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Depression is a psychiatric disorder with debilitating symptoms (e.g. suicidal behavior) with a high prevalence rate even in children and adolescents and the disorder shows a chronic course in many cases. According to psychiatric guidelines, cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy are the psychotherapeutic methods of choice.


This article gives an overview of the current studies on cognitive behavioral and interpersonal group therapy programs for the treatment of depression in children and adolescents as well as a short illustration of the most prevalent therapy programs.

Material and methods

A literature research (PsycInfo, Psyndex, Pubmed) revealed 280 hits. After a review of all titles and abstracts 25 studies were included in this study.


Efficacy studies mainly exist for cognitive behavioral group therapy programs (effect sizes ranged from 0.02 to 1.34) from English-speaking countries. There are only a few German programs available. With respect to interpersonal group therapies there are only few articles published in English and to the best of our knowledge none in German.


There is a great need for further studies that investigate the efficacy of group therapies for the treatment of depression in children and adolescents especially in German-speaking countries.  相似文献   



International studies indicate an increased incidence of substance abuse disorders among physicians. This article investigates specific variables in the work field and describes existing treatment programs.

Patients and methods

In a cross-sectional study 107 physicians with and 468 without substance abuse disorders were compared. Two highly developed treatment programs in Germany and Canada are described.


The high work-load associated with the medical work environment leads to reduced performance and social isolation. Treatment programs for addicted physicians work with the concept of ?help before restriction“. The abstinence rate of the 5-year Canadian program is over 90%.


As a form of prevention, medical students should be systematically informed about work-related stress in the medical profession. Structured treatment programs should be implemented nationwide. The expert team ?Risk of addiction in physicians“ of the German Addiction Foundation, whose members are authors of this article, may be a small step in this direction.  相似文献   



Sexual disorders are common among patients with traumatic childhood experiences, especially when they were exposed to sexual abuse. Despite the fact that trauma-associated sexual disorders imply serious consequences for the persons concerned, to date the topic has not found much consideration in the research and clinical contexts.

Material and methods

This study investigated the prevalence and relationships of sexual disorders and experiences of sexual abuse in 189 patients (81?% women, 19?% men) with complex posttraumatic stress disorder. All participants completed the Interview zur Diagnostik der komplexen posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung (I-kPTBS, interview on diagnostics of complex posttraumatic stress disorder) and the traumatic antecedents questionnaire (TAQ).


At least one sexual disorder was found in 77.2?% of the participants. In both sexes hyposexual disorders were more common than hypersexual disorders. Women showed more hyposexual disorders than men and men showed more hypersexual disorders than women. Of the participants 50.8?% reported experiences of sexual abuse and women were more often affected than men. The presence of hyposexual disorders was clearly associated with the existence of experiences of child sexual abuse.


There is a need for research on and effective treatment concepts for trauma-associated sexual disorders. The development of new therapeutic approaches should be realized in interdisciplinary cooperation.  相似文献   



The diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders 5 (DSM-5) includes a revision of the DSM-IV criteria for somatoform disorders. The aim of the current work was to investigate whether (a) patients with DSM-IV diagnoses of somatization disorder, pain disorder and hypochondriasis and (b) whether patients categorized as having the DSM-5 somatic symptom disorder and illness anxiety disorder differ with respect to illness anxiety and cognition regarding somatic symptoms.

Material and methods

The data from 269 inpatients from the psychosomatic clinic Schön Klinik Bad Bramstedt were used. Somatoform disorders were diagnosed using the German version of the structured clinical interview for DSM-IV (SCID).


Patients with a DSM-IV diagnosis of hypochondriasis differed in illness anxiety and catastrophizing interpretation of somatic symptoms compared to patients with other somatoform disorders. Patients with illness anxiety disorder differed in the catastrophizing interpretation of physical symptoms, autonomic sensations, bodily weakness and intolerance of physical complaints compared to patients with somatic symptom disorder.


The present results indicate that illness anxiety and a catastrophizing interpretation of somatic symptoms play a fundamental role in patients with somatoform disorders. Therefore, psychotherapy should address illness anxiety and health-related concerns in all patients with somatoform disorders.  相似文献   



Systemic therapy is a scientifically acknowledged form of psychotherapy in the US and many European countries, but not yet in Germany.


All randomized (or parallelized) controlled trials (RCT) evaluating systemic couples/family/individual therapy with adult index patients published in English, German or Spanish up to the end of 2004 were identified via data base searches and cross-references in other meta-analyses and reviews. A meta-analysis of the identified RCT was performed.


