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The present study examined stability and transitions in Transtheoretical stages of change for fruit intake in an adult cohort of 735 individuals not exposed to a planned intervention. Six assessments took place within a four-month period with varying time intervals using electronic questionnaires, measuring fruit intake, stage of change and demographic characteristics. Precontemplation and maintenance were the most stable stages of change, while preparation was the least stable. Longer time intervals showed lower stability, but frequent stage transitions also occurred in shorter time intervals. Seven transition profiles were distinguished. Sequences within transition profiles mostly showed stage transitions to adjacent stages, independent of the interval duration. Differences in fruit intake, age, level of education and ethnicity were found between different transition profiles. Stability rates and most transition sequences largely support the Transtheoretical Model. Results indicating potential deviations from the model, e.g. short-term stage instability and stage transition profiles not in accordance with the Transtheoretical Model are discussed.  相似文献   

In Stages of Change studies on dietary fat, standard algorithms allocate many respondents to the maintenance stage and their stage allocations are not always supported by objective criteria. In defining the preparation stage standard instruments emphasise inactivity allied to confident intention to change. In contrast Lamb and Joshi's (1996) staging instrument emphasises inconsistent effort, and thereby allocates inconsistently active respondents to preparation when a standard instrument might place them in action or maintenance. In the current cross-sectional study 375 respondents completed a standard algorithm, the Lamb and Joshi instrument and a 24-hour recall food diary. They also gave judgements of their current weight and diet. Unlike the standard instrument, the Lamb and Joshi instrument: (a) allocated fewer respondents to action/maintenance, (b) discriminated key behavioural stages by percent fat in diet, and (c) captured non-linear discontinuities in the respondents’ weight and diet self-perceptions. Such discontinuities in the psychosocial processes are predicted by the transtheoretical model, and support the claim that its stages are categorically distinct rather than artificially isolated points on a continuum. Distinguishing between respondents who describe themselves as consistently active and those who describe themselves as inconsistently active may help to overcome some apparent problems in the application of the transtheoretical model to behavioural change.  相似文献   

As the technology matures, fully autonomous vehicles (AVs) are on the corner. This calls for exploring the factors that might influence potential users’ perception and acceptance of AVs. Limited existing studies related to acceptance modeling investigated the effects of media and human on fully AVs’ beliefs. Hence, a media-based perception and adoption model (MPAM) is developed to investigate how information and opinion (from mass media and social media) affect human self-perception (including self-efficacy and subjective norms) and product value perception (including perceived usefulness and risks), which in turn drive users’ adoption intention to private AVs and public AVs as well. Through a questionnaire survey, 355 samples from two universities were collected in Beijing. The structural equation model results confirm that media channels have salient effects on consumer and product with different emphases. Mass media enhances potential users’ self-efficacy of fully AVs, while social media strengthens subjective norms. Both usefulness and risks of AVs are perceived simultaneously via mass media, whereas risks perception can be significantly eliminated by social media. All constructs of user’s self-perception and product perception are verified to drive users’ intention to using AVs and public AVs. Besides the theoretical and modeling contributions, practical implications are provided for the marketers and stakeholders in the early stages of AVs launch.  相似文献   

Encouraging the use of active travel modes, such as walking or cycling, can contribute to the negative impacts of car overuse, such as sedentarism and obesity, improving individuals' health. Thus, it is important to verify under which circumstances people are willing to use healthier travel modes. A frequently used model to understand walking behavior is Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior, and its extension, the Expanded Theory of Planned Behavior. Although this topic is widely investigated across the world, it is understudied in Brazilian culture. This study reports the psychological determinants of walking behavior in three Brazilian cities, indicating which theoretical model better fits the data: The Theory of Planned Behavior versus Extended Theory of Planned Behavior. Some 3296 residents of Distrito Federal, Florianópolis and Porto Alegre answered a 10-item scale. The face-to-face questionnaires were conducted in the participants’ residence. Most of the respondents were women, with age ranging from 18 to 101 years old. Structural Equation Modeling indicated the Theory of Planned Behavior be more powerful to explain walking behavior than the Expanded Theory of Planned Behavior. Perceived behavioral control and intention were the best predictors of walking. Results indicate that adding variables to the original model not always leads to better goodness of fit indices, suggesting that the components of the Theory of Planned Behavior are satisfactory to explain walking behavior in the Brazilian sample analyzed in this study.  相似文献   

