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Phillips DP  Smith JC 《Perception》2004,33(3):371-378
We obtained data on within-channel and between-channel auditory temporal gap-detection acuity in the normal population. Ninety-five normal listeners were tested for gap-detection thresholds, for conditions in which the gap was bounded by spectrally identical, and by spectrally different, acoustic markers. Separate thresholds were obtained with the use of an adaptive tracking method, for gaps delimited by narrowband noise bursts centred on 1.0 kHz, noise bursts centred on 4.0 kHz, and for gaps bounded by a leading marker of 4.0 kHz noise and a trailing marker of 1.0 kHz noise. Gap thresholds were lowest for silent periods bounded by identical markers--'within-channel' stimuli. Gap thresholds were significantly longer for the between-channel stimulus--silent periods bounded by unidentical markers (p < 0.0001). Thresholds for the two within-channel tasks were highly correlated (R = 0.76). Thresholds for the between-channel stimulus were weakly correlated with thresholds for the within-channel stimuli (1.0 kHz, R = 0.39; and 4.0 kHz, R = 0.46). The relatively poor predictability of between-channel thresholds from the within-channel thresholds is new evidence on the separability of the mechanisms that mediate performance of the two tasks. The data confirm that the acuity difference for the tasks, which has previously been demonstrated in only small numbers of highly trained listeners, extends to a population of untrained listeners. The acuity of the between-channel mechanism may be relevant to the formation of voice-onset time-category boundaries in speech perception.  相似文献   

The ability to detect sinusoidal spectral envelope from an unmodulated (flat) spectrum has shown a strong correlation with speech perception in quiet and noisy listening conditions in normal hearing, hearing-impaired, and cochlear implant users. In this study, the mismatch negativity (MMN) was collected from 10 normal-hearing adult listeners and used to determine if modulation detection thresholds derived electrophysiologically correlate with the psychophysically measured spectral modulation detection thresholds. MMNs were present for most participants with spectral contrasts of 10 and 20 dB, suggesting that the MMN may be a promising neurophysiologic measure of spectral envelope perception when nonbehavioral measures are desired.  相似文献   

When evaluating frequency selectivity, it is difficult to determine if the deviation from normal performance observed for hearing-impaired listeners reflects abnormal cochlear function or normal, level-dependent changes in frequency selectivity. This experiment was designed to investigate the dependence of frequency-selectivity measures on threshold and signal level. Auditory-filter characteristics, critical ratios, forward-masked psychophysical tuning curves, and narrowband-noise masking patterns were obtained from normal-hearing listeners in quiet and in the presence of broadband noise at five levels. These findings were then compared to previously obtained frequency-selectivity measurements for subjects with mild-to-moderate sensorineural hearing loss whose absolute thresholds are comparable to the normal-hearing listeners' masked thresholds. The results suggest that frequency selectivity deterioriates as threshold increases for all subjects. However, the poor frequency selectivity exhibited by hearing-impaired listeners may not be explained entirely by the effects of threshold and signal level. Nevertheless, because frequency selectivity is poorer in the normal auditory system at higher stimulus levels, the deviation from normal performance observed for hearing-impaired listeners may not be as large as previously suggested.  相似文献   

Here we report, for the first time, a relationship between sensitivity to amplitude envelope rise time in infants and their later vocabulary development. Recent research in auditory neuroscience has revealed that amplitude envelope rise time plays a mechanistic role in speech encoding. Accordingly, individual differences in infant discrimination of amplitude envelope rise times could be expected to relate to individual differences in language acquisition. A group of 50 infants taking part in a longitudinal study contributed rise time discrimination thresholds when aged 7 and 10 months, and their vocabulary development was measured at 3 years. Experimental measures of phonological sensitivity were also administered at 3 years. Linear mixed effect models taking rise time sensitivity as the dependent variable, and controlling for non‐verbal IQ, showed significant predictive effects for vocabulary at 3 years, but not for the phonological sensitivity measures. The significant longitudinal relationship between amplitude envelope rise time discrimination and vocabulary development suggests that early rise time discrimination abilities have an impact on speech processing by infants.  相似文献   

