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中国古代管理心理学思想史纲   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在对我国传统文化中蕴含着的丰富管理心理学思想的深刻认识基础上,提出了研究古代管理心理学思想的六大原则,并对古代管理心理学思想体系进行了构想,把古代管理心理学思想内容分为八个方面;人性论,激励心理论,人际关系论,选才心理论,用才心理论,领导心理素质论,决策心理论,经营心理论。  相似文献   

《孙子兵法》管理心理学思想研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郭子仪 《心理学报》2000,32(3):353-357
着重讨论了《孙子兵法》中管理心理学思想的四个方面即人性观,激励思想,群体心理思想,领导心理思想,并兼谈在现代管理中的运用。  相似文献   

随着我国四化建设的蓬勃发展和改革工作的深入推行,社会各有关方面对心理学的要求越来越迫切,心理学的研究领域日益扩大。而现在我国专门的心理学研究机构只有设在中国科学院生物学部的一个研究所。近年来虽陆续在几所师范院校筹建了几个儿童或教育心理的研究机构,但仍远远不能适应形势发展的需要,诸如社会心理、文艺心理、法制心理、商业心理、民族心理、宗教心理及管理心理(包括思想政治工作心理  相似文献   

刘劭的心理学思想研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
着重讨论了刘劭四个方面的心理学思想,即心理学思想的基本观点,情欲心理思想,智能心理思想,性格心理思想。  相似文献   

朱永新 《心理学报》1990,23(3):108-114
中国近代教育心理学思想在从古代教育心理思想过渡到现代教育心理学的过程中具有不可忽视的中介作用。它一方面保留着古代教育心理思想的形式,即采用经验式的描述或思辨式的宏论;另一方面又涉及到西方近代教育心理学的若干内容。本文着重探讨了近代教育心理学思想的几个主要领域,即基本理论问题、学科心理、教学心理和德育心理等内容。  相似文献   

再论梁漱溟心理学思想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
柳友荣 《心理学报》2000,32(4):470-475
该文从心理发生的动力、身心关系的活动机理、知识构成的方法、心理发展的条件、心理保健方法和学习心理学思想等六个方面历史地、系统地论述和评析了梁漱溟先生的心理学思想,并从多角度阐述了他对我国早期心理学发展的贡献,以期确立他在我国近代心理学史上的地位和全面认识梁漱溟先生。  相似文献   

弗洛伊德和皮亚杰都是心理学的大师,他们关于心理发展的阶段、过程、结构等方面的思想既有关联,也存在不同。揭示两位大师心理观的关联和异同不仅有助于认清心理学思想的发展逻辑,而且对心理学理论的建构和研究也有裨益。  相似文献   

墨家人力资源管理心理思想及其现代意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
人力资源管理是管理心理学的重要内容,也是现代企业管理的一个重要环节。先秦墨家思想中包含着丰富的人力资源管理心理思想。该文拟从墨家的人员甄选、人员考评、人员任用、人员激励等方面进行整理和阐述,并揭示其现代意义。  相似文献   

刘同辉 《心理科学》2007,30(5):1257-1260
通过对柏拉图思想的分析和诠释,从三个方面对其人格心理思想进行了阐述。首先从心理学角度论述了其人格心理思想的基础—理念论;其次,对柏拉图的人格结构论、理想人格、现实人格和人格类型论思想进行了阐释;再次,对柏拉图的人格心理思想进行了跨时间的比较、评论;最后,在前面分析的基础上,提出了对于创建中国本土人格心理学的三点启示。  相似文献   

中国古代的应用心理思想十分丰富.本文首先介绍了古代应用心理学思想的主要分支,即教育心理思想、社会心理思想、司法心理思想、文艺心理思想、军事心理思想、医学心理思想、健康心理思想.然后对其重要成就和贡献作了分析,即提出了一些理论观点,发扬了以人为本的思想传统,深化了对人的心理特点和规律的研究,提供了总结经验的研究方法。  相似文献   

卢家楣 《心理科学》2012,35(3):522-529
为纪念中国心理学会诞辰90周年,应中国心理学会教育心理学分会邀请,特撰文反映卢家楣及其团队在情感教学心理学方面的研究概况。内容分以情感教学应用为导向的基础性研究和以情感教学理念为导向的应用性研究两部分。前者包括教学中的情感现象、教学中的情感作用、教学中的情绪调控、教学中的学习苦乐属性、教学中的情知基本矛盾等方面的相应研究;后者包括情感教学理念、情感教学现状、情感教学原则、情感教学策略、情感教学模式、情感教学目标和评价以及为基础教育服务等方面的相应研究。  相似文献   

