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A battery of 46 tests was given to 237 college men. A factor analysis using the Thurstone technique revealed eight clearly interpretable first-order factors, one dubious factor, and a residual factor. The factors were interpreted as induction, deduction, flexibility of closure, speed of closure, space, verbal comprehension, word fluency, and number. Four second-order factors were abstracted from the matrix of first-order correlations. The presence of induction, deduction, and flexibility of closure on the first second-order factor, interpreted as an analytic factor, confirmed previous indications of relationships between the reasoning and closure factors. A second bipolar factor is interpreted as a speed of association factor. The third factor is interpreted as facility in handling meaningful verbal materials—perhaps an ability to do abstract thinking. The fourth factor is possibly a second-order closure factor—perhaps an ability to do concrete thinking.The author is grateful to Professor L. L. Thurstone for his encouragement and invaluable advice and for permission to use many tests originally prepared in the Psychometric Laboratory of the University of Chicago, to Mr. James Degan for assistance in rotations, and to the Social Science Research Committee of the University of Chicago for a grant to this study.  相似文献   

TAYLOR CW 《Psychometrika》1947,12(4):239-262
A factorial study of fluency was undertaken to test an hypothesis that at least two fluency abilities would be measured by a battery composed both of word fluency tests used by Thurstone and tests of fluency described by several British investigators. Twenty-eight tests, including ten reference tests for five primary mental abilities, were administered to 181 high-school seniors. Ten centroid factors were extracted, a simple structure was found, and eight factors were interpreted. Five factors defined were the following reference abilities: memory (M), number (N), reasoning (R), verbal comprehension (V), and perceptual speed (P), the last one being somewhat tentatively identified. The main finding is the analysis of fluency into two factors: word fluency (W) and ideational fluency (F). Word fluency is defined as a facility in producing single, isolated words that contain one or more formal restrictions, without reference to the meaning of the words. Ideational fluency is described as a facility in expressing ideas by the use of words and their meanings. Another verbal ability indicated is tentatively interpreted as verbal versatility, the ability to express essentially the same idea by means of several different words or combinations of words.The writer wishes to express his appreciation to Dr. L. L. Thurstone for his guidance throughout the study and for providing facilities and materials needed; to Miss Jessie LaSalle and the Washington, D. C., high schools for providing the subjects; to Ledyard Tucker, Frank Medland, and Mrs. Virginia Brown for computational assistance; and to others who gave aid during the study.  相似文献   

Fifty-three tests designed to measure aspects of creative thinking were administered to 410 air cadets and student officers. The scores were intercorrelated and 16 factors were extracted. Orthogonal rotations resulted in 14 identifiable factors, a doublet, and a residual. Nine previously identified factors were:verbal comprehension, numerical facility, perceptual speed, visualization, general reasoning, word fluency, associational fluency, ideational fluency, and a factor combining Thurstone'sclosure I andII. Five new factors were identified asoriginality, redefinition, adaptive flexibility, spontaneous flexibility, andsensitivity to problems.Under Contract N6onr-23810 with the Office of Naval Research. The opinions expressed are our own and are not necessarily shared by the Office of Naval Research. These studies are under the direction of J. P. Guilford. Paul R. Christensen is assistant director. Robert C. Wilson has been principally responsible for the conduct of this particular study. Donald J. Lewis contributed to the development of hypotheses and tests. Raymond M. Berger made substantial contributions to the development of the tests.The authors are very much indebted to the Personnel Research Laboratory, Human Resources Research Center, Air Training Command, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, for making the testing possible, and in particular to Dr. Lloyd G. Humphreys, Director, and to Mr. William B. Lecznar, Technical Aide.Acknowledgement is made to Gordon Taaffe for the supervision of much of the statistical work connected with this study and to Norman W. Kettner for carrying out the extractions of factors and for valuable assistance on the rotations of axes.A fuller discussion of this factor analysis is given by Wilson (16).  相似文献   

