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问曰:五波罗蜜相即是般若波罗蜜相不?若是般若波罗蜜相,不应五名差别;若异,何以故言欲行檀波罗蜜当学般若波罗蜜?答曰:亦同亦异。异者,般若波罗蜜名观诸法实相故,不受不著一切法;檀名舍内外一切所有,以般若波罗蜜心行施,  相似文献   

任杰  由藏 《法音》1994,(12)
顶礼薄伽梵母般若波罗蜜多母于此薄伽梵(世尊)母般若波罗蜜多心经,是以经的性相所诠,故名薄伽梵母般若波罗蜜多心经,若唯最初不假设名言,就不能确定是何经,故说经名。不但唯假设名言,一切经无不摄集于此般苦波罗蜜多心经之中,故亦是经之母。此中薄伽梵者,谓摧伏蕴魔、烦恼魔、死魔和天子魔等四魔,皆由此般若波罗蜜多义,令魔不能得便,一切魔悉无依处故;圆满具足六种殊胜功德(自在圆满、相好圆满、祥瑞圆满、声名圆满、智慧圆满、精进圆满),智慧一切功德,亦皆从般若波罗蜜多加持力而生;不住涅第,亦是以般若波罗蜜多义破除…  相似文献   

匪圃曰日啊表达对金刚经的解释,虽然言辞不同,但表达的意思并无大区别。倒是不太清楚孙先生要“遥祈南老先生慈谅法正”之处究竟何在。 孙先生要指正南先生书中的“偏颇之处”有二。其一是南先生把“佛说般若波罗蜜,即非般若波罗蜜,是名般若波罗蜜。”解释成“真正的智慧成就,即非般若波罗蜜,智慧到了极点啊,没有智慧的境界,那才是智慧。” 孙先生据以认为,“其实《金刚经》里没有一句简单反复的话”,他的见解是“真正的般若波罗蜜是无法用语言来形容的。”“说出来你听见了的般若波罗蜜这句刘二刚作品  相似文献   

释提桓因白佛言:"世尊!般若波罗蜜大功德成就。世尊!般若波罗蜜一切功德成就。世尊!般若波罗蜜无量功德成就、无边功德成就、无等功德成就。世尊!若有善男子、善女人,书是般若波罗蜜经卷,恭敬、供养、尊重、赞叹,华香乃至幡盖,如般若波罗蜜所说正忆念;  相似文献   

《心经》是一部《大般若经》的提纲,又是这部经的总结,文约义赅,为佛家讲说、诵读最广的一部经。因此,它的译本也比较多,现在知道的就有十三种,常见的有以下七种;1.《摩诃般若波罗蜜大明咒经》一卷,姚秦鸠摩罗什译;2.《般若波罗蜜多心经》一卷,唐玄奘译;3.《普遍智藏般若波罗蜜多心经》一卷,唐法月重译;4.《般若波罗蜜多心经》一卷,唐般若共利言等译;  相似文献   

般若,梵文音译,意译为“智”、“慧”、“明”,全称般若波罗蜜,意译为“智度”、“明度”,谓众生得以度到涅槃彼岸的智慧。《大智度论》中说:“般若波罗蜜是诸佛母。诸佛以法为师,法者即是般若波罗蜜。”依此看来,佛家之根本不是教,也不是学,而是法。佛法即觉悟之法,彻悟宇宙人生真谛之法,这就是般若。  相似文献   

八般若波罗蜜 8.1 大乘空宗的玄学理论: 大乘空宗的玄学理论集中在般若波罗蜜。般若一词,梵文本义即知识、智慧之意,但是这里所说的般若智慧并非一般人的智慧,它是一种很神秘的宗教智慧。得到般若智慧,自然具有五神通、六神通等超越能力,前面五种波罗蜜的目的都是为了达到般若波罗蜜。单是实行布施、持戒、忍辱、精进和禅定  相似文献   

(一) 关于般若的概念《大智度论》卷一百日:“般若波罗蜜是诸佛母。诸佛以法为师,法者即是般若波罗蜜。”般若作为诸佛之母,可以说是一切佛教经典的根本。不了解般若,就无从了解一切大乘经典。那么,般若究竟是什么呢? 般若是梵文Praj(?)ā的音译,又译作班若、波若、钵若、般赖若等。意译为“智慧”、“妙智慧”等。全称为“般若波罗蜜多”,意译为“智度”、“明度”等,即通过智慧到达涅槃之彼岸。要真正理解般若的概念,必须首先弄清  相似文献   