Differences in sensory function between young (n 5 42, 18&#x2014;31 years old) and older (n 5 137, 60&#x2014;88 years old) adults were examined for auditory, visual, and tactile measures of threshold sensitivity and temporal acuity (gap-detection threshold). For all but one of the psychophysical measures (visual gap detection), multiple measures were obtained at different stimulus frequencies for each modality and task. This resulted in a total of 14 dependent measures, each based on four to six adaptive psychophysical estimates of 75% correct performance. In addition, all participants completed the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (Wechsler, 1997). Mean data confirmed previously observed differences in performance between young and older adults for 13 of the 14 dependent measures (all but visual threshold at a flicker frequency of 4 Hz). Correlational and principalcomponents factor analyses performed on the data from the 137 older adults were generally consistent with task and modality independence of the psychophysical measures.  相似文献   

In this project, the hypothesis of an auditory temporal processing deficit in dyslexia was tested by examining auditory processing in relation to phonological skills in two contrasting groups of five-year-old preschool children, a familial high risk and a familial low risk group. Participants were individually matched for gender, age, non-verbal IQ, school environment, and parental educational level. Psychophysical thresholds were estimated for gap-detection, frequency modulation detection, and tone-in-noise detection using a three-interval forced-choice adaptive staircase paradigm embedded within a computer game. Phonological skills were measured by tasks assessing phonological awareness, rapid serial naming, and verbal short-term memory. Significant group differences were found for phonological awareness and letter knowledge. In contrast, none of the auditory tasks differentiated significantly between both groups. However, both frequency modulation and tone-in-noise detection were significantly related to phonological awareness. This relation with phonological skills was not present for gap-detection.  相似文献   

We explored the effects of training set variability on learning and generalization of pure-tone frequency discrimination (FD) in three groups of untrained, normally hearing adult listeners. Group 1 trained using a fixed standard tone at 1 kHz (fixed), Group 2 on slightly varying (roving) tones around 1 kHz, and Group 3 on widely varying standard frequencies (wide-roving). Initially, two thirds of all listeners had low FD thresholds (good listeners) and one third had intermediate to high thresholds (poor listeners). For good listeners, slight variations in the training set slowed learning but wide variations did not. Transfer to untrained frequencies (up to 4 kHz) and to the fixed condition was equivalent regardless of training condition, but Group 1 listeners did not fully transfer learning to the roving condition. For poor listeners, any variation in the training condition slowed learning and impaired transfer to other frequencies but did not affect transfer to untrained conditions. Thus, the effects of training set on progress and outcome depend on set variability and individual FD ability.  相似文献   

The nogo N2 component, an anterior negative peak supposed to be generated in the anterior cingulate cortex, has been used as an indicator of conflict monitoring and response conflict in basic and clinical research. Here, we investigate the reliability and the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of inter-individual differences of the N2 amplitudes as well as of intra-individual standard deviations of N2 amplitudes. Effects of the number of nogo epochs, type of summary measure (peak vs. average amplitude), and filter cut-offs (1–12 Hz vs. 1–30 Hz) are investigated. A sample of = 32 participants, performed a go/nogo task. Excellent Cronbach’s alpha coefficients (?.90) were obtained for the fronto-central average N2 amplitude at 40 nogo epochs and for the peak N2 amplitude at 60 nogo epochs. The SNR was higher for the average nogo N2 amplitude compared to the peak N2 amplitude. Split-half reliability coefficients of the intra-individual standard deviation of the nogo N2 amplitudes were at least moderate. Based on these results we provide suggestions for a reliable N2 measurement. Moreover, although intra-individual variability has often been conceived as noise the present findings support the idea that intra-individual N2 variability incorporates systematic variance.  相似文献   

Range restriction corrections require the predictor standard deviation in the applicant pool of interest. Unfortunately, this information is frequently not available in applied contexts. The common strategy in this type of situations is to use national‐norm standard deviation estimates. This study used data from 8,276 applicants applying to nine jobs in German governmental organizations to compare applicant pool standard deviations for two cognitive ability tests with national‐norm standard deviation estimates, and standard deviations for the total group of governmental applicants. Results revealed that job‐ and organizational context‐specific applicant pool standard deviations were on average about 10–12% smaller than estimates from national norms, and about 4–6% smaller than standard deviations for the total group of governmental applicants.  相似文献   

