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“Deviant subculture” has been a key concept in sociology of deviance and crime for a long time. It has often been argued that Albert K. Cohen was the person who first developed the concept. However, this article argues that the concept first emerged in the work of the Chicago School of Sociology and that W. I. Thomas’ notion of “the definition of the situation” was at the core of it. The notion allowed Thomas to redefine the problem of deviance and crime from one caused by psychological and physiological defects to one caused by normative disorganization.  相似文献   


This note introduces papers presented at a 2007 conference in memory of Peter Strawson and published in this issue.  相似文献   

This paper tests the hypothesis that contemporary global and globalised religion as exemplified in the Chicago ‘Parliament of the World's Religions’ of 1993 may be regarded as a resource which is central, rather than marginal to current human concerns in a threatened world. The paper is structured as follows. First, a short personal narrative gives some sense of what happened at the Parliament, and how this affected one of those present. Second, as a means of conveying the scale of the meeting, a brief content analysis and interpretation of the programme shows how (within certain limits) collaboration was made possible. Third, three insights are drawn from current sociology that facilitate an informed, albeit preliminary, evaluation of the Parliament as emancipatory event. These are: i) recent globalisation theory of the world system (Roland Robertson and Peter Beyer); ii) differentiation in a social reality understood as an “economy of signs and space”; (Scott Lash and John Urry); and in) the search for “meta‐theory”; in the “condition of post‐modernity”; (David Harvey). Fourth, some implications of the analysis and interpretation are drawn out which suggest that religion can be understood as a differentiated global resource, an ambiguous, yet dynamic form of ‘cultural capital’ of vital import in an era of post‐materialist value formation. Fifth, in conclusion, it is argued that thus understood the globalised religion represented by the 1993 ‘Parliament of the World's Religions’ has wider implications for the study of contemporary religion and forms of religiosity. Religion returns from the theoretical and cultural periphery (a marginalisation promoted by traditional secularisation theory) into a close relation to the core issues of our time. This is an optimistic interpretation of an event, the significance of which, in the opinion of this writer, should not be underestimated in the evaluation of religion as global resource.  相似文献   

Patrick Hutchings 《Sophia》2005,44(1):105-124
This paper explores the extreme but well-argued-for thesis that the indirect object of an aesthetic experience of serious art is the human soul of the person having the experience. The author of the thesis was Fr. Arthur Little S.J. a mid twentieth-century Irishman, professional philosopher and philosophical popularizer. The paper treats Little’s thesis seriously: comparisons are drawn with Kant, which may be of interest even to those hostile to Little’s central assertion. Little makes a brilliant analysis of a ‘free-beauty’, making the sharpest contrast between this and the most serious art, tragedy. Tragedy, Little holds Kant not able to cope with. One agrees. The people who cry before my pictures are having the same religious experience I had when I painted them. Mark Rothko This book is a development of a series of lectures given to the Study Club of the Central Catholic Library in Dublin. The view of art that it proposes is, for reasons explained in the book, more exactly called Aristotelean than Thomistic. But where it has been necessary to base conclusions in aesthetics on philosophical presuppositions outside of that science the philosophy presupposed will be Thomism. Even so, however, the Thomistic doctrine, that must be accepted by anyone who will assent to the book’s thesis, is consistent with most philosophical positions that are not openly or latently materialistic. Anyone who believein the spirituality of the soul can accept that thesis… Arthur Little S.J.  相似文献   

四弗罗姆的“逃避自由”理论研究弗罗姆是在批判法西斯主义过程中提出他的“逃避自由”理论的。东西方不少学者对弗罗姆注重分析法西斯主义产生和流传的心理根源,给予高度肯定,认为这不但在法西斯主义正猖狂的当年对人们有启发作用,而且就是在今天也值得人们深思。罗宾逊指出,尽管弗罗姆的《逃避自由》一书的出版,迟于赖希的《法西斯主义的大众心理学》,甚至可以说,前者是在后者的影响下写成的,但“弗罗姆的研究水平远远超过了赖希”,弗罗姆对法西斯主义心理根源的分析使不少人“佩服得五体投地”。我们国内甚至有人提出,应把弗罗姆的  相似文献   

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