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国家理论的新进展——各种探讨、争论点和议程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
B.杰索普  艾彦 《世界哲学》2002,4(1):4-19,51
改刊伊始 ,我们隆重推出“当代‘马克思研究’”专栏 ,目的是在彰显我们对马克思思想的重视的同时 ,为国内的有关研究领域和学者提供重要的信息资料 ;本期和下一期选刊的有关文章 ,基本上都与国内外目前正在讨论的理论热点问题紧密相关 ,可以反映当代西方马克思研究的动态和发展趋势。毋庸赘言 ,刊发这些文章、观点并不代表本编辑部的态度和倾向 ,只试图为国内的研究者进行客观介绍 ;同时 ,由于视野和学术水平的限制 ,我们的选择一定有不足之处 ,希望大家多提宝贵意见。另外 ,本刊译文体例已发生变化 ,敬请投稿者加以关注 ;并提出意见和建议。  相似文献   

各种新的研究方向 近年来,虽然人们对于那些从理论上说明国家的、具有更多的神秘色彩和抽象色彩的方式兴趣越来越小,但是,对于各种国家和国家权力的实质性研究却呈现出突破性的发展.  相似文献   

进入本世纪以来,有人抓住列宁论宗教的两句话进行断章取义的歪曲概括,说什么列宁的宗教观是"鸦片论"和"斗争论",背离了马恩的历史唯物主义宗教观,导致苏联宗教工作的失败和我国宗教工作的失误,直到改革开放后我们党提出"引导论"和"适应论"这种错误才逐步得到纠正。本文根据马列原著和党的文献阐述了马克思、列宁相关论述的原意及其遭到的歪曲和我们党的立场态度,并分析了产生这种歪曲概括的过程和主要原因。  相似文献   

A selective review of some recent theoretical developments in the field of close relationships is presented. We describe demographic developments reflecting flux in relationships and the family and what may be viewed as a revolution in gender relations and the family over the past three to four decades. Also reviewed are theories on the development, maintenance, and ending of relationships, as well as the “dark side" of closerelationships. We conclude that the close-relationships field is likely to continue to develop and prosper as people search for answers to daunting relationship problems.  相似文献   

Recent Developments   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
《Expert Evidence》1997,5(3):110-112

《Expert Evidence》1997,5(4):149-154

The cognitive and behavioral interventions can be as efficacious as antidepressant medications and more enduring, but some patients will be more likely to respond to one than the other. Recent work has focused on developing sophisticated selection algorithms using machine-learning approaches that answer the question, “What works best for whom?” Moreover, the vast majority of people suffering from depression reside in low- and middle-income countries where access to either psychotherapy or medications is virtually nonexistent. Great strides have been made in training nonspecialist providers (known as task sharing) to overcome this gap. Finally, recent work growing out of evolutionary psychology suggests that antidepressant medications may suppress symptoms at the expense of prolonging the underlying episode so as to increase the risk of relapse whenever someone tries to stop. We address each of these developments and their cumulative implications.  相似文献   

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