像象观和错综说,是来氏易学中的两大创见。来知德所谓的易象内涵,包含"事理之彷佛近似"和"可以想像"两个层面。这一像象观,是对《系辞传》以来的模写说、特别是朱熹易象说的一个重大发展和推进,其实质是对易模写说如何可能和如何建构这一问题所作的覃思和论说。错,在形式上指的是爻性皆对整相反的两个卦。综的形式则有两种:一是四正之卦在别卦中或上或下的变化;二是四隅之卦或一别卦与其颠倒后所得之卦之间的关系。而综的第一种形式,似从未有学者注意到和发明过。错、综虽形式各异,但二者得以确立的形上学理据却都是阴阳之理:错实质上是阴阳的相互对待,综则是阴阳的上下流行。在来氏易学中,错综不仅是取象条例,而且是卦序的内在建构原则。来知德的像象观和错综说,在易学史上具有非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

《老子》最早赋予“道”以完整和深刻的哲学本体论意义。道的哲学本体论具有三重基本内涵,即追寻作为世界统一性的终极存在、知识统一性的终极解释、意义统一性的终极价值。三重内涵的融通合一即是和谐的意义和旨趣所在,体现为天人和谐、人际和谐和群体和谐。《老子》认为道是万物的本原,德是万物分享形上之道而各自获得的本性,二者皆以和谐为内核,和谐是道的基本特征和存在状态。和谐的终极价值以人的意义统一性为逻辑基点,和谐的终极存在以道的世界统一性为生成维度,和谐的终极解释以道的知识统一性为治理向度。  相似文献   

Nanotechnology and nanosciences have recently gained tremendous attention and funding, from multiple entities and directions. In the last 10 years the funding for nanotechnology research has increased by orders of magnitude. An important part that has also gained parallel attention is the societal and ethical impact of nanotechnology and the possible consequences of its products and processes on human life and welfare. Multiple thinkers and philosophers wrote about both negative and positive effects of nanotechnology on humans and societies. The literature has a considerable amount of views about nanotechnology that range from calling for the abandonment and blockage of all efforts in that direction to complete support and encouragement in hopes that nanotechnology will be the next big jump in ameliorating human life and welfare. However, amidst all this hype about the ethics of nanotechnology, relatively less efforts and resources can be found in the literature to help engineering professionals and educators, and to provide practical methods and techniques for teaching ethics of nanotechnology and relating the technical side of it to the societal and human aspect. The purpose of this paper is to introduce strategies and ideas for teaching ethics of nanotechnology in engineering in relation to engineering codes of ethics. The paper is neither a new philosophical view about ethics of nanotechnology nor a discussion of the ethical dimensions of nanotechnology. This is an attempt to help educators and professionals by answering the question of how to incorporate ethics of nanotechnology in the educational process and practice of engineering and what is critical for the students and professionals to know in that regard. The contents of the presented strategies and ideas focus on the practical aspects of ethical issues related to nanotechnology and its societal impact. It also builds a relation between these issues and engineering codes of ethics. The pedagogical components of the strategies are based on best-practices to produce independent life-long self-learners and critical thinkers. These strategies and ideas can be incorporated as a whole or in part, in the engineering curriculum, to raise awareness of the ethical issues related to nanotechnology, improve the level of professionalism among engineering graduates, and apply ABET criteria. It can also be used in the way of professional development and continuing education courses to benefit professional engineers. Educators and institutions are welcome to use these strategies, a modified version, or even a further developed version of it, that suits their needs and circumstances.  相似文献   

Drawing principally upon the work of Woodmansey the author describes the development of the punitive or humiliating superego as arising from the internalisation of an external conflict, which the child experiences with adult carers, and from whom the child fears retaliatory punishment or scornful reproach. The superego serves the function of extricating the child from the external conflict. Woodmansey’s view of the natural instincts and the development of a moral sense are compared to those of Winnicott, Fairbairn and Guntrip. The notion of a pristine unitary ego and the development of an internal saboteur arising from the frustration of needs for relatedness are outlined and linked conceptually to the development of the punitive superego. The role and judgement of the ego and its emancipation from the superego in accordance with Britton’s formulation are highlighted and related to clinical practice and the alternating transference. These clinical themes are discussed in relation to eliciting affects and narrative construction and deconstruction in brief dynamic work and illustrated by a case example.  相似文献   

何嘉梅 《心理科学进展》2012,20(10):1585-1592
时间贴现的年龄发展具有阶段性。前额皮质, 边缘系统和多巴胺能系统的发展成熟是从儿童期到成人期时间贴现发展变化的神经生物基础。成人期到老年期时间贴现年龄特征的研究结果不一致。概率贴现、未来定向、延迟满足等被用来探讨时间贴现年龄发展特征。可以从大脑不同区域的发展轨迹, 延迟时段的心理意义来进一步深入研究。  相似文献   

