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Social scientists have mostly taken it for granted that William Foote Whyte's sociological classic Street Corner Society (SCS, 1943) belongs to the Chicago school of sociology's research tradition or that it is a relatively independent study which cannot be placed in any specific research tradition. Social science research has usually overlooked the fact that William Foote Whyte was educated in social anthropology at Harvard University, and was mainly influenced by Conrad M. Arensberg and W. Lloyd Warner. What I want to show, based on archival research, is that SCS cannot easily be said either to belong to the Chicago school's urban sociology or to be an independent study in departmental and idea‐historical terms. Instead, the work should be seen as part of A. R. Radcliffe‐Brown's and W. Lloyd Warner's comparative research projects in social anthropology.  相似文献   

This article examines the life and career of the sociologist Mark Benney. It describes the processes, not all of them edifying, by which he made the transition from life as a career criminal, via literature, to become a sociologist first at the London School of Economics and then at the University of Chicago. Benney's career is then used to illuminate particular episodes in the history of sociology, including the attempt to introduce into British sociology in the period after the Second World War quantitative survey techniques of the kind that were then becoming more widely used in the United States, and his work with David Riesman on the Interview Project, Riesman's attempt to develop a empirically based sociology of the interview.  相似文献   

Consumer psychology is an interdisciplinary subject that ties together theories and methods from psychology, marketing, advertising, economics, sociology, and anthropology. Since the 1960s, the field of consumer psychology has been the focus of hundreds of research contributions and has emerged as a major research field. However, no study has yet provided a unified perspective on the evolution of the field. This research provides a holistic, quantitative overview of 728 papers in consumer psychology from 1960 to 2016. Utilizing a bibliometric approach and networking methods, it maps out the evolution of the research, provides a comprehensive view of the dynamics of the field, and identifies the key authors and their collaboration networks. Results show that this field has grown dramatically, especially since 2006, with research focusing on psychology, business, and social science, with themes extending to cross culture and gender difference. The findings also indicate that the field of consumer psychology is still developing and many themes remain undeveloped.  相似文献   

In the 1950s and 1960s scholars from the University of Chicago and the Ateneo de Manila created social scientific knowledge that helped establish the Peace Corps as a Cold War institution in the Philippines. Central were the social scientists at the University of Chicago and the Ateneo de Manila University who established a knowable postcolonial subject: “the Filipino,” which resulted from their research on Philippine values. In this context, the Ateneo/Chicago social scientists developed the “SIR,” the “smooth interpersonal relation” model that entails the notion that Filipinos and Filipinas particularly valued this nonconfrontational skill set among people. The SIR model was taught by social science experts to early Peace Corps volunteers as they prepared for their assignments in the Philippines. The article shows how the SIR model could cause distress and confusion as it was applied by Peace Corps volunteers in the Philippines.  相似文献   

Robert Park's „Notes on the Origins of the Society for Social Research”︁ represent an important document previously published only in the in-house Bulletin of the Society for Social Research. They are presented here, along with an introduction which indicates the generally unacknowledged importance of the society and suggests five themes in Park's „Notes”︁: the impact of W. I. Thomas on Chicago sociology, the role of the society in the Chicago department, the city as a research laboratory, influences on Park's work, and the importance of the pragmatic perspective.  相似文献   

For some time psychologists have been employing life history methods in their work. Perhaps the key publication in this regard is Erik Erikson 's (1975)book Life History and the Historical Moment. In fact, life history methods were pioneered by anthropologists and taken up with considerable enthusiasm by sociologists. A central location for the pioneering of life history methods by sociologists was the Chicago School in the 1930s.A range of innovative life history studies were generated here as part of the wide-ranging studies of the urban environment undertaken by the sociology school. In this article, we look at some of the possibilities of life history work, but are particularly concerned with analyzing the dilemmas that led to a decline in life history methods. The last section examines the rehabilitation of life history methods and puts forward a number of arguments as to why life history methods are particularly suitable for what Harvey (1989) called the "condition of post-modernity."  相似文献   

In French Canada in Transition (1943) and a set of related essays written between 1933 and 1941, Everett Hughes, a key figure in the "Second Chicago School" of sociology developed a novel and noteworthy conceptualization of social class. This contribution, which was not recognized outside of French-language sociology in Quebec, was an integral element of Hughes's "interpretive institutional ecology" theoretical frame of reference. It combined elements of the classical ecological theory of class (human ecology, functionalism, Simmel), aspects of a Weber-inspired analysis of class, status, and political power, and elements of a proto-dependency analysis of Quebec's industrialization in the 1930s.  相似文献   

