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This study investigated parenting behaviors of mothers and fathers of clinically anxious preschool children (with or without depressive comorbidity) and healthy comparison children. Studies assessing children from early school age onwards have found that parental control, rejection, and inconsistent discipline are associated with the presence of children’s internalizing symptoms/disorders. Despite the scarcity of studies investigating these associations at preschool age, we assumed that findings with older children would also apply to children in this age group. In a cross-sectional study we assessed N = 176 children of preschool age (M = 5; 2 years) and both of their parents. A diagnostic interview (Preschool Age Psychiatric Assessment) was conducted to determine children’s psychiatric diagnoses, yielding the following results: a group of n = 67 children with pure anxiety disorders (AD group), a group of n = 38 children with anxiety disorders with depressive comorbidity (AD/DC group), and a comparison group of n = 71 children without psychiatric disorders. Both parents completed the German extended version of the Alabama Parenting Questionnaire. We evaluated maternal depressive symptoms and children’s temperament as further correlates. All variables that differed significantly between groups were entered into multinomial logistic regression analyses to test which variables predict group membership. When comparing each of the two anxiety groups with the comparison group we obtained the following results: (1) Inconsistent paternal discipline and maternal depressive symptoms increased and children’s positive affectivity decreased the probability of children of being in the AD group rather than in the comparison group. (2) Maternal overinvolvement, maternal depressive symptoms and children’s negative affectivity increased and children’s positive affectivity decreased the probability of children of belonging to the AD/DC group rather than to the comparison group. When comparing the two anxiety groups with each other, we found that inconsistent paternal discipline increased and children’s negative affectivity decreased the probability of children of being in the AD group rather than in the AD/DC group. The results suggest that paternal parenting behaviors show different associations with internalizing disorders at preschool age than maternal parenting behaviors. This underlines the importance of including fathers in the prevention and treatment of internalizing disorders at preschool age.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined gender and age variations in the use of emotion words during mother–child conversations about experiences. Thirty-two middle-class, Spanish-speaking, Peruvian mothers and their 3- and 5-year-old children participated in this study. Conversations were audiotaped, transcribed, and coded for number, types of emotions discussed, and conversational contexts in which the emotion word was embedded. Age differences were found only in children's use of emotion words. Gender differences were found only in mothers' use of emotion words. Findings are discussed in relation to socialization practices of emotional expression and gender in middle-class Peruvian society. Our results support and provide a developmental perspective on findings obtained in studies of adult emotional expression across various cultures.  相似文献   

Benenson  Joyce F.  Morash  Deanna  Petrakos  Harriet 《Sex roles》1998,38(11-12):975-985
The emotional closeness between mothers andtheir children was examined to determine if motherdaughter pairs exhibit closer emotional relationshipsthan mother son pairs. Forty-one mother childpredominantly Caucasian dyads were videotaped during asemistructured play setting. The children were 4 (10males and 10 females) and 5 years of age (10 males and11 females). Emotional closeness was defined as physical proximity, mutual eye contact, and global levelof enjoyment. Results demonstrated that compared toboys, girls were physically closer to their mothers,engaged in more mutual eye contact with their mothers, and were rated higher on global enjoyment.Results are consistent with Chodorow's theory thatgender identity development is related to the emotionalrelationships that develop between children and their mothers.  相似文献   

以握笔画圆为测查任务,考察了学龄前儿童握笔姿势的发展趋势及特点.结果表明3.5-5.5岁是儿童握笔姿势的迅速发展期,大部分儿童在5.5岁发展到成熟的握笔姿势,5.5-6.5岁发展相对平缓.学龄前儿童握笔姿势的发展趋势表现为自然阶段和过渡阶段握笔姿势的减少,成熟阶段握笔姿势的不断增多.中美儿童握笔姿势的发展趋势基本一致,但是中国学龄前儿童使用成熟阶段握姿的比率要低于美国儿童.  相似文献   

