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We report evidence from visual search that people can develop robust representations for highly overlearned faces. When observers searched for their own face versus the face of an unfamiliar observer, search slopes and intercepts revealed consistently faster processing of self than stranger. These processing advantages persisted even after hundreds of presentations of the unfamiliar face and even for atypical profile and upside-down views. Observers not only showed rapid asymptotic recognition of their own face as the target, but could reject their own face more quickly as the distractor. These findings suggest that robust representations for a highly overlearned face may (a) mediate rapid asymptotic visual processing, (b) require extensive experience to develop, (c) contain abstract or view-invariant information, (d) facilitate a variety of processes such as target recognition and distractor rejection, and (e) demand less attentional resources.  相似文献   

The representation of the visual field in early visual areas is retinotopic. The point-to-point relationship on the retina is therefore maintained on the convoluted cortical surface. Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has been able to demonstrate the retinotopic representation of the visual field in occipital cortex of normal subjects. Furthermore, visual areas that are retinotopic can be identified on computationally flattened cortical maps on the basis of positions of the vertical and horizontal meridians. Here, we investigate abnormal retinotopic representations in human visual cortex with fMRI. We present three case studies in which patients with visual disorders are investigated. We have tested a subject who only possesses operating rod photoreceptors. We find in this case that the cortex undergoes a remapping whereby regions that would normally represent central field locations now map more peripheral positions in the visual field: In a human albino we also find abnormal visual cortical activity. Monocular stimulation of each hemifield resulted in activations in the hemisphere contralateral to the stimulated eye. This is consistent with abnormal decussation at the optic chiasm in albinism. Finally, we report a case where a lesion to white matter has resulted in a lack of measurable activity in occipital cortex. The activity was absent for a small region of the visual field, which was found to correspond to the subject's field defect. The cases selected have been chosen to demonstrate the power of fMRI in identifying abnormalities in the cortical representations of the visual field in patients with visual dysfunction. Furthermore, the experiments are able to show how the cortex is capable of modifying the visual field representation in response to abnormal input.  相似文献   

The speed and accuracy of perceptual recognition of a briefly presented picture of an object is facilitated by its prior presentation. Picture priming tasks were used to assess whether the facilitation is a function of the repetition of: (a) the object's image features (viz., vertices and edges), (b) the object model (e.g., that it is a grand piano), or (c) a representation intermediate between (a) and (b) consisting of convex or singly concave components of the object, roughly corresponding to the object's parts. Subjects viewed pictures with half their contour removed by deleting either (a) every other image feature from each part, or (b) half the components. On a second (primed) block of trials, subjects saw: (a) the identical image that they viewed on the first block, (b) the complement which had the missing contours, or (c) a same name-different exemplar of the object class (e.g., a grand piano when an upright piano had been shown on the first block). With deletion of features, speed and accuracy of naming identical and complementary images were equivalent, indicating that none of the priming could be attributed to the features actually present in the image. Performance with both types of image enjoyed an advantage over that with the different exemplars, establishing that the priming was visual rather than verbal or conceptual. With deletion of the components, performance with identical images was much better than that with their complements. The latter were equivalent to the different exemplars, indicating that all the visual priming of an image of an object is through the activation of a representation of its components in specified relations. In terms of a recent neural net implementation of object recognition (Hummel & Biederman, in press), the results suggest that the locus of object priming may be at changes in the weight matrix for a geon assembly layer, where units have self-organized to represent combinations of convex or singly concave components (or geons) and their attributes (e.g., aspect ratio, orientation, and relations with other geons such as TOP-OF). The results of these experiments provide evidence for the psychological reality of intermediate representations in real-time visual object recognition.  相似文献   

The effects of an orientation illusion on perception and 2 different actions were investigated. An 8-cm x 2-cm cylindrical bar was placed in front of participants at various orientations. A background grating was used to induce an orientation illusion. In a perception task, the illusion affected participants' ability to align the bar with their sagittal planes. In one reaching task, a similar effect of the illusion was found on the choice between 2 possible grasping postures. In a second reaching task involving a single grasping posture, the orientation illusion affected the orientation of the hand at the beginning of the reach but not near its end. The authors argue that reaching trajectories are planned and initiated through a context-dependent representation but are corrected on-line through a context-independent representation. The relation of this model to a more general dichotomy between perception and action is discussed.  相似文献   