The ecological perspective on organizational change represents the most significant development in contemporary organization research. The two reigning paradigms explain organizational change in terms of ‘environmental selection’ and ‘adaptation,’ respectively. What is generally unrecognized is that these developments are anticipated in the writings of the Chicago School of Sociology–specifically in their model of Ecological, Economic, and Cultural Organization. Their writings also provide a novel examination of organization-environment relations in terms of natural history, social organization and disorganization, and social control. The Chicago School investigations did not contribute directly to recent developments. Their theoretical approach was neither formalized in published work nor persistently adopted in research efforts, and at the end of Chicago's dominance it became obscured. Many elements of the Chicago model have nonetheless continued in the writings of community theorists linked to Chicago. It is from these theorists that contemporary organization research has drawn its ecological perspective.  相似文献   

Lester R. Kurtz's introduction to Robert Park's “Notes on the Origins of the Society for Social Research” (JHBS, October 1982) contains several errors of fact and understates the significance of the society for an understanding of the achievement of Chicago sociology. The role of the society as an institutional mechanism for consolidating and integrating a research group into a “school” is discussed.  相似文献   

追踪研究因其可以得到比横断研究更有说服力的变量关系论证, 在心理学等科学中具有重要地位。梳理国内以心理学为主的相关领域中追踪数据分析方法研究的发表现状、主要解决的研究问题和模型发展。追踪研究可以进行均值差异比较、分析多变量相互影响、描述总体发展趋势及差异和探究心理动态变化过程。近20年的研究热点和发展思路也集中在上述研究问题当中, 特别是总体发展趋势及差异、多变量相互影响、总体发展趋势与多变量相互影响的融合、追踪研究设计、缺失数据等议题上。最后, 比较国内外研究的差异, 并结合交叉学科对国内追踪研究未来发展做出展望。  相似文献   

This paper records the Polish aspects of P. F. Lazarsfeld's sociointellectual biography and examines his impact on Polish sociology. The analysis is divided into three chronological parts. In the 1930s, Lazarsfeld's empirical work inspired Polish sociologists in their studies on unemployment. In the late 1950s and 1960s, his model of empirical social research shaped the style of sociological practice in Poland. In the 1990s, some of Lazarsfeld's substantive contributions, mainly in the area of election studies, were taken up in Polish sociology. Lazarsfeld's influence on Polish sociology was conditioned by changes in Polish society and sociology, which is emphasized in this analysis. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

British sociology was established as an academic discipline between 1945 and 1965, just as the British Empire was gearing up for a new phase of developmental colonialism backed by the social and other sciences. Many parts of the emerging sociological discipline became entangled with colonialism. Key themes and methods in sociology and the staff of sociology departments emerged from this colonial context. Historians have tended to place postwar British sociology in the context of expanding higher education and the welfare state, and have overlooked this colonial constellation. The article reconstructs this forgotten moment of disciplinary founding and explores three of the factors that promoted colonial sociology: the Colonial Social Science Research Council, the so‐called Asquith universities, and the social research institutes in the colonies; and the involvement of sociologists from the London School of Economics in training colonial officials.  相似文献   

Interdisciplinary partnerships foster innovation to address pressing social problems. This paper describes an interdisciplinary partnership called the Chicago Food System Collaborative (CFSC) composed of a team of partners from four academic institutions and three community-based organizations representing a total of eight disciplines that included: community development and community organizing, community psychology, geography, nursing, nutrition, public health, sociology, and urban planning and policy. Partners came together to address the issue of access to healthy foods and nutrition in a working class African American neighborhood. We analyze and discuss the core principles that guided the partnership and its impact across three dimensions: understanding through interdisciplinary action research, building capacity, and facilitating innovations in practices and policies. Despite the challenges of interdisciplinary partnerships, the potential benefits and impact of such efforts reflect their value as a comprehensive approach to addressing complex social problems.  相似文献   

Donald N. Levine. Visions of the Sociological Tradition. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 1995. 365 pp. $47.50 (cloth). 15.95 (paper). ISBN 0-22647547-6. A book by so eminent a colleague as Donald Levine merits attention whatever the subject matter. And such an effort prefixed by the word “visions” deserves special note. For it may be expected from a person who has spent a lifetime pursuing systematic thinking about the sociological tradition that he will offer some visions that should be helpful for everyone in that very tradition. Visions we need, I think, if there should be a valid justification in continuing what we have been doing in sociology since its foundation. The twenty-first century is close at hand, and it seems worth while to think about the future of the field. Let me begin with an unequivocal statement. I urge all serious social scientists to read this book. The enormity of the enterprise, coupled with the essential seriousness of the author, who offers us the harvest of thirty years of his thinking about sociology, earn the book broad treatment and discussion in the field. But what exactly is that “field”? For Levine, the field of sociology is an enormous intellectual enterprise that started right with Aristotle, i.e., more than two thousand years ago. And not only did it start somewhat earlier than those of us believed who thought it began with Auguste Comte, but it enlists among its contributors almost every thinker who played any significant role in West European and North American thinking during those last twenty centuries. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