28 RCT (43 publications) evaluating systemic therapy with adult index patients suffering from clinical disorders (ICD-10) were identified. Systemic therapy is efficacious with regard to substance disorders, mental/social factors interacting with somatic disorders, schizophrenia, depression and eating disorders. The results are stable across follow-up periods of up to 5 years.


According to the criteria of the German Scientific Advisory Board Psychotherapy (Wissenschaftlicher Beirat Psychotherapie) there seems to be good evidence for the efficacy of systemic therapy in at least four fields of application of adult psychotherapy.  相似文献   



Empirical studies show a relationship between family factors and disturbed eating behavior. Feelings of shame are associated with a higher level of eating disorder symptoms and with family relations perceived as being dysfunctional. Thus shame can be understood as a mediator of the relationship between dysfunctional family relations and eating disorder symptoms.

Material and methods

For 69 female patients, including 55 with bulimia nervosa and 14 with eating disorder not otherwise specified (EDNOS) between 14 and 22 years of age, who participated in a comparative study of psychotherapy outcome, eating disorder symptoms (EDI, EDE-Q), general psychiatric symptoms severity (SCL-90R), level of shame (TESE-KJ) and perceived family relations (FB-A) were measured at the beginning of psychotherapy.


The higher the feeling of shame the more dysfunctional the perceived family relationships were and the more the eating disorders and general symptoms severity were reported. Shame was a partial mediator of the relationship between family functionality and symptoms.


Feelings of shame could originate in dysfunctional family relationships but could also evoke more negative perceptions of interpersonal relationships. The direction of causality could not be proven in the correlative design; nevertheless, shame contributes to an understanding of the mechanisms between dysfunctional family relationships and eating disorder symptoms.  相似文献   



Enhancing empowerment is one of the aims of psychoeducational family interventions but it has never been examined in psychoeducational groups for relatives led by professionals. This study investigated the knowledge gain and the increase of empowerment of psychoeducational group programs for relatives in a naturalistic setting.


A total of 54 relatives of persons with schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorders took part in a psychoeducational group program of 8 sessions. A short questionnaire was used to assess the empowerment before and after the group programs. Knowledge gain was measured with the knowledge of illness about schizophrenia questionnaire (WFB).


Among the participants of the psychoeducational groups the level of empowerment was significantly enhanced and the knowledge was significantly increased (p?<?0.01). The improvement of empowerment was independent of the knowledge gain and did not correlate with gender, age, education or group attendance.


Psychoeducational groups for family members not only reduce the rehospitalization rates of the ill relatives but also have additional positive effects on the family members themselves: better knowledge of the illness and enhanced empowerment. The findings emphasize the importance of psychoeducational groups for the relatives of persons with schizophrenia.  相似文献   



The effectiveness of preventive approaches in the field of child protection depends, amongst other things, upon identifying typical risk constellations of infanticide. Postpartum bonding disorder, a disorder affecting a mother’s emotional relationship with her child, is one of those risk constellations alongside other negative consequences to child development. It frequently accompanies postpartum depression, which is determined by other emotional qualities. The therapeutic response is a determinant factor for the success of preventive measures.


42 mothers with postpartum disorders (25 depressive, 17 schizophrenic) undergoing treatment at a mother-baby-unit were examined for bonding disorders and the therapeutic response, primarily regarding the mother-child relationship. Perception of bonding, maternal self-efficacy and objectively measured parameters of mother-child interaction were the most important parameters assessed. Results. Nearly 60% of the mothers suffered from a bonding disorder. Overall, the results indicated a clear improvement in psychiatric disorder as well as in the assessed parameters for the mother-child relationship and the experience of motherhood.


Maternal bonding disorders are strongly associated with postpartum depression and low maternal self-efficacy, which can lead to a risk constellation for infanticide. The data confirm the therapeutic response, thus demonstrating that early diagnosis and treatment of postpartum depression can represent a timely and effective preventive approach in the field of child protection.  相似文献   



Despite changes in the regulations concerning outpatient psychotherapy in Germany, relatively few patients with substance use disorders receive this type of treatment.


The results of a recent study among stimulant users are taken as an example to illustrate the psychotherapeutic needs of patients with substance use disorders.

Materials and methods

A total of 392 individuals with active use of amphetamine and/or methamphetamine were included using a broad range of recruitment strategies. In a mixed methods approach, qualitative as well as quantitative data were gathered regarding the history of substance use, the motives for use, and traumatic experiences during childhood.


Psychological distress was a frequent motive even at the initiation of stimulant use. About two thirds of the participants (65.1?%) reported at least one form of childhood trauma (sexual, physical or emotional abuse, emotional or physical neglect).


