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稷下学士与齐国的灭亡   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
稷下学宫是我国战国时代的文化中心,为我国思想学术的发展做出了很大贡献,为我们留下了许多宝贵的思想文化遗产,对中华民族传统文化的形成、对中华民族的思想、性格、心理、作风等等产生了决定性的影响,稷下学士也因此成为我国思想文化的先驱,其对中国思想文化做出的贡献确实值得大书特书。但是,历史地看问题,他们对他们赖以生活和宣传、交流、发展其思想主张的齐国的发展和兴旺,所起的作用不仅不足称道,甚至对齐国的灭亡也负有一定的责任,起码是道义上的责任。主要是因为他们“无官守,无言责”,可以放言高论而不顾实际;他们的思想主张大多与当时的社会发展趋势不合,甚至背道而驰;他们各持己见,使得百姓思想混乱,统治者无所依从,或无法依从。既如此,他们的历史作用也就大打折扣了。  相似文献   

人地关系的和谐是人类社会发展进步的基础,在人地关系中人是处于主导地位的,地是被动的,建立和谐的人与自然的关系,关键在于人.先秦时期,《管子》和稷下学者基于传统的人地关系思想和农业社会经济发展的实践,提出了“天人和谐”的主张,这一主张对于我们今天建立新的人与自然和谐关系有一定启发作用.  相似文献   


This study investigated the effects on prejudice of either a cooperative or competitive strategy adopted by either a white or a black partner. It indicated that involvement in a game situation led to a reduction in prejudice when a white S had a white partner who cooperated or competed, or a black partner who cooperated. If the black partner competed, however, there was a statistically nonsignificant increase in prejudice. Further, Ss tended to imitate the strategy of their partner. The results were considered in relation to the general effect of competition and cooperation in society.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT— Status differences are ubiquitous and highly consequential. Yet with regard to human social groups, basic questions persist about how status differences develop. In particular, little is known about the processes by which individuals pursue status in social groups. That is, how do individuals compete and jockey for status with their peers? The current paper reviews recent research that helps fill this gap in our knowledge. Specifically, studies of a variety of face-to-face groups show that individuals pursue status by enhancing the apparent value they provide to their group. Individuals compete for status not by bullying and intimidating others, as some theorists have proposed, but by behaving in ways that suggest high levels of competence, generosity, and commitment to the group.  相似文献   

从孟子在齐看稷下学宫的人才政策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
孟子先后两次至齐,在齐国的时间长达二十余年,是稷下先生的代表性人物。孟子在齐国的经历,充分体现了稷下学宫的人才政策:给予优越的社会地位、丰厚的物质待遇,营造了百家争鸣的学术氛围,注重发挥稷下先生议政、参政的政治作用,提供了来去自由的宽松环境。  相似文献   

社会等级是社会组织的基本原则。社会地位高低的再认与面孔再认及视觉注意均表现出N200的激活, 并不同程度地共享了情感、奖赏回报、数字等级及共情特质等加工的脑区网络, 涉及额区、杏仁核、纹状体、顶内沟和前扣带回皮质等。社会等级加工与5-羟色胺递质多态性等神经递质及内分泌系统具有复杂的交互作用。未来应立足于综合研究和系统分析的视角探讨社会等级加工与神经生物学基础的作用机制并致力于服务人类生活。  相似文献   

People generally tend to discount future outcomes in favor of smaller but immediate gains (i.e., delay discounting). This study examines the hypothesis that culture and social status moderate this tendency, as well as the alternative hypothesis that social status and culture influence delay discounting independently of each other. American and Japanese adults were asked to choose receiving hypothetical monetary rewards either immediately or receiving rewards of different amounts with a delay of 1 year. The results replicated previous findings and supported the alternative hypothesis. Delay discounting was lower when subjective socioeconomic status (i.e., an individual’s perception of her or his social rank) was higher. Also, the Japanese were less likely to discount future rewards than the Americans. However, there was no interaction between social status and culture in influencing the rates of delay discounting.  相似文献   

This is a study of the relationships of 3 measures of social stratification to students' utilization of school guidance services and knowledgeability about chosen vocation. A survey of students in 8 high schools suggests that, in a majority of the groups studied, social status of parents and projected social status of the student (based upon chosen occupation) are positively related to knowledgeability about chosen career. The extent of the student's utilization of career guidance services was related to his social status within the microcosm of the school as defined by amount of participation in valued extracurricular activities. Parental and projected social status measures did not appear to be so consistently related to utilization of career guidance. The degree of the student's participation in other guidance services not directed at career planning was, in a majority of the groups studied, negatively related to the social status of the student's parents.  相似文献   

姬学统就是纪一   根据新创刊的&;lt;京华时报&;gt;2001年5月28日第二版的消息,因涉嫌非法出版,“一通茶“总裁姬学统被抓起来了.……  相似文献   

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