We examine two prevailing, yet surprisingly contradictory, theories of human walking. The six determinants of gait are kinematic features of gait proposed to minimize the energetic cost of locomotion by reducing the vertical displacement of the body center of mass (COM). The inverted pendulum analogy proposes that it is beneficial for the stance leg to behave like a pendulum, prescribing a more circular arc, rather than a horizontal path, for the COM. Recent literature presents evidence against the six determinants theory, and a simple mathematical analysis shows that a flattened COM trajectory in fact increases muscle work and force requirements. A similar analysis shows that the inverted pendulum fares better, but paradoxically predicts no work or force requirements. The paradox may be resolved through the dynamic walking approach, which refers to periodic gaits produced almost entirely by the dynamics of the limbs alone. Demonstrations include passive dynamic walking machines that descend a gentle slope, and active dynamic walking robots that walk on level ground. Dynamic walking takes advantage of the inverted pendulum mechanism, but requires mechanical work to transition from one pendular stance leg to the next. We show how the step-to-step transition is an unavoidable energetic consequence of the inverted pendulum gait, and gives rise to predictions that are experimentally testable on humans and machines. The dynamic walking approach provides a new perspective, focusing on mechanical work rather than the kinematics or forces of gait. It is helpful for explaining human gait features in a constructive rather than interpretive manner.  相似文献   


In the sales literature it is standard practice for researchers to collect cross-sectional data from multiple salespeople, and to compare those salespeople on the data obtained. This between-person approach is suitable for research aiming to draw conclusions between salespeople. However, many salesperson processes are dynamic and vary within salespeople over time, requiring datasets with repeated-measures. This article highlights the need to adopt a within-person theoretical perspective in sales research. Critically, the article shows how our present understanding of boundary conditions may change depending on whether a between-person or within-person level of analysis is adopted. Using examples from the sales literature, we show how the practical implications from between-persons research designs do not necessarily generalize to the within-person level. Further, we explain the methodological and analytical considerations that researchers must account for when undertaking within-person research. Furthermore, the article provides decision criteria that help to identify when within-person analysis should be conducted, outlining analysis tools that are capable of correctly estimating within-person effects without bias. Examples of how within-person research can enhance theory within future sales research, and how within-person research may influence management implications are also discussed. Finally, potential remedies to within-person research barriers are given.  相似文献   

Correlated change between different personality traits has recently caught the attention of researchers studying personality development. We conducted two studies to examine age effects (Study 1) and effects of cognitive ability (Study 2) on this phenomenon. Results indicated that correlated change was relatively stable from adolescence through adulthood, and then increased after age 70. Second, correlated change was greater among traits that have been linked to the same developmental processes (e.g., social investment or maturation of specific neurological systems). Third, cognitive ability was negatively associated with correlated change. Collectively, our findings suggest that personality change is partly driven by broad mechanisms affecting multiple traits. Associations with age and cognitive ability provide important leads regarding the possible nature of these mechanisms.  相似文献   

The increasing use of digital technology-based retail services provides new opportunities for digital marketing. In this paper, we investigate how augmented reality (AR) technology can be leveraged as part of the firm's strategy. We explore the online purchase intention through AR smart glasses (ARSG), considering consumers' value assessment through a cost–benefit analysis and the influence of technical, experiential and social AR value drivers. We develop an augmented value-based adoption model addressing four main objectives: (1) Evaluate the effect of the perceived value of ARSG, (2) Evaluate the effect of immersion (experiential dimension), (3) Evaluate the effect of AR devices and technical complexity (technical dimension) and (4) Evaluate the importance of subjective norms (social dimension) on the online purchase intention through AR technology. Based on an ESIC Tech Lab experiment with two types of ARSG from market leaders and AR retail apps, the study uses survey data from 253 participants. The results suggest that the technical dimension has an ambiguous effect, with tech-complexity enhancing directly the perceived value of ARSG for online purchase while reducing the net value of consumers' economic cost–benefit analysis. We find strong evidence that the experiential and social AR dimensions (in the form of immersion and subjective norm) have a significant positive influence on consumers' purchase intention online, which are better predictors than the pure economic cost–benefit assessment (through usefulness and difficulty). Furthermore, the technical innovativeness of consumers is found to increase directly the online purchase intention through ARSG.  相似文献   