This study sought to examine the direction of causation between language delay and two externalizing problems; inattention and aggression. Autoregressive fixed effects models were fitted to data from 25,474 children (age 1.5 to 5 years; 50.8% boys) in the population-based longitudinal Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort Study (MoBa), to model the direction of causality for language delay and inattention and aggression, respectively. The most parsimonious model for the relationship between language delay and inattention was one where both common factors and reciprocal causation were estimated. Adjusted for common factors, language delay was estimated to have a non-significant effect on inattention by b?=?0.12 (p?=?0.06), and inattention to have a significant effect on language delay by b?=?0.19 (p?=?0.03). The most parsimonious model for the direction of causality for language delay and aggression was one where the entire association could be explained by language delay having effect on aggression b?=?0.12 (p?<?0.02). It appears that while language delay can best be conceptualized as an epiphenomenon of inattention partly related to both common factors and causal processes, aggression can best be conceptualized as caused by language delay. This illumination of the hypothetical causal links between two common problem domains in preschool-aged children has clear implications on where to implement interventions to prevent co-occurrence of language delay and externalizing problems.  相似文献   

大量研究已经表明,消极道德情绪可以促进幼儿的亲社会行为,但积极道德情绪对幼儿亲社会行为的促进作用仍然缺乏全面探索。安慰行为是幼儿的典型亲社会行为,本研究使用实验法,采取想象启动和实际启动两种范式,考察积极道德情绪对3-5岁257名幼儿的安慰行为的影响。研究发现,幼儿的安慰行为发展具有年龄特征,4岁是幼儿安慰行为发展的转变关键期,更有意义的是,研究证明积极道德情绪对幼儿的安慰行为具有促进效应。本研究结果能为有效培养儿童的安慰行为提供有益建议。  相似文献   

This study used quantitative and qualitative techniques to examine the role of health, age, and duration of illness among people with multiple sclerosis (MS) in their economic well-being. Participants were 113 adults (31 males and 82 females) with MS who lived in urban and rural regions of Australia. The results demonstrated that health and age had a significant impact on both the economic well-being and psychological adjustment of people who contract this disorder. Different health variables predicted different aspects of economic well-being. Fatigue was the major health variable that predicted costs of MS and economic pressure, with age also predicting economic pressure, whereas income levels were predicted by cognitive confusion and mobility problems. Duration of illness, gender, and urban/rural location were not significant predictors of the economic variables. These results demonstrate the importance of obtaining multiple measures of economic well-being, as well as a broad range of health-related measures, in determining the impact of MS on the economic well-being of people with this disorder.  相似文献   

We examined whether physically and sexually abused mothers display lower levels of self-control, whether this explains their higher tendency to abuse their own children, and if this results in lower levels of self-control among their children. In a cross-sectional study, 40 abused and 47 matched, non-abused mothers completed validated self-control and child abuse potential questionnaires. Their preschool children (2.3–3.7 years) were tested for self-control with the effortful control battery and delay of gratification test. Relationships and mediations were tested using stepwise regression analyses and bootstrap mediation tests, while controlling for potential confounders. Mothers with a history of abuse had a significantly higher potential to abuse their children (p < .001) and lower levels of self-control (p < .05) compared to non-abused mothers. Maternal self-control predicted child abuse potential (p < .001) while controlling for maternal history of abuse, revealing that self-control partially mediated the relation between past abuse and current abuse potential. Next, child abuse potential was found to be a borderline significant predictor of child self-control (p = .05) on the delay of gratification task but not on the effortful control battery. We did not discover a correlation between child self-control and maternal self-control. These findings suggest that self-control may be a potentially important mechanism in the intergenerational cycle of child abuse. Further investigation on the topic is needed to confirm this hypothesis, for example through investigating the impact of parental self-control training on abusive parenting and children’s self-control development. Improved child self-control measures or focusing on older children is expected to address the key limitations of the current study.  相似文献   

Executive functions (EF) are an important predictor of later adaptive development. A number of environmental influences, such as parenting, have been suggested as important promoters of EF development. However, behavioural genetic research has demonstrated that many environmental influences could be affected by genetic influences. Therefore, it is important to consider genetic variations when investigating environmental influences on EF development in children. To date, few studies have used genetically informative designs to assess the etiology of EF development during the preschool years, a period of rapid development. As a result, it remains unclear how and to what extent the environmental influences that are not confounded by genetic influences affect EF development during this developmental period. The present study explored EF development during the preschool years using a longitudinal and genetically informative design and a non‐Western population. Japanese twins were visited at their homes and individually tested on EF measures at 24, 36, and 48 months of age. Phenotypic correlations and confirmatory factor analyses suggested that EF are less cohesive at 24 months of age and emerge as a common single factor at 36 and 48 months. Additionally, longitudinal and multivariate behavioural genetic analyses indicated that the EF developmental change during this period is promoted by both shared and nonshared environmental influences as well as genetic influences, while EF stability is brought about by shared environments. The present findings elucidated the etiology of EF development during the preschool years and confirmed that this period is an important transitional stage for EF development. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A subsample of divorced/separated Black and White mothers from the National Survey of Families and Households was followed over a five-year period to determine cultural differences in psychosocial well-being. Discriminant analysis, with education and time since divorce/separation controlled, indicated that White mothers at Time 2 differed from Black mothers in terms of higher levels of personal mastery, informal support, and economic well-being. Also, White mothers evidenced significant improvement in five of the six psychosocial domains: informal support, self-esteem, happiness, economic well-being, and depression, whereas Black mothers indicated improvement in informal support and happiness, and evidenced a marginal decline in personal mastery. Cultural differences also were noted in the greater income of White mothers at Time 2 as well as a greater likelihood for White mothers to remarry.  相似文献   