唐玄戕 《法音》2004,(9):1-1
天王当知,诸菩萨摩诃萨行深般若波罗蜜多,能得如来十身差别。云何为十?一平等身,二清净身,三无尽身,四善修身,五法性身,六离寻伺身,七不思议身,八寂静身,九虚空身,十妙智身。尔时最胜便白佛言:诸菩萨摩诃萨行深般若波罗蜜多,何位能得如来十身?佛告最胜:天王当知,诸菩萨摩诃萨行  相似文献   

田光烈 《法音》2003,(6):9-12
《金刚经三义》载于《吕贗佛学论著选集》(山东齐鲁书社出版)卷一。《金刚经》具名《金刚般若波罗蜜经》,姚秦鸠摩罗什译,又称《金刚般若经》。佛在舍卫国为须菩提先说境空,次说慧空,后明菩提空者,盖此经以空慧为体,说一切法无我之理为诠也。金刚为金刚杵的略称,古代印度的一种武器。在佛法中,则为象征破迷开悟的武器,象征菩提心的金属的法具。般若,又曰波赖若,译曰智慧。般若者圆常之大觉也。觉有三德,一为实相般若,是般若理体,本为众生所具,离一切虚妄之相,般若之实性,是为所证之理体;二为观照般若,观照实相之实智也;三为方便般若,分别诸…  相似文献   

Narasimhan B  Dimroth C 《Cognition》2008,107(1):317-329
In expressing rich, multi-dimensional thought in language, speakers are influenced by a range of factors that influence the ordering of utterance constituents. A fundamental principle that guides constituent ordering in adults has to do with information status, the accessibility of referents in discourse. Typically, adults order previously mentioned referents ("old" or accessible information) first, before they introduce referents that have not yet been mentioned in the discourse ("new" or inaccessible information) at both sentential and phrasal levels. Here we ask whether a similar principle influences ordering patterns at the phrasal level in children who are in the early stages of combining words productively. Prior research shows that when conveying semantic relations, children reproduce language-specific ordering patterns in the input, suggesting that they do not have a bias for any particular order to describe "who did what to whom". But our findings show that when they label "old" versus "new" referents, 3- to 5-year-old children prefer an ordering pattern opposite to that of adults (Study 1). Children's ordering preference is not derived from input patterns, as "old-before-new" is also the preferred order in caregivers' speech directed to young children (Study 2). Our findings demonstrate that a key principle governing ordering preferences in adults does not originate in early childhood, but develops: from new-to-old to old-to-new.  相似文献   

The ideal of scientific openness — i.e. the idea that scientific information should be freely accessible to interested parties — is strongly supported throughout the scientific community. At the same time, however, this ideal does not appear to be absolute in the everyday practice of science. In order to get the credit for new scientific advances, scientists often keep information to themselves. Also, it is common practice to withhold information obtained in commissioned research when the scientist has agreed with his or her employer to do so. The secrecy may be intended for ever, as in the military area, but also temporarily until a patent application has been made. The paper explores to what extent such secrecy is undesirable, as seems to be suggested by the ideal of scientific openness. Should this ideal be interpreted as having certain exceptions which make the above-mentioned practices acceptable? Are there, on closer inspection, good arguments for the ideal of scientific openness, and for officially upholding it? Possible versions of the ideal of scientific openness are explored and the issue is found to be rather complex, allowing for wide variations depending on the acting parties, beneficiaries, types of information and moral requirements involved. We conclude that the arguments usually given in favour of this ideal are weaker than what seems to be generally believed, and that, on closer inspection, they leave plenty of room for exceptions to it. These exceptions only partly cover the actual practice of withholding scientific information, and there may still be good reason to advocate, teach and enforce the ideal of scientific openness within the scientific community.  相似文献   