Detection and identification thresholds were obtained for 6- and 10-year-old normal children and normal adults using five-formant synthesized consonant-vowel ([baHdflrfea]) stimuli. Sixyear-old children were found to have poorer detection than adults, just as they do for pure tones. For the identification task, the slopes of the performance-intensity functions were more shallow for 6-year-old children than for 10-year-olds and adults. Consequently, compared with 10-yearolds and adults, 6-year-old listeners require a greater increase in stimulus intensity above detection threshold to identify these stimuli at a high performance level. The influence of acoustic characteristics of the stimuli on all listeners is also discussed.  相似文献   

Using an independent samples factorial design, this study examined the roles of accent (standard vs. nonstandard), speech rate (fast vs. medium vs. slow), and age of voice (younger vs. older sounding) on British listeners’ social evaluations of audiotaped voices using the matched-guise technique. In addition, listener judges’ level and nature of cognitive responding, their interpretations of the targets’ utterances and the (mediumterm) recognition value of messages were uniquely explored as a function of these three independent variables. In general, standard speakers were upgraded on competencerelated traits but downgraded on solidarity traits irrespective of age, with older speakers being perceived as less hesitant but more benevolent than their younger counterparts. An Age × Accent interaction effect showed that older-sounding standard speakers were judged the most competent and older-sounding nonstandard speakers the least competent. Favorable ratings were afforded speakers with medium rates, and slow-talking, younger-sounding speakers were particularly downgraded. All three independent variables affected ratings of listeners’ interpretations of the (same) text, while speaker age was the only effect on the recognition of message material 2 days later. The cognitive responding data showed that listener judges were most positive about the source when the target was fast talking and older sounding and were most negative to the fast-talking, younger-sounding, and standard-accented speaker. The diverse pattern of findings emerging at different levels of analysis underscores the important roles of cognitive mediation in language attitude studies in ways not explored sufficiently previously.  相似文献   

We studied human haptic perception of sine-wave gratings. In the first experiment we measured the dependence of amplitude detection thresholds on the number of cycles and on the wavelength of the gratings. In haptic perception of sine-wave gratings, the results are in agreement with neural summation. The rate at which detection thresholds decrease with increasing number of cycles is much higher than can be accounted for by probability summation alone. Further, neural summation mechanisms describe the detection thresholds accurately over the whole spatial range probed in the experiment, that is wavelengths from 14 mm up to 225 mm. Earlier, we found a power-law dependence of thresholds on the spatial width of Gaussian profiles (Louw et al, 2000 Experimental Brain Research 132 369-374). The current results extend these findings; the power-law dependence holds not only for Gaussian profiles, but also for a broad range of sine-wave gratings with the number of cycles varying between 1 and 8. Haptic perception involves tactual scanning combined with an active, dynamic exploration of the environment. We measured characteristics of the velocity and force with which stimuli were scanned while performing a psychophysical task. One particularly surprising finding was that, without being instructed, participants maintained an almost constant scanning velocity during each 45-min session. A constant velocity in successive trials of the experiment might facilitate or even be necessary for discrimination. Further, a large systematic dependence of velocity on scanning length was found. An eightfold increase in scanning length resulted in about a fourfold increase in scanning velocity. A second experiment was conducted to study the influence of scanning velocity on psychophysical detection thresholds. This was done by systematically imposing specific scanning velocities to the participants while the thresholds were measured. The main result of the second experiment was that psychophysical detection thresholds are constant over a relatively broad range of scanning velocities.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, masking-level differences (MLDs) for a 500-Hz tone at five masker levels were obtained from younger and older adults. For both age groups, there were no reliable increases in MLD once the spectrum level of the masker exceeded 27 dB SPL. MLDs were larger for younger than for older adults over the range of masker levels tested. In Experiment 2, the levels of both the signal and the masker in one ear were attenuated by either 15 or 30 dB relative to their level in the other ear, which was fixed at a spectrum level of 47 dB SPL. MLDs for both age groups declined with increasing IAA and age-related differences were observed in all conditions. The findings of these experiments indicate that (1) age-related differences in MLDs exist even when the level of the masker is sufficiently high that older adults achieve their plateau performance, and (2) older listeners are not disadvantaged more than younger listeners by interaural differences in the level of the input.  相似文献   