为探讨子女数量与育龄母亲生活满意度之间的关系,以及教养压力和心理韧性在其中的中介作用,本研究采用教养压力问卷、心理韧性量表以及生活满意度问卷对490名小学生的母亲进行测量。结果表明:(1)子女数量与教养压力存在正相关,教养压力与心理韧性、生活满意度呈负相关,心理韧性与生活满意度正相关;(2)子女数量到育龄母亲生活满意度直接效应不显著,教养压力的独立中介效应与教养压力-心理韧性的链式中介效应显著。研究揭示了子女数量与育龄母亲的生活满意度的关系及其作用机制。  相似文献   

This study investigated whether differences in child care arrangements and mothers' attitudes about leaving their child in nonmaternal care were associated with maternal psychological well-being and perceptions of children in a sample of single, employed, low-income, Black mothers who were former welfare recipients. Feelings of discomfort with regard to nonmaternal care were associated with higher levels of maternal depressive symptomatology, which, in turn, predicted more negative perceptions of children. Preference for employment and increased working hours were associated with greater life satisfaction. Maternal education and the gender of the child were important moderating variables. Type of child care arrangement was nonsignificant. Policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   


Treatment groups for both mothers and children together who have experienced mother assault is a unique therapeutic milieu which has been underutilized in the treatment field. This article presents a 10-week feminist-informed family systems group model as part of a treatment approach for children exposed to family violence and can be used with families of children from pre-school to adolescence. This model provides a context in which the experience of family violence can be debriefed, and issues related to trauma, safety, secrecy, and post-abuse family restructuring can be addressed by family members together. In addition, play and art therapy based interventions are presented and are tailored for the beginning, middle, and end of the group process.  相似文献   

This study compared behavior problems of children of mothers with elevated depressive symptoms and children of mothers with non-elevated depressive symptoms, using the same measure for mothers and teachers. Participants included 914 mother–teacher dyads of low-income children (M age of child = 62.9 months, SD = 4.0) who participated in the Early Head Start Research and Evaluation Project. Mothers completed a shortened version of CES-D to evaluate their own depressive symptoms. Teachers and mothers completed the Family and Child Experiences Survey Interviews (FACES) to assess children’s behavior problems. The results showed that children of mothers with elevated depressive symptoms-higher than the cut-off score for possible depression- showed higher aggressive and hyperactive behaviors than did children of mothers with non-elevated depressive symptoms according to the mothers’ rating; however, teachers rated the children no differently. Both mothers and teachers reported higher internalizing behaviors in children of mothers with elevated depressive symptoms than did those of mothers with non-elevated depressive symptoms. Maternal depressive symptoms moderated the relations between informants (mothers and teachers) and externalizing behaviours (aggressive and hyperactive) of children. These findings underscore the need for research in different settings such as at home and at school, to measure children’s behavior problems in order to gain a more comprehensive perspective on child functioning. Results suggest an emphasis on intervention or prevention programs targeting internalizing behavior problems, specifically for children of depressed mothers in low-income families.  相似文献   

This study examines the correlates of creative potential in preschool children, with a focus on children’s social behavior. Ninety-four preschool-aged children, their mothers, and teachers participated in the study. Mothers completed a questionnaire measure of children’s shyness, and teachers reported on children’s levels of shyness, prosocial behavior, and aggression. Children completed Torrance’s Thinking Creatively in Action and Movement. Results indicated that imagination was predicted by lower levels of shyness and greater prosocial behavior, whereas divergent thinking was predicted by older child age and teacher ratings of aggression. Implications for promoting young children’s creative potential in the classroom are discussed.  相似文献   

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