Conclusion Winnicott suggests that transitional experiences after outliving their usefulness tend to fade into the background, leaving behind the capacity to develop further transitional experiences and symbolic thought. My understanding of this transitional experience remained uninterpreted as a form of joined action or play in the analysis. This complex set of actions and unverbalized meanings represented for me an aspect of the use of the metaphor of the baby and the allegory of the caretaking parent both in terms of the narrative structure and in the capacity to engage in a process of enacting the patient’s dissociated experiences and facilitating the development of his symbolic experiences of greed and aggression through the development of a playful transitional experience. I believe that it was the patient’s concrete experience of greed and aggression that was at the core of the patient’s arrested development in his capacity to be a sexual and loving adult and to develop an intimate relationship with another person. I believe that the evolving transitional experience of eating the donut and later the cookie enabled us to enact and play out the multiple meanings of greed, envy, the destruction of the object, and finally the reparation and recreation of the object. In the paradox created through the transitional experience I could be both greedy and trustworthy and he could be both sadistic and generous. In the beginning of this paper I suggested a series of dichotomies that define differences in contemporary approaches to psychoanalysis. In the developmental arrest position that I developed in this paper the treatment parameters emphasize mutuality, symmetry, constructivism, the political and social dimensions of experience, and most importantly the analyst’s countertransference participation is thought of as strategic, critical, and voluntary. Psychoanalysis has traditionally been thought of as involving multiple levels of experience, some conscious and verbal and some unconscious and experiential or acted out. The concepts of play, enactment, and transitional experience presented in this paper bring to the fore a mode of psychoanalytic related ness that is experiential and conscious, although not objectively or verbally interpreted, which I believe is necessary as a means of developing the capacity for symbolic thought. Presented to the Association for the Advancement of Psychoanalysis, October 19, 1995.  相似文献   

Based on several years of research and a careful analysis of the rating process Wherry developed a theory of rating. An accurate rating is seen as being a function of three major components: Performance of the ratee, observation of that performance by the rater, and the recall of those observations by the rater. Cast in a mold of classical psychometric theory each of these components is seen as consisting of a systematic portion and a random portion. The systematic portion of each component is further broken down. The performance of the ratee is a combination of true ability or aptitude for the job and the influence of the environment. What the rater observes is a function the performance of the ratee and bias of observation and what the rater recalls is a result of those observations combined with a bias of recall. The development of the theory of rating unfolds by defining the various factors that affect each of these components in a series of linear equations. Various theorems and corollaries are proposed which should lead to a maximization of the true ability component of the ratee and minimize environmental influence and the bias and error components. The theorems and corollaries suggest testable hypotheses for the researcher in performance evaluation.  相似文献   

Hope and hopelessness are coexisting and powerful experiences in the human condition. The dynamics of hope and hopelessness within intimate relationships are complex, and individual and family experiences of hope and hopelessness are embedded within historical contexts and wider social processes. This article rests on a relational set of understandings about hope and hopelessness, and offers a dual exploration. It focuses first on the complexities of the patterns of hope and hopelessness within families, and then on the complexities of the therapist's relationship to hope and hopelessness and the family's experience. Orienting to the balance of hope in constellations of hope and hopelessness provides one compass point of therapeutic practice. Reflective practice enables the use of the therapist's involvement in the therapeutic relationship, and helps the therapist to witness the coexistence of hope and hopelessness in a way that nurtures hope and emotionally holds both hope and hopelessness.  相似文献   

Prior research developed the Attention-Related Driving Errors Scale (ARDES), a 19-item questionnaire aimed at evaluating the drivers’ predisposition to attentional error, and also provided validity evidence of ARDES measures across two countries: Argentina and Spain. In the current work we adapt the Spanish version of the ARDES to the English language and the culture, traffic regulations and driving habits of the UK, and then provide new evidence of the cross-cultural equivalence of the scale. First, an improved forward and backward translation design was used to translate the Spanish ARDES into English. A committee-approach review process was also performed during the translation phase to guarantee that the English ARDES was the most appropriate to reflect the language, culture, traffic regulations and driving habits of the UK. Second, the adapted questionnaire was tested on 301 British drivers to inspect its psychometric properties and study the relationships between the ARDES-UK and different socio-demographic variables. In agreement with the previous literature, the results of the factor analysis confirmed a single factor and accounting for 33.84% of the variance. Cronbach’s alpha was equal to .89. The observed pattern of relationships of the scores and the different socio-demographic variables was consistent with previous evidence and support the validity of the adapted questionnaire. For example, the ARDES-UK scores were significantly different between drivers reporting and not reporting traffic accidents with material damage. To conclude with, the translation design and the resulting psychometric suggest the validity of ARDES-UK measures for evaluating the British drivers’ predisposition to attentional error. In addition, the evidence in the current work supports the hypothesis of the cross-cultural stability of the scale across Spain and the UK.  相似文献   

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