相似文献   

The reactions of 34 female and 32 male three-spined sticklebacks to a conspecific were observed in the month before the breeding season. Factor analysis indicated that the organization of the response in the two sexes was very similar; in both cases, axes labelled “aggression,” “threat,” “curiosity,” and “sex” emerged, with male fish having significantly higher scores on the first factor and females on the second. Any theory of the causes of aggression in sticklebacks should accommodate these facts.  相似文献   

After placing a female house mouse into the home cage of a male, the occurrences of four behaviors were recorded on separate channels of an event recorder: (1) male sniffing female, (2) male mounting female, (3) male intromitting female, and (4) 70-kHz vocalizations. The amount of vocalizing was greatest shortly after pairing and was associated with the male sniffing the female. After the male began mounting, vocalizations also were associated with mounting. Vocalizations were recorded during intromissions and occasionally occurred coincident with pelvic thrusts. Very few vocalizations were detected when the male was not sniffing or mounting the female. Vocalizations ceased following ejaculation but typically resumed several minutes before the resumption of another mounting sequence. Thus 70-kHz vocalizations appear to be closely linked to male sexual arousal.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the aversive potency of urine collected from male albino mice that had been clearly identified as dominants/winners or subordinates/losers of paired aggression tests and then housed either individually or in a quasi-paired situation in which only a wire-mesh divider separated the two mice. This divider permitted constant visual, olfactory, auditory, and some tactile contact. The responses of individually tested, group-housed males were recorded when half of the substrate in a test box was treated with either water or one of the four urine types; the other half remained untreated. Significant preferences for the untreated half were found when the urine of winners or losers housed in individual metabolism cages or that of pair-housed dominants was used as the test stimulus. On the other hand, neither water nor the urine of cohabiting subordinate males was avoided. The present findings confirmed our earlier reports that the urine of dominant male mice was aversive, whereas that of their cohabiting subordinate partners was not. They also identified Sawyer's [1978] procedure of housing winners and losers in individual cages, with the consequent interruption of social contact as the likely reason for his failure to replicate our reports that subordinate male urine lacked aversive properties. The territorial implications of the aversive factor and other urinary signals are discussed.  相似文献   

Individual variation in intermale aggression is to a significant degree based upon genetic variation, but environmental factors can also exert their influence on the level of aggression. Moreover, genotype–environment interactions are a well‐known phenomenon. In the present experiment, I tested whether cage size or handling during development had an influence on adult attack latency scores. To be able to study a genotype–environment interaction, mice from two bidirectionally on attack latency selected lines were used. The size of the cage in which the mice grew up had no long‐term effect on aggression, neither in the high‐ nor in the low‐aggressive line. Handling, however, significantly increased the adult aggression of males from the low‐aggressive line. Despite the differential effect of handling on genetically high‐ and low‐aggressive mice, handling was not able to undo the marked differences in attack latencies between mice from both lines. Aggr. Behav. 25:365–368, 1999. © 1999 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

House mice have been reported rarely to perform the supine behavior pattern as a defensive tactic during intraspecific fighting. However, in this study of intraspecific fighting by male mice, it is shown that mice do indeed rotate to supine. This maneuver is used to evade or extricate themselves from bites to the lower dorsum by the attacking opponent. Once free from the bite the defender does not remain supine, but will immediately turn to prone and flee. Remaining motionless in the supine position may serve a submissive function in other species, but this does not seem to be the case for mice. The present findings illustrate that the supine tactic is a dynamic maneuver for defense of body areas targeted by the opponent. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

I studied the behavior of nursing house mice (Mus musculus) in captivity and used a two-by-two factorial design to test the hypothesis that the combination of a protected nest along with a chance for the intruders to retreat would improve the ability of resident females to defend their litters from infanticidal males. A chance for the intruder to retreat was manipulated by testing the resident females in either a single- or a two-compartment cage. The effect of a protected nest was examined by providing females with a nest box having a narrow entrance. During each test, an infanticidal adult male was introduced into the cage of a resident female and her pups. I observed that neither the presence of a protected nest nor the chance for the intruders to retreat to a different compartment, or a combination of the two, increased the ability of a female to defend her litter against an intruder male. Moreover, neither of these two factors influenced the overall behavior of the resident females. I obtained similar results after using data from previous studies to examine the influence of both of these factors on the efficiency of maternal aggression. Overall, these two approaches showed that females are often unable to prevent intruders from committing infanticide. I discuss the validity of the hypothesis that maternal aggression evolved as a mechanism to protect offspring from infanticide. Aggr. Behav. 24:385–396, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Urine from male mice, from estrous female mice, and from pregnant or lactating female mice accelerate first vaginal estrus in females, whereas urine from grouped female mice delays first estrus. Nine experiments were used to test the effects of treatment of young female mice with urinary chemosignals that influence the onset of first estrus using unequal proportions of urine from the different sources. At ratios of 10-20 parts acceleratory chemosignal to 1 part delay chemosignal the acceleratory effect overrides the delay chemosignal, and the mice attain first estrus at earlier ages than controls. Ratios of about 4 to 1 up to 7 to 1 result in mean ages for puberty that are not accelerated or delayed relative to controls. Over a modest range of actual dose amounts of urine, the ratio effects are the same regardless of the actual quantities of urine employed in treating test females.  相似文献   

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