Social diffusion theory has recently been recognized as a promising approach for large-scale disease prevention and health promotion efforts. This paper describes how principles and tactics from social cognitive theory, operant psychology, social psychology, social marketing, and the overarching stages of change model can be used to further develop the conceptual and strategic (technological) bases of social diffusion theory. Within an integrative framework, we discuss in detail more effective ways to train peer mediators of behavior change as one example of how social diffusion theory can benefit from this conceptual and strategic reformulation. We then further illustrate the use of peer mediators of change in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and cancer prevention intervention studies with both interventions training peer mediators to diffuse information, norms, and risk reduction strategies. Although the results of these studies showed reductions in high-risk behaviors across population segments, more closely following the framework discussed in this article should further increase the behavior change potential of future interventions based on social diffusion theory.  相似文献   

Intersections between Grawe’s General Psychotherapy and Prochaska’s Transtheoretical Model were investigated in group therapy in a longitudinal design. It was assumed that general change mechanisms have an impact on patients’ stages of change. Specifically, the main hypotheses were that experiential change mechanisms (ECM; clarification of meaning, problem actuation, emotional bond and group cohesion) should be especially relevant for early stages of change (precontemplation and contemplation), whereas behavioral change mechanisms (BCM; resource activation, mastery/coping and task and goals) should be especially relevant for late stages of change (action and maintenance). Therefore, 140 outpatients attending different types of group therapy, with a typical duration of 8 sessions, were investigated. Patients completed the Form for the Evaluation of Therapeutic Processes in Group Therapy (FEPiG), the University of Rhode Island Change Assessment, short version (URICA-S) and several symptomatology measures (BDI-II, BSCL and IIP-32) at two measuring times. Intersections were analysed through correlational analyses, cross-lagged panels and a path-analytic model, supporting the hypotheses. Specifically, results suggested that experiencing ECM at t1 predicted higher levels of reported contemplation at t2. Patients experiencing higher levels of BCM at t1 reported higher levels of action at t2. Clinical implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The authors examined holistic wellness factors and drinking and driving behaviors among undergraduate students. Two factors of the Indivisible Self Wellness Model, the Coping Self and the Physical Self, decreased the odds of engaging in drinking and driving behavior.  相似文献   

采用logistic回归分析,考察了322名农村中小学教师的人口学变量和工作压力、行动控制风格、行动控制策略对其工作倦怠的风险预测能力,并借助结构方程模型进一步分析了各心理变量间的关系,从PSI理论角度诠释了倦怠形成的机制。结果发现:中专、高级职称、中高压力水平、低行动控制策略和状态导向是导致中小学教师工作倦怠的危险性因素;行动导向者的工作压力、工作倦怠及行动控制策略运用水平显著好于状态导向者;工作压力、行动控制风格对工作倦怠的直接效应显著;行动控制风格和行动控制策略在工作压力和工作倦怠间起中介作用。因此,PSI视角下的工作压力-工作倦怠模型能够更有效地解释工作倦怠的形成机制;借助PSI理论构建的干预训练,有助于预防和缓解工作倦怠。  相似文献   