The findings suggest a high need for psychotherapy among patients with substance use disorders. It seems important to further improve the information as well as the training of psychotherapists to work with these clients.  相似文献   



Despite high relapse rates there is a lack of feasible, effective and efficient interventions to provide aftercare support to patients who complete treatment for an eating disorder. A program based on the short message service (SMS) and text messaging has been developed in order to provide such additional support to patients who undergo inpatient treatment for an eating disorder.

Materials and methods

A total of 165 patients with bulimia nervosa or an eating disorder not otherwise specified were randomly assigned either to the intervention group (n?=?82) with access to the text messaging intervention for 4 months following discharge from hospital or to the control group (n?=?83). The efficacy of the intervention was determined via the three eating disorder related subscales of the Eating Disorder Inventory (EDI-2) at 4 and 8 months follow-up and via the frequency of self-reported binge eating and compensatory behaviors (vomiting and abuse of laxatives) in the Short Evaluation of Eating Disorders (SEED) at 8 months follow-up.


Participants in the intervention group reported significantly lower impairment on the EDI scales drive for thinness and body dissatisfaction both at 4 and 8 months follow-up. They also reported significantly fewer episodes of binge eating and vomiting. No differences were found for the EDI subscale bulimia and for the frequency of the use of laxatives.


The intervention based on text messaging proved efficacious in the aftercare treatment of patients with eating disorders. Chances and limitations concerning its use in the clinical routine as part of a stepped care model are discussed.  相似文献   



The revision of the psychotherapy guidelines in 2011 broadened the options for treating substance use disorders (SUD) in outpatient psychotherapy (OP).


The aims of this study were to answer the following questions: how frequently are SUDs treated in OP? What opinions do psychotherapists (PT) hold concerning the new treatment possibilities?

Material and methods

In this study the frequency of OP for patients with SUD, e.g. harmful use and abuse of as well as dependence on psychotropic substances according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV-TR) and the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD-10), by private practice PTs as well as their attitude towards the treatment of patients with these diagnoses were investigated. Private practice PTs in five states in East Germany were asked to participate in a postal survey.


Of the 1,382 PTs contacted, 229 (16.6 %) participated in the study. Of the respondents 94.3 % had treated at least one patient with SUD (4-week prevalence including nicotine dependence). These rates ranged from 3.1 % to 26.6 % depending on the substance and diagnosis (SUD as primary reason for treatment). The highest rates of strong affirmation for OP of approximately 20?% were found for disorders related to alcohol, tobacco and medication.


Most PTs treated at least one patient with SUD in OP. However, this particular type of treatment offer should be further extended. Information about the options of treating SUD in OP should be further disseminated and conducting such treatment should be supported by (e.g.) therapist training.  相似文献   

From the evidence reported in the recent guidelines [Heinrichs et al. (2009) Evidenzbasierte Leitlinie zur Psychotherapie der Panikst?rung mit und ohne Agoraphobie. Hogrefe, G?ttingen] the following conclusions can be drawn with respect to the treatment of panic disorder with or without agoraphobia, as well as for agoraphobia without panic disorder:
  1. Every psychotherapy should be preceded by suitable diagnostics and a case formulation.
  2. The effectiveness of every psychotherapy should be evaluated with well established measures.
  3. For the treatment of panic disorder without agoraphobia, cognitive behavioral treatment (CBT) and applied relaxation have been shown to be effective (evidence grade 1).
  4. For panic disorder with agoraphobia, CBT, combination treatment (CBT plus medication), as well as panic-focused psychodynamic psychotherapy in the outpatient setting have shown short-term effectiveness (evidence grade 1). Longer lasting effects have been documented for CBT (evidence grade 1).
  5. For agoraphobia without panic disorder, CBT with a focus on situational exposure can be recommended (evidence grade 1).



In the last decades much has been found out about the stigmatization of persons with mental illnesses. Recently, a potential stigmatization of psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapy has been debated.


The question should be answered whether there is any scientific evidence for stigmatization of psychologists, psychiatrists and psychotherapy by using the conceptualization of stigma as brought forward by Link and Phelan (Ann Rev Sociol 2001; 27:363–385).

Material and methods

For the systematic literature search in 2013 a databank search was carried out in Web of Science using the search terms stigma or discrimination or stereotypes or prejudice AND psychiatrist or psychotherapist or psychotherapy or mental health professional. A total of 2013 publications were identified which were systematically arranged according to the title and abstract with respect to the relevance for the question whether psychotherapy or associated professional groups are stigmatized. Only four of the articles were considered to be relevant. After advice from experts six further relevant articles could be found which did not appear in the databank search.