In conceptual combinations such aspeeled apples, two kinds of features are potentially accessible: phrase features and noun features. Phrase features are true only of the phrase (e.g., “white”), whereas noun features are true of both the phrase and the head noun (e.g., “round”). When people comprehend such combinations, phrase features are verified more quickly and more accurately than noun features. We examine relevance as an explanation for this phrase feature superiority. If relevance is the critical factor, then contexts that explicitly make noun features relevant and phrase features irrelevant should reverse the phrase feature superiority (i.e., they should make noun features easier to verify than phrase features). Consistent with the relevance hypothesis, brief contexts that made noun features relevant also made those noun features more accessible than phrase features, and vice versa. We conclude that the phrase feature superiority effect is attributable to the discourse strategy of assigning relevance to modifiers in combinations, unless a context indicates otherwise.  相似文献   

How should we understand the notion of moral objectivity? Metaethical positions that vindicate morality’s objective appearance are often associated with moral realism. On a realist construal, moral objectivity is understood in terms of mind-, stance-, or attitude-independence. But realism is not the only game in town for moral objectivists. On an antirealist construal, morality’s objective features are understood in virtue of our attitudes. In this paper I aim to develop this antirealist construal of moral objectivity in further detail, and to make its metaphysical commitments explicit. I do so by building on Sharon Street’s version of “Humean Constructivism”. Instead of the realist notion of attitude-independence, the antirealist account of moral objectivity that I articulate centres on the notion of standpoint-invariance. While constructivists have been criticized for compromising on the issue of moral objectivity, I make a preliminary case for the thesis that, armed with the notion of standpoint-invariance, constructivists have resources to vindicate an account of objectivity with just the right strength, given the commitments of ordinary moral thought and practice. In support of this thesis I highlight recent experimental findings about folk moral objectivism. Empirical observations about the nature of moral discourse have traditionally been taken to give prima facie support to moral realism. I argue, by contrast, that from what we can tell from our current experimental understanding, antirealists can capture the commitments of ordinary discourse at least as well as realists can.  相似文献   

张金璐  吴莹莹  杨晓虹  杨玉芳 《心理学报》2014,46(10):1413-1425
读者在阅读理解的过程中, 能够推断出故事主角的情绪状态, 并能随着语篇中的情绪变化做出情绪更新。在加工情绪信息的同时, 读者也加工语篇结构方面的信息, 二者皆有可能随着语篇的展开而发生变化。本研究采用自定步速阅读的方法, 分别在外显和内隐两种情绪加工任务下, 考察话题结构对语篇情绪更新的影响。结果发现, 在实验1的外显情绪判断任务下, 话题结构未显示出对语篇情绪更新的作用; 在实验2和实验3的内隐情绪理解任务下, 话题延续时, 情绪转换句的阅读时间长于情绪延续句, 此时情绪更新需要额外的加工时间; 而话题转换时, 二者没有显著差异, 说明此时读者在新结构下建立当前句的情绪表征, 并不受到先前情绪的影响。  相似文献   

In recent American political discourse, elections and debates tend to be presented by the news media as collisions of basic principles, with opposing parties advancing beliefs about what is right and what is wrong. When news coverage of an election campaign focuses on issues that emphasize rights and morals, voting behavior may be affected in two ways: Citizens become likely to form and make use of evaluations of the integrity of the candidates, and citizens become motivated to seek an issue-position "match" with candidates on those issues for which discourse is ethically charged (particularly when they hold a similar interpretation of the issue). These ideas were tested in an experiment in which labor union members and undergraduate students were presented with news stories about the contrasting positions of fictional candidates for elective office. Across three political environments, all information was held constant except for systematic alteration of a different issue in each environment. These three issues (abortion, gun control, and health care) vary in the types of value conflicts emphasized in news coverage. The results shed light on how individuals process, interpret, and use issue coverage in choosing among candidates.  相似文献   

In this article I respond to the thoughtful criticisms of my book articulated by Gillian Brock, Thaddeus Metz, and Darrel Moellendorf. Their critical questioning offers me an opportunity to reformulate aspects of the book so that I more accurately say exactly what I had in mind when writing the book. The first section contains a reworking of my definition of poverty to eliminate any ambiguity and demonstrate what kind of comparative judgements the definition allows us to make. The second section looks anew at the multiple moral sources for our obligation to eradicate poverty. In the third section I focus on issues that could hinder attempts at eradicating poverty. One is the lack of accessible knowledge that might be too demanding to acquire. The other is the possibility that all attempts to eradicate poverty might have to be put on hold until oppressive capitalist development has prepared the circumstances for a more socialist distribution of resources. I argue that neither of these concerns should hinder the eradication of poverty.  相似文献   

