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Undue influence of shape or weight on self-evaluation--referred to as overvaluation--is a core feature across eating disorders, but is not a diagnostic requirement for binge-eating disorder (BED). This study examined overvaluation of shape/weight in ethnically diverse obese patients with BED seeking treatment in primary care. Participants were a consecutive series of 142 (105 female and 37 male) participants with BED; 43% were Caucasian, 37% were African-American, 13% were Hispanic-American, and 7% were of "other" ethnicity. Participants categorized with overvaluation (N=97; 68%) versus without clinical overvaluation (N=45; 32%) did not differ significantly in ethnicity/race, age, gender, body mass index, or binge-eating frequency. The overvaluation group had significantly greater levels of eating disorder psychopathology, poorer psychological functioning (higher depression, lower self-esteem), and greater anxiety disorder co-morbidity than the group who did not overvalue their shape/weight. The greater eating disorder and psychological disturbance levels in the overvaluation group relative to the non-overvaluation group persisted after controlling for psychiatric co-morbidity. Our findings, based on an ethnically diverse series of patients seeking treatment in general primary care settings, are consistent with findings from specialist clinics and suggest that overvaluation does not simply reflect concerns commensurate with being obese or with frequency of binge-eating, but is strongly associated with heightened eating-related psychopathology and psychological distress. Overvaluation of shape/weight warrants consideration as a diagnostic specifier for BED as it provides important information about severity.  相似文献   

Behavior modification in the school setting has consisted primarily of the manipulation of consequent conditions to vary children's social and academic behaviors within classrooms. The scope of behavior modification within school settings may fruitfully be expanded by furthering the investigation and application of these additional areas: the interaction between the modification of social and academic behaviors, the manipulation of antecedent conditions in order to evoke reinforceable responses, the use of controlling variables on a school-system-wide basis, and the use of standardized tests as an additional dependent measure.  相似文献   

The present study attempted to test the reliability of a new method of recording verbal behavior in a free-play preschool setting. Six children, three normal and three speech impaired, served as subjects. Videotaped records of verbal behavior were scored by two experimentally naive observers. The results suggest that the system provides a means of obtaining reliable records of both normal and impaired speech, even when the subjects exhibit nonverbal behaviors (such as hyperactivity) that interfere with direct observation techniques.  相似文献   

A behavior control technique is presented, consisting primarily of having a patient give up some portion of his reinforcers (usually money) with the understanding that he must behave in therapeutically prescribed ways in his natural environment to re-earn the reinforcers. The critical features and requirements of the technique are discussed, various applications are suggested, and implications for research are drawn.  相似文献   

Research has shown that behavior contracts, a form of contingency management, can promote a wide range of behavior changes for individuals in varied populations; however, relatively few studies have been conducted in nonacademic settings. In the context of two service projects, we evaluated the extent to which behavior contracts improved problem behavior for 11 children and adolescents in residential treatment facilities and foster homes using nonconcurrent multiple baseline across participants’ designs with three or more tiers and supplemental statistical analysis for each tier. Practitioners in each setting implemented individualized behavior contracts for 5 to 59 weeks. Results show that behavior improved substantially for six participants but was relatively unchanged for the other five participants. We discuss the limitations of this clinically driven study, as well as clinical implications of our mixed findings.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the application of a multidimensional model of motivation and engagement (the Motivation and Engagement Wheel) and its accompanying instrumentation (the Motivation and Engagement Scale) to the music and sport domains. Participants were 463 young classical musicians (N=224) and sportspeople (N=239). In both music and sport samples, the data confirmed the good fit of the four hypothesized higher-order dimensions and their 11 first-order dimensions: adaptive cognitions (self-efficacy, valuing, mastery orientation), adaptive behaviors (planning, task management, persistence), impeding/maladaptive cognitions (uncertain control, anxiety, failure avoidance), and maladaptive behaviors (self-handicapping, disengagement). Multigroup tests of factor invariance showed that in terms of underlying motivational constructs and the composition of and relationships among these constructs, key subsamples are not substantially different. Moreover-and of particular relevance to issues around the generalizability of the framework-the factor structure for music and sport samples was predominantly invariant.  相似文献   

The teachers of 35 boys attending a Lehigh University-based laboratory school for emotionally and behaviorally disturbed children completed rating scales designed to assess aggressive behavior in children. Children also completed similar self-report instruments. Frequency counts of aggressive outbursts and outburst durations were recorded by teachers over a 4-week period. The results of the study found significant correlations among teacher-completed and child-completed measures. The relationships between child-completed measures, one of the teacher measures, and the direct observation measure were not significant. One teacher-completed measure, but no child-completed measures, had significant correlations with aggressive outbursts and durations. The implications for behavioral assessment are discussed.  相似文献   