The Cattell–Horn–Carroll (CHC) model of intelligence views creativity as a first-level factor within the second-level factor of broad retrieval ability (Gr), alongside other first-level abilities such as ideational fluency and word fluency. Traditional methods of measuring creativity, however, confound idea quality with idea quantity, which might exaggerate the relationship between creativity scores and verbal fluency factors. Participants (n = 131 adults) completed two divergent thinking tasks (unusual uses for a rope and a box), which were scored using newer methods that effectively separate creativity (scored via subjective ratings) and fluency (scored as number of responses). They then completed 16 verbal fluency tasks that assessed six lower-order Gr factors: word fluency, associational fluency, associative flexibility, ideational fluency, letter fluency, and dissociative ability. Viewed singly, many of the lower-order factors significantly predicted creative quality and fluency. General Gr had substantial effects on creative quality (standardized β = .443) and fluency (β = .339) in a higher-order model as well as in a bifactor model (quality β = .380, fluency β = .327). Moreover, general Gr was the only significant predictor in the bifactor model, suggesting that it, not the specific factors, was most important. All effects were essentially the same after controlling for typing speed and vocabulary knowledge. The findings thus support the CHC view of creativity/originality as a lower-order component of Gr, illuminate the relationships between creativity and first-level Gr factors, extend the study of creativity and intelligence beyond fluid intelligence, and further indicate that creativity is more closely tied to cognitive abilities than creativity research has yet recognized.  相似文献   

教育水平对老年人认知能力的影响模式   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
来自北京三个社区的217位60~85岁的老年人接受了五项基本心理能力测验、感觉功能测查、加工速度和工作记忆容量的测试。运用相关分析、方差分析以及结构方程模型考察了教育水平对老年人基本心理能力的影响。研究得到:(1)从整体上看,教育水平对老年人基本心理能力的积极作用是普遍存在的,不依赖于具体的领域;分水平看,教育水平对认知功能的积极作用随教育水平的高低表现出领域间的差异。(2)教育水平与年龄各自独立地对老年人的认知能力产生影响,教育水平的作用是积极的,年龄的影响是极性的。(3)教育水平对老年人基本心理能力的影响不是直接的,而是以加工速度和工作记忆为中介的。  相似文献   

The study investigates empirical properties of reasoning speed which is conceived as the fluency of solving reasoning problems. Responses and response times in reasoning tasks are modeled jointly to clarify the covariance structure of reasoning speed and reasoning ability. To determine underlying abilities, the predictive validities of two cognitive covariates, namely perceptual and executive attention, are investigated. A sample of N = 230 test takers completed a reasoning test, Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM), and attention tests indicating perceptual and executive attention. For modeling responses the two-parameter normal ogive model, and for modeling response times the two-parameter lognormal model was applied. Results suggest that reasoning speed is a unidimensional construct representing significant individual differences, and that reasoning speed and ability are negatively correlated but clearly distinguishable constructs. Perceptual and executive attention showed differential effects on reasoning speed and reasoning ability, i.e., reasoning speed is explained by executive attention only, while reasoning ability is explained by both covariates. Implications for the assessment of reasoning are discussed.  相似文献   

Alternative explanations for the male advantage in arithmetical reasoning, as measured by the ability to solve complex word problems, include a male advantage in spatial cognition and a male advantage in computational fluency. The current study was designed to test these competing hypotheses. To this end, 113 male and 123 female undergraduates were administered arithmetical computations and arithmetical reasoning tests, along with an IQ test and a test of spatial cognition. There was no sex difference on the IQ test, but males showed significantly higher mean scores on the arithmetical computations, arithmetical reasoning, and spatial cognition measures. A series of structural equation models indicated that individual differences in arithmetical reasoning were related to individual differences in IQ, spatial abilities, and computational fluency. Moreover, the results suggested that the male advantage in arithmetical reasoning is mediated by the male advantages in both computational fluency and spatial cognition.  相似文献   

为了研究中关成人基本认知能力的年龄差异,采用西亚图纵向研究模型的方法对中关被试5种基本认知能力进行测量。结果发现,不同文化下5种能力的成绩存在显著的年龄差异。并且这种差异不能完全用教育上的差异来解释。年龄较大被试在所有基本能力测验上成绩较低。男性被试在归纳推理、空间和数字能力上成绩较好,女性被试在语义和词语流畅性测验上成绩较好。研究表明文化环境和历史等因素对成人认知发展具有一定的影响。  相似文献   