The review found evidence for both positive and negative stereotypes but not for other components of the stigmatization process.


At present there is no evidence for a stigma related to psychotherapy or to the professions of psychotherapists and psychiatrists.  相似文献   



Psychological distress among students is receiving growing attention in the scientific community as well as in the general public. There are counseling services available in student societies and universities which address psychological distress among students but scientific research in this area is rudimentary and poorly represented.

Problem in question

In order to present the prevalence, extent and type of psychological disorders in students and the alterations over time, an investigation was carried out to show which psychological complaints and disorders were present in students who consulted a psychotherapeutic counseling center. These data were compared with the psychological complaints of a student field study population. Furthermore, alterations in the psychological complaints and disorders of students over periods of 10 and 15 years will be presented.


The prevalence and change over time of psychological syndromes in students were identified by a comparison between an unselected sample of counseling center clients and several student field samples from the previous 15 years. The type of distress and severity of symptoms were measured with a Symptom Checklist (SCL-90-R), the Psychosocial Complaints List (PSB), the Satisfaction With Life And Studies Scale (LSZ), the diagnostic assessment according to International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision (ICD-10), the Complaints Severity Score (BSS) and Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF).


Previous results of investigations which showed that 20–25% of students suffer from psychological disorders could be confirmed in this study. However, 60–65% of the clients of a counseling center suffered from clinically relevant psychological disorders, which is significantly higher. The most common disorders were depressive moods, lack of self-confidence and exam anxiety, which can mostly be diagnostically assigned to adjustment, depression and anxiety disorders. The comparison with previous studies showed that the types and severity of psychological distress among students have remained stable over the last 15 years, with the exception of test anxiety which increased by 51% from 1993 to 2008. With respect to alcohol abuse, considerably less impairments were found than had been assumed based on the earlier investigations.


Psychological complaints and disorders are frequently found among students and they cause individual suffering as well as economic expenses. Noticeable was the obvious increase in clinically relevant exam anxiety. Psychological-psychotherapeutic counseling centers make an important contribution to screening, clinical assessment, primary health care and prevention of severe mental disorders among students and have shown a continuously increasing number of cases in recent years. Further studies especially in a process-outcome design of the mostly eclectic counseling centers are needed and possibilities will be presented.  相似文献   



In 2000/2001 the authors presented the theory and practice of the ecological approach to the psychotherapy of panic disorders. The aim of the present study was to investigate the psychotherapeutic effectiveness of its application, supplemented by cognitive behavioural elements. According to the ecological approach, panic disorder arises whenever external changes in the living conditions enforce changes in professional or interpersonal relationships, which had been previously postponed and/or avoided out of fear of their consequences.


A total of 24 therapies consisting of 11–20 sessions were examined. Patients were examined 5 times from the beginning of the therapy until at least 1 year after cessation. Standardized questionnaires for the diagnosis and severity of the panic syndrome were used including the Panic and Agoraphobia Scale (PAS), the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA), the Symptom Checklist (SCL) 90-R and a relationship questionnaire.


In the subjects’ self-evaluation 67% had recovered or showed only mild symptoms 1 year after therapy compared to 75% in the evaluation by the therapists. Effect sizes before and after therapy varied between 0.78 and 2.73 and all were significant. In addition, we developed a questionnaire on relationships, according to the ecological hypothesis. This showed that more than 80% of the subjects experienced essential changes in their relationships prior to the onset of the panic disorder requiring further developmental changes, which could be mastered with increasing success in the course of therapy.


Compared to other studies the combination of ecological and cognitive-behavioural approaches in this study resulted in impressive symptom and therapy reduction in less than 20 sessions.  相似文献   



Adolescents with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) are severely impaired in routine daily activities in the same way as adults. Therapy programs focus on improving everyday behavior. Goal attainment scaling (GAS) has already proven to be a suitable instrument for assessing treatment success with adult ADHD patients.

Material and methods

Goal attainment scaling was used in addition to standardized self-evaluation of core symptoms of ADHD in 49 adolescents aged 12-18 years old with a mean age of 14.14 years (standard deviation SD±1.59 years) with ADHD to operationalize treatment success of the cognitive behavior group therapy program SAVE. Behavior-oriented aims and criteria for target achievement were set. To examine treatment success changes were assessed at different time points (10 weeks before treatment, process evaluation during treatment and after treatment).