吴奇  吴浩  周晴  陈东方  鲁帅  李林芮 《心理学报》2022,54(8):931-950
研究首次考察了行为免疫系统与个体就医行为倾向的关系。3个研究一致显示:行为免疫系统特质性激活水平较高的个体更容易对就医持消极态度和延迟就医; 情境性激活行为免疫系统会使得个体更不愿意就医和更倾向于延迟就医; 且行为免疫系统激活对就医态度和就医延迟倾向的影响以对就医感染风险的感知为中介。这支持了进化失配假说, 提示行为免疫系统对现代医学可能缺乏进化的适应性, 并为理解现代人类就医行为提供了新的理论视角。  相似文献   

In this paper I will outline the idea of human territoriality and then describe some territorial arrangements and behaviors in the households we have studied. The environment of people is prestructured socially and temporally. For two years our research team has been studying the prestructured living spaces and the territorial behavior of urban people in a central Bronx ghetto. We have conducted interviews in about 1800 households, photographically surveyed space layouts in 35, and videotaped space usage and territorial behavior intensively in six. In the main, our data is about Puerto Ricans and Afro-Americans; we have a little data about Italian-Americans, but the Jewish and old British American families have moved out of the East Tremont area.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Can it be wrong to simply live in an unjust society? Four moral principles: group responsibility, unjust enrichment, a general duty to prevent injustice and the need to preserve one's moral integrity indicate that it might be. I explore the implications of each of these principles and conclude that while the possibility of doing good might counterbalance the threat to moral integrity, a person who continues to live in an unjust society should repudiate the injustice to avoid being held responsible for it and has a duty to compensate those deprived if he is unjustly enriched. Moreover, the general duty to prevent injustice bears more heavily on those who are closest to it.  相似文献   

A 9-year-old clinic-referred boy, his mother, and his teacher were observed in 38 home and 38 school sessions on the same days. Categories of the boy's oppositional behavior and the inappropriate social attention of his mother and teacher were graphed to visually inspect changes during baseline, a parent-training phase, a follow-up phase, and a final parent-training booster phase. Parent-training phases produced reductions in the mother's inappropriate attention and in the boy's oppositional behavior, whereas the follow-up and baseline phases were associated with higher rates of these categories. Generalization occurred in the school across these home phases, as seen in the increase in rates of the boy's problem behavior, despite the lack of change in his teacher's attention. Correlational analyses of proportion scores reflecting the boy's home-school oppositional behavior and mother-teacher social attention suggested his responsiveness to relative changes in adult social contingencies across settings.  相似文献   

Tentative guidelines for initiating behavior modification programs are presented. Discussion focuses on the importance of initial introduction of these procedures to teachers, the relation of teacher personality variables to technique selection, factors to consider when evaluating children for modification, and suggestions for on-going participation and withdrawal of the psychologist as an active agent in such programs.  相似文献   

Contingent aromatic ammonia suppressed the self-injurious behavior (SIB) of two retarded children in clinic, home and school settings. In Study 1. several reversals demonstrated the effectiveness of a 3-s ammonia contingency in the deceleration of hair-pulling in the clinic after a momentary ammonia contingency was shown to be no different from differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO). Family members and school personnel suppressed the behavior in the home, grandparents' home and school in multiple baseline fashion. Difficulties in long term maintenance were encountered and discussed. In Study 2, a multiple baseline across Trainers 1 and 2 in a preschool setting and mother at home demonstrated the effectiveness of response-duration ammonia in eliminating hand-biting. Complete suppression was maintained at a 1-year follow-up. These studies replicated the suppressive effects of aromatic ammonia, extended the findings to children with different SIBs in natural settings with family members and teachers as therapists, demonstrated the necessity for different durations of ammonia, and suggested that maintenance must be assessed and programmed rather than assumed.  相似文献   

This paper reviews an emerging literature arguing the importance of studies of spontaneous behavior occurring in natural settings. Naturalistic methods have a critical and complementary role along with experimentalmethods. The paractical problems in data collection and data organization that are speecific to the use of videorecording in spontaneous behavior settings are discussed.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - Three groups of rats were raised in (a) unrestricted, (b) community cage, and (c) isolated environments respectively. The community and isolated cages were barren while...  相似文献   

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