A multiple-factor analysis was made of a battery of 42 tests of verbal abilities administered to 119 college adults. Where necessary, the distributions of test scores were normalized before the inter-test correlations were computed. Thurstone'sM (Memory or Rote Learning) factor has been confirmed, but hisV (Verbal Relations) factor seems to have been split into two or possibly three factors,C,J, andG; and hisW (Word Fluency) factor has been split into two factors,A andE. TheC factor seems to represent the richness of the individual's stock of linguistic responses, and theJ factor seems to involve the ability to handle semantic relationships. No satisfactory interpretation can as yet be made of theG factor. TheA factor seems to correspond to the speed of association for common words where there is a high degree of restriction as to appropriate responses. TheE factor is described as an associational facility with verbal material where the only restriction is that the responses must be syntactically coherent. The new factors are:F, facility and fluency in oral speech;H, facility in attaching appropriate names or symbols to stimuli; andD, speed of articulatory movements.This paper is a condensation of the writer's doctoral dissertation, A Factor Analysis of Verbal Abilities, on file at the library of the University of Minnesota.  相似文献   

YELA M 《Psychometrika》1949,14(2):121-135
A battery of 20 tests originally analyzed by Alexander (1) was reworked according to the principle of simple structure. His results were sustained in general. Both analyses yielded five factors in the first-order domain. Of these, three factors in the re-analysis (v,X andF) have almost exactly the same loadings as the corresponding factors in the original work, and were interpreted in the same way. The loading pattern of a fourth factor,Z, left uninterpreted in the original study, happened to be more clear in the re-analysis, and an interpretation was attempted. It appears to be a factor of perceptual synthesis, and seems to play an important role in intellectual processes. A fifth factor, not present in Alexander's results, appeared in the new analysis: the reasoning factor, involved in inductive and deductive thinking. All four cognitive factors are related to a general factor that can be thought of as representing abstraction and education of relations and correlates, these processes being, therefore, the essential feature underlying intellectual behavior, at least in that sector surveyed by the tests of the present battery.The analysis of the data was done in the Psychometric Laboratory of The University of Chicago, under a fellowship from The University of Madrid (Junta de Relaciones Culturales). The author wishes to express his gratitude to Professor L. L. Thurstone, whose advice as a scientist and kindness as a friend, have been the principal stimulus for this work.  相似文献   

Syllogistic reasoning and cognitive ageing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gilinsky and Judd (1994) demonstrated that age-related impairment in syllogistic reasoning was in part due to reduced working-memory capacity. A total of 30 older (average age 66 years) and 34 younger persons (average age 24 years) were tested on syllogisms of various types as well as on other measures. Syllogistic reasoning was significantly correlated with education, processing speed, word span, and word fluency. Correlations with visuo-spatial processing and random letter generation were just short of significance. Syllogistic reasoning performance declined with age, although the deficit was no longer statistically significant following control for age-related differences in information-processing speed. On the other hand the inclusion of word fluency as an additional covariate boosted the apparent age effect, returning it to statistical significance. Thus it is possible that cognitive processes outside of working memory might underpin at least part of the apparent age deficit. This possibility is evaluated in the light of neuropsychological evidence implicating the prefrontal cortex in both the processing of syllogisms and more generally in cognitive ageing.  相似文献   

Both exploratory factor analyses (varimax and promax solutions) and confirmatory maximum likelihood factor analyses were used to re‐examine a correlation matrix of 53 tests from a battery administered to a sample of more than 400 Air Force officers. The data base originated in a report from the University of Southern California Aptitudes Research Project (Guilford, Wilson, & Christensen, 1952), which was intended to identify factors of creative thinking. The major objective of this study was to ascertain whether the covariation among the test variables that were conceptualized as first‐order factors within the structure‐of‐intellect model could be explained parsimoniously in terms of a number of higher‐order creative abilities. Application of a relatively objective oblique exploratory factor analytic technique (promax) afforded a replication of four of Guilford's creativity factors—two divergent production constructs of ideational fluency and word fluency, one construct representing sensitivity to problems, and another identified as redefinition or flexibility of closure typically involving transformations. Although substantial support was found for higher‐order factor models which distinguished among five types of psychological operations and three kinds of test content, statistical indicators of closeness‐of‐fit suggested that a mixed model of both first‐order and higher‐order factors was required to describe creativity thinking, perhaps within some form of hierarchical ordering. In addition to recognition of divergent production as a key component of creative endeavor, it appeared that a higher‐order convergent production factor involving primarily semantic and symbolic transformations constituted a dimension of potential importance to the creative thinking of mathematicians, scientists, engineers, and inventors. It was hypothesized that in creative thinking a variety of psychological operations within a dynamic interactive system is employed almost simultaneously in a forward and backward manner.  相似文献   