Although they are aware of the possible risk, a high number of pedestrians still violate the red light indication and cross the road illegally. This hazardous behaviour may cause incidents between them and the road vehicles. In order to reduce this illegal behaviour, the traffic signals are equipped with countdown timers, in order to provide more information and decrease pedestrians’ noncompliant behaviour. The main purpose of the present paper is to investigate the influence of countdown timers on pedestrians’ compliance regarding their crossing behaviour at intersections as well as to examine the parameters affecting walking speed adaptation. In the context of this analysis two regression models were developed. The first model is a binary logistic regression model which examines pedestrians’ self reported compliance. The results showed that the gender, the age, the perceived comfort and the seconds remaining for the onset of red light are the main parameters that affect compliance. The second model is an ordinal regression model which examines the factors that make pedestrians adapt their walking speed as they are crossing the road and are informed by the countdown timers about the second remaining for the termination of the green phase. The results of the second model revealed that the age, the compliance and the perceived assistance that the countdown timer provides for the walking speed adaptation affect the minimum remaining time before a pedestrian accelerates.  相似文献   

Eating disorders (EDs) have become one of the biggest mental-health problems in the last decades, especially among youth and women. The present study aims to analyse the suitability of Prochaska and DiClemente’s Transtheoretical Model of Change when applied to the living experiences of people diagnosed with ED and their carers. For this purpose, we applied a narrative biographic approach to the ways in which people face their problems and vital development in the ED domain. Through the narrative analysis of these autobiographies, we aimed to study the patients’ own notions of ‘change’, ‘problem’ and ‘vital trajectory’. We focused on five autobiographic interviews of persons diagnosed as ED (four women and a man). The analysis yields three discourses which organize and give sense to our participants’ vital transitions: a discourse of functional adaptation to events and experiences; one that pays attention to random events and people entering your life; and one that has the personal initiative and agency of an individual agent at its core. It also illuminates particular ways of understanding determination, contemplation and pre-contemplation. These ways of understanding change are shown to extend the possible ways of thinking about people’s lives and ED patients’ perspectives.  相似文献   

The continuous growth of the world population and its agglomeration in urban cities, demand an increasing need for mobility, which in turn contributes to the worsening of traffic congestion and pollution in cities. Therefore, it is necessary to promote active travel, such as walking and cycling. However, this is not an easy task, as pedestrians and cyclists are the most vulnerable link in the system, and low levels of safety, security and comfort can contribute to choosing private cars over active travel. Hence, it is essential to understand the determinants that affect the perceptions of pedestrians and cyclists, in order to support the definition of policies that promote the use of active modes of transport. Thus, this article fills an important gap in the literature by identifying and discussing the objective and subjective determinants that affect the perceptions of safety, security and comfort of pedestrians and cyclists, through a systematic review of the literature published in the last ten years. It followed the PRISMA statement guidelines and checklist, resulting in 68 relevant articles that were carefully analyzed. The results show that the perception of safety is negatively affected by fear of traffic-related injuries, fear of falling related to infrastructure and infrastructure maintenance, and negative behavior of drivers. Regarding security, crime was the major concern of pedestrians and cyclists, either with emphasis on the person or on personal property. With regard to comfort, high levels of air and noise pollution, lack of vegetation, bad weather conditions, slopes and long commuting distances negatively affected the users' perception. The results also suggest that poor lighting affects all domains, providing a negative perception of safety, security and comfort. Similarly, the presence of people is seen as negatively influencing the perception of safety and comfort, while the absence of people negatively impacts the perception of security. Therefore, the findings achieved by this study are key to assist in the definition of transport policies and infrastructure creation in large smart cities. Additionally, new transport policies are proposed and discussed.  相似文献   

This study compared the ability of seven statistical models to distinguish between linked and unlinked crimes. The seven models utilised geographical, temporal, and modus operandi information relating to residential burglaries (n = 180), commercial robberies, (n = 118), and car thefts (n = 376). Model performance was assessed using receiver operating characteristic analysis and by examining the success with which the seven models could successfully prioritise linked over unlinked crimes. The regression‐based and probabilistic models achieved comparable accuracy and were generally more accurate than the tree‐based models tested in this study. The Logistic algorithm achieved the highest area under the curve (AUC) for residential burglary (AUC = 0.903) and commercial robbery (AUC = 0.830) and the SimpleLogistic algorithm achieving the highest for car theft (AUC = 0.820). The findings also indicated that discrimination accuracy is maximised (in some situations) if behavioural domains are utilised rather than individual crime scene behaviours and that the AUC should not be used as the sole measure of accuracy in behavioural crime linkage research.  相似文献   