The adolescents in this study were able to define relevant goals together with the therapists. They focused on goals concerning organization of everyday life, attention, distraction and power of endurance. Goals were reached from the beginning of the study to post-evaluation, even before SAVE started, with great effects (d?=?1.85). Adolescents evaluated changes in symptoms during the course of the SAVE program in general (d?=?0.47) and attention deficits (d?=?0.45) as having significant effects. The reduction in symptoms (attention) was only moderately correlated with the target achievement.


The GAS method has been proven to be a practical instrument to assess treatment success for adolescents with ADHD. Further studies in a controlled design should focus on assessment of the influence of GAS as an intervention method.  相似文献   



The number of schizophrenic patients admitted to forensic hospitals according to section 63 of the German Criminal Code has increased continuously over the past years. Some researchers assume that these forensic patients form a group of patients with very complex mental disorders, a number of risk factors and insufficient pretreatment in general psychiatry. This study aimed to identify differences regarding the history of treatment of forensic and general psychiatric patients diagnosed with schizophrenia.


The matched samples included 72 male patients from forensic wards and 72 male patients from general psychiatric institutions diagnosed with schizophrenia. The history of psychiatric treatment was reconstructed by interviewing the patients as well as outpatient psychiatrists and patients’ legal custodians and by analyzing patient medical records.


In contrast to the general psychiatric patients, prior to admission forensic patients were less integrated into psychiatric care and showed a lower rate of treatment compliance. They also showed a higher rate of previous compulsory treatment because of aggressive behavior towards other persons as well as higher rates of treatment difficulties and violent behavior during previous inpatient treatment. Furthermore, forensic patients had a higher number of previous criminal convictions and had been convicted more often for violent offences. With regard to other relevant risk factors (e.g. comorbid substance abuse disorder, age, education, conduct disorder, antisocial personality disorder, previous exposure to violent and abusive behavior) the two patient groups were, however, comparable.


Regarding schizophrenic patients with comorbid substance abuse disorders, previous violent delinquency and violent behavior during previous inpatient treatment, an intensive outpatient aftercare should be arranged before they are discharged from general psychiatric institutions.  相似文献   



Somatic symptom attributions are of central importance in cognitive-behavioral models of the development, maintenance and treatment of hypochondriasis. However, the mode of symptom attribution has rarely been systematically investigated in these patients. Is a somatic mode of symptom attribution indeed specific for hypochondriasis and furthermore, how strongly is it associated with “doctor shopping”, a typical behavioral consequence of hypochondriasis?

Patients and methods

In this study 88 hypochondriacal, 52 depressive and 52 healthy persons were asked to complete the symptom interpretations questionnaire and several standardized symptom questionnaires. They also took part in two structured clinical interviews for the diagnosis of hypochondriasis and various other psychological disorders according to DSM-IV.


Somatic symptom attributions were associated specifically with hypochondriasis, while normalizing attributions characterized persons with low health anxiety. When examined as predictors in multiple regression models, in particular somatic attributions and the total of somatoform complaints predicted the intensity of health anxiety (R 2?=?0.69) and “doctor shopping” (R 2?=?0.48).


In the cognitive-behavioral treatment of hypochondriasis, patients should be encouraged to test normalizing explanations as alternatives to habitual somatic attributions of somatic disturbances.  相似文献   

This paper uses concepts from social networks and social exchange theories to describe the implementation of evidence-based practices in afterschool programs. The members of the LEGACY Together Afterschool Project team have been involved in conducting collaborative research to migrate a behavioral strategy that has been documented to reduce disruptive behaviors in classroom settings to a new setting—that of afterschool programs. We adapted the Paxis Institute’s version of the Good Behavior Game to afterschool settings which differ from in-school settings, including more fluid attendance, multiple age groupings, diverse activities that may take place simultaneously, and differences in staff training and experience (Barrish et al. in J Appl Behav Anal 2(2):119–124, 1969; Embry et al. in The Pax Good Behavior Game. Hazelden, Center City, 2003; Hynes et al. in J Child Serv 4(3):4–20, 2009; Kellam et al. in Drug Alcohol Depend 95:S5–S28, 2008; Tingstrom et al. in Behav Modif 30(2):225–253, 2006). This paper presents the experiences of the three adult groups involved in the implementation process who give first-person accounts of implementation: (1) university-based scientist-practitioners, (2) community partners who trained and provided technical assistance/coaching, and (3) an afterschool program administrator. We introduce here the AIMS model used to frame the implementation process conceptualized by this town–gown collaborative team. AIMS builds upon previous work in implementation science using four phases in which the three collaborators have overlapping roles: approach/engagement, implementation, monitoring, and sustainability. Within all four phases principles of Social Exchange Theory and Social Network Theory are highlighted.  相似文献   

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