Evidence from neurophysiological studies indicates that the synchronization of distributed neuronal assemblies in the gamma frequency range is responsible for the integration of discrete stimulus components into coherent wholes (e.g., see Singer, 1999 for review). Psychophysical support for this hypothesis has been reported in experiments that demonstrate that the presentation of a synchronous-premask frame within a 40-Hz flickering premask matrix primes the subsequent detection of a target Kanizsa-type square by generation of a 40-Hz prime (Elliott & Müller, 1998). Psychopharmacological and electrophysiological evidence suggests that this priming mechanism is related to activity in interneuronal networks and relies on the combined function of prefrontal and posterior circuits. In addition, psychophysical experiments demonstrate the existence of a prime-specific visual short-term memory that oscillates at 40 Hz and remains functional for up to 300 ms post-stimulus offset. These results are consistent with a view of the prime as a form of oscillatory mechanism, related to the persistence of visual information (Coltheart, 1980) and in the capacity guided by (prefrontal) top-down influences upon visual-cortical function.  相似文献   

Given that certain types of semantic dysfunction in DAT have been attributed to difficulties in accessing visual knowledge, the issues of integrity of access to, and format of storage, within the "visual store" are particularly important. In these experiments, we tested 10 DAT patients and matched controls on the reality decision and part-whole matching tasks. Visual knowledge was found to be significantly impaired in the DAT group. Moreover, DAT patients displayed disproportionate deficits in accessing visual knowledge of items from nonliving categories. Results are interpreted within a framework of differential hierarchical access to visual representations of perceptually similar and perceptually distinct categories of items.  相似文献   

The fast and accurate enumeration of a small set of objects, called subitizing, is thought to involve a different mechanism from other numerosity judgments, such as those based on estimation. In this report, we examine the subitizing limit using a novel enumeration task that obtained the perceived locations of enumerated objects. Observers were shown brief masked displays (50, 200, and 350 ms) of 2-9 small black discs randomly placed on a gray screen and then asked to place a marker where each disc had been located. The number of these markers provided an estimate of the number of items processed. This "pointing" methodology enabled observers to accurately "enumerate" displays containing up to six items in contrast with the four-item limit typically found when using standard reporting methods (and replicated here in Experiment 2). These results suggest a different account of the limits found in most subitizing and enumeration studies.  相似文献   

S. Brennan (1985, Leonardo, 18, 170–178) has developed a computer-implemented caricature generator based on a holistic theory of caricature. A face is represented by 37 lines, based on a fixed set of 169 points. Caricatures are produced by exaggerating all metric differences between a face and a norm. Anticaricatures can be created by reducing all the differences between a face and a norm. Caricatures of familiar faces were identified more quickly than veridical line drawings, which were identified more quickly than anticaricatures. There was no difference in identification accuracy for the three types of representation. The best likeness was considered to be a caricature. We discuss the implications of these results for how faces are mentally represented. The results are consistent with a holistic theory of encoding in which distinctive aspects of a face are represented by comparison with a norm. We suggest that this theory may be appropriate for classes of visual stimuli, other than faces, whose members share a configuration definable by a fixed set of points.  相似文献   

Recent advances in functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) have furnished increasingly informative and accurate maps of the retinotopy and functional organization in human visual cortex. Here we review how information in those sensory-based maps is topographically related to, and influenced by, more cognitive visuo-spatial dimensions, such as mental imagery, spatial attention, repetition effects and size perception.  相似文献   

To identify neural regions that automatically respond to linguistically structured, but meaningless manual gestures, 14 deaf native users of American Sign Language (ASL) and 14 hearing non-signers passively viewed pseudosigns (possible but non-existent ASL signs) and non-iconic ASL signs, in addition to a fixation baseline. For the contrast between pseudosigns and baseline, greater activation was observed in left posterior superior temporal sulcus (STS), but not in left inferior frontal gyrus (BA 44/45), for deaf signers compared to hearing non-signers, based on VOI analyses. We hypothesize that left STS is more engaged for signers because this region becomes tuned to human body movements that conform the phonological constraints of sign language. For deaf signers, the contrast between pseudosigns and known ASL signs revealed increased activation for pseudosigns in left posterior superior temporal gyrus (STG) and in left inferior frontal cortex, but no regions were found to be more engaged for known signs than for pseudosigns. This contrast revealed no significant differences in activation for hearing non-signers. We hypothesize that left STG is involved in recognizing linguistic phonetic units within a dynamic visual or auditory signal, such that less familiar structural combinations produce increased neural activation in this region for both pseudosigns and pseudowords.  相似文献   