‘The body’ has become a significant topic of theoretical discussion within social scientific writing, as well as within qualitative research methods debate (especially in the sociology of health and illness). This paper argues that these trends are, paradoxically, far less apparent with the sociology of religion, and virtually non-existent within the study of Islam and Muslims in Britain. On the basis of fieldwork experiences with British Muslim chaplains, I explore how visible markers of difference and identity that are inscribed on the body of the researcher (especially age, gender and race) can have important implications for the data that one is – or is not – able to collect. The paper considers how researchers are ‘moved about’ fieldwork sites by research participants, and how our physical transitions around different contexts (homes, corridors, wards, cells, etc.) and by different means (on foot, by car) require particular physical behaviour in relation to the socio-cultural rules and institutional norms that govern these spaces.  相似文献   

The paper recalls my response to Berger’s and Luckmann’s book on reading it shortly after its initial publication. It seeks to convey why it was that I failed to make use of the book at that time, even though I recognised it as an outstanding contribution to my intended field of research, and how later I came to see that this may have been a lost opportunity. The story touches upon diverse important issues including the relationship between epistemology and the sociology of knowledge; the epistemic authority of the natural sciences; the relevance of causal accounting as topic and resource in sociology; the importance of Durkheim in the sociology of knowledge; and the great value of Berger’s and Luckmann’s book as a corrective to the undue individualism that has long been a feature of the social sciences in the English-speaking world. Even so, the paper is more recollection than analysis, and unreliable recollection at that, after many decades in which there has been time to forget, or even to reconstruct, a very great deal.  相似文献   

This study presents an exploratory theoretical framework that analyzes the extent by which the contexts of classroom instruction mediate the effects of instructional strategies on achievement. The study first presents the two main tasks that teachers face in classrooms-teaching, and controlling the social order. The study then elaborates on formal and informal instructional strategies that teachers use to manage these tasks. The main foci of the study is to show that the effects of these different instructional strategies on student achievements vary by grade level. The results suggest that the contexts of instruction determine the magnitude and direction of the effects of instructional strategies on achievement. Positive effects on student achievement appear when a functional congruence occurs between teachers' instructional strategies and the contexts wherein they are used. The analyses suggest that changes in the cognitive, social, and institutional contexts of classrooms may change the relative efficacy of specific instructional strategies. Consequently, researchers should pay more attention to the changes in the sociology of classrooms during students' school careers. This study was supported by a post-doctoral fellowship from the Fulbright Foundation and by a small research grant from The Spencer Foundation. My wholehearted appreciation is given to the support I received from the Foundations. I am especially grateful to Charles Bidwell from the University of Chicago, who encouraged me to pursue this study during my post-doctoral visit in 1994–95. Discussions with Benjamin Wright and his warm support have been more than essential. The hospitality and the academic environment at the NORC and the University of Chicago have done wonders to the fruition of ideas advanced in this study. Yechezkel Dar and Ruth Butler made suggestions to the improvement of this article. Daniel Shalem and Rivka Berman assisted with editorial as well as substantive comments. The reviewers ofSocial Psychology of Education insightfully suggested ways to improve the final version.  相似文献   

Counselling psychology in the UK has evolved from the disciplines of psychology, sociology and philosophy, but more slowly than its counterpart in the USA. Counselling psychologists, it is argued, have the skills and training to integrate good practice with rigorous research. Expertise in rigorous research methods, both quantitative and qualitative, and skill in identifying new paradigms, make the interface between practice and research in counselling psychology an especially fruitful area for study.  相似文献   

In post-Sputnik America, when many policymakers and social scientists feared the Soviet Union had a technological advantage over the United States, assessing the relative importance of patents for inventive activity and examining whether scientific research constituted a public good were paramount concerns. The neoliberals of the University of Chicago and the planners of the Cowles Commission both spoke to these issues. This paper sheds light on their views on patents and public goods in the late 1950s and early 1960s by examining representatives of Cowles and Chicago, Kenneth Arrow and Ronald Coase, respectively. Furthermore, it evaluates whether their views on patents and public goods clashed with the interests of RAND, at which both Arrow and Coase worked at some point during this time period. The paper argues that the Chicago-neoliberal position of Coase undermined the interests of RAND, while the Cowles-planning conclusions of Arrow furthered those interests.  相似文献   

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