Computational Models of Emotions (CMEs) are software systems designed to explain the phenomenon of emotions. The mechanisms implemented in this type of computational models are based on human emotion theories reported in the literature and designed to provide intelligent agents with affective capabilities and improve human-computer interaction. However, despite the growing interest in this type of models, the development process of CMEs does not seem to follow formal software methodologies. In this paper, we present an analysis of CMEs from a software engineering perspective. We aim to identify what elements of software engineering are used in the development process of CMEs and to demonstrate how some software engineering techniques may support and improve their development process. We discuss a series of challenges to be addressed in order to take advantage of software engineering techniques: (1) definition of guidelines to help decide which emotion theories should be implemented computationally, (2) homogenization of terms about human emotions, their components, phases, and cycles implemented in CMEs, (3) design of CMEs whose components can be reusable, (4) definition of standard criteria for comparative analysis between CMEs, (5) identification of software engineering principles, concepts, and design practices useful in the construction of CMEs, and (6) definition of standard frameworks to validate CMEs.  相似文献   

近年来,社会变迁导致的文化、心理与行为变化及其相互建构已经成为心理学的研究热点。社会变迁研究通常涉及和变迁相关的时间效应、时代效应以及和变迁无关的年龄效应。在考察变迁趋势及其影响因素时,常用的研究设计有跨时间比较、跨代际比较、跨地区比较(历史重构)等方法;常用的分析方法有传统的相关和回归分析和现代的时间序列分析(比如交叉滞后相关和格兰杰因果检验)等。由于每一种设计都有其优点和不足,在具体研究中,研究者要根据研究的问题和可操作性选择合适的方法;如果可能,最好同时采用多种方法,以寻求基于不同方法的聚合证据。  相似文献   

以理性决策为基础的锻炼行为理论被认为是理解身体活动的主导体系, 它提供了与身体活动相关的认知构念作为有价值的信息。基于社会生态模型设计的行为干预措施, 因表现出了更好的效果而备受关注。近期研究表明, 积极的运动认知和当前体育环境都没能很好地促进个人锻炼习惯的养成, 因此有必要探索新的理论体系来阐明个人锻炼习惯的形成机制。解释身体活动的最新体系是双系统理论, 由于其考虑了身体活动的无意识和快乐决定因素, 有望提供一个更广泛的动机视角。一方面, 多个有代表性的身体活动双系统模型, 从简单的自发路径, 到情境线索与锻炼习惯, 再到突出自动情感评价作用的复杂概念模型, 阐明了系统1的构建, 结合锻炼行为理论所关注的系统2, 为模型的构建提供了依据。另一方面, 通过对双系统的竞争、协调和层级控制原则的分析, 为模型的控制提供了建议。经典的强化学习框架解释了双系统模型的构建与控制原则:在模型的构建方面, 无模型与基于模型的强化学习分别表示系统1和系统2。在模型的控制方面, Dyna协作架构与分层强化学习, 为身体活动可能是一种相互协作、分层执行的复杂行动组合提供了合理解释。最后提出强化学习视角下锻炼者-体育环境的互动模式, 试图从一个全新的角度探讨锻炼行为。  相似文献   

Meta-analysis refers to a set of statistical procedures used to summarize and integrate many empirical studies that focus on one issue. This numerical method of integrating research findings is said to be superior to the narrative type of reviews because it is more objective, reliable, and rigorous. Moreover, the meta-analytic approach is supposedly capable of resolving research controversies, strengthening empirical hypotheses, and discovering new relationships among variables. In this study, these claims are examined and found to be wanting. Some objections to the use of meta-analysis as a means of substantiating theoretical assertions are raised with reference to the rationale of experimentation and to how knowledge evolves. It is concluded that it is inappropriate to apply meta-analysis to integrate theoretical research.  相似文献   

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