In 3 studies and 2 pilot experiments, the author examined whether attending to the subjective status of mental representations would affect the ways humans view representational contents. The author found that simple drawing tasks were executed differently depending on whether or not the subject of the drawing was defined as a mental content (belief, imagination, perception). The results challenged particular lay epistemological concepts. They were partly accounted for by Gricean conversational rules (H. P. Grice, 1975), but the author postulated a subjective status bias to fully explain them. The discussion and recommendations for research center on the nature of this bias and relate it either to a tendency to conceive subjective representations as vague shadows of reality, or to an increased impact of the law of pregnance.  相似文献   

When detecting changes in visual features (e.g., colour or shape), object locations, represented as points within a configuration, might also be automatically represented in working memory. If the configuration of a scene is represented automatically, the locations of individual items might form part of this representation, irrespective of their relevance to the task. Participants took part in a change-detection task in which they studied displays containing different sets of items (shapes, letters, objects), which varied in their task relevance. Specifically, they were asked to remember the features of two sets, and ignore the third set. During the retention interval, an audio cue indicated which of the to-be-remembered sets would become the target set (having a 50% probability of containing a new feature). At test, they were asked to indicate whether a new feature was present amongst the target set. We measured binding of individual items to the configuration by manipulating the locations of the different sets so that their position in the test display either matched or mismatched their original location in the study display. If items are automatically bound to the configuration, location changes should disrupt performance, even if they were explicitly instructed not to remember the features of that particular set of items. There was no effect on performance of changing the locations of any of the sets between study and test displays, indicating that the configural representation did not enter their decision stage, and therefore that individual item representations are not necessarily bound to the configuration.  相似文献   

Overdependence on discrimination learning paradigms to assess the function of perirhinal cortex has complicated understanding of the cognitive role of this structure. Impairments in discrimination learning can result from at least two distinct causes: (a) failure to accurately apprehend and represent the relevant stimuli, or (b) failure to form and remember associations between stimulus representations and reward. Thus, the results of discrimination learning experiments do not readily differentiate deficits in perception from deficits in learning and memory. Here I describe studies that do dissociate learning and memory from perception and show that perirhinal cortex damage impairs learning and/or memory, but not perception. Reanalysis and reconsideration of other published data call into further question the hypothesis that the monkey perirhinal cortex plays a critical role in visual perception.  相似文献   

Vidyasagar TR 《Perception》2005,34(8):903-911
The visual magnocellular pathway is known to play a central part in visuospatial attention and in directing attention to specific parts of the visual world in serial search. It is proposed that, in the case of reading, this mechanism is trained to perform a sequential gating of visual information coming into the primary visual cortex to enable further orderly processing by the ventral stream. This scheme, taken together with the potential for plasticity between the different afferent channels in the case of a relative impairment of the magnocellular system, can provide some limited rationale for the beneficial effects that have been claimed for the use of coloured overlays and glasses.  相似文献   

The human visual system is able to efficiently extract symmetry information from the visual environment. Prior neuroimaging evidence has revealed symmetry-preferring neuronal representations in the dorsolateral extrastriate visual cortex; the objective of the present study was to investigate the necessity of these representations in symmetry discrimination. This was accomplished by the use of state-dependent transcranial magnetic stimulation, which combines the fine resolution of adaptation paradigms with the assessment of causality. Subjects were presented with adapters and targets consisting of dot configurations that could be symmetric along either the vertical or horizontal axis (or they could be non-symmetric), and they were asked to perform a symmetry discrimination task on the targets while fixating the center of the screen. TMS was applied during the delay between the adapter and the test stimulus over one of four different sites: Left or Right V1/V2, or left or right dorsolateral extrastriate cortex (DLO). TMS over both Left and Right DLO reduced the adaptation effect in detecting vertical and horizontal symmetry, although the Left DLO effect on horizontal symmetry and the Right DLO effect on both vertical and horizontal symmetry were present only when considering subjects who showed a behavioral adaptation effect in the baseline No-TMS condition. Application of TMS over the Left or Right V1/V2 did not modulate the adaptation effect. Overall, these data suggest that both the Left and Right DLO contain neuronal representations tuned to mirror symmetry which play a causal role in symmetry discrimination.  相似文献   

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