This study examined young children's growth, over time, in phonics knowledge, word-recognition, and fluent oral reading. Correlations and causal relationships among these variables were explored in an attempt to identify the foundational knowledge and skills needed for reading fluency. Measures of phonics knowledge, word-recognition development, word-recognition accuracy and speed, and fluency in story reading were obtained from first-grade, second-grade, and third-grade students in February and again in November when they had advanced to a higher grade. Causal relationships were examined and are suggested between two related variables, if a change in one variable measured at one time tends to precede a change in the other variable measured at a later time. Cross-lagged panel analyses were used to test for such a pattern between variables. The findings suggested that phonics knowledge and word recognition are precursors of fluency. The data suggests that students' word recognition has a causal effect on their reading speed and accuracy growth, and that their phonics knowledge has a causal effect on their word-recognition growth. These findings are consistent with a theoretical model that posits that phonemic awareness is a necessary, though not sufficient, condition for the development of phonics knowledge; phonics knowledge is a necessary condition for word recognition; word recognition is a necessary condition for fluency; and fluency is a necessary condition for reading comprehension.  相似文献   

The Comprehensive Ability Battery (CAB) was used to assess 18 primary mental abilities in 53 white, male prison inmates for whom highly reliable ratings of psychopathy were available. None of the correlations between ratings of psychopathy and scores on the CAB tests was significant, and the overall pattern or structure of abilities was the same for inmates with low and high ratings of psychopathy. The possibility is raised that the personality characteristics of psychopaths make them appear to be brighter and more creative than they actually are. Compared with norms for male high school students, the inmates as a group generally performed well, falling near the 50th percentile on 11 of the tests. The inmates performed significantly better than the normative sample on tests of verbal ability, esthetic judgment, aiming, and representational drawing, and significantly worse on tests of ideational fluency, spontaneous flexibility, and word fluency.This research was supported by Grant MT-4511 from the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

A battery of 32 tests was administered to a sample including 144 Air Force Officer Candidates and 139 Air Cadets. The factor analysis, using Thurstone's complete centroid method and Zimmerman's graphic method of orthogonal rotations, revealed 12 interpretable factors. The non-reasoning factors were interpreted asverbal comprehension, numerical facility, perceptual speed, visualization, andspatial orientation. The factors derived from reasoning tests were identified asgeneral reasoning, logical reasoning, education of perceptual relations, education of conceptual relations, education of conceptual patterns, education of correlates, andsymbol substitution. The logical-reasoning factor corresponds to what has been called deduction, but eduction of correlates is perhaps closer to an ability actually to make deductions. The area called induction appears to resolve into three eduction-of-relations factors. Reasoning factors do not appear always to transcend the type of test material used.Under Contract N6onr-23810 with the Office of Naval Research. The views expressed here are not nesessarily shared by the Office of Naval Research. These studies are under the general direction of J. P. Guilford. P. R. Christensen is assistant director. A. L. Comrey was in direct charge of this study during its early stages and R. F. Green during most of its progress.  相似文献   