People understand the world by constructing explanations for what they observe. It is thus important to identify the cognitive processes underlying these judgments. According to a recent proposal, everyday explanations are often constructed heuristically: Because people need to generate explanations on a moment-by-moment basis, they cannot perform an exhaustive search through the space of possible reasons, but may instead use the information that is most easily accessible in memory (Cimpian & Salomon 2014a, b). In the present research, we tested two key claims of this proposal that have so far not been investigated. First, we tested whether—as previously hypothesized—the information about an entity that is most accessible in memory tends to consist of inherent or intrinsic facts about that entity, rather than extrinsic (contextual, historical, etc.) facts about it (Studies 1 and 2). Second, we tested the implications of this difference in the memory accessibility of inherent versus extrinsic facts for the process of generating explanations: Does the fact that inherent facts are more accessible than relevant extrinsic facts give rise to an inherence bias in the content of the explanations generated (Studies 3 and 4)? The findings supported the proposal that everyday explanations are generated in part via a heuristic process that relies on easily accessible—and often inherent—information from memory.  相似文献   

This article examines Leon Kass's contention that a choice forphysician-assisted suicide is "undignified." Although Kass isJewish rather than Christian, he argues for positions that mostChristians share, and he argues for these positions withoutpresupposing the truth of specific religious claims. I arguethat although Kass has some important intuitions, he too readilyassumes that these intuitions will be shared by his audience,and that this assumption diminishes the force of his argument.An examination of the limitations of Kass's argument is helpfulinsofar as it illustrates the real challenge faced by religiousbelievers who wish to defend their beliefs in the "public forum."For it illustrates that what needs to be made "accessible" isthe Judeo-Christian understanding of man and his place in theworld. While I do not wish to claim that this task is impossible,I do think that it is far more difficult than most realize.Like all important tasks, however, unless we wrestle with thedifficulties it raises, our arguments will strike many as unconvincing.  相似文献   

One of the criterial distinctions of psychoanalysis is its renunciation of indoctrination through suggestion. In spite of the fact that psychoanalysis is both an organized body of knowledge and a disciplined form of interpersonal influence, it regards an analyst who tells the analysand what to think or do as essentially doing harm by substituting a new form of prejudice and alienation for the preexisting form he is attacking. Even though an analyst regards his knowledge of psychoanalytic theory as adequate at a general level, this "truth" is not an adequate mode of discourse with an individual. Why not? It is a fact that analysands often do not accept an analyst's idea. However, the fundamental problematic of clinical psychoanalysis comes precisely at the point that the analysand would accept the analyst's idea, involving the distinction between a properly psychoanalytic cure and a transference cure. Psychoanalytic theory itself holds that unreflective incorporation of another's idea about oneself comes at the expense of autonomous and spontaneous self-revelation. Despite its resolute pursuit of new truths, the aim of psychoanalysis is less concerned with attaining specific ideas about unrecognized conflicts than it is with achieving a general attitude--that self-understanding requires a capacity to admit dubious and unwanted ideas and feelings that symptoms, dreams, and free associations bring to light. This "psychoanalytic" attitude permits a new type of discourse in which the person recognizes himself or herself through expression, rather than parrotting the analyst's (or others') words, or continuing rigidly to hide the truth of desire for oneself. In the long run, psychoanalysis offers to correct a primary misunderstanding: that one can acquire a comprehensively true image of oneself. As Barratt (1988) emphasizes, this transformation is tantamount to a change in personal epistemology for the analysand and a change in epistemological theory for the culture as a whole. In our culture, most analysts and lay people alike take for granted that the ego is an agent that is to be integrated and strengthened in order to direct one's life. Likewise, the unconscious is commonly regarded as a type of savage alter ego that must be mastered by the ego. According to Lacan's critique, the ego is a snare and a delusion for the patient, however highly commended by society it may be, because its very essence is to furnish the illusion of enduring self-knowledge.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

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