Younger and older adults listened to discourse in quiet and in conversational noise, before answering questions concerning the material. Some questions required listeners to recall specific details; others were of a more integrative nature. When the listening situation was adjusted for individual differences in hearing, younger and older adults were equally adept at remembering the gist of the passages in both quiet and in two levels of noise. The two age groups also did not differ with respect to memory for specific details when listening in quiet or in a moderate level of noise, even when required to perform a concurrent task. Only at the loudest noise level did younger adults tend to recall more detail than older adults. However, when no adjustments were made to compensate for the poorer hearing of older adults (all participants tested under identical listening conditions), older adults could not recall as much detail as younger adults, either in quiet or in noise. The results indicate that the speech-comprehension difficulties of older adults primarily reflect declines in hearing rather than in cognitive ability.  相似文献   

Thresholds for detecting the presence of amplitude modulation in a noise carrier were determined for rats using conditioned avoidance procedures. There was a progressive increase in threshold with modulation rates between 5 Hz and 2 kHz. Further tests were conducted to determine difference thresholds for detecting an increase in modulation rate for standard rates of 10, 50, and 100 Hz. The size of the difference threshold increased progressively as the standard rate increased. In addition, thresholds for detecting an increase in the duration of a noise burst were determined for various standard durations. The difference thresholds were constant for values between 10 and 50 ms but increased progressively, with standard durations between 0.1 and 1.0 s.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have shown that younger adults engage in lexically guided perceptual learning in speech perception. Here, we investigated whether older listeners are also able to retune their phonetic category boundaries. More specifically, in this research we tried to answer two questions. First, do older adults show perceptual-learning effects of similar size to those of younger adults? Second, do differences in lexical behavior predict the strength of the perceptual-learning effect? An age group comparison revealed that older listeners do engage in lexically guided perceptual learning, but there were two age-related differences: Younger listeners had a stronger learning effect right after exposure than did older listeners, but the effect was more stable for older than for younger listeners. Moreover, a clear link was shown to exist between individuals’ lexical-decision performance during exposure and the magnitude of their perceptual-learning effects. A subsequent analysis on the results of the older participants revealed that, even within the older participant group, with increasing age the perceptual retuning effect became smaller but also more stable, mirroring the age group comparison results. These results could not be explained by differences in hearing loss. The age effect may be accounted for by decreased flexibility in the adjustment of phoneme categories or by age-related changes in the dynamics of spoken-word recognition, with older adults being more affected by competition from similar-sounding lexical competitors, resulting in less lexical guidance for perceptual retuning. In conclusion, our results clearly show that the speech perception system remains flexible over the life span.  相似文献   

When identifying spoken words, older listeners may have difficulty resolving lexical competition or may place a greater weight on factors like lexical frequency. To obtain information about age differences in the time course of spoken word recognition, young and older adults' eye movements were monitored as they followed spoken instructions to click on objects displayed on a computer screen. Older listeners were more likely than younger listeners to fixate high-frequency displayed phonological competitors. However, degradation of auditory quality in younger listeners does not reproduce this result. These data are most consistent with an increased role for lexical frequency with age.  相似文献   

Global memory models are evaluated by using data from recognition memory experiments. For recognition, each of the models gives a value of familiarity as the output from matching a test item against memory. The experiments provide ROC (receiver operating characteristic) curves that give information about the standard deviations of familiarity values for old and new test items in the models. The experimental results are consistent with normal distributions of familiarity (a prediction of the models). However, the results also show that the new-item familiarity standard deviation is about 0.8 that of the old-item familiarity standard deviation and independent of the strength of the old items (under the assumption of normality). The models are inconsistent with these results because they predict either nearly equal old and new standard deviations or increasing values of old standard deviation with strength. Thus, the data provide the basis for revision of current models or development of new models.  相似文献   

It is well known that discrimination response variability increases with stimulus intensity, closely related to Weber's Law. It is also an axiom that sensation magnitude increases with stimulus intensity. Following earlier researchers such as Thurstone, Garner, and Durlach and Braida, we explored a new method of exploiting these relationships to estimate the power function exponent relating sound pressure level to loudness, using the accuracy with which listeners could identify the intensity of pure tones. The log standard deviation of the normally distributed identification errors increases linearly with stimulus range in decibels, and the slope, a, of the regression is proportional to the loudness exponent, n. Interestingly, in a demonstration experiment, the loudness exponent estimated in this way is greater for females than for males.  相似文献   

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