The goal of the current study was to investigate whether age-related changes in processing speed, as indexed by verbal fluency, modulate context use in the resolution of ambiguous idioms (e.g., tie the knot). Younger and older adults completed a cross-modal priming experiment where they decided whether visual word targets were related in meaning to idiomatically or literally biased auditory sentence primes. Older adults with high verbal fluency, similar to younger adults, showed context-dependent facilitation in both biasing sentence contexts. In contrast, older adults with low verbal fluency did not show facilitation of literal meanings in literally biased sentence contexts, likely because they had difficultly inhibiting the dominant figurative meaning. These findings argue that age-related changes in context use during ambiguity resolution are restricted to older adults with reduced processing speed. The results also suggest that verbal fluency may reflect the speed in recruiting frontally-mediated selection mechanisms during ambiguity resolution.  相似文献   

The degree to which the typical age of acquisition (AoA) of words and word frequency have separable influences on verbal production tasks has been strongly debated. To examine the overlap between these factors in verbal fluency tasks, the performance of Alzheimer's disease (AD) patients (N?=?34) and normal elderly controls (N?=?36) was compared on semantic (e.g., vegetables) and letter (e.g., words that begin with F) fluency tasks. These comparisons revealed that words generated for the semantic fluency task had an earlier AoA while words generated for the letter fluency task had a higher word frequency. Differences in AoA between AD patients and controls were larger for semantic than letter fluency. These results suggest that AoA has an effect on verbal production that is independent of word frequency and that AoA has a semantic locus.  相似文献   

Patients with schizophrenia show deficits across a broad spectrum of neurocognitive domains. In particular, deficits in verbal fluency are common. Verbal fluency tests are neuropsychological tests that assess frontal lobe function or executive function but also assess divergent thinking. However, few studies have considered the impairment of verbal fluency from the viewpoint of divergent thinking. To consider the structure of divergent thinking, not only verbal assessments but also non-verbal assessments are indispensable. We administered several fluency tests, the idea fluency test, the design fluency test, and word (letter and category) fluency tests to 26 patients with schizophrenia and 26 healthy control subjects to evaluate divergent thinking in both groups and assessed their responses qualitatively. An acceptable minimal level of intelligence was maintained in the patient group. Although attention and executive functioning were relatively preserved in the subjects with schizophrenia, they demonstrated significant deficits in divergent thinking and had particular difficulty in producing ideas and designs requiring concept flexibility, a conversion of viewpoint, originality, or novelty. Research on deficits in divergent thinking in patients with schizophrenia may contribute to the development of cognitive and behavioral rehabilitation programs.  相似文献   

对老年人加工速度进行干预, 旨在考察加工速度在老年期的可塑性。首先对46名60~79岁城市社区老年人实施前测, 包括两项加工速度测验(数字比较、图形匹配)、成套基本心理能力测验和老年人日常智力自我效能感问卷。然后, 干预组25名老年人接受每周一期(每期50min)共计5期的加工速度训练。训练内容为图形模式比较。所有被试在训练周期结束后接受后测, 并在后测结束4个月后接受追踪测验。结果表明, 能够通过加工速度干预显著提高老年人图形匹配测验成绩, 并对词汇流畅测验成绩有迁移作用, 但干预和迁移效果并未保持到4个月。与数字比较测验相比, 图形匹配测验能够更稳定地反映干预的效果。  相似文献   

Löfkvist, U., Almkvist, O., Lyxell, B. & Tallberg, I.‐M. (2012). Word fluency performance and strategies in children with cochlear implants: age‐dependent effects? Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 53, 467–474. Word fluency was examined in 73 Swedish children aged 6–9 years divided into two age groups, 6–7 and 8–9 years; 34 deaf children with cochlear implants (CI) (15 girls/19 boys) and 39 age‐matched children with normal hearing (NH) (20 girls/19 boys). One purpose was to compare the ability to retrieve words in two different word fluency tasks; one phonemically based (FAS letter fluency) and one semantically based (animal fluency). A second purpose was to examine retrieval strategies in the two tasks by conducting an analysis of clustering and switching of word sequences. In general we found that age was an important factor for word fluency ability, in both the CI and the NH groups. It was also demonstrated that children with CI aged 8–9 years retrieved significantly fewer words and used less efficient strategies in the retrieval process, especially on the phonemically based task compared to children with NH of the same ages, whereas children 6–7 years performed similarly in both groups regarding number of retrieved words and use of strategies. The results are discussed with respect to factors such as age differences in performance for children with CI, especially for the phonemically